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Haven 4: Back Roads

Page 7

by Gabrielle Evans

  Galen sat up a little straighter when Willow had finished speaking.

  “I think that’s the problem. Jory’s a demon. He knew Stavion was his mate immediately. You’re an elf, so you knew Blaise and Cole were your mates. Plus, you’re part shifter. You can actually freakin’ shift.”

  “Wait.” Jory waved a hand around and frowned. “I think I missed the problem.”

  “I am human. If I have any shifter blood, it’s almost nonexistent. I have no idea if Bannon is telling the truth. I have no clue if I’m really his mate. I can’t feel it like you do. It wasn’t as if he walked into the room and I immediately knew he was the one.” His friends stared at him for a long time before Willow reached out and took his hands. “Don’t humans have soul mates?”

  “I guess. It seems to be a popular theme at weddings.” Yes, Galen was being sarcastic, but he was tired of being confused, and tired of letting that confusion fuel his fear. He just wanted to be happy for once in his goddamn life. Was that really too much to ask?

  “Then stop worrying about all of the other shit, and just do it the old-fashioned way,” Jory interjected. “Fall in love at your pace.”

  “Even we mere humans like to say that when we meet the right one, we’ll just know. Maybe Bannon isn’t the right one.”

  “I can’t answer that.”

  There was another thing Galen was tired of hearing. He had questions, but apparently no one had the answers. He had to search within himself or some crap like that, because that was so helpful. If he had the answers inside, he wouldn’t need to ask the damn questions in the first place.

  “You like Bannon, right? More than just a friend?” Willow asked.

  Galen nodded. “Yes.” He wouldn’t deny that he was insanely attracted to the man and loved spending time with him.

  “So, forget all the paranormal bullshit, and just let it happen. At least give yourself a chance to find out if he’s the one. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. Stop trying to force it and contain it all inside a box of logic. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that love is not in any way logical.”

  And wasn’t that the fucking truth.

  Chapter Seven

  “Aye, he’s comin’. We’ll be ready tomorrow night.”

  “I need you to leave now. There’s a plane waiting at the airstrip.”

  “Well, that’s all fine, Torren, except that we don’t know where we’re goin’.” Bannon squeezed the phone tighter and pinched the bridge of his nose with the other hand. “It’s gonna take time.”

  “We don’t have time, Bannon. It’s less than four weeks until Halloween.” There was a significant pause before Torren spoke again.

  “Have you claimed Galen yet?”

  Bannon hung up the phone. Then he went a step further and turned it off completely. Torren Braddock could go fuck himself.

  There was very little that Bannon wouldn’t do for his own brothers, but he’d never force anyone to mate against their will—no matter how much it would help.

  There was a good chance that Galen would be able to help him without bonding them. Torren had to know that. At the very least, it seemed like he should have suggested they try it. So, why did he want them mated so badly?

  Whatever. Bannon quit. He just quit it all. Galen didn’t want him.

  The Council just wanted to use him. His brothers were busy with their own jobs and lives, and he barely saw them anymore. He was a shifter living in a house full of vampires. Very rarely was he not surrounded by people, and yet he’d never felt more alone in his life.

  And though he felt alone, he also felt suffocated. “Fuck it.” With a loud growl, he launched his phone across the room where it smashed into the wall with a satisfying crunch. Jumping up from his mattress, he stomped to his bedroom door and jerked it open, only to stumble to a halt when he found Galen standing there with his hand poised to knock. “What?”

  It wasn’t fair, and he knew it. He really wasn’t angry at Galen.

  The man had every right to refuse him. There were a number of other things that were pissing him off, though, and right or wrong, Galen was an available target for his frustrations.

  “Can we talk?”

  “No.” He’d talked until he was blue in the face. Nothing he’d said would change Galen’s mind, and he’d run out of things to say. He was fed up with the back and forth, hot and cold. Galen wanted them to be together, but only under his terms. He wasn’t even willing to meet Bannon halfway.


  “No. Now move.” Bannon wasn’t asking for the world. He wasn’t asking for Galen to gift wrap the moon for him. He was just asking for a fucking chance! It wasn’t as though he expected his mate to just roll over, expose his belly, and pant to be petted. He knew he’d have to work for it, earn Galen’s trust. How the hell was he supposed to do that if Galen wouldn’t let him?

  “Bannon, stop being a dick and let me in.” He’d bent over backward to meet every one of Galen’s demands and now he was a dick? Priceless. “Ya wanted me to leave ya alone. It’s the least ya can do for me.”

  “I never said I wanted you to leave me alone. You’re the one who jumped up and ran out of the room like it was on fire. I’m sorry that I hurt you, and don’t tell me that I didn’t. I know you, whether you want to admit it or not.” He stepped closer so that his chest bumped against Bannon. “Why can’t I be with you without you claiming me?” Yes, why Bannon, his dick seemed to scream at him as it took notice of his mate’s nearness and swelled inside his jeans. “I’m not strong enough,” he admitted. Just being this close to Galen, thoughts ran rampant through his mind of him sinking his teeth into that creamy skin and claiming the man as his forever.

  “That’s because we’ve both been thinking too much.” Galen came closer, forcing Bannon a step back into the room. “I got some really good advice tonight.” His hands began roaming Bannon’s chest, his thumbs brushing over the nipples and causing them to harden. “Why does it have to be all or nothing? Why can’t we just go with it and see where it takes us?”

  Bannon bit the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning when Galen’s hands traveled over his abs and skimmed along his waistband. Could he do it? It would mean smothering his basic instincts and fighting against his nature. Was Galen worth that?


  “What exactly is that you’re wantin’?”

  “I like you, Bannon. I mean, I really like you. I thought it might be more than that, but now I’m just freaking confused.” His fingers paused and his eyebrows drew together. “I know I’m happier when I’m with you. I know that you make me want things that I haven’t wanted in a very long time. The rest of it is a little fuzzy, though. It can’t be fuzzy, Bannon. I have to know without a doubt that I’m going to want this—want you—for the rest of my life. Otherwise, it’s not fair to either of us.”

  Galen’s request and the reasoning behind it made so much sense that Bannon felt about three inches tall. He’d been a selfish prick, and despite all of his claims to the contrary, he’d definitely been trying to pressure Galen into accepting something—if he was being honest—neither of them was ready for.

  As much as he craved the closeness that bonding them would give him, he knew absolutely nothing about having a mate. In actuality, he knew very little about Galen. Until the previous night, he’d had no clue about Dallas Zeppler. They’d spent months getting to know each other, but Bannon was beginning to think that he’d done most of the talking.

  Thinking back on the conversations they’d had, he couldn’t remember one important detail about Galen other than the stories about his horrid mother. Bannon didn’t know the man’s favorite food, color, movie, or book. He didn’t know if Galen preferred roses or lilies, or maybe he didn’t like flowers at all. Simple, basic things that he should know about his mate, and yet, he found himself at a complete loss.

  “C’mere, sweetheart.” It had only been a couple of hours, but it felt good to have Galen in his arms again
. “I’ll do better. I promise ya.”

  Galen’s arms locked around his waist and hugged him tight. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Bannon. I just need more time. Please understand.”

  “Oh, darlin’, I do. I’m sorry that I wasn’t keepin’ my promise. Things will be different.”

  “I don’t need different. In fact, that’s what got us in trouble in the first place. I just want to go back to the way we were—minus me being a basket case.”

  “Torren is wantin’ us to leave tonight.”

  “Torren can wait,” Galen mumbled distractedly as his hands began wandering again, finding the button on Bannon’s jeans and popping it open with ease. “There are a lot of things I’m not sure about, but this isn’t one of them. I want you, Bannon Murphy.”

  “Are ya plannin’ to seduce me then?” Because, sweet Jesus, it was working. Bannon’s cock swelled and pulsed, aching for Galen’s touch.

  “Is it working?”

  “Aye, that it is.” Bannon closed his eyes and moaned like a ten-dollar whore when his mate reached into his boxers and freed his cock, wrapping his soft, slim fingers around the hard shaft and giving it a light squeeze.

  The only excuse Bannon had for his next move was that all the blood in his brain rushed straight to his dick, and he momentarily lost his damn mind. Grabbing Galen around the waist, he jerked the man up in his arms, pivoted to the side, and slammed his mate into the wall before attacking his mouth like a savage animal.

  Grunts, growls, and snarls ensued as he did his best impression of something between a caveman and a wolverine and tried to jam his tongue as far down Galen’s throat as possible. Conceivably, the man’s vocals cords would taste like heaven if he could just reach them.

  His naked cock didn’t just rub or slide over Galen’s cotton-covered mid-section. It humped, grinded, and basically tried to fuck his belly button. Smooth.

  Up, down, over, and around, his hands executed moves that would impress the Blue Angels as he grabbed, groped, and kneaded every inch of naked flesh he could find. When he couldn’t locate enough of the silky skin to slake his desire, he passed over the line of aggressive male and straight into the realm of barbarian by shredding Galen’s shirt until it was little more than tattered rags.

  Seven—count them—seven unholy months he’d brutally beat back his desire and lust for the writhing man in his arms. He’d jerked off like a pubescent so many times he’d actually developed calluses between thumb and forefinger. It was a little surprising to him that his dick hadn’t just given up and fallen right the fuck off at some point.

  He was probably terrifying his mate, but he couldn’t stop himself.

  Instinct, along with a healthy dose of sexual frustration, drove his every move until he’d somehow managed to divest Galen of every article of clothing without even realizing it.

  With his soon-to-be lover completely and gloriously naked, spread out—or pinned up—whatever—like a buffet, Bannon reorganized his attack, zeroing in on the sweet, little, copper-colored nipples. Galen gasped and panted above him, arching his back as his hands fisted in Bannon’s hair and held him closer.

  Bannon would have loved to say that he took his time and worshipped his mate’s body as the treasure it was. He’d be lying, though. Biting the pebbled nub between his teeth, he flicked his tongue over it before sucking the entire thing into his mouth and lavishing it with attention until it was swollen and throbbing for him.

  Then he moved on to the next, because it apparently wouldn’t do for his mate to have lopsided nipples.

  Sweet mercy, he didn’t even know what he was doing anymore.

  His brain had shut down completely, and his body rushed into takeover mode, moving of its own volition without command from him. All he knew in that exact moment was that Galen was his mate, and he needed more! Be it more of Galen’s scent, his taste, the satiny feel of his skin, or more friction on Bannon’s straining cock, he didn’t know, and he really didn’t give a flying fuck.

  Abandoning his mate’s tortured nipples, Bannon crushed Galen to him and swung them around, intending to carry him to the bed.

  Instead, his jeans slid off his hips, tripping him, and he ended up tackling his mate to the mattress like the Pittsburgh Steelers’ defensive line.

  No, not one lineman, but all of them. He was grateful though shocked that his little man had survived the collapse and resulting two hundred and fifty pounds that landed on top of him. Hell, he actually laughed, even if it was a bit breathlessly.

  “Sorry,” Bannon mumbled distractedly as he licked at Galen’s neck and tried to kick his jeans off, but only ended up getting them stuck around his boots. Screw it.

  Galen probably already thought he was a complete idiot. It wasn’t like things could get any worse. Maybe. Hopefully. Then he remembered that if they were going forward with this, at some point he was going to need to retrieve the lube. Where the hell was the lube?

  “Lube. We’re needin’ lube.”

  Galen giggled again and rolled over to rummage through the drawer of the nightstand. Bannon followed, or more to the point, his lips followed and just dragged the rest of him along for the ride as they continued nibbling and kissing every part of Galen close enough to touch.

  Then his mate was back, trying to push a rather large bottle of slick into his hand. “Uh, maybe ya should do that.” At the rate he was going, he’d probably end up hurting his mate, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

  “You want to watch?” Galen purred seductively as he flipped the cap open and poured a generous amount of the clear liquid into his palm.

  Bannon eased off the bed, shucking the rest of his clothing before he knelt on the floor, positioning himself for an up close and personal view of the show about to commence. His dick pulsed, flexing with each thundering beat of his heart as it leaked generous amounts of pre-cum from the slit.

  Spreading his legs wide and pulling his knees back to his chest, Galen opened himself to Bannon’s viewing pleasure, showing off his sweet, pink hole. The muscles quivered and clenched, seemingly eager for what was coming.

  Galen, however, had decided to torture Bannon to death. Instead of reaching for his obviously hungry hole, his slim fingers wrapped around his cock, stroking and slicking the hard, thick length.

  Bannon watched with rapt attention, following every long, slow glide as his mouth watered and electricity zipped up his spine.

  Chancing a look at Galen’s face, he could practically see the fire burning there, and it made his stomach clench and his balls draw up close to his body. If they didn’t get this train moving, he was going to blow before he ever pulled into the station.

  Feeling slightly more in control of himself, he snatched the lube up from the mattress and coated his fingers quickly. Resting one hand on the inside of Galen’s right thigh, he used his slippery fingers to caress his lover’s tight hole.

  The muscles squeezed and relaxed, greedy for more. Slipping just the tip of his index finger into the snug opening, Bannon glanced up at his mate again, checking to be sure that Galen wasn’t too uncomfortable.

  A long, low moan bounced off the walls, and Galen rocked up and down on the mattress, impaling himself farther on Bannon’s digit.

  “More. Feels good, but I need more.”

  Whatever his baby wanted, he got. Inserting more of his finger, Bannon paused for a heartbeat before he began pumping in and out, coaxing Galen’s hole to relax for him. It didn’t take long before he was able to insert a second finger and finally a third.

  Galen’s inner walls clamped around his fingers, squeezing them inside his velvety heat. “Now, Bannon. Can’t last. Oh, oh, fuck!” His hand was a mere blur as he jerked harder and faster at his engorged cock. “Please!” Erotic moans and needy whimpers spilled from his kiss-swollen lips, and Bannon thought he’d come right where he sat.

  Getting ahold of himself, he eased his fingers from Galen’s ass and crawled up the bed to loom over him. The need still clawed at h
im, making his head swim and his balls ache, but he was able to control it a little better now.

  Gripping the base of his cock, he lined up with his mate’s entrance and stopped, nudging against the ring of muscles but not entering.

  With his other hand, he brushed the curls back from Galen’s flushed face and stared into his chocolate-brown eyes, waiting for permission.

  “Don’t stop. Please, Bannon. I need this. I need to feel you. Make love to me.”

  Music to his ears—and to his dick, but he wouldn’t mention that part later. Still staring into Galen’s eyes, he rocked his hips forward in small, gentle movements until the flared tip of his cock breached his lover’s opening. The first feel of those insanely tight muscles wrapped around his dick was heaven and hell, all in one perfect package.

  Grinding his teeth together to stave off his already impending orgasm, he continued forward until his entire length was encased in the heated depths of Galen’s channel. Then, as though he’d flipped a switch, his control snapped again, and he pulled out, only to slam back in with a bone-jarring intensity.

  Galen cried out and arched his back, his fingers scrambling for purchase on Bannon’s back, and then digging his nails in to secure his hold. The sharp bite of pain only spurred Bannon on as he jackhammered his hips, surging into his lover’s body again and again, each stroke harder and faster than the last.

  His growls and grunts mingled with Galen’s mewls and whimpers then were accompanied by the sounds of their damp flesh slapping together to create an erotic symphony that echoed around the room.

  Galen dropped his head back to the mattress, exposing his neck in a submissive gesture that Bannon had to remember wasn’t really an offer.

  It was hard to remember anything with the amazing feel of his mate’s body beneath him and the blazing inferno wrapped around his long-neglected cock. Even though his gums itched and his mouth watered as his gaze zeroed in on the jumping vein in Galen’s neck, by some miracle, he managed to hold onto that one visage of self-control.


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