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Capturing a Renegade's Heart

Page 2

by Nicola Jane

  He lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it to the ground and then expertly unclipped her bra. She gripped his shoulders tight when he sucked her nipple into his warm mouth, throwing her head back in pleasure as he sucked gently, swapping between the two. His hand slipped into the waist band of her shorts and cupped her wet mound. He groaned appreciatively before slipping a finger into her panties and running it along the wet opening.

  “If you want me to stop you need to tell me now because if you don’t, I’m fucking you quick and hard, once I start I ain’t stopping.” Something in his words sent sparks shooting to her pussy. “Don’t say I didn’t warn yah,” he muttered. Within seconds he had her pressed against the wall with her legs wrapped around his waist and his mouth sucking on her neck. He fiddled around between them, she heard the buckle of his belt and his zipper as it lowered and then he was ripping open a condom packet. He moved her shorts to one side and then he was pressing at her entrance. Neve hadn’t ever had a one-night stand. She’d never been so easy as to sleep with a stranger but having this strong, well-built man between her legs felt thrilling and free, something she hadn’t felt since before meeting Finn.

  Ryder eased himself into Neve with a restraint she’d never witnessed, it felt like he was holding back, and she wanted to laugh at how he assumed she’d not be able to handle him. Once he’d reached his limit he stilled, resting his head against the wall and panting like he was in pain. For a second, she wondered if he was ill because it felt like forever before he finally began to move, pumping his hips back and forth. Neve felt full, stretched in ways that Finn never achieved, and the faster Ryder moved, the quicker the build-up reached her. She could feel her finger nails digging through the material of his T-Shirt and into his flesh as her body reacted to his every move. “Damn you feel tight,” he groaned, his filthy mouth sending her higher. He placed his hand between their sweaty bodies and began to rub circles over her swollen clit. She shivered against him and then her body convulsed, sparks flickered in her eyes and she let out a scream as she shuddered out an orgasm. Ryder sucked the skin on her collar bone, his breaths becoming uneven and laboured. “Shit I want to feel your pussy on my mouth,” he panted moving faster and then he stilled, groaning loud as his orgasm rippled through him.

  Eventually he stopped rocking and pulled from her. Before she could move, he was on his knees, gripping one of her thighs in his large hand and lifting it slightly, he pushed his head between her legs, she shouted out when his mouth closed over her opening, his tongue flicking over her sensitive clit. She gripped her hands in his hair, tugging it at the roots as his tongue lapped at her. “Baby you taste so good,” he whispered against her.

  “Ryder stop, I can’t take anymore,” she groaned, throwing her head back against the wall. His sucking and licking became more frantic and she knew he saw her words as a challenge. Before long she was coming for a second time, almost sobbing as he worked her with his tongue until her knees wanted to give out from underneath her.

  An awkward silence followed their intimate moment as Ryder disposed of the condom and dressed quickly. Neve followed his lead, pulling her clothes back into place, occasionally looking up at his handsome face. She wasn’t sure on the rules for one night stands or what the etiquette was afterwards but the glimpses that she caught of Ryders face in the moonlight streaming through the windows, told her she just needed to say her goodbyes and get the hell out of there so he didn’t feel the need to lie to her and give her the wrong phone number accidentally on purpose.

  She ran her fingers through her hair before reaching for the door handle. She stilled when his hand covered hers and she felt him press against her back. A spark of hope ignited in the pit of her stomach, maybe she’d read him wrong, maybe he wanted to see her again. “Let me go first in case any of the ol’ ladies are out there. I could do without gossip going around the club that I’m fucking random women, the sweet butts will think they stand a chance.”

  Neve didn’t know what the hell he was talking about, ol’ ladies, sweet butts, what the hell did that mean? Either way, it wasn’t the words she’d expected to hear fall from his clever mouth, so she stepped to one side and let him pass her. Turning back, he gave an awkward smile, “Give it a minute before you follow,” he added and then he left.

  Neve felt humiliated, if that’s how one-night stands worked then she’d leave it to the experts like Mya because yes, she’d felt a moment of pleasure, well maybe more than a moment; but it wasn’t worth the feeling of being used straight afterwards. She would have stayed with Finn if that’s what she’d wanted to feel like.


  Neve waited longer than two minutes before heading back down the stairs. She found Mya at the bottom chatting to another guy. Mya looked at her and smiled, “Where have you been, I was looking for you,” she said.

  “I got side tracked, everything okay?” asked Neve.

  Mya eyed her suspiciously but decided not to push Neve, not in front of this guy she’d only just met. “I got a call from Finn, he’s angry because you didn’t answer your phone,” she said. Neve’s eyes widened in panic. Finn was the kind of man to jump in his car and come to find her even though they weren’t together anymore. She’d left her house unexpectedly and hadn’t brought her cell with her. Mya read her mind and held out her own cell for Neve to use. She smiled gratefully and rushed out to the back garden to make the call. She moved to the corner away from anyone else and dialled Finn’s number, she knew it off by heart because of the need for her to check in every hour when they were together.

  Finn answered within the first two rings, he didn’t speak, just connected the call and waited for her to explain herself.

  “Finn, is everything okay? Is Harlee okay?” she rushed out.

  “Where were you Neve?” he grated out.

  “I’m having drinks with Mya, I told you that earlier,” she sighed.

  “I spoke to Mya, she didn’t know where the hell you were!” he yelled. Neve pulled the cell away from her ear, flinching at the volume of his tone.

  “Look I’m not going to argue with you Finn. Put Harlee on so I can talk to her.”

  “Don’t dictate your demands to me, Harlee went to bed upset because her mommy wasn’t around to talk to her. Were you with another guy?” Neve checked her watch, it was only seven in the evening, Harlee wouldn’t be asleep yet, bedtime was usually half past seven.

  “You’re only spiting Harlee by not letting me talk to her. No wonder she didn’t want to come to you. Did you manage to spend time with her today?” Finn laughed at her attempt to anger him. There was no way she’d be this brave if she was face to face right now, they both knew that.

  “Enjoy the rest of your evening, I’ll bring Harlee back at some point tomorrow.”

  “No, Finn the agreed time is noon. I promised her I’d watch movies with her.”

  “Well you also promised to answer my phone call so you could speak to her. Jenifer is now having to spend time consoling our daughter because of you. I don’t need to remind you of what will happen if your shoddy behaviour continues around my daughter.”

  “Jenifer, who the fuck is Jenifer?” snapped Neve beginning to pace back and forth with frustration. They’d agreed to keep new partners away from their daughter until they’d established proper relationships and cleared it with each other. Neve didn’t want to confuse Harlee with new partners if they weren’t permanent.

  “Goodnight Neve and don’t forget the picture or there will be issues with me returning her at all tomorrow.” Neve took deep breaths to calm herself, blinking fast so that the angry tears didn’t spill down her cheeks. She continued to pace back and forth, her hands on her hips and her head hung low. She was so sick of Finn calling all the shots, being a hot shot lawyer, he knew just what threats to throw her way if she didn’t comply to his every command.

  “Is that lover boy checking up on you?” Ryders rumbling voice startled her and she spun to look at him, her face flushing sligh
tly when her eyes met his.

  “No,” she replied bluntly.

  “I’m assuming you want to keep it on the downlow if you’ve just cheated, I’d also appreciate it if you didn’t tell my brother, he’d get all stupid about it.”

  Neve sucked in an angry breath, what was it with men treating her like crap just lately. “Firstly, I’ve never cheated on anyone in my life. That was my very first and very final one-night stand. Secondly, I don’t have a clue who the hell your brother is, so I won’t be telling him nor anyone else for that matter, I’m not the kind of girl to gossip especially about myself.” Neve stomped away, not sticking around to wait for his reply.

  She passed Mya in the passage way, “I’m going home. You coming?” asked Neve, holding out Mya’s phone. Mya took it and smiled.

  “Sure, let me just say goodbye to…” she trailed off.

  “Bear,” answered the guy with a grin. Neve rolled her eyes, Mya never seemed embarrassed by her brazen ways. Neve headed for the door. She’d had her fill of arrogant men this evening.


  “You did what!” screeched Mya glaring at her friend in shock. Neve had blurted out her surprise one-night stand with the mysterious stranger as soon as she’d closed the front door and they were in the safety of her home.

  “I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t uptight, I know it sounds stupid, but I wanted to live a little.”

  “And you thought you’d have sex with the motorcycle gang leader?” laughed Mya.

  “Leader?” Neve repeated, “I thought he was just friends with Griffin. Is he important? Oh my god is he some kind of criminal mastermind because honestly at first I thought he was a mute.”

  “He’s the clubs president. I don’t know how it all works but he’s a tough guy, he’s got a lot of respect amongst the other guys,” said Mya.

  “Oh well, it doesn’t matter now. He was good for my first one-night stand, but I won’t be doing that again. How do you do it? I felt so used,” groaned Neve, making Mya laugh out loud.

  “Neve, you’re so innocent. You go into it knowing you just need one thing, don’t expect any more,” she said, “That way, you don’t feel used or let down afterwards.” Neve felt like that sounded like lying to yourself, how could anyone just switch off their emotions like that, wasn’t that what sex was all about?

  “I did go in to it knowing that, actually I didn’t even have chance to think about it, he kind of ambushed me, but it was the way he acted afterwards that threw me. He must have women falling at his feet looking the way he does with all that brooding manliness. What are sweet butts by the way?” Neve poured them both a large glass of white wine and passed one to Mya.

  “Women that hang around and keep the guys satisfied if you know what I mean, most of them hope to get a husband out of it, become ol’ ladies to the guys but most don’t ever get that.”

  “You’re like a mind of knowledge, how do you know all this? I have zero knowledge on motorcycle gangs let alone all of their gang terminology.”

  “I read books,” grinned Mya.

  “I don’t believe for one second that you read,” smirked Neve, “Anyway I’m gonna hit the sack, I’m exhausted,” sighed Neve standing and draining the last of her wine. “Are you staying over?”

  Mya shook her head and smiled. “I might pop back next door for a while, it’s still early to us single, non-parent girls,” she said with a wink.

  Neve climbed in to bed. Pulling out her cell phone she took a picture of herself, a headshot with her pillow in the background. She sent it to Finn to appease his incessant need to know where she was and what she was doing. Within seconds her cell phone lit up, an incoming call from Finn. She sighed as she accepted the call.

  “Are you alone?” he asked, and she rolled her eyes, knowing that he couldn’t see her.

  “Of course.”

  “Video call me,” he said, disconnecting his call.

  “For goodness sake,” she muttered out loud to herself. She video called Finn, he was topless in his office. “See, all alone,” she muttered moving the camera around her bedroom.

  “Good. See you tomorrow.”


  Neve was woken early the next morning, someone outside was screaming and laughing. She sat up quickly, alarmed by the noise. Diving from her bed she rushed to the bedroom window to see a group of people next door having a water fight. She rolled her eyes, she’d thought something bad was happening. Instead she was witnessing Griffin, topless, chasing her best friend around his garden with a jug of water. Mya screamed as the water hit her, soaking her shirt through. Neve’s eyes fell to the few guys that were watching them. In the doorway of the house was Ryder and wrapped around Ryder, literally, was a female with long blond hair, short denim cut offs and a bikini top. Her legs and arms wound tightly around him like a baby chimp clinging to its mother. He still had that blank look about his face. Ryder glanced up to her window, it was almost like he felt her staring. They briefly locked eyes before she stepped back out of view, mortified that he’d caught her watching him.


  Neve tapped her fingers impatiently on the table top. Finn was supposed to return Harlee over two hours ago. She’d tried numerous times to contact him but to no avail. Mya burst in through the front door, a happy smile on her face. One look at Neve wiped that smile, “Are you okay?” she asked with concern.

  “No, Finn hasn’t brought Harlee back,” she muttered.

  “Wow that man is such an ass hole. I take it you called him?” asked Harlee turning on the coffee machine.

  “Yep, no answer.”

  “Well look, you know he will return her, he’s just playing games again. Ignore him. Seriously, the man doesn’t want to have Harlee for one night, we both know he takes her just to annoy you. He will bring her back.” As she finished her words, the sound of a car engine stopping outside had Neve rushing to the door. Finn’s black SUV was at the front of her house with Finn in the driver’s seat and a blond woman unstrapping Harlee from the back seat. Neve glared at Finn angrily, he wound down his window and rested his elbow there, a picture of calm.

  “Where the hell were you Finn, she was supposed to be back two hours ago.”

  “And you were supposed to answer your phone last night,” he said sternly, removing his shades and giving her a pointed stare. Neve watched the blond lift Harlee from the car seat and hold her to her hip while she closed the car door. Her tight purple dress clung to her curvy frame and Neve found herself wondering if she’d had breast and ass implants. She tottered on her high black heels, handing Harlee over to Neve with a kind smile.

  “Hey baby girl, I missed you,” sighed Neve placing tiny kisses all over her face.

  “Finnegan, how totally not lovely to see you,” said Mya stepping out beside Neve and smiling sarcastically.

  “Mya, still a bitch I see,” said Finn firmly.

  “Wow look at this piece of ass, did you pay for her to look this good for you?” grinned Mya, pointing to the blond.

  “We need to talk about this,” butted in Neve, “We said no introducing Harlee to new relationships Finn.”

  “Harlee loves Jenifer, don’t you bunny,” Finn smiled awkwardly at his daughter.

  “That isn’t the point Finn and you know it. I’ll call you later so we can talk about this.”

  “Oh sweetie, what have you let yourself in for,” Mya asked Jenifer with a fake concern, “Don’t you have parents that love you, that want the best for you, because honey he is not it and I feel like I should be the one to warn you under girl code or some shit, that this man,” she said pointing towards Finn, “Is a complete bastard.”

  Finn got out of the car abruptly, slamming his door. “Shut the hell up bitch, I never liked you,” he growled, making a beeline for Mya. Harlee snuggled in to Neve, burying her face in to her mother’s neck so that she couldn’t see what was happening. Mya laughed and stepped forward towards Finn, she wanted him to know she wasn’t scared of him.

  “Well, that’s great because I never liked you either you bullying piece of shit,” she snarled.

  “Is there a problem here?” came Griffins voice as he sauntered across the lawn towards them looking the picture of calm. “Because the body language ain’t great from where I was watching,” he said, his eyes fixed on Finn.

  “Wow the great Eric Griffin Fenton,” smirked Finn, “How’s your brother? I heard he got out early, was he a good boy or did he bend over for the guards and get a deal?”

  Griff’s eyes changed and Neve saw the switch, subtle but enough to let her know that things were going to turn to shit real quick. She passed Harlee to Mya and moved in front of Griff. “Go back inside Griff, this is my business.”

  “Your cards are marked, Ryder has a long memory and you’ll regret making him your target,” he gritted out.

  “Please don’t threaten me. I’m not scared of you or your little gang,” snapped Finn and then he turned his anger to Neve, “And you, you’d better call me tonight or I’ll be turning up for a little visit.” Neve watched as he got back into his car, Jenifer tottering around to the passenger side before he drove off at speed.

  “Asshole,” muttered Griff.

  “How do you know him?” asked Neve, reeling from the fact that Griffin had just confirmed that Ryder was his actual blood brother.

  “He’s the most dishonest lawyer I’ve ever met and trust me I’ve met a few. Screwed my brother over and got him sent down for something he didn’t do. Ryder’s gonna make his life a misery.”

  “Starting with me?” asked Neve wondering if that was the reason Ryder slept with her last night. All the pieces began slotting in to place. Griff gave her a blank stare, clearly not understanding what she was asking.

  “Look, we’re having a cook out at the clubhouse this evening. Kids welcome. Just a fun get together, why don’t you and Mya come, bring Harlee, she’ll love it.”

  “Yeah we’ll be there,” said Neve without hesitation, she was going to get answers from the man himself.


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