Page 5
“You still want that dance?” I ask.
She seems to have recovered slightly now. Regaining some of her former bravery, she nods and loops her hand through my arm.
I lead her to the dance floor, where some jazz crap is blaring through the speakers. A few people are dancing, but most are seated at the various tables surrounding the dance floor.
Cat starts dancing, and presses herself a little too close to me. I pop wood instantly. I can’t help it, it’s an involuntary reaction. Damn it. I try to move as little as possible, but the more she presses against me, the more I really want just a little bit of friction. When she turns and presses her back to me, I lose my shit. I grab her hips and grind against her, pressing my cock against her lower back. She stiffens slightly and I laugh. I would have put money on the fact that she would walk away, but she doesn’t. Girl is playing with fire. Just when I think I might break my bro code after all, I manage to push her away.
“Uh, I have to go, Cat.” I say through gritted teeth. I get my horny arse out of their so fucking fast.
Theo is glaring at me as I approach. I hold my hands up. “Wasn’t me! Why do you think I’m running over here? Your sister fucking wants me, dude.”
He growls, like actually growls like some kind of psycho. Lilly rolls her eyes and shoves at his chest. “Can you stop with the macho shit? Cat is a big girl.”
“You touch my sister, and I will castrate you.” He grumbles. Fuck my life, a guy cannot catch a break round here.
I catch the sound of Molly’s infectious laughter and turn to find her approaching us with George. “Sweetness.” I greet her.
God fucking damn she looks good. My cock instantly goes rock hard again. Molly’s hot because she doesn’t know it. She’s so completely unaware of herself it’s almost funny. Her dress is pale blue, skin tight, and shows a lot of leg. Thin lace covers her chest and arms, and her long legs drop into a pair of sky scraper heels. Damn, what I wouldn’t give to have those heels digging in my back while I fuck her senseless. She’s sexy as hell, and yet everything about her screams ‘good’. I don’t know how the fuck she pulls it off. She’s the worst kind of torture. She makes my dick rock hard, whilst my mind screams at me not to go there.
“Have you noticed, Hugo, that your dick seems to get you in a lot of trouble?” Her lips kick up into a cocky smile.
“Hey, you leave Rambo out of this.” I point at her. She laughs. “Well, seeing as I can’t dance with Cat for fear of having my dick cut off…I’ll just have to settle for you.”
“Wow, such flattery.” She snorts.
“I am the epitome of charm.” I reply.
“I’m not dancing with you.”
“I didn’t ask you to. Besides, you can’t dance.” I smirk.
“Arsehole.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “If I have to hang out with you, I’m going to need a lot of booze.”
“Ah, now booze, I can do.” I wave the barman over and order five shots of tequila. Molly makes a face at me, but says nothing.
I pass a shot each to Lilly and Theo, two to Molly, and keep one for myself. I watch as she downs the first one and presses the back of her hand to her mouth as though she might puke. She then steels herself and necks the next one.
“Fuck, I hate tequila.” She shudders.
“It’s good for the soul.” I tell her before slamming mine.
“Good for getting you laid.” Theo adds.
I flick him the bird, and wave the barman over again. I order a glass of red wine for Molly, because I know she likes it, and a beer for myself. I would offer Lilly and Theo drinks, but they’re too busy playing tonsil tennis to notice me. Hell, a couple more minutes and she might as well just fuck him on that bar stool.
I take the drinks off the bar and catch Molly’s eye, motioning her to follow me to a table near the bar. She sits, crossing her legs elegantly.
“I haven’t spoken to you for a while. How are things?” I ask genuinely.
She shrugs. “Standard shit.” I cock an eyebrow at her, waiting for more.
“That’s it?” She shrugs again.
“Pretty much. You?” Her voice is clipped.
I narrow my eyes. “Yeah, same.” I say quickly. “Are you okay?”
She nods, struggling to maintain eye contact. “You spotted any options for the night yet?” She asks casually, changing the subject.
I shrug. “There are always options Sweetness.” I can’t help but put just a hint of sex into my voice. It’s more a habit than anything else. Flirting with her is instinct rather than a conscious choice.
Her eyes snap to mine, sparking violently. I have to bite back a groan. I know that look well. Hell, I could jack off to that look alone. Her lips part slightly and her eyes flick to my lips.
“There’s a really hot blonde over by the dance floor.” She says, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah?” I follow her line of sight to an average looking blonde.
“Yep, good boobs.”
“Really? You’ve almost got better tits than her.” I turn back to her. “And you don’t have any fucking tits.”
She scowls at me, but I don’t miss the way her lips quirk up. I brush a stray strand of hair off her cheek, and a blush creeps across her cheeks. Her lips are slightly parted, and she’s giving me the look. Then she quickly pulls back out of my reach.
“Want to dance?” I ask her hoarsely. I’m not really sure what’s wrong with her, but she’s giving off some serious hot and cold vibes tonight. It’s not like her. She’s usually pretty level. I always know where I stand with her.
“Uh.” She shakes her head, dropping her gaze to the wine glass in front of her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I should go and find Lilly.” She can’t get up fast enough. What the fuck is up with her?
“And why is that?” She doesn’t answer, just stands there, gripping the back of the chair in front of her. “Because of your new guy?” I know that she’s dating that doctor guy. I’m happy for her. He’s the type of guy she should be with. Kind of. I’ll be honest, I don’t like him. I mean, everyone else seems to think he’s going to pull down his pants and a fucking strobe light will appear from his arsehole. He’s just…I don’t know…boring? I mean, I’ve only met him a couple of times at the hospital, but he’s so damn polite. Lilly calls him a nice guy. Apparently I’m not a nice guy. Nothing truly good in life has ever been described as nice. Nice implies mediocrity at its finest. I’m pretty sure that girls don’t like to hear that shit though, so I don’t voice this opinion. I just think Molly could do better.
The frown doesn’t leave her face as her eyes meet mine. “No, of course not. It has nothing to do with him.”
“Then enlighten me as to what the fuck is going on with you.”
Her features harden. “Look, Hugo, why don’t you just go and find some pussy for the night okay? I’m not putting out.” Low fucking blow. She turns away from me and starts walking back towards the bar.
I down the rest of my drink and stand. I catch up to her in a few quick strides, grabbing her arm and pulling her along with me. “What are you doing?” She snaps as she tries to pull away from me.
I don’t answer as I drag her out of the function room. The quiet seems deafening after the music of the party. I lead her down a hallway until I find another room, which is empty. It looks like some kind of conference room. I pull her inside, and turn, pressing her up against the door before she can even think to move.
She gasps as I push her back into the wood. Her hands fly up to my chest as if to shove me away, but I close the small space between us, crushing her palms flat to my chest. I rest my hands on either side of her head, leaning against the heavy door. She’s close, so close, and that familiar over-whelming pull that she has over me kicks in, grabbing me by the fucking balls. By the time I realise what a stupid move this was, it’s too late. Want rages through my body like an unleashed beast, and I clench my fists against the wood in an attempt to gain some con
trol. I tell myself to step back, but I can’t. My body won’t respond. Her breathing is ragged, and her face is flushed. Shit. This feeling right here, this is why I struggled so much to let her leave my bed. This is dangerous, because it’s fucking intoxicating. She’s better than any booze, any drug, hell any bloody hooker. If I could bottle what she’s selling, I’d make a fortune.
“Now, tell me what the fuck is wrong with you, and cut the bitchy shit.” I breathe against her face, my voice husky. I can smell the scent of her perfume, the tequila on her breath. Her body heat seeps through my shirt, and her breaths are laboured, as her ribcage rises and falls heavily against mine. I clench my jaw, battling against the mental and physical assault that is all Molly.
A small frown mars her face as her eyes meet mine. “What?” She splutters, as a beautiful blush creeps over her cheekbones.
I smile, enjoying her flustered state far too much. When you’ve had as much sex as I have, and have the kind of tastes I have, clothed touching is not supposed to be a turn on, but damn I’m so fucking hot for her right now. My dick is pressing against the fly of my jeans, and I’m gagging to grind it against her. I try hard to focus, to remember what I was saying.
I drop my face to her neck. She gasps and trembles as my breath touches her skin. My fingers clench, desperate to touch her, itching to rip her clothes off. “You’re pissy tonight Sweetness. Did I do something to upset you?” I whisper inches from her ear.
When I pull back, her eyes are closed, and her head is tilted back against the door, exposing her long neck to me. Her fingers are curled into my chest, her nails digging into my skin, through my shirt. Her body is so tense, she looks as though she may snap.
“Molly.” I breathe against the skin of her throat.
Her eyes fly open, turmoil swirling in the blue depths. It’s a mix of anger and lust. Of course, I hone in on the lust. Wrong.
She clenches her jaw and pushes me, allowing just a small amount of space between us. “It’s this.” She gestures between us. “You just can’t turn it off.”
I smirk. “Ah, but I only had to resort to this, because you wouldn’t just tell me what’s wrong.”
“You can’t just be friends, Hugo. You can’t help yourself from crossing the line.” She snaps. “This isn’t friendship. We aren’t friends.” I won’t pretend that doesn’t sting.
I shrug. “That’s what we do. I flirt, and try to get in your pants. You turn me down and treat me like a horny teenage boy that’s not worthy of your time. Say what you like Molly, but we are friends, whether you like it or not.” It’s ridiculous, but I just like being around her. I respect the fact that I fucked up, and I probably hurt her feelings, but what’s done is done. I like hanging around with her. She’s fun.
I brush a loose strand of hair away from her neck, and she shivers, releasing an uneasy breath as my fingers brush her neck. I narrow my eyes at her, watching her closely. I see the way her cheeks flush, and her breathing is shallow. The look in her eye, it’s more than lust, it’s wild and untamed. It’s animal need, and fuck, if every fibre in my body doesn’t rise up and roar at the challenge.
I lean in, so my lips are barely an inch from hers. “Your doctor not giving it to you right?” I whisper against her lips.
“Fuck you!” She blurts too quickly.
I laugh. I forget how feisty she can be beneath that princess façade. “So un-lady like.” I tease.
“Is there a point to this conversation, or are you just going to stand here and be a total dick?” She growls.
I shrug, leaning away from her again. “No, sweetness. Just know this, we are friends. We’ve always been friends. If you need a little…help, then just say the word, and I’m there, as a friend of course. If you won’t accept my help, then don’t get bitchy with me, just because you’re frustrated, and my presence exacerbates it.” I say seriously.
“God, you think so much of yourself. If I were that desperate for help, I’d use my vibrator.”
I grin. “We both know I’m better than any toy.” I wink.
“Such. A. Dick.” She says a little breathily.
“I’m sorry. You want my dick? Well, as it’s you. I’m all for helping a friend.” She pushes me away slightly and punches me in the arm. She smiles, and I swear to god, she could light up a room with that shit. I get this feeling in my chest that I am seriously not comfortable with.
“We good?” I ask her, stepping close again.
She nods. “Yeah, we’re good.” She drops her head forward against my chest, leaving her hands on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her head.
“It’s okay, sweetness, even the best of us get grumpy when we’re horny.” I laugh.
“You don’t give yourself a chance to get horny.” She mumbles into my shirt.
“Seriously though, you sure you don’t just want a quickie?” I ask with a smile, jumping back to avoid her fists.
“No! God, you’re vile.”
“Fine. You go back to the party, and I will be there shortly.” I step away from her, allowing her to move.
“Why? Where are you going?” She asks suspiciously.
I glance down at the very obvious bulge in my trousers. “You seem to have left me in a bad way babe. I need to sort this shit out.”
She shakes her head. “I should be used to it by now, and yet you never cease to shock and repulse me.” She turns and pulls the door open.
“It’s what you love about me!” I shout after her as she slips through the door, shaking her head.
I’m standing just outside the doors to the hotel, smoking a cigarette, when I catch sight of two brunettes approaching. They’re wearing black dresses and heels. Pretty enough. My already hard cock, begs me not to degrade myself by jacking off in the toilet, as though this is so beneath us. I kind of have to agree.
I flash my most charming smile at the two women, who bat their eyelashes and very unsubtly check me out.
“Ladies.” I say smoothly as I hold the door open for them. I quickly discard my cigarette, and follow them as they make their way to the hotel bar. Theo can cope without me for a little while.
I’m laughing as George spins me around on the dance floor. He’s drunk, like really drunk.
I feel an arm loop through mine, and turn to see Lilly. She pulls me away from George and towards the bar. She leans her elbows on the bar and slumps forward against it.
“I have just spent the last ten minutes talking to the worlds most boring man about probate law. Shit, I can’t take much more of this.” She groans.
I laugh. “You’re fine. Stop being dramatic.”
I glance over my shoulder at the dance floor. George has shimmied off and is now dancing with someone else, someone I don’t know, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t either. The middle aged woman looks delighted though, so I guess he’s probably just made her night.
“I need a wee.” Lilly says. Girl code for, come to the toilet with me. You never turn down the toilet run, it’s just not done. “And then you and I are going to get fucking trashed. If I can still remember my own name in an hour then you’re a shit friend.” Her bright red lips kick up in a wry smile. She gestures the barman over with a seductive smile and a flick of her hair. He falls over himself to get to her. “Tequila, please.” He moves and grabs two shot glasses. “No.” She shakes her head. “The bottle will do. Charge it to the bill.” She says smugly.
I sigh, because no, she probably shouldn’t be getting wasted at her own engagement party, but fuck it, there’s no arguing with her. Theo knew she was a live wire when he proposed to her. He couldn’t possibly imagine that she would do this without some good old fashioned help. Lilly’s like a bush fire, wild and untameable. I try to rein her in where possible, but sometimes being a good friend isn’t about prying the tequila shot from her fingers, it’s about picking one up and getting rip roaring drunk with her. Besides, this isn’t the destructive drinking that
she’s often fond of, this is celebratory drinking. Kind of.
She clings to my arm as she walks on sky scraper heals over the soft carpet of the hotel hallway. She’s swigging from the tequila as she goes. Oh god, even the smell has my stomach wanting to rebel. I can drink tequila, but it just reminds me of every horrifyingly bad hang over I’ve ever had. Lilly drinks that shit like it’s water. There’s a queue for the toilets just outside, so we venture further into the hotel in pursuit of a loo without a half hour wait time.
We manage to find one on the first floor. I push the door open and stop dead. Oh my fucking god. Really?!
There, leaning against the vanity unit, is a woman, skirt hiked up over her hips, and a very familiar blonde head of hair between her legs.
“Wow, really?” Lilly says casually.
Hugo at least has the decency to look a little sheepish. Once he’s removed his face from between the woman’s legs, that is, and his fingers from another one, that I hadn’t noticed standing on the other side of her.
He strains his neck to look up at us over the thigh that is currently thrown over his shoulder.
“Jesus, Hugo. When you said you need to sort yourself out, I thought you meant a quick wank.” I hold my hands up. “Silly me, should have known better. Threesomes with total strangers is much more your style.” I roll my eyes.
“Is she your girlfriend?” The woman whose vagina he was just face planting asks. There’s a sly lilt to her lips, which by the way, have far too much collagen in them. Ugh, she’s one of those women.
I snort. “God, no.” I laugh.
She scowls at me. Her friend looks embarrassed as she pulls her skirt down. Hugo removes the woman’s thigh and pushes to his feet. He shrugs, his trademark grin on his face. He’s like a puppy. It shits on the carpet, and you really want to tell it off, but it’s cute, and you can’t.