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All Grown Up

Page 28

by Grubor, Sadie

  Then I felt her hands on the side of my face. I looked up quickly and her face was full of uncertainty and compassion. She pulled my face forward and pressed her lips to mine.

  "Please, Chloe?" I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her tightly, laying my head on her shoulder. She encompassed my body with her arms and placed one hand on my head.

  "Okay," she whispered. "We…" I didn’t let her finish, I had her pressed into the mattress and my lips molesting her mouth. When she pulled her lips from mine, I continued my attack, moving to her neck.

  "Leo…" she panted. "We will try, okay?" I nodded eagerly against her body as I tasted her skin.

  She moaned in enjoyment of my exploits. I pulled the sheet from her body and continued my lip assault down her chest, between her breasts, and over her stomach. I could already smell how aroused she was as I pushed her legs apart and sucked on her inner thigh.

  Her hand gripped into my hair and she pushed her hips forward.

  "Oh God, Leo, please," she begged. I knew what she wanted and I was more than happy to provide it.

  I slid my tongue over her wet folds and she moaned. Her grip tightened in my hair, holding my head to her. I massaged her swollen clit with my tongue and she started rocking her hips toward my mouth.

  Sliding two fingers into her center while I continued my actions with my tongue, she began to rock faster into my fingers, groaning and moaning. A few pumps of my fingers and I felt her clench around my fingers, my dick instantly throbbed painfully in my boxers at the feel of her release.

  I removed my fingers and brought them to my mouth as I climbed up her body. I pulled my hard, aching shaft out of my boxers and slid into her, bringing my knees up behind her thighs. My hands grabbed behind her knees and I began to pump over and over, harder and harder.

  Her head thrashed back and forth, her body writhed, her tits bounced around, and her hands fisted the sheets as she moaned and grunted. I was panting and moaning heavily as I got deeper into her.

  When she clenched down on me the same way that she had my fingers, I felt my release explode throughout my body in a wave of heat and pleasure. I collapsed on top of her, trying to catch my breath.

  "Jesus, Leo..." she panted and I chuckled breathlessly.

  She was finally mine again, as she was meant to be.

  After cleaning up the mess I had made, I went back to the kitchen and made more coffee while Chloe showered. I was pouring the coffee when she walked into the kitchen in one of my t-shirts. It was definitely too big for her but it was still short enough that if she were to lean over slightly, I would get a glorious peek at her. I smiled at the thought.

  "What?" She cocked her head to the side a little as she was sipping her coffee.

  "Nothing," I shrugged. She eyed me, she didn’t completely buy it, but she let it go.

  "I’m going to jump in the shower. I’ll be right back." I kissed the side of her head and went to my bathroom.

  After I was finished and dried off, I threw on boxers, a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. When I got back to the living room, Chloe was in her dress from last night and her purse and shoes were sitting on one of my barstools.

  She looked over to me while she was drinking a glass of water. I raised an eyebrow at her as I looked her over. She put the glass in the sink and turned back to me.

  "I have to get going," she said while walking around toward her things.

  I grabbed her purse before she could get to it.

  "Leo…" she whined. "I have some phone calls to make and a meeting." She reached for her purse, but I pulled it away smirking. "Come on."

  "Stay," I leaned my body into hers, pinning her back against the kitchen island.

  "I can’t," she said in a hushed tone.

  I stuck my bottom lip out, "Come on, stay."

  She quickly grabbed her purse from my hand. "I can’t," she said sternly and then went for her shoes.

  I was about to grab her when there was a knock at my door.

  "Who the hell…?"

  "That would be the car I called for while you were in the shower," she smirked at me.

  Well played Chloe, well played.

  Pulling back the door, a man in a black suit stood staring back at me. The driver. Chloe came up from behind me and the driver acknowledged her.

  "Mrs. Fiorello, are you ready, ma’am?" My brow furrowed at the use of that last name.

  "Yes, Donald, thank you," she smiled graciously at him and then turned to me. "Bye," she leaned up and kissed me quickly.

  Before she could get her heels back on the floor, I grabbed her waist.

  "Oh no you don’t," I held her chin and crushed my lips to hers, delivering a kiss that I hoped she would think about all day.

  "I’m picking up Tony later this evening. Come with me?" I asked as I allowed her to pull away from my embrace.

  "You mean from your family?" I saw her instantly tense up and she bit her lip.

  Excuse me Donald, could you please wait in the car while I fuck Chloe against this door?

  "With Elaine?"

  I nodded, "It will be fine. I promise that they will be on their best behavior."

  "I don’t think so," I tried to interrupt her, but she stopped me. "I think it is way too early for that, for this to be something we talk about outside of us."

  My face fell and she definitely noticed. "Why?"

  "You know why," she argued.

  "No, I don’t. I want to shout from the rooftops that I have you back, where you will stay, if I might add," I smiled crookedly at her.

  "Oh you think so?" she smirked.

  "Mhmm…baby you are never going anywhere ever again. I may not be the smartest man, but I will not make that mistake again," I raised an eyebrow at her and she laughed lightly as she leaned in to kiss me.

  "Come on, I’ll call your father and tell him that we will be down this evening and we can eat dinner at my parents. Together, as a family. The way it should be."

  She looked at me nervously while she contemplated and then nodded hesitantly in agreement. I smiled largely and finally let her go, though it killed me for her to not be close to me.

  After I did a couple of hours of work from my home office, I called Mina to let her know about dinner. She didn’t answer, so I left her a voicemail. Then I called my mother.

  "Hey, baby," she answered.

  "Good afternoon, Mom," I smiled.

  "You sound very…good," she lightly chuckled. "Did you have a good night?"

  "Yeah, you could say that," I laughed quietly and rubbed the back of my head. "How is Tony? Did he do okay?"

  "Yes, he did very well. He is so smart, Leo, so much like you at that age." I could hear the smile in her voice.

  "I’m glad he was good for you." I cleared my throat quietly. "Hey, listen. I was thinking that we should have dinner at your house tonight. You know, Mina & Oliver, Roni, Max, & the kids, Judith & Kenneth, Chloe & me. What do you think?"

  "Oh, that sounds lovely, though I don’t know about Kenn….wait! You and who?"

  Shit…not the reaction I was hoping for.

  "Please tell me that she hasn’t worked her way back into your life any more than she already has to be!"

  "Mom, please…" she cut me off.

  "Leo Anthony, are you crazy?"

  "Funny that’s the same thing that Chloe asked me last night," I chuckled. She didn’t find it as humorous.

  "Last night?" I heard her take some breaths. "Honest to God, Leo! I don’t know what to say to you. After everything she put you and this family through, how on earth can you…?" I cut her off.

  "Exactly, Mom, I can forgive her just as she forgave me for leaving her and ignoring her. Just as I can finally say that I am the happiest that I have been in…well, in forever." I sighed and pinched my nose.

  "This is what I have wanted for so long and since she is willing to try with me again, I am taking it and running. I need you to please be supportive and accept that I am in love with Chloe. I alw
ays have been and always will be."

  I heard her sigh heavily. "Leo…"

  "Mother…" I countered.

  She exhaled. "Fine, but I don’t have to like or accept it, Leo."

  "I would appreciate it if you would at least try to be understanding."



  Was she going to agree and really just try to see how happy this made me?

  "Stop and get some red wine on your way here." Then she hung up.

  I exhaled deeply, this may not go as well as I hoped.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Tell Me How You Really Feel


  I knew that this was going to be a tough night and when I questioned myself as to why I even agreed to this, I knew the answer immediately- Leo. He wanted me to do this for him and after everything I'd done to him, the pain I caused, this was the least I could do.

  When I arrived at Leo’s apartment he was ready to go and we headed down to his car. Both of us were silent for about twenty minutes until Leo broke the silence.



  "Are you okay?"

  I sighed. "No, not really," I shrugged. "I know this is going to end badly."

  "Nonsense, it will be trying, I’m sure, but it will all work out," he sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

  We went back to silence again for a few Moments.

  "Can I ask you about something?" he glanced at me quickly then back to the road.

  "Of course." I responded, searching his face.

  "I would like for you to sign papers to change Anthony’s last name to Mackey." His eyes stayed straight on the road.

  "Okay," I answered quietly.

  "Really?" he sounded shocked.

  "Leo, why would I argue with that?" I threw my hands up at him.

  "I don’t know. I just wasn’t sure what your reaction would be." He shrugged and I started to look straight ahead when his next question popped out quickly. "Um…have you considered changing your name? I mean, back to Fisher?"

  I returned my gaze to him quickly, searching his face again. He was serious.

  "Uh…no, I hadn’t thought about it." I answered honestly and his face fell. "Leo…" he cut me off.

  "It’s fine," he grumbled and I could tell that it was time to end that conversation.

  We arrived at the familiar town and Leo drove straight to his parent's house. When we arrived, Elaine was at the door holding Tony. As we climbed out of the car, Tony wiggled in Elaine’s arms until she put him down.

  "Momma!" he ran straight into my arms and I squeezed him tightly. It felt so good to hold him.

  Leo came up behind us and ruffled Tony’s hair.

  "Hey, little buddy." Leo acknowledged.

  "Daddy!" he reached for Leo. I let Tony go and, as I turned, I caught Elaine’s cold glare at me.

  This was going to be sooo bad.

  Elaine had stayed in the kitchen, which I’m sure was to avoid being around me. Kenneth and Judith arrived soon after we got there and I was thankful for their presence.

  "Chloe," Judith sang, wrapping her arms around me.

  "Hey. baby," Kenneth leaned in and kissed my forehead.

  The three of us sat together on the couch and talked as Tony entertained Leo and Robert with his new doctor kit Robert bought for him.

  "Chloe, are you sure that this is a good idea?" Kenneth asked in a very hushed tone.

  "No, I’m not," I hushed back. Judith put her hand on my knee and squeezed.

  Mina and Oliver, Max, Roni and the kids, arrived about ten minutes after Kenneth and Judith. Things were feeling good until Elaine returned.

  "Dinner is ready," she said with a plastered smile.

  Everyone filtered into the dining room to eat. There was a small table set up for Lin and Tony who were laughing and giggling together. I smiled at them.

  Dinner was pretty quiet for the most part with general conversation taking place. Robert talked about the hospital, Elaine discussed a charity event that she was helping with, and Mina spoke about the new fashion line she was working on.

  Leave it to Max to get the evening moving.

  "So, are you guys officially back together now?" He used his fork to motion back and forth between us.

  I blushed. Just as Leo was about to speak, I heard Elaine snort. All eyes went to her.

  "Elaine…" Robert was using a warning tone.

  "What? I didn’t say anything." She smirked in my direction.

  "Elaine please, let’s just try to—"

  "Sure." She took another sip of her wine. "Let's just try to understand how this," she motioned between Leo and me, "is actually going to work." She paused. "After she," she pointed sternly in my direction, "has caused such a mess in our lives."

  "Mother…" Mina hissed and then looked to me apologetically.

  Elaine downed the last of her wine.

  "Mina, you of all people should be agreeing with me right now. Hell, she practically destroyed your and Leo’s relationship."

  I felt the tears but refused to let them come. I deserved what she was saying but, at the same time, this wasn’t the way to do it.

  I saw Roni stand quickly.

  "Well, since someone is letting alcohol get the best of her mouth, I’m going to take the kids next door with me." She roughly threw her napkin down on the table and rounded up the kids with Max right behind her.

  "Mom, can you please try to understand the entire situation?" Leo’s fist hit the table and I put my hand on his fist in an attempt to calm him.

  "Leo. how could you be with this lying, selfish bitch after…."

  "Okay, that is enough!" All of our heads snapped toward Judith, who had just tossed her napkin on the table and stood. "I have had it! Yes, Chloe made a huge mistake and, yes, she was completely wrong. No, I do not understand how they can be together right now, but damn it, Elaine, I will not let you sit there, half-intoxicated, and insult my daughter any longer! It’s enough! This is for them to work out. Not you!"

  Dad stood quickly and put his hand on Judith’s shoulder trying to coax her to leave with him. Judith shrugged off his hand. "No, Kenneth, it’s time Elaine got off her high horse! We all know she's made her own mistakes and yet none of us EVER sat and persecuted her!" I watched Judith’s eyes flash knowingly at Elaine.

  "Don’t you dare…" Elaine shot up from her chair, slamming her hands onto the table.

  "Okay….okay…let’s all just relax please." Robert stood with Elaine now. I put my head in my hands, leaning my elbows onto the table. Leo rubbed at my back. "Maybe it is time for everyone to go—"

  Elaine wasn’t finished. She stared at Leo and me.

  "Don’t comfort her!" Leo’s eyes turned on his mother.

  "You have completely crossed the line, Mom…I asked you—"

  "Oh no! I have things to ask…plenty of things, Chloe!" I looked up at her and glared.

  "FINE!" I screamed and now I was on my feet. "Ask away, Elaine!"

  She smirked evilly and, as she opened her mouth, "Elaine…please just stop this now before it goes any further," Robert pleaded and put an arm over her shoulder.

  She pushed him off quickly.

  "Why did you choose Anthony for his name? Was it a sick joke to you?!"

  "I was being selfish. I felt like it was the one thing that I could give Leo." Elaine’s expression became more saturated with hate.

  "The one thing that you could give HIM?! Are you serious?" I flinched slightly. "You could have given Leo HIS son, Chloe."

  "You know what. Elaine, it is, very complicated and I feel guilty, I really do. I know that that isn’t enough…"

  "Damn right it isn’t enough!" She shouted.

  Judith slammed her hand on the table. "Elaine!" We snapped our attention back to her now. "You damn well know that you have made huge mistakes, yet you were forgiven! Do not make me call you out on being a hypocrite!"

  "I am not a hypocrite!"
She yelled.

  I watched as Robert’s face became pained, he slunk back into his chair mumbling, "Elaine, I told you to stop."

  I heard Kenneth huff loudly and try to pull Judith away. Once again, she shrugged him off. He gave up and sat down with his hands running through his hair.

  "Oh you aren’t, huh?" Judith walked around the table and met Elaine face to face.

  "Judith, you keep your mouth shut." I saw fear flash across Elaine’s face.

  I looked down to Mina who was twisted in her chair with tears streaming down her face.

  "Mom!" Leo shouted. "Just stop it. We’re leaving! Chloe let’s—"

  "She can leave anytime she wants to! No one is keeping her here!" Her eyes looked like they could shoot flames through me.

  "Let’s talk about two years after you moved here, Elaine! Let’s talk about Elizabeth!" I looked around and saw confusion on everyone’s face; except Kenneth, Robert, Judith, and Elaine. Elaine looked shocked and hurt.

  "Stay out of things that you don’t…" Judith cut her off.

  "Or, let’s talk about the baby!" Judith shot out again. "Except, instead of her having it, you ‘got rid of it’!" Judith spit the words out with venom.

  "Fuck you, Judith!" Elaine shouted and tossed someone’s glass of wine in her face. Kenneth and Robert got to them before they could grab each other. The profanities that were flowing freely from their lips had me in shock.

  Then Judith’s words seemed to register. "Elizabeth?" Leo groaned. "Wasn’t that the woman that used to work with…" Leo stood with hatred in his eyes. "And then she was gone…" He couldn’t finish.

  "Leo…" Elaine looked pained.

  "I think we should just call the kettle black and then go about our lives!" Judith shouted as Kenneth forcefully, but lovingly, pulled her from the room. I was still shocked by Judith’s protective nature.

  "Mother?" Mina whimpered.

  Elaine wiggled from Robert’s grasp and went to Mina, pulling her into a hug. Elaine started to bawl her eyes out and latch on to Mina.

  "Fuck!" Leo yelled. "You got Elizabeth pregnant and then you…you…" Leo looked to Robert. "And you knew about this?" He looked at his mother.


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