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Eternal Service

Page 13

by Regina Morris

  Alex took a seat next to the woman.

  “Have you made a decision?” Dixon asked without introducing the other woman.

  “I’ve decided to accept the position.” Alex smiled at Dixon and the woman.

  “I’m glad.” Dixon gestured over to the woman, “This is Sulie. She is a member of the Colony.”

  “So nice to meet you, Captain Brennan,” Sulie said.

  Another vampire. Alex studied the young blond and remembered that Raymond had mentioned his sister’s name was Sulie. Of course, there would be females in the group, and good Lord they could pass as human. “Likewise,” she said in a cracked voice as she shook the woman’s hand. The hand was ‘coffee cup’ warmed. “Is Sulie going to help with the next step of my orientation?” Alex asked as she turned to face Dixon.

  “No. Her services this morning are not needed. She was just leaving.” Dixon walked Sulie out the door. Alex noticed a brief pause as Sulie smiled at Dixon and he gave her a slight nod before the door closed.

  Once they were alone in the office, Alex asked, “What services?”

  “Excuse me?” he said, closing the office door.

  “You said her services were no longer needed. What services?”

  Dixon cleared his throat. “She was here to wipe your memory if you elected not to take the position.”

  Alex’s face blanched. “I see.” Alex felt uneasy as she shifted in her seat. “I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised.”

  “Don’t let the precaution disturb you.” Dixon suggested in a reassuring voice.

  Alex shook her head. “It’s fine. I was told ahead of time what the consequences were.” Remembering her conversation with Matt and Brandon, she added, “By the way, Matt and Brandon have some video of Raymond that needs to be addressed.”

  He reached for his phone. “The process is called a cleanup. I’ll text Raymond to come by and talk with the two of them.” As he quickly texted he added, “This sort of thing happens a lot with those two.”

  Alex pursed her lips, understanding what happened during a cleanup. “OK, then. I’m glad I mentioned it.”

  Taking his seat, Dixon began the briefing. “BTW, your security clearance was confirmed this morning.”

  Alex smiled knowing exactly what that meant. She had been cleared to talk directly to the President. There was nothing hindering her clearance, but it still was good to know the hurdle had been jumped.

  “We have to discuss security measures now that we are alone.” Dixon looked grave. “I’ve known the members of the Colony for decades. All have been working with the government for longer than I’ve had my career. At no time have any of them ever shown any weakness or signs of treason to this country.” He reached into his drawer and pulled out a long thin box. He carefully opened the box and placed its contents in front of Alex. “The members of the Colony can never know about this security measure. Here is a dagger for you to carry with you at all times.”

  Alex inspected the dagger and admired the beautifully crafted detail. The light from above glinted off the blade and she caught her reflection in it. “And the Colony is not to know I have a dagger?”

  “You will be issued your weapons today, but this dagger is for you to carry always. It is to be hidden on your person without their knowledge.”

  Alex was confused. “They can compel me. How am I supposed to keep a secret from them?”

  “All Colony members are required to take an oath not to compel you,” Dixon explained. He then took a deep breath. “Actually, the oath doesn’t matter because they won’t be able to compel you.”

  She glanced up from the dagger. Her heart skipped a beat. “I’m human,” she said in a hushed tone. “Why won’t they be able to compel me?”

  “As the Director of the team your mind will be altered to not allow any compelling.”

  Her eyes went wide. “What?”

  He took the dagger from her hands. “It sounds worse than it really is. A subroutine, so to speak, will be implanted in your subconscious mind. If any vampire tries to compel you, the subroutine will be triggered. You see, you can be compelled by more than one vampire at a time. But with a subroutine only the one who places it in your mind can ever compel you. This way you’ll be safe when you’re out in the field.”

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her eyes narrowed and her jaw locked–in place. “A subroutine. In my mind?”

  “It’s for your own protection as the director of the team.”

  Alex thought about the possibilities. “Does this mean the President and the cabinet all have subroutines?”

  He shook his head. “No. No member of the Colony is allowed to compel, or alter the mind of the President, the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, and now the Director of Homeland Security.”

  “So. All other cabinet positions are just up for grabs?” she said defiantly.

  Dixon tone grew harsher. “No. Of course not. The Colony Director is the only human to be altered.”

  “Uh, huh. For my own protection.”

  “Yes. Like it or not, you are dealing with another species. You, not the President, will be working closely with them. You are the one human that must be the liaison between the President and this team.”

  Her stance softened. “I see.” She took the dagger from Dixon’s hand and mindlessly ran her fingers down the hilt. “So the President doesn’t actually deal with the team directly.”

  “He does, if he chooses to do so. The duties vary from president to president, and that is why it is so important the director of the Colony be a human. The last President was too scared to deal directly with them.” He pointed to the picture of the President that hung on his wall. “This one likes the team. He doesn’t see them as a threat. He actually likes to hang out with Sterling and Ben at times.”

  “The director is always human then,” she stated, letting fact sink in.


  She played with the dagger, not really focusing on the tiny weapon. “So, this subroutine. What exactly is it?”

  “It’s a compelling to not be compelled. The only compelling the team is allowed to do to you.”

  She studied his face. “You …”

  He met her gaze. “Yes. Me. All the directors before me. All the directors to come.”

  Alex remained staring at him. “The procedure is not painful,” he added. You won’t even feel that it’s in place. Raymond will connect with your mind and reprogram your brain so you can’t be compelled once it’s in place.”

  She stopped staring and momentarily looked down at the dagger she played with in her hands. “How?” she finally asked.

  He shrugged. “How the hell should I know? Raymond is the only one who can do it, or undo it.”

  Her head jerked back up. “Raymond? Why?”

  “He’s the only one capable of placing the subroutine. That fact is in his records, which you’ll be privileged to.”

  She hated not knowing, but knew she’d be able to find out. She began playing with the dagger again, careful not to cut herself, as she gathered her thoughts. “Has a vampire ever tried to compel you?”

  “Yes.” He moved his hand to his temple. “To me it feels like eating ice cream too fast – you get a brain freeze. Some directors say it feels like a sharp headache. You’re not compelled though. Either you will hear everything the vampire is saying, you just won’t care to follow his commands — or, what they’re saying won’t make sense to you. The interpretation varies from director to director.” He then added, “You can postpone the procedure until I officially retire, but eventually you will need to undergo the procedure. Of course, you could still decline the position.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “I’ll still take the job.” Now that she knew about vampires, it was nice to know that she could protect herself from being compelled. She felt that she could trust Raymond. “I understand. And, it is reassuring. I think I’ll wait then.” She held up the dagger, realizing she had been playing with i
t. “The dagger is for my protection then,” she said to change the subject.

  “Yes. In case one of them ever goes rogue.”

  Alex stared in disbelief. “Have there been any team members who have done so?”


  That was comforting. Alex studied the dagger, understanding its exact purpose. “This is so I can kill a rogue if needed.”

  “No. Even with your strong physique it's doubtful you’d be able to kill a vampire – at least not without help. It would take a vampire to kill another vampire since they can only die with excessive blood loss. Their bodies are incapable of producing new blood cells, and yet their very lifeline is blood. Did Raymond explain to you their aging process?”

  Alex thought back to all the information she received in the past few days. The intel was sizable. “Yes. The more blood consumed the younger they appear.”

  “Exactly. The less blood they have, the older they appear. If their system has no blood, they age rapidly and turn to dust. So if they were beheaded, they would die due to massive blood loss. Or if they were stabbed in the heart and bled out they would also die.”

  “What about a gunshot?” she asked.

  “No. Bullets are either through–and–throughs or their bodies will expel any logged bullet. They have to bleed out in order to die. That’s why it usually takes a vampire to kill a vampire. Humans, as well as half–breeds, don’t have the strength to stake a vampire and ensure the stake remains in place until the last drop of blood spills out.”

  Alex’s eyebrow furrowed as she sat for a moment deep in thought. “A captured vampire, subdued somehow, would be vulnerable enough for a human, or half–breed to kill.”

  Dixon nodded. “True. If you can chain them in silver you would have a chance, especially since silver burns their flesh. But first you’d have to capture them.”

  Thinking back to an earlier conversation, Alex blurted out, “Or fire.”


  “Fire can kill them as well,” Alex explained.

  “Yes,” he nodded. “But we don’t issue you a flamethrower. It’s too dangerous of a weapon if civilians are nearby.” Dixon pointed to the remaining artifact on the table. “The only alternative is to paralyze them with this.” He held up a syringe. “A tranquilizer capable of taking down six charging rhinos. In theory, this shot should paralyze vampires.” As Alex reached for the syringe Dixon pulled it away. “This stuff will most likely kill you instantly if you accidentally inject yourself. If you use it against a vampire, it will paralyze them long enough to stake them to the point of their death. Although, it has been untried.”

  Instinctively Alex pulled her hand back from the syringe of death and watched as Dixon put the syringe away.

  The sobriety of the situation sunk in. She handed the dagger back to Dixon. “Do you think all of this is necessary?”

  He snapped the box shut. “Nope. Not one bit. My dagger and original syringe have sat in my desk drawer for the last three decades. I never carry them. Well, after the first week I never carried them. Plus I was always afraid that, in the heat of battle, I could accidentally inject the tranquilizer into one of the team members mistaking it for a syringe of blood. I’m only required to give these items to you and prepare you in case you need to use them.”

  Alex held no qualms about taking a life in combat. And, even though she had only just met Raymond, she didn’t like the idea of causing his death, even in the worst of circumstances. “I think I’ll be fine. We can leave the box in my desk here at work then.”

  “That will be off the record. I’m just required to give the weapons to you.” He handed her the box. “I have a box, the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Director of Homeland Security, and now you, all have similar boxes. The President also has a dozen or so letter openers in his office. It isn’t because he gets much snail mail. They are daggers hidden in plain sight, but he also agrees there is no danger from the vampires. He gets along just fine with the team.” He then added, “Remember, the Colony members cannot know about this talk.”

  “Of course.”

  “Now let’s drop this box off at your new desk and drive over to requisitions to get your remaining weapons.”


  Alex spent the morning with federal security officials. Retina scans were performed, new picture IDs made, and access codes and files were given to her. Weapons, which included firearms, daggers, and a silver entwined whip, were issued. Now with full security clearance, she reviewed all of the computer files the government held on each member of the Colony as well as operational procedures surrounding them, the mansion in which they lived, and other important factors.

  She thought it clever that the Colony had been classified as a private military hospital. She read information about blood deliveries and requisition forms for blood. The vampires lived at Fang Manor for free since it was government owned. Alex chuckled at the nickname as she read through the information. Another file had the security information about the mansion itself, which was very impressive. The place contained a mini-command center with all the bells and whistles, so many in fact that Alex wasn’t sure if NASA was as well equipped. The building stood three stories in height (plus a basement) and it also had considerable land acreage.

  Alex scanned over another set of files and discovered an entire section on blood and sexual activity. The information noted an increased sexual appetite in the vampires immediately following a feeding of blood. Alex wondered if that was why Raymond shied away from eating in front of her. He had given mixed signals for days and she still didn’t know if he was interested in her or not. The files didn’t answer her questions; they just perplexed her more. And that angered her, so she helped herself to a glass of wine.

  She glanced at the folders and opened the ones for each individual vampire. Over a dozen files existed for each member. She pulled up Raymond’s folder first and studied the files. He was born in 1801 … full transition done by 1828 … oldest vampire member of the Colony and is the highest ranking senior member … parents died in a fire … single parent to son Sterling, also a vampire … .

  Alex jumped ahead and glanced through Sterling’s folder for his age. He was born in 1821. So much for Raymond being widowed recently, she thought. She continued reading Raymond’s file. “‘… older brother to Sulie … fought in the Civil War … founding member of the Colony … vampire sire to Mason Warner.’” So she was right. He had turned someone. Alex wondered why Raymond kept that information a secret. Surely he knew it would be in the files.

  A list of aliases for Raymond existed. He owned several different passports and identities, military, CIA, FBI … at least a dozen different persona were current in the system. A file contained several defunct aliases which dated back over more than a hundred years. The man could literally disappear in a crowd with all his aliases and compelling ability. Of course, that was the idea.

  There was no mention of a current wife, fiance, or girlfriend listed for Raymond. At least the files didn’t say he had one. Alex sighed. She needed to put Raymond in the do not touch category and get on with her assignment.

  She noticed not a single picture of Raymond existed in the file except of the images on the IDs themselves. In some of the pictures he appeared as a young man, in others he was quite a bit older. No pictures existed on any IDs before digital photo technology came along. Instead of a picture of Raymond, there was another man’s image on those IDs. The compelling ability must prove very helpful in convincing someone the picture was actually who it should be of. The men on the IDs were nowhere near as good looking as Raymond, but then what man would be? He pushed every sexual button Alex had. Sex appeal poured from him like water from a faucet. Probably every woman he met had a similar reaction to him.

  She got herself another glass of wine and focused her attention on the files. She discovered that Raymond’s work included security with the Departments of the Interior, Treasury, Commerce … the list w
ent on and included FBI, CIA, even the IRS. Interesting. He functioned as a Federal Jack of all trades. Alex found a file sighting a list of accommodations and awards for the vampire as well.

  Impressive. He’d fought in three American wars, took bullets while protecting President Benjamin Harrison, President Calvin Coolidge, and President Ford. What could this man not do?

  Alex froze reading the next file of information. It referred to special abilities. Her expectations did not include any of the vampires having super powers. God. Extra sexy and gorgeous wasn’t enough? Could the man fly?

  She opened the file and read, “‘… reading of mental patterns in humans tested at a distance of 40 feet … contact not needed to read humans, physical contact for reading vampires required … Thought patterns easily read without the need of touch on some humans … Testing of mental projection not substantiated except within his sister Sulie … can compel humans. Can compel vampires if physically in contact with them …’” The file went on and on.

  She gasped. She had held his hand! Not just once but several times. Good Lord, she thought some pretty erotic things of him last night. She read the special abilities again. Did she read that right? “Does not have to be in physical contact to read mental patterns in humans.” All she had to be was in the room with him and he might be able to read her mind.

  She remembered back to last night as she reclined in her chair. She seduced him over and over in her mind, especially when Raymond looked at her with those dark black eyes. He seemed on board with showing her his eyes, but, damn, could that have just been a reaction to the blood he consumed? Was he reading her mind and thinking she’d be easy to get into bed? Or was he interested in her? Could he have projected those thoughts into her head? Probably not.

  She finished her wine, and considered pouring herself another glass but thought it best not to do so. She should remain level headed for her evening. Yes, that would be for the best. Alex knew her threshold was high in terms of alcohol, but didn’t want to push the her limits.


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