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3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn)

Page 10

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “Tell us which lotion you used. Do you have any idea how this happened?” Selina put her hands on her hips.

  Glendril shook her head hard. “I don’t know. It was the brown bottle. I prepared the powders days ago and added the water when…” She licked her lips, moaning when her tongue touched the swollen and inflamed flesh. “You know.” She mumbled, trying not to move her mouth too much as she spoke. “Your vampire male came back to my chamber.” A vee formed between her eyes and she didn’t speak for about a half a minute. “I used the water in the green bottle over there.”

  “This one?” Selina gestured. “This brown one had the powder and now contains the lotion and the green one over here is the water that you used when preparing it?”

  Glendril nodded. Her face had turned a deathly pale making her lips look all the more red. Another attack of choking and heaving overtook her.

  Xavier turned away, his focus on the array of glass containers inside the cupboard. What the hell was going on? One thing was for sure, he was going to get to the bottom of this.

  Chapter 10

  The elven healer shook his head, putting his fingers to his temples. “Both the contents of the green as well as the brown bottles have tested positive for silver.” He picked up the green bottle. “Although this looks like our normal unassuming water, it contains a suspension of silver particles. We will need to conduct further testing on the lotion to find out exactly what ingredients are in it. It may very well be that one of the ingredients was responsible for preventing the silver from acting immediately. There are a number of herbs that do that. It is the only logical explanation.” He pointed at a third bottle which was also green but shaped a little differently. “That one contains regular water. It doesn’t look like it was used.”

  “I will question the female myself,” Keto growled.

  “I’m coming with you.” Xavier fell in next to the male. Although Keto glanced his way, he didn’t object. The elven prince ate up the walkway with big strides. The wooden bridge shifted from side to side, creaking from the pressure of their combined weight.

  “I don’t like this.” The big male’s hands closed into fists at his sides. “I don’t like it at all.”

  “Then at long last we both agree on something,” Xavier said.

  Keto’s mouth twitched and if it weren’t for the situation, Xavier was sure that he may have even cracked a bit of a smile. “Indeed,” he said as they arrived at Glendril’s door. Without waiting for any sort of permission, Keto marched into the room and Xavier followed.

  Selina was still busy working on the female. She was smearing a white, gel like ointment on the female’s chest. The medicine already thickly coated her lips and mouth and thank fuck, a large bandage had been wrapped around her midsection covering her sufficiently.

  Glendril winced and moaned. The female didn’t seem to notice their presence in the room, either that or she was just ignoring them.

  York moved in behind them, staying at the door.

  “Would you care to explain why you have silver infused water in your room?” Keto folded his arms across his chest while glaring down at the female.

  She gasped, squeezing her eyes shut, clearly in pain. After a few moments she cracked her lids open, her gaze firmly on Keto. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She shook her head, though carefully enough not to cause her wounds to flare up.

  “The water that the lotion was made from contains silver particles. There has to be an explanation.”

  “There is none that I can think of.” She refused to meet his eyes as she spoke.

  “Where did you get the water in that green bottle from? It must’ve come from somewhere.” Keto ground out. Tension radiated off the male.

  Glendril swallowed thickly. “I would rather not say.”

  “Well that’s just too bad.” Keto growled, taking a step towards her. “We haven’t had to suspend a silver cage in many years.”

  “You would throw me in a cage?” Glendril’s eyes filled with tears.

  “You had better speak and had better do it very fast. I’ve just about lost my patience with you, female.” His neck muscles were corded, his jaw was clenched tightly.

  “It’s just that…” She mumbled, her eyes darting from side to side. Xavier could scent her fear, it was bitter in his nostrils.

  “Speak,” Keto snarled. Xavier had never seen the male so enraged. He looked ready to tear the female limb from limb.

  She shrieked in fear and panic, clasping herself into a ball. Crying out in pain when the big movements agitated her wounds. “I got the water from Cheri,” she blurted. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  A deep frown appeared on Keto’s forehead. He made a sound of confusion, even shook his head. “When? I want details.”

  “I prepare the tea. Set everything out on the tray for Cheri every day to take to the King. There was some leftover water yesterday after she had been to see him. I put some into the bottle because I planned on seducing one of the vampire males and wanted to mix up the lotion. I don’t understand.” Tears were streaming down her face. “Please, can someone explain to me what’s going on? Am I in trouble? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Xavier could feel a shift in the room. It was like everything paused. A coiling building of energy, which erupted in a loud snarl from Keto. “I will fucking kill her. If this means what I think it does, I will fucking kill her.” He growled as he ran from the room.

  “Stay here.” Xavier locked eyes with York as he strode outside. He made sure to stay closely on Keto’s heels. Absolute, seething rage consumed the big male as he ran. It impressed him that the male was so quick. Elves didn’t normally have the speed of vampires, yet Xavier had to work to keep up.

  Keto pulled the door from its hinges, wood crashed against wood and the thick door splintered as it landed with a crash.

  Cheri didn’t have time to gasp or even to turn her head to see what the noise was about. Keto had a hand around her throat in an instant. He threw her up against the wall in a move that had the potential to shatter bones. Xavier took note that although Keto seemed intent on harming the female, he hadn’t used his full strength on her.

  “Don’t,” Xavier growled. “We need to question her.”

  He was ready to intervene if Keto decided to take this further. Xavier could understand the emotions that must be coursing through Keto. Didn’t mean he would stand by and watch the elven prince kill this female. The thing was, although Keto could be a dick, he didn’t peg the male for a killer of unarmed females. Cheri, next to his large frame, was tiny and weak in comparison. The solid grip around her throat didn’t lessen and Cheri’s eyes were bugging out of her skull.

  “Let go of her.” He tried to make eye contact with Keto whose gaze was locked on Cheri’s. “Don’t do this, you’ll regret it. Look at me, Keto.”

  By now, Cheri’s face had started to pale, blue tinged her lips.

  Thank fuck, Keto’s mouth, which up until then had been a thin white line, eased up slightly.

  “Let go of her. This would be too easy on her. If she was responsible for the things I think she was. She needs to hang in one of your cages, or rot in the dungeon below our castle.” He could see that his words were having an effect when Keto inhaled a deep breath. “Kill her and she gets off easy.”

  The male’s fingers finally eased their hold. When he released her completely, Cheri fell to the floor on her knees. Both her hands went to the red area around her throat, she coughed and gagged for half a minute taking in deep, ragged breaths.

  “You have a lot of explaining to do,” Xavier said.

  Keto was working hard to get himself back under control. The irises of his eyes were blood red and his chest heaved.

  Just then Xavier’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He withdrew the device and answered with a curt, “Speak.”

  “The elven female, Glendril, is trying to get up,” York growled. “She’s looking really agitated but it could be because she
’s still so out of it.”

  “She doesn’t move. She doesn’t touch anything. I don’t care if you have to tie her to the bed.” Xavier ended the call, returning the phone to his pocket.

  By now, Keto looked more himself. His red eye situation was back under control. “I know you were trying to poison my father. The only question I have for you is why?”

  Cheri’s eyes widened with shock. Either this female was a damned good actress or this was serious news to her.

  “Don’t play all innocent with me,” Keto growled. “I know all about that tea you’ve been feeding him every day. What?… Did you get antsy yesterday and decide to give him a double dose?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Her hands were still firmly around her throat in a protective manner. Her legs curled up underneath her.

  “There was a bit of an incident today. Glendril and one of my males had a run-in with silver infused water. The results are not very pretty. Glendril claims that she got the water from you. It was leftover after you made tea for King Katar. Since he took a turn for the worse yesterday, this is not looking very good for you,” Xavier explained.

  She should really take up acting, she would be up for an Oscar in no time. Her mouth fell open, her already white skin paled further. “I have no idea about any silver infused water. Yes, I bring the king his tea every afternoon. Something I assure you that we both look forward to. I would never try and harm him. Never.” She repeated the last more harshly, her eyes narrowing.

  “And what?” Keto chuckled humorlessly. “I’m just supposed to believe everything you’re saying because you’re such an honest person, Cheri? You wouldn’t lie about anything would you?” Sarcasm dripped from every word.

  Something was up between these two that had nothing to do with the silver infused water, that was clear.

  She swallowed hard, her face turned a lighter shade of siren red. Cheri clambered to her feet, her eyes firmly on Keto. “I’ll admit, it was me that day in the forest with Zafar.” Her blush deepened. “I’ve rutted with him before then…” She made a sound of exasperation. “I rutted him just a few days ago.”

  Keto kept his eyes on her, it was as if his expression had been carved out of stone.

  “And yes, I did offer my body to the vampire prince.” She glanced Xavier’s way before looking back at Keto. Cheri lifted her chin and even though Keto was much taller, she still seemed to look down her nose at him. “I made up all of those things about Esral.” Cheri laughed sounding like every bit the deranged bitch she was. “She’s such a prude, such a goody-goody. I can’t believe you ever bought that about her. I doubt she’ll even be able to rut that vampire when the time comes. It wouldn’t surprise me if her stem was prematurely shut.” She made a disgusted noise. “Born with a crown on her head and as boring as they come.”

  Xavier growled. “Don’t you dare speak that way about the princess. She has more dignity and grace in her little finger than what you will ever have.”

  Keto stepped forward, but Cheri lifted her hand. “Relax, I’m done putting down your little sister. I can see it’s got you both quite rattled. What I’m trying to get at is that yes I might lie and I might be a bit underhanded, but I’m certainly not a cold-blooded killer. Actually, I quite like the king.”

  “Bull-fucking-shit,” Keto snarled. “You don’t like anyone but yourself. You couldn’t wait to become queen. To put that damned crown on your head. That title means everything to you. You never loved me. It was all about becoming the queen.” His eyes narrowed on her.

  Cheri laughed so hard that she became a little unsteady on her feet. When she finally got it all out of her system, she had to use a hand to wipe away the tears that had formed in her eyes. “I never loved you? Hell, it’s not like you ever loved me back either. I was just a convenience, something to hang on your arm, warm your bed at night. You never loved me, it’s why you’ve been dragging your feet with the blossoming ceremony.” She pointed her finger at him. “If you wanted me, you would’ve taken me.”

  “Something in my gut was holding me back. Now I know why. You tried to murder the king, Cheri. My father.” He choked out the last word but quickly gained his composure. “I’m going to see to it that you rot in hell.”

  Her eyes clouded and her lip wobbled. “I had nothing to do with it. Listen to me, please.”

  “I’ve listened to enough of your lies. It’s enough already.”

  “You say that Glendril had the silver infused water and that she’s pointing fingers at me? I’m telling you now, Keto, I didn’t do it. She must be involved somehow.” Cheri was starting to sound desperate. Her eyes held that panicked look.

  “Why would she do that to herself? I don’t buy it, Cheri. She’s in a bad way and could’ve even died. I don’t buy it.” Keto pulled a cell phone from what seemed to be a hidden compartment in his robe.

  His own pocket began to vibrate. “York,” he answered.

  “The female tried to give me the slip. Something’s not right with her. I did what you said and tied her to the bed. She’s a little fucking hell-cat,” York growled. “I’ve got the claw marks to prove it.”

  “Sit tight. Don’t let her out of your sight,” he said.

  “I won’t.”

  Xavier pushed the end button and relayed the message to Keto.

  “She’s trying to get away because she knows she’s guilty. Search my belongings, search this room, search everywhere and anywhere you want. I’ll give you samples. I’ll do anything to prove my innocence. I didn’t do this.” Her eyes were wide and pleading.

  Maybe she wasn’t just a good actress? Her initial shock and general reactions seemed genuine. Sure, she was a colossal bitch, but he didn’t peg her for a killer.

  “Call some of your males.” Xavier locked eyes with Keto. “We need to search both rooms, both females, until we find something. There might be more to this.”

  “Yes.” Cheri grabbed ahold of Keto’s biceps but the male shrugged her off. “Call them. Tie me up, search me. Do whatever you have to do. I’m telling you, I’m innocent.”

  The crazy thing was that Xavier was inclined to believe her.

  Chapter 11

  “No way.” It was like the bottom had dropped from underneath her. “You have got to be kidding me. Please tell me this is a joke. No, don’t because it would be pretty sick if it were.” Esral swallowed hard.

  Xavier slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him. His warmth was so reassuring that for just a second it felt like they were the only two people in the room. Then she remembered that they were in Keto’s chamber and that both her brother and York were in the room as well.

  She sucked in a breath, lifting her eyes to where Keto stood. His shoulders were tense but he didn’t seem to care that Xavier was touching her. The tension in his body was probably due to the events of the last few hours.

  “No joke,” Xavier’s deep voice washed over her. “No laughing matter. We had almost given up searching Glendril’s chamber when York noticed that there was a loose floorboard underneath her bed.” He paused. “It looked like some cheap drugstore remedy. Glendril must’ve visited Sweetwater. The label promised all sorts of fancy cures, which I’m pretty sure didn’t even work for the humans. That same label also stated that it was infused with silver so it left no doubt in my mind that she intended to slowly poison the king, making it look like he was dying of an illness. It almost proved fatal for Katar.”

  “At least it explains why my father’s silver levels were so high. The healers had assumed that he was more susceptible to the silver needles they were using to draw his blood for testing. They blamed his illness for the heavy spikes in silver. Though Lord Minogue had begun to suspect that there was something more sinister going on.” Keto’s eyes were dark and stormy.

  “You say she confessed?” Esral asked.

  York nodded. “She sang like a little bird once we found a bottle of that stuff under her bed. I’m pretty sure that’s why s
he tried to run. There were two bottles in her cabinet, one had plain water and the other the silver infused stuff.” He chuckled. “Seems like Gideon had her so rattled that she grabbed the wrong one by mistake. Good thing too.”

  Esral nodded. “Why did she do it?” She couldn’t help it when her voice hitched. Her dear father had come so close to dying.

  Xavier growled, his chest vibrating against her. “She said she wanted Keto to take the throne with Cheri at his side. She hoped desperately that Cheri would stand up for the plight of the elven females. Especially the lowborn ones. She was sick of being a server, being used by the highborn, of being used by the males in general. I’m sorry to say,” he paused. “She may have actually had a hard life and I feel for her in that regard. I don’t think that she’s completely sane. She had that look in her eye when she spoke of her plans. The female is nuts.”

  York snorted. “That’s for damned sure. She’s definitely not all there.”

  “No sane person would do such a thing.” Esral shook her head. “I can never excuse what she’s done, but she is right about things needing to change.” Esral looked Keto in the eyes.

  Her brother clenched his jaw for a long time before finally nodding. “You are right, Esral. I will ensure that it happens.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “It’s not going to be easy and it’s not going to happen overnight.” His eyes stayed on hers. “Don’t expect miracles. I will speak with father once he is well and we will work towards creating a better society for all.”

  Although she moved away from the male at her side, she kept her fingers threaded with Xavier’s. This time when she hugged Keto, he hugged her back.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been so pigheaded.” His voice was thick with emotion.

  “Mmmm,” Esral said through her smile. “I promise to forgive you if you stop doing it.”

  By the time Keto released her, he was smiling too. “I promise.”

  “You can start by finding that female that you haven’t been able to get out of your mind all these years.”


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