Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 36

by Ralph Smith

  “I’m sorry, did we do something wrong?” David asked.

  “No, no, come let’s sit down.” Michael said.

  "Come this way Son," Gabe said as he led them to the tent for the reception.

  Ruth and Molly hurried over to them as they made their way to the head table. Once they were seated Michael asked, “Did you notice anything unusual?”

  “What do you mean?” Aurora asked.

  “When the two of you affirmed your vows with that kiss there was a glow of white light around you.” Michael said, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  "Oh," David said, “that happened to us before when we took our vows in Aurora’s world too.”

  “Really, that’s extraordinary.” Gabe said.


  “Just another way the two of you seem to break the rules. But we have a wedding to celebrate, it’s certainly nothing to worry about.” Gabe said.

  "That's right," Ruth said, “It was a beautiful sight; a good sign. So enjoy yourselves.”

  David and Aurora looked at the four of them smiling, and silently agreed. Then David said, “I believe you owe me a dance.”

  Aurora smiled as David stood, and offered her his hand “Excellent!” Molly said, “I’ll tell the musicians.”

  Once they started dancing, others began joining them. Neither one of them knew much about dancing, but they didn’t care. Several people including Gabe and Michael asked for a dance with Aurora, even Bob Johnson wanted a turn. David took the opportunity to dance with his mother and Aunt Molly. Everyone was enjoying themselves, and they didn’t bother with the traditional formality of toasts and speeches.

  David and Aurora were dancing to a slow number amongst a thinning crowd, when Aurora said to David in a hushed tone “look! Rebecca is dancing with that young man over there.”

  “His name is Charles. He’s Michael’s nephew, and they’ve been together dancing all afternoon.”

  “Do you know him? Is he a nice man?”

  “I only met him today, but he seemed very nice, and he knew all about Rebecca from newspaper articles. He just got back recently from overseas where he ran a similar mission. They have a lot in common.”

  “That’s wonderful, she looks so happy.”

  David leaned forward, and dipped her down “Not as happy as I am.” He said then he stood her up, and pulled her into a slow spin.

  "I thought you didn't know how to dance."

  “That’s it, I’ve exhausted everything I know.” He said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to change clothes, and start our trip.”

  “I’d like that.”

  As they made their way to the house, they greeted guests along the way and thanked them for coming. Once inside they had to navigate through a number of people in the kitchen, who were replenishing food dishes for the guests. Finally they made their way to the bedroom hallway, and Aurora asked, “Can you undo the back of my dress please?”

  David moved her hair to the side and slowly ran the zipper down to her lower back. Then he leaned in and kissed her on the back of the neck. Aurora gave a little titter, and said, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” Then she opened the door to his parent’s room.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  She gave him a mischievous smile over her shoulder as she stepped through the door, and said, “I’ll meet you back outside” closing it behind her.

  David went to his room, and quickly got dressed, meticulously hanging his tuxedo up in the closet. He had already packed his bag and put it in the car. All that was left was for them to say their goodbyes, and they could be on their way. As David was making his way outside, he ran into Rebecca heading into the house.

  “Hi! I see you changed. Are the two of you getting ready to leave?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yes, we have a bit of a drive ahead of us.”

  “Is Aurora inside? I wanted to talk to her before you left.”

  “Yes. If you go through the kitchen to the living room and then head back to the bedroom, she should be on her way out any minute.”

  Rebecca reached up and gave David an affectionate kiss on the cheek. “I’m so very happy for you. Have a wonderful time, and I’ll see you a week from Saturday.” She said with a big smile.

  David looked at her warmly, and said, “You can count on it.”

  Then Rebecca headed into the house. David turned, and spotted his parents, and made his way to them. They were sitting at a table with Michael, Molly, and Abigail. As soon as he got close his dad said, “I see you’re getting ready to skip out on us.”

  Stepping up to the table David said, “I can’t thank you all enough. We had a terrific time, and it looks as if everyone else is enjoying the party too.”

  “We may end up with everyone dancing under the moonlight at this rate.” Gabe said.

  Michael nudged Abigail, and said, “I don’t think Charles and Rebecca would mind that.”

  Abigail said, “You might be right about that.”

  David smiled, and said, “That’s great. So they’re hitting it off then?”

  Molly said, “this is the first time since the music started I haven’t seen them together. I’m a little put out that you two think you can encroach on my territory.” She added with a grin.

  “We wouldn’t dream of it Molly. It was purely accidental.” Michael said.

  "HA," Abigail said, “accidental my foot!”


  Aurora came out of the bedroom to find Rebecca waiting in the living room. “Hi Rebecca, is everything all right?”

  “Yes everything’s fine. I just wanted to see you. I hope you don’t mind. I know we only met yesterday, but honestly I didn’t know who else to talk to.”

  “I don’t mind at all.” Aurora said with a comforting smile then sat on the couch, and Rebecca joined her.

  “Yesterday when you came to the mission you were right. I thought I loved David for years, and after you left I cried all night long.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It took that for me to realize that I was in love with something that wasn’t there. David is so kind and generous, and he’s always been there for the mission and me. It took me seeing the two of you together to realize that, in my mind, I had created an image of him that wasn’t real. It was easy because he is such an incredible person. So I came today to see your wedding hoping to have closure, and then move on. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll always love David, but just not in that way. Then here I am getting over my imaginary love, and I end up meeting someone.”

  With a knowing smile, Aurora said, “I saw you with him all afternoon.”

  “It’s uncanny. He ran a mission like mine overseas, and we have so much in common. He has a gentle spirit and seems so, well, perfect. I can hardly believe it.”

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “He even wants to come and volunteer at the mission tomorrow. I’m just nervous. I don’t know what to do. How did you know David was really the one for you?”

  “I have to tell you that I don’t have any experience in relationships so I can only tell you about David.”


  “From the first moment I met him he was kind and gentle, and at the same time strong and self-assured. He made me feel safe. He treated me with respect, and as an equal, and didn’t try to impress me with silly boasting or theatrics. And when we stood close or if I placed a hand on him I felt weak inside, and longed for him to kiss me. I never had any of those feelings before, and I was frightened at first. As we spent time together though, I knew without a doubt that, not only would he never harm a hair on my head, but that he would never break my heart. The first time I heard him say he loved me I was overcome with joy and all my fears washed away.” Aurora said her face alight with happiness.

  “Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I feel a lot of those same things with Charles, and it scares me.” She gave Aurora a hug “I guess you’d better get to your husband.

  “I know David thinks so highly of you, and it would be great if we can be friends too.”

  “I’m sure we will.” Rebecca said, and the two of them stood, and headed to the back arm in arm.

  The moment they stepped out of the house David turned. He could feel Aurora’s presence like a charge in the air. He smiled when he saw she and Rebecca were walking arm in arm talking like old friends. Charles was sitting next to David facing the door and saw them too. When Rebecca noticed him watching her, she giggled a little and said something in private to Aurora.

  David thought to himself he couldn’t ever remember seeing Rebecca giggle before, laugh yes, but giggle like a schoolgirl, never. He leaned over, and whispered to Charles “she must really like you.”

  Charles flushed a little and asked, “Do you really think so? I think she’s amazing.”

  “I’m sure of it, and yes she is an amazing woman.” David said then stood, and so did Charles.

  “Rebecca would you like to join us?” Charles asked as they approached.

  David moved, freeing up the chair next to Charles, and said, “I suppose we’re going to get going.”

  Charles took the cue, offered Rebecca the chair, and she sat down to join the rest of them. Aurora walked over taking David’s arm, and said, “I’m ready when you are.”

  Gabe, Ruth, Michael, and Molly all stood, and David and Aurora gave them all a hug, expressed their thanks again, and said their goodbyes.

  “It was nice meeting you, Abigail.” David said.

  Abigail, giving him a stern look, glanced to see that Charles and Rebecca were too involved to notice, and said, “you remember what I said, young man.” Then smiled a little as she saw how happy Charles was.

  “Absolutely, I’ll check on it as soon as we get back.” David said with a wink.

  “All right you two. I guess you’d better get going so you aren’t on the road too late.” Gabe said.

  “I’ll give you a call tomorrow to let you know we arrived ok.”

  "Goodbye everyone," Aurora said as she and David made their way to the car. Saying goodbye to a few of the guests they ran into along the way, they finally found themselves alone in front of the house.

  “I really enjoyed everything, but I’m ready for some alone time. How about you?” David asked.

  “Yes, everyone was so nice to me, but I have to admit I’m happy we’re leaving.”

  Promises Kept

  David opened the car door for Aurora, and she climbed inside. David moved quickly around to the driver’s side and hopped in. He turned to look at her, paused taking her in with his eyes, and asked “are you ready?”

  “Yes.” She said with a smile “so where are you taking me?”

  David started the car, and began to turn it around. “We’re going to the lodge up in the mountains, I mentioned. In the winter, a lot of people go there for skiing, and in the fall a lot of hunters go there. During the spring and summer months, people mostly go hiking, and swimming in the lake. It’s really a beautiful country, and the lodge itself is very nice.” Heading down the drive David added, “I thought we could hike up to the waterfall I told you about. It’s spectacular this time of year. We’ll have a view of the mountains for miles.”

  "Hiking in the mountains without a band of soldiers trying to kill me, or on a secret mission, I won't know what to do."

  "Hopefully it isn't too boring for you."

  “Boring sounds good, but I’m sure we’ll be able to find something to keep us busy” she said with a sheepish smile, and a little red in the face “we do have a lot to learn about each other. It is our honeymoon.”

  "Oh," David said stumbling a little for words “I guess you are right, I ... Uh well… I have to admit I’m a little nervous. I hope you won’t be disappointed. I’m afraid I won’t be any good.” His voice failing as he avoided looking at her. He turned onto the main road and was struck by a raven sitting perched on the fence. It flew into the air as they passed, and he quickly forgot about it.

  “I’m nervous too. I don’t know anything about what to do either, but someone very special told me, that when two people love each other they’ll figure it out.”

  Driving down the highway, David gave her a quick glance, and said, “There’s one more thing, I’ve been told that the first time for a woman can hurt, and the idea of hurting you …”

  “I know, but I’ve been stabbed in the side, shot in the shoulder with an arrow, hit with a club in the back, punched in the head by a very large man, just to mention a few painful experiences, so I think I can handle it.” She said reassuringly.

  David reached out, and took her hand, and said, “I have no doubts about how tough you are, just please promise me that if it is bad you’ll tell me.”

  “I promise. Now it is my turn to tell you not to worry. In fact, I don’t think I have seen you worry about anything else.”

  “I guess getting tortured or killed isn’t as scary as disappointing you.” He said light heartedly.

  “Good let’s keep it that way, so I don’t have to hit you with a frying pan for giving me any trouble.” She said with a laugh.

  “I’ll make sure we don’t have any cast iron pans then.”

  “That reminds me. Please tell me more about the cabin we’re going to live in.”

  “Yes the cabin. It isn’t much, Dad and I built it years ago so my mom would come with us when we went hunting. It has a main room with the kitchen at the back, two bedrooms, and a bath. We put in a well for water, and were able to get electricity to it. The only heat is a wood stove, but it warms up the place nicely. There’s a dirt road that runs up from the house, and it’s remote with a great view of the valley.”

  “Considering that I spent the better part of the past 10 years sleeping in tents and under bushes, it sounds luxurious.”

  “We haven’t stayed there in a long time. I’ve checked on it a few times, but it’s going to need to be cleaned up. Hopefully you don’t change your mind when we get there.”

  “I think I can handle a little dirt. The idea of having a place where we can live alone together; I just never thought I would have a home again.”

  It was dark now, and David couldn’t see her face clearly. He reached out and took her hand. They sat in silence for a while accompanied only by the sound of the car, and the wheels on the road. Sitting there alone, they felt as if they didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Will we have a garden of our own?” Aurora suddenly asked.

  “If you want, we can plant one in the spring.”

  “I think I’d like that, but I’ve never planted anything before.”

  “I can teach you if you’d like. Technically, I am a farmer.”

  “I don’t know anything about a garden, or keeping a house, or … or ... or being a wife... I... I…” She stammered.

  “It’s all right” David said tenderly “gardening and keeping a house, those are easy things. I don’t know anything about being a husband either, but we’re going to find out together what being married means.”

  “I just don’t want to be useless. It seems my whole life I’ve only been a soldier; I don’t know anything else. How will that serve us, living in a house, gardening, farming… having children,“ she blurted out “what kind of mother can I be?” She said sounding a little panicked.

  “Aurora, do you know anything about horses?” David asked calmly.

  A little surprised by the question she replied “Yes, I rode horses all the time, and tended them.”

  “We have horses. I have to care for them, do you think you could help me with that?”

  “Yes, I can help with the horses.”

  “Do you know how to hunt?”

  “Yes, I can hunt; I had to live off the land most of the time.”

  “I go hunting so we can store food. Will you go hunting with me?”

  “Yes, of course I will.” She said realizing what he was doing.

  “Those are important parts of livin
g on a farm. We have to tend to the animals; we hunt for meat, and prepare our catch. There are lots of things that you’ll know how to do, and I’m sure are good at. Nobody’s good at everything.”

  “I suppose you’re right, everything has changed, and it’s a little scary.”

  “Do you know why I love you?”

  “Please tell me.” She said with a slight pleading in her voice.

  “You are the strongest, bravest, smartest woman I’ve ever known. You are so filled with life. Just being in your presence, I feel more alive than I ever dreamed possible. You have a kind and generous spirit, and as fierce as you can be, you are also gentle and passionate. Who could ask for a better role model than that?” David said, “When the time comes for us to have children you’ll be a wonderful mother.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I’m sure of it.”

  “Can you tell me again why you love me?”

  David laughed a little, and said, “until you’re sick of hearing it, if you want.”

  “I won’t get sick of hearing it.” She said, “But I’m ready to get out of this carriage so you can tell me while I’m holding you.”

  “Unfortunately, we still have a ways to go.” David said, “Why don’t you tell me what else you like to do for fun, besides impressing old … and young men with your archery skills?”

  She chuckled “I did enjoy the looks on their faces. I don’t normally like to show off because so many men get upset when they’re bested by a woman.”

  “I suppose that’s true, but they were very impressed.”

  “And what about you, were you impressed or unsettled?”

  “Both, but not unsettled in the way you think.”

  “Oh, and how did I make you feel unsettled?”

  “I find your confidence very attractive.”

  “I’ll have to remember that.” She said playfully.

  “I think you already knew that.” He said, “You too easily take my breath away.”


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