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Seducing Skye

Page 2

by Khloe Wren

  "Carina left a few minutes ago with her men. They're taking her on a tour of their farm. She's fine and perfectly safe."

  Wow. These guys work fast. Skye had thought it would take days, at least, before Carina would allow any of the men that close to her.

  "Come with us, boo."

  Being under the intense focus of all three men had her body heating up. Watching Eilagh so happy with her two men at the bonding ceremony had Skye thinking it was worth a shot to see if it could work for her, too. Unable to find her voice, she nodded her consent. With a loud woop Axel had her in his arms, striding out of the room in moments as though she were as light as a feather. Feeling decidedly feminine, she giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She’d not been carried since she was a toddler, and the fact Axel could do it with ease had her falling a little more for him. She nuzzled her nose against his collarbone as he strode down the hallway. Hmm, the man did smell good.

  "Boo, that feels great, but you gotta wait a minute."

  "Hmm. Okay."

  She didn't. She began kissing and nipping his flesh as he all but ran down the hallways of the castle. She peeked over his shoulder and got caught in the sizzling gazes of Calix and Owen. Her breath hitched. How on earth would she cope when all three of these men had their mouths and hands on her?

  Axel shoved open a door and entered a smaller hallway. He marched forward, and Skye craned her neck to see the rooms they were passing.

  "Wait! What's in there?"

  "Later, boo. There's only one room you need to see right now."

  She looked over to Calix. "He really does miss the start of the story, doesn't he?"

  He chuckled as he shrugged. "Yeah, but most of the time you can work out what he means with a little logic. I promise you'll get a full tour of our home later."

  Feeling cheeky she nipped at Axel's collarbone. "But what if I want to look now?"


  With that Axel tossed her onto a large bed. She squealed as he followed her down. Her thighs parted automatically, and he nestled his hips between them as though they were two pieces of the same puzzle. Totally caught up in the heat of the moment, she ran her fingers up his torso. She just about drooled at the feel of such solid muscle beneath her fingertips. Supporting his weight on his elbows, he framed her face in his large hands and took possession of her mouth. She tangled her fingers in his hair as he continued the bone melting kiss. With a growl he pulled back, tugging lightly on her bottom lip.

  Skye looked up into his magenta irises completely lost to him in a lust filled daze. He ground his erection against her mound before he rolled to the side. She whimpered at the loss. She'd loved the feel of his solid weight against her.

  "Shh, angel. We got you."

  She turned to Owen as he settled on her other side. He ran a hand down her arm and took her hand in his, turning it over so he could kiss her palm. Her lips parted as she found her lungs struggling to work. The look in his eyes was hot enough to melt a glacier. He lightly traced patterns on the tender skin of her forearm as Axel began to pop open the top button of her shirt. His fingers, then lips, trailed over the skin he revealed as he moved down her front. Her body shuddered and her eyes closed when he had her shirt completely undone and spanned his hands around her waist. She was no dainty flower but a healthy size fourteen. However, with Axel's hands covering so much of her naked torso she felt tiny and oh so feminine.

  Owen leaned in and took her mouth gently. She sighed as he wooed her with his tender sweetness. A bright flash had her blood instantly running cold. She thrashed until the men released her, and then she shoved up to look around the room. She screamed as she struggled to move further up the bed away from the dragon at the other end. She whimpered as her back slammed against the headboard. She was stuck with no way to escape from the beast that seemed to be calling out to her. What could she do? Her daddy wasn't here this time to save her.


  For a moment Owen was struck mute with shock. What the bloody hell just happened? In the space of moments, their sweet little Desired had gone from a delectable mess of femininity beneath him and Axel to a petrified female shoving them all away. All because Calix was in dragon form.

  "Skye? Angel, it's okay. It's Calix."

  He moved slowly up the bed toward her, and she cringed away, refusing to look away from Calix. Her skin had paled slightly, and her eyes were wide as tears trickled down her cheeks.

  You better change back, Calix.

  Damn, I wondered if she feared dragons with the way she ran off after Max shifted that first time. But she was fine at the ceremony earlier. I'd hoped I was wrong.

  You didn't see her turn her face into Carina during that part of the bonding? I doubt she saw any of what happened when Dimitri and Max were in dragon form.

  With another flash, Calix was back in human form. Instantly Skye's shoulders slumped, and she buried her face in her hands as she wept. Owen gathered her into his embrace and nestled her against his chest as he sat on the mattress with her.

  "Shh, angel. It's okay."

  "No, it's not. Damn it! How could I forget what you turn into and think this would work? I can't—I just can't."

  Calix moved to kneel on her other side and stroked his palm down her hair.

  "Can't what, love? You know it was me? Regardless of the form we take, we have the same knowledge. None of us would harm you in any way in either dragon or human form."

  "How'd you get the scars on your leg, boo?"

  At Axel's words her whole body tensed up, and Owen contemplated how he could best injure his stupid little brother without releasing his hold on Skye.

  "Seriously, Axel? How is that relevant?"

  Axel opened his mouth to respond but didn't get a word out before Skye spoke up.

  "You're way too perceptive, Axel. I guess you saw the scarring when we were checked over in the clinic after we arrived?"

  "Yeah, love. The three of us gently undressed you so Baxter could check for injuries. He told us the wound on your thigh was most probably a childhood injury and that it had fully healed."

  "Physically healed doesn't always mean it's completely healed, Calix."

  "We know all about deep wounds, Skye. You've noticed there're no other females aside from you and your friends?"

  She uncurled and raised her head to look up at Calix. "Becky told us about the liaths and their lies. I'm sorry they were so cruel as to create such a disease that robbed you all of your women and children."

  Axel had sat to Owen's side, and he leaned down to kiss Skye's cheek.

  "So, how about you tell us what happened? Help us understand."

  "There's not much to tell really. The whole family had gone down to a local billabong, which is like a large deep pond, on a hot day. A few of us kids decided to cool off in the water. My older cousin, Parri, was on crocodile lookout. No one saw it before it attacked. Parri said afterward that he saw a big swirl of water behind me seconds before I went under." Owen tightened his hold on her as she shuddered. "I felt its scaly tail against my calf moments before it sank its teeth into my thigh and dragged me under. Crocodiles attack by going into a death roll. They basically drown you before they go stash your body somewhere until you rot enough that they can pull your body apart and eat you. Pretty gory, I know. There are heaps of crocs in the Northern Territory—where I'm from on Earth—so the elders make sure the younger ones know what to do. That's why we always have someone on croc watch. Although we proved that day it doesn't always work.

  "Anyway, I knew I had to get free of its jaw before it dragged me into the deeper water so when it pulled me under I grabbed at the bank and caught hold of a stick. Using it like a dagger I went for its eyes. Must have scored a lucky shot because it released me. As soon as I was free I made my way out of the water, I was halfway out when my dad snatched me up and ran the rest of the way. I watched over his shoulder as the croc made another lunge for me. If Dad hadn't come when he did, I'd have been dragged ba
ck down. Doubt I could have gotten away twice. So in a way, the croc watch did work because Parri alerted the adults in time to get all us kids out of the water. I was taken to hospital with an eight inch gash in my leg and several puncture wounds from its teeth. I was lucky. No permanent muscle damage."

  Owen stared into Calix's pained expression.

  She has every right to be frightened of anything with scales. What are we going to do?

  Love her as men, Owen. That's all we can do. With time she'll come around. She'll see the others happy and safe.

  And we'll make sure she sees us in dragon form at a distance a few times. Let her see we're in control and mean her no harm as dragons.

  Owen closed his eyes as he absorbed what his two brothers had said. If she'd touch them in dragon form, they'd be able to find her anywhere, anytime. She'd also feel a stronger pull toward them after seeing their dragons.

  "Hell of a thing for a child to suffer, Skye. We're certainly glad your father was close at hand to save you. Now you have all three of us. You'll always be protected."

  Chapter Two

  Calix struggled to push down the doubts he could clearly read in his brothers' gazes. Despite his words, he felt the same. They weren't designed to stay permanently in one form. And how the hell were they going to perform the bonding ceremony? She needed to declare her acceptance of both their dragons and human forms.

  He looked down into his Desired's gaze and saw her vulnerability and pain. He needed to remember that her scars weren't her fault. They would help her overcome this. He was fairly certain if she'd just allow herself to relax around them in dragon form she'd feel the pull and they wouldn't have any more problems. It was just getting her to relax around them in the first place that was going to be tricky.

  She started to pull free of Owen's embrace, and his brother reluctantly released her.

  "I understand if that's a deal breaker for you guys. The fact I'm scared of things with scales when you all change into creatures covered in them, well, it's simply not going to work, is it?"

  She scooted to the edge of the mattress before any of them could shake free of their shock. What the hell? She thought they would give up on her just like that? I don't think so.

  Axel was obviously on the same page and beat Calix to Skye. He scooped her up and tossed her back on the bed. Once again he pinned her down with his body.

  "Where you going, boo?"

  She frowned up at them as Calix moved to kneel above her head. He took her hands from Axel's grip and took over holding them firmly against the mattress. Axel once again spread her shirt wide revealing her lacy underclothes before he splayed his hands over her bare torso. She shivered with a little moan.

  "You were all so quiet after I told you. I figured that you were trying to decide how to get rid of me nicely."

  "Females are strange. You're our Desired, angel. A little story and a completely understandable fear aren’t going to change that. All three of us will always want you."

  Calix felt her tense up beneath his hands as he sensed her mood darken.

  "So nothing about me matters? I'm fated to be yours, so that's the end of it? You'll take me because you have to, not because you want to. Let. Me. Up." Her last words were spoken through clenched teeth as she struggled against his grip.

  Calix had zero intention of ever letting Skye go. He held her still as Axel took her face between his palms and leaned down until his lips almost touched hers.

  "You've got it all wrong, boo."

  He pressed his lips to hers and took possession of her mouth. The tension drained out of her body as the kiss went on, and Calix released her wrists to run his hands up her arms to massage her shoulders. Skye ran her fingers into Axel's hair as she melted into the mattress. Eventually Axel pulled away a fraction.

  "Does that feel like something I'm doing because I have to? Skye, it's because you're our Desired we feel so strongly that we can overcome your scars. We're not giving up, and we're going to help you heal and move forward. If you can't ever move past fearing things with scales, we'll stay human when we're together. You should know, though, that dragons have some interesting benefits."

  Axel began rubbing his thumb over her lower lip, which was reddened from his kiss. Calix was rock hard in his leathers and about to explode. Now he had to listen to Axel tell their Desired about their tongues?

  Owen, start taking her shoes off. Let's get our female naked. Axel is killing me here.

  I hear you. He's being a shameless tease. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll get even with him soon enough.

  Shut up, the pair of you. I've calmed her down and have her all soft and rumpled again. Quit complaining.

  Okay, Calix had to admit Axel kind of had a point.

  "What do you mean? Benefits?"

  "Well, once you touch us in dragon form, we'll be able to sense you, and if you're ever in trouble we'll be able to find you. But on a more personal level ... our tongues vibrate when we purr."

  "Your tongues do what?"

  Axel rolled off her in time for Owen to reach over and undo her pants. Calix groaned as Owen wrestled them over her hips. He moved to the end of the bed to help Owen peel the material from her body. Once her sexy long legs were bare, Owen moved to lie beside her as Axel lowered his lips to her ear. Fortunately, with shifter hearing, Calix still heard him.

  "They vibrate, boo. Just remember that when Calix is eating you up in a minute. Imagine how much better it would be with a thick, long vibrating dragon tongue inside of you."

  With a groan Skye's eyes slid closed as she arched her back. Both his brothers attacked the clothing covering her breasts as Calix gripped the edge of the lace covering her pussy and took his time revealing her fully.

  "Oh now we're talking. You don't need to be wearing these underclothes anymore, love. They just keep us from you."

  Running his hands up the insides of her soft thighs, he spread her wide and looked his fill. She was gorgeous and already glistening with her arousal. He would have loved to be able to use his dragon tongue on her, but he would make it good for her with his human one, no problems. He glanced up, wanting to see her lust filled expression. What he saw stole his breath. His brothers had their mouths on her breasts, and she had a hand tangled in their hair, holding them both to her. Her head was tilted back, but he could see her eyes were closed and her lips parted in an expression of bliss.

  With a wicked grin Calix lowered himself between her legs as he inhaled her sweet scent. His first kiss landed behind her knee, and she jerked a little. He continued to kiss and nip his way up her soft inner thigh, loving how her flesh trembled beneath his lips. He reached her pussy and stopped to inhale deeply a few times. Her scent was a heady mix of her natural sweetness tinged with her musk. He hummed as he took his first taste. Swiping his tongue through her slick folds he moaned with pleasure.

  “Damn, you taste as perfect as you smell.”

  With that initial taste, he was instantly addicted. He gripped her hips in his hands to hold her squirming body still as he covered her with his mouth and proceed to thoroughly devour her. After taking his fill, he began thrusting his tongue deep inside her until she clenched down on him. His skin tingled all over as she began to come for him.


  She couldn't breathe. Skye shuddered as she came apart and filled Calix's mouth with her cream. He kept at her, lapping gently as she came down from her high.

  "Your taste is addictive, love. So exquisite."

  He pressed a final kiss to her lower tummy before he moved off her. Axel tugging at her sensitive nipple with his teeth drew her attention. He nibbled his way around the underside of her breast and down her ribs before he teasingly bit her hip bone. Calix slid onto the bed where Axel had been as Axel settled between her thighs.

  Axel slid his tongue in deep as Calix took her mouth in a blazing hot kiss. She could taste herself mixed in with Calix’s as his tongue danced with hers. A large hand began to knead her breast as Owen continue
d to tug and suck on the other one. She whimpered into Calix's mouth. She was flying high with all the sensations. These men were too much, yet just right. She wound her fingers into Calix and Owen's hair as they continued to tease her. Calix moved from her mouth and down to the breast. Owen surged up and took her lips with his.

  Axel added a finger, then two as he continued to tease her core. He latched onto her clit with his mouth and sucked as he thrust his fingers into her, and she couldn’t hold back any more. She screamed as her body convulsed, and Axel hummed as he licked her clean.

  "I'm never going to get enough of you, boo."

  He kissed her inner thigh before, like Calix, he moved off her and took Owen's place by her side. Owen prowled up the mattress toward her, his magenta gaze filled with carnal heat.

  "My turn, angel."

  She whimpered, not entirely sure she could climax again. Every part of her was sensitive from her two climaxes, and she just about flew out of her skin when Owen nuzzled his face against the back of her knee.

  "You guys are too much. I can't go again!"

  Calix kissed her neck and whispered in her ear, "Sure you can, Skye. We're going to love you all night."

  She whimpered again as Owen took his first swipe of her. Her body shuddered with arousal as Owen took his time exploring her most private flesh with his tongue and fingers. Axel and Calix gently kneaded her breasts and trailed their fingertips over her sweat slicked skin as they kissed and nipped their way up her neck, then over her jaw and cheekbones.

  Before her mind could catch up, the men blew her world apart. Calix and Axel lowered to suck on the sensitive flesh where her neck met her shoulder on each side. In the same moment Owen rubbed a slick finger against her back entrance as he gently bit her clit. She screamed as she climaxed and bucked against them. Hands stroked her body as Owen lapped at her core. His finger, slick with her own cream, had now penetrated her rear, and he was gently sliding it in and out of her body. Nerves she never knew she had sparked and sent ripples of awareness through her body.


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