Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 37

by Ralph Smith

  “I guess that puts us on an even footing then.”

  David laughed “I have a feeling you’ll always have an advantage over me.”

  “I like the sound of that.” She cooed.

  “Now you haven’t told me what else you like to do for fun.”

  Aurora told him about the little time she had in between missions, and how she would spend it with various supporters. She welcomed the time she got to spend with their children. They would follow her around, and she would teach them things about life outdoors, finding hiding places, telling them stories about fierce battles. She explained that spending time with them, basking in their innocence, and reveling in how full of life they were made the battles and the missions bearable. To know that she struggled and faced evil, so they didn’t have to, gave her the strength to face whatever challenges arose.

  They talked effortlessly for hours, sharing thoughts and feelings they hadn’t spoken aloud before. They both knew, without a doubt, that they could bare their souls to one another without fear or risk. They each knew that the safest place for their heart was with the other. They had both been guarded, protecting their secrets and their feelings their whole lives. Finally, being able to let that guard down was liberating.

  When David finally said, “This is our last turn; the lodge is just ahead a couple of miles” It was almost disappointing that the moment would end. But they had days to spend with nothing to do, and their whole life together.

  “I lost track of the time, we were talking so much.”

  “So did I. To be honest, I almost missed the turn.”

  They pulled up in front of the lodge and parked the car. David turned to Aurora, and said, “Are you hungry?”

  A little sheepishly she replied, “Actually yes I am. I hardly got to eat anything at the wedding reception.”

  “Neither did I, would you like a quick bite to eat before we go upstairs?”

  Then with a grin she said, “I think we’d better, you’re going to need your strength.”

  David chuckled, and said, “I’d be a fool to argue with you about that.”

  He got out of the car and walked around to her door. As he helped her step down to the ground, he pulled her into his arms and looked into her eyes. He reached up gently brushing a stray hair back from her face, and said, “I didn’t think I couldn’t possibly love you anymore than I already did, but tonight you touched my heart in ways I never imagined. I love you so much, and I know that I will spend the rest of my life loving you more every day.”

  Aurora looking up at him, her eyes glistening in the moonlight said, “I never thought I could be so in love too. From the moment I met you, I knew you would protect me, and that I was safe with you. What I didn’t fully realize is that everything that I am is safe with you. You lift me up in every way and fill my heart with joy. I can’t imagine my life without you.” Then she kissed him, and he kissed her back.

  It was a slow, tender kiss, and time lost all meaning. They were lost in each other’s embrace. When suddenly the sound of people and a car door brought them back, they looked at each other, and grinned, “I suppose we should go inside.”

  They turned and went to the back of the Jeep, grabbed their packs, bags, and of course Aurora’s bow, and headed inside. The Lodge was a huge log structure with a steep roof, and a handful of dormers offering a view of the rooms inside. There was a large porch across the entire front that turned the corner on either side. It had numerous tables and chairs for guests to enjoy the view, but was empty of people this time of night.

  As they made their way up the stairs, the heavy timbers were as solid as stone under their feet. The entrance doors were glass, and light flooded out onto the dimly lit porch inviting them to enter. Crossing the porch in several strides, David pulled the door open, and a welcoming gust of warm air beckoned them inside.

  The lobby was not all that different from most hotels except that everything was made of heavy timber, well kept, polished, and smooth. They were a variety of colors that all blended perfectly, giving it a warm, and rich feeling. To their right was a counter, and David made his way over with Aurora following him.

  The clerk behind the counter, seeing them enter said, “Hello welcome to ‘The Lodge’. How can I help you tonight?”

  David stepped up to the counter, noticed the clerk taking stock of the two of them, and said, “Hello. How are you tonight? I believe we have a reservation. I’m...”

  The clerk cut him off, and said, “Oh yes, we’ve been expecting you. Tom insisted I get him the moment you walked through the door. Please excuse me, I’ll be right back.” Then he turned and hurried through a door behind him.

  David turned to Aurora and said “I wonder what my dad told them that he knew it was us right away?”

  “Of the little I know of your father it could’ve been anything.” Aurora said with a grin.

  “He does keep me on my toes.” David said fondly.

  “David!” A booming voice came from behind them through a set of doors opposite the entrance. As Tom walked through the lobby to greet them with his arms held out wide, he exclaimed “It’s great to see you after all this time. You haven’t been up here in years.”

  “Tom it’s great to see you too,” David replied as he stepped towards Tom and shook his large hand. Tom was a big man, and stood a full six inches taller than David. He was powerfully built and did not give any sign of being twenty years David’s senior.

  Tom in a softer voice said, “I was so thrilled to hear from your father. It’s such a blessing to have him and your mother back, and your news too.”

  “Thank you so much, Tom.” David said then turned to Aurora, and said, “This is my wife Aurora.”

  “It is so nice to meet you, young lady. For once in his life Gabe didn’t exaggerate, he said you were stunningly beautiful.”

  Aurora going flush said, “Why thank you. It’s nice to meet you too.”

  “What else did my father say Tom? We were wondering how the desk clerk knew it was us right away.”

  “He said you were coming with your beautiful bride, and she would be carrying a longbow, and not to cross her because she knows how to use it.” Tom said with a laugh.

  “That sounds like Dad. Is the kitchen still open? We’re starving.”

  “You’re just in time. Leave your things here. Charlie please take these up to their room for them, and then bring their key to the dining room for me.” Tom said, “Come with me, and we’ll get you something to eat.”

  “I can take the things up to the room. It’s no trouble.”

  “Nonsense! It’s your honeymoon. You get the royal treatment this week.”

  “Thank you, Charlie.”

  "No trouble at all, sir," Charlie said with a smile.

  Tom led them back through the door he came from into the center of the lodge. As they passed through the doorway, Aurora was amazed at how large the building was. The center was open all the way to the roof, and there were four rows of balconies, one above the other, lining the perimeter. She could see the doors and windows facing the center of the building, and guessed they were all guest rooms.

  In the center was a dance floor that was surrounded by tables and chairs. Tom led them across the room to a corner that was raised up above the main area, and offered a more private setting. They sat caddy corner so they both could look out over the room. There were couples and small groups scattered throughout the hall, all talking, and enjoying the end of their day.

  The perimeter was lined with planters, creating an outdoors feel, and separating it from the guest rooms that ran along the front and back walls. There were lanterns here and there, creating a low warm light, and hanging from the rafters were large wrought iron chandeliers that had an old world feel to them. At this time of the night, they were turned off, apparently so the guests in the adjacent rooms could get some sleep.

  “Would you like to try our house special for two? It’s prime rib of beef, and it’s delicious tonigh
t?” Tom asked.

  David looked at Aurora who gave a nod of approval, and he turned to Tom “that sounds delicious. Could we have some tea, and water too?”

  Tom turned to the waitress who had appeared at his side. “Did you get that Addie?”

  “Yes sir, I’ll take care of it right away.” She said, and hurried off.

  “No champagne to celebrate?”

  “I don’t think I want any, but if you’d like some Aurora.” David looked at her questioningly. She gave him a quizzical look to which he answered “it’s like wine with bubbles.”

  “No thank you not tonight.”

  “Very well then, I’ll give you some time to yourselves, but if you need anything at all just tell Addie to come get me.”

  “Thank you so much, Tom. I really appreciate you taking such good care of us.”

  “Not at all” then he turned to Aurora, and said, “I’ve known this young man since he was a little boy, and his father and I go way back. In fact, I might not be here today if it weren’t for Gabe. This family is one of the finest I know. I’m so proud that you chose to come here for such a special occasion.”

  “I couldn’t think of anywhere better.”

  “Ah, there’s your father coming out in you. All right you two. Just remember, anything at all.” Tom said then turned, and headed towards the kitchen.

  “What a nice man.”

  “Yes, he’s a really nice guy. But when I was a kid he terrified me. If he caught me running along the balconies all he had to do was give me a look, and I froze on the spot.”

  “I can see that, he looks like a small mountain.”

  "Back then, he looked like a big mountain." David said, with a chuckle. “I suppose that’s one of the reasons this place is so successful. Even if some of the guests have too much to drink, no one ever causes trouble with Tom around.”

  Suddenly Addie was standing there with their tea and water, some fresh bread, and two small salads “here we go. This should tide you over until your dinner is ready. I understand that the two of you were married today how exciting.” Addie was a young girl of no more than 18 or 19, attractive with a warm smile. “If you need anything else, please let me know, I should be back with your meals shortly.” She gave them both a grin as she walked off.

  “Thank you Addie.” David said.

  “Did you come often when you were a child?” Aurora asked.

  “We usually came twice a year. Once in the summer, and once in the fall, the farm is a lot of work, and it isn’t always easy to get away. But after a long hot summer, my dad would try to work it out so we could come up here, and swim in the lake. It was a lot of fun, and there are always a lot of people here. Then in the fall we’d come up, and do some hunting while my mother relaxed here at the lodge.”

  “And did you get into trouble a lot with Tom?” She asked with a suspicious grin.

  With a laugh David said, “You bet, Tom, seemed to be everywhere.”

  David went on to tell her stories about accidentally letting a number of frogs lose in the dining hall during dinner, the time he thought a skunk was a cat, and on and on while they enjoyed their dinner. A few times he had her laughing so hard she almost spat her tea all over the table.

  About the time the two of them had given up on finishing the enormous meals Addie had brought them, Tom showed up “how are you two doing? Did you enjoy your meals?”

  “I don’t think I can eat another bite, and I can’t remember having a better prime rib, Tom. Thank you.” David said.

  “How about you, dear?” Tom asked Aurora.

  “Oh, it was fabulous. It was the best piece of beef I’ve ever had.” Aurora said, “So tender and juicy, I’ve never tasted anything like it before.”

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed it. That’s my own special recipe.” Tom said beaming with pride.

  “David was telling me stories about some of the trouble he caused you growing up.” Aurora said giving David a sly grin.

  “Oh yes, he was a handful. One of the most curious kids I’ve ever seen and he wasn’t afraid of anything. He used to scare the heck out of me. It was practically a full time job keeping an eye on him. The funny thing about it is he never got a scratch. Did he tell you about the time with the skunk?”

  “Yes he did.” She said smirking.

  “Did he tell you that four of us got sprayed getting the thing out of here, and he didn’t get a drop on him?” Tom asked with a chuckle.

  “You guys scared him.”

  “Luckiest kid I ever knew. I think he was four years old, and his dad was helping me fix a leak on the back roof. Next thing we know there stands David on the ladder with a jug of water. He says ”Momma was afraid you were thirsty” His dad, and I were so startled we almost fell off the roof.” Tom said, “Meanwhile his mother was frantic looking for him.”

  “So this is what I have to look forward to?” Aurora said teasingly “Are you going to scare me to death too?”

  “I’ll try not to, but I can’t make any promises there.”

  “Don’t worry too much. He mostly grew out of it, mostly.” Tom said with a grin “All right, you don’t need me intruding on your evening anymore. I’ll leave you alone now.”

  “It’s been such a pleasure meeting you Tom. Thank you for all your hospitality.”

  “My pleasure. Your room is ready. Did Charlie bring the key over?”

  “Yes, he did. Room 501.”

  “Best room in the place, I save it for special occasions.”

  “Thank you so much, Tom.”

  “You enjoy the rest of your evening, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Tom said as he turned, and walked off.

  David turned to Aurora, and asked “would you like anything else?”

  “I couldn’t eat another thing.”

  “How about a dance before we call it a night?”

  “I’d like that, but I don’t hear any music.”

  “Come with me, and I’ll show you.”

  They made their way down to the dance floor, and in the corner was an old jukebox. David pulled out a quarter and put it in the slot. “Is a slow number, all right with you?”

  “I think I’m too full for a fast one.”

  David picked an instrumental track. He didn’t want some else’s words intruding on his thoughts, and pushed the buttons. When the music started to play, Aurora said, “That’s amazing. It’s going to take me some time to get used to all of the machines you have.”

  She turned from the jukebox and gave him a smile. They walked onto the dance floor and held each other closely. Swaying slowly to the music they became lost in each other’s movements.

  “Did you enjoy our wedding day?”

  “Every moment. Did you?”

  “Yes, I married you.”

  “Yes you did. It almost seems like a dream.”

  “Then let’s never wake up.”

  She squeezed him tightly “Never.”

  The feel of her pressed against him, breathing in her scent, the warmth of her body, was bliss. David could have stood there forever. Then he realized “the music has stopped. Should I play another song?”

  In a soft husky voice, she said, “No, let’s go upstairs.”

  Without a word, they headed back to the table. David gave Addie a small wave, and she moved quickly to meet them. “Would you like something else?”

  “No, thank you, Addie, just our check, please.”

  “There is no check, sir, Tom said tonight was on him.”

  David reached into his pocket, and pulled out a large tip, and discretely put it into Addie’s hand. “That was very thoughtful of him. Thank you for taking such good care of us tonight. Hopefully we’ll see you again. Please tell Tom I said thank you for dinner.”

  Addie glanced down at her hand her eyes going wide she said, “Oh thank you very much, sir. Yes, I’ll be here all weekend.”

  David put his arm around Aurora as they turned to walk off, pulling her close to his side. They moved slowly acro
ss the hall to where David knew the elevators were. Time had seemed to stop. They were in no rush at all. They arrived at the elevator, and when David pushed the button Aurora gave him a look.

  “Don’t worry, you won’t mind this one.” He said reassuringly.

  "If you say so," she said skeptically. The doors opened, and she was relieved to see wood paneled walls, and no windows. Then she said, “This is much better.”

  They stepped inside, and David pressed the number 5 button for the top floor. Aurora put her arm around him and rested her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head, and then rested his head gently against hers. The door opened, and they walked out onto the balcony. There was a small sign indicating which rooms were on either side. They turned to their left. The room was on the front side of the building at the far end. They could see the gentle flickering of the lanterns below, and hear the sounds of the remaining guests floating up to them.

  Reaching the corner they turned to the right. The 5th floor was quiet and still, as they made their way down to the last room on the end. There were fewer doors here, due to the large size of the suites. At once is seemed so far to the end then suddenly they were there. David pulled out the key, unlocked the door, turned the knob, and pushed it open. The lights were on inviting them inside.

  He placed a hand on Aurora’s arm to stop her from entering, and she turned to look at him “there’s a tradition.” He said, and he scooped her up in his arms “I’m supposed to carry you over the threshold.”

  She smiled at him and tucked her head against his neck. He could feel her warm breath on his skin, and it sent a tingle through him. Once inside he pushed the door shut, and gently lowered her to her feet. Then he reached back and locked the door.

  Aurora turned to look at the room, and stood silent for a moment taking it all in. To her right was a large bed with a number of pillows, on a thick soft looking comforter, a dresser with their bags sitting on top, and next to it their camping packs were carefully placed against the wall with her bow. On the opposite side, she could see the open door to a large bath, and a closet. To her left was a sitting area with 2 sofas, tables, a counter with a sink, and cooktop. Across the room was an enormous set of windows with a table and chairs for dining while enjoying the view. The table was covered with a platter of fruits, and a variety of bottles, and glasses. The décor was nothing like the rustic look of the lodge. It was elegant, and welcoming at the same time. The rich green and earth tones were warm and comforting.


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