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ZetaTalk: Transformation

Page 6

by Nancy Lieder

  exponential increase in disasters affecting travel will slowly create this scenario. Thus local rule will

  be the only concern, certainly not federal rule, and most likely not even state or provincial rule.

  Martial Law requires the long reach of the law, but all the links in this chain will be broken.


  Most of mankind walks through life following rules, from the parents, dictated by organized

  religion, currently in force in the school system, as stated in numerous government statutes, as

  interpreted by the courts or police, implied by current social mores, or agreed upon by local

  associations. They are everywhere, but the press of disasters, and acute pain, prioritize loyalties and

  the rules they represent quickly. The first to go are those at a distance from the home and heart.

  Soldiers go AWOL in a wink, even if at a great distance from home, seeing their commanders

  suddenly irrelevant. Soldiers with a basic good heart simply walk away from orders that are cruel or

  dictatorial, the order not heeded, leaving commanders sputtering and read faced, alone. Martial Law

  requires the unrequited loyally of soldiers, but almost every soldier, certainly the grunts in the

  trenches or manning the guns, will become a broken link in this chain.


  It is often imagined by power mongering dictators at the heads of corporations or countries that the

  populace sits like sheep awaiting a directive. In fact, it is that they insist on this posture, punishing

  innovation as thought it were sedition, that creates this passivity. Thus, they assume a passivity that

  does not exist. When disasters and the acute pain this brings descend, it will not be the leaders of

  countries or corporations that emerge with solutions, it will be leadership emerging from the

  common man. The power mongers will sit in their control centers, barking orders, but no one will be

  listening. Where have the sheep gone? Over the hill, like wild horses, following the stallion. Not

  sheep, after all. Martial Law requires the populace to follow directives, like sheep, but every

  resourceful solution to a crisis breaks that chain, broken links all.


  The coming Earth changes leading into the pole shift is such that few anchors in what man assumes

  his Universe to be will remain. Only those with a solid connection to the Universal connection

  between people, an understanding of the spiritual realm and how and why their current life is not as

  important as the overall flow of their spiritual existence and its direction, will be grounded. The[2/5/2012 11:12:54 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Broken Link

  spiritually immature lack this understanding, and those stuck in self centered modes refuse to look

  beyond themselves, and are more prone to panic. Man sees the Sun rise in the East, hears his

  religion assert a connection to the gods, and thinks the laws of the land virtually immutable. Then

  one day the Sun rises in the NW, the church is red faced and without comment, and the government

  in disarray and not fulfilling their duties. Depression, hysteria, hiding in closets and seeking comfort

  in delusions, all will emerge, epidemic. Those most needing to be in control, such as the self serving

  power mongers attempting to rule the world, and those most seeking the comfort that a sense of

  continuity provides, such as the spiritually immature, will be most affected. Thus those that would

  impose Martial Law, and their minions in the corporations and in the military and in the ranks of

  government, will be mostly affected by madness. Once again, the broken link, found muttering in the

  closet instead of at their posts.[2/5/2012 11:12:54 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Dictatorships

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  ZetaTalk: Dictatorships

  written Nov 6, 2004

  The people seem so easily duped and this gang of crooks is the most effective I've seen. It sounds like we're

  going to be still waiting and watching as the Bush regime continues into the new year.

  It is said that history repeats itself, but this lies in the heart of man who does not cease wanting power over others,

  control mechanisms that ensure this, and the accumulation of great wealth for personal gain and to ensure cooperation

  from others. If the playing field is leveled, these games soon ensue again on worlds such as Earth where young spirits

  are learning how to interact with each other, sorting out whether to mature into empathic beings or to remain self

  focused. If it is a true statement that history repeats itself, it is also true that no king is safe, as those clawing up the hill to unseat him are never at rest. Earth’s recent history includes long running dictatorships, murder by the millions, and

  countries driven to ruin before change occurs. But where the dictator’s desire for power and wealth seem pre-eminent,

  it is economic issues as a whole that decide the outcome.

  In Stalin’s era 40 million Russians were killed to feed his sense of control and supremacy, and the Gulag lasted

  longer. By the time communism collapsed in Russia, the legitimate mode of business in the hands of the

  communists had been supplanted by the Black Market, a quiet economic civil war. Germany over-reached and

  engaged all its neighbors at once, a fatal mistake made by megalomaniacs. Had the reach been shorter, neither

  Russia or Britain or the US would have engaged, despite 6 million Jews having been brutally murdered. Where

  megalomania, unrelenting greed for domination, was endemic in those directing Hitler, it was many decades of

  economic deprivation that pressed the people of Germany to cooperate, in the end a self defeating move.

  Britain ruled the waves in past eras, a tiny island inserting its rule in far off places such as India and China, only

  to lose to such simple forces as passive resistance in India under Ghandi, where refusal to cooperate as workers

  won the day, and more recently in Hong Kong because an economic giant no longer tolerated the pretense. The

  US achieved independence from Britain via bloodshed, but the inevitable outcome would have led to this result,

  in time, the tiny hand of arrogance from a tiny island simply ignored. African nations likewise, invaded because

  of their resources and then turned into colonies and eventually into puppet governments, eventually achieved

  independence by the force of their economic might, attractive to many. Again, an economic revolution. In South

  Africa apartheid ran for decades, the black man an essential slave, before economic pressures from around the

  world pressed for change.

  China remains a communist stronghold, but the ruling elite who in the past purged intellectuals and whose

  prisons today are filled with political, not criminal, prisoners, are acquiescing for the sake of economic growth.

  The giant awakes, and control over the minds and awareness of the massive populace is weakening as a result.

  In contrast, North Korea is led by incompetence which has put the country into starvation under the hand of a

  dictator who will party until his last countryman is in the grave. This will result in a palace revolution or a

  scuffle with a neighbor, in either case a change in leadership. The lack of crops and food stores, an economic

  issue, will be the deciding factor.

  How does this history comfort those under dictatorships in place today, or those slipping into dictatorship as those in

  the US fear their loss of voting rights might indi
cate? If the pole shift is an Opportunity for rebels to emerge, it is likewise an opportunity for palace revolutions or border scuffles, but the outcome among survivors will be driven by

  economics, once again, the sword hammered into a plow, by necessity.[2/5/2012 11:12:55 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Che Lives!

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  ZetaTalk: Che Lives!

  written Oct 14, 2006

  President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez was talking about Che Guevara lately. Chavez was comparing this

  legendary South American revolutionist-fighter to Jesus. Can the Zetas comment about the Che lives!

  phenomenon? [and from another] Ernesto Che

  Guevara was murdered on October 9, 1967 - shot in the head by a Bolivian soldier in the presence of the

  CIA. When the world's powerful cheered the brutal murder of the anti-imperialist and revolutionary

  socialist fighter, they hadn't considered that his murder would transform Che into a symbol of the global

  struggle against injustice.

  We stated at the start of ZetaTalk that S. America was a battleground between the Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self, recently won. Many spirits, incarnated and disincarnate, were engaged. Look to the past of S America, the

  Pinochet regime, the NAZI refugees in Argentina, the brutal colonial attitude of the elite in power in so many of S

  America's countries. Look to the remarkable change in just this past decade. Brazil went remarkably democratic in

  2002, with Luiz da Silva, a left leaning President, elected resoundingly. In early 2006 Chili elected S America's first

  woman President, an astonishing feat considering her opponent was an ultra-right millionaire. That Venezula's

  President, Chavez, survived a CIA backed coup in 2002 should likewise not be a surprise, given the attention paid to S

  America by spirits in the Service-to-Other, who stood like angels around him during his trials. Where is this leading?

  Clearly, this supports our assertion that the battle for the soul of S. American has been won. In that Africa is beginning

  to see signs of the same kind of revolution, our assertion that the battle has moved to Africa is likewise supported.

  It has often been stated that many heroes are stronger in death than in life, especially if they are martyred. But the

  process does not require a martyr. Democratic revolutions almost invariably include a figurehead who is dramatically

  Service-to-Other, loudly espousing the right of the common man to equal rights with oppressors and presenting a clear

  plan on how such equality might be achieved. When one looks closely at their personality from childhood to

  adulthood, one can see they were cast in this mold from the beginning. They are clearly souls on a mission, and their

  life circumstances had little to do with where they ultimately arrived. There are more similarities than differences in

  the life of Jesus and Che and Chavez, in point of fact, as they all proceed resolute in the face of oppression despite the

  threats made upon their personal safety. Cut from the same mold. Where a fight is protracted, or iterative, a current

  hero may invoke the memory of one past. In the US at present, there are comparisons to NAZI Germany, comparing

  Bush to Hitler and his fascist and war mongering ways. In response, Bush has compared himself to President Lincoln,

  who fought to emancipate the slaves, but the comparison does not stick. Thus, Che lives in Chavaz, but Lincoln does

  not live in Bush, as the people are not so fooled.[2/5/2012 11:12:56 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles

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  ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles

  written May 27, 2009

  Leadership in time of crisis is most often different than the leadership that prevails during calm and stable times. When

  the unknown presents, leadership differs from that which is required during familiar challenges. For Earth in the near

  future, the leadership that will emerge will be that which can deal with all known techniques for group preservation

  being questioned, all established expectations for intra-group cooperation being disappointed, and problems the group

  faces routinely overwhelming the resources of the group. In other words, the leadership will be taking a fresh

  approach, or will fail. This almost invariably excludes the establishment leadership, which has emerged during

  economic and geological stability. The qualities of leadership have been much analyzed, and training programs

  established, but captains of industry have emerged not from such programs but because of qualities within the captain

  himself. These qualities are often elusive and thus ascribed to something like charisma but their basis is something

  more simplistic. The cave man, facing physical dangers, selected the tallest, strongest, and most brutal among then to

  be their leaders. These same qualities that allow such a man to defend the group against large predators could be

  turned against any challenger in the group. This tradition extends to man's cultures today, where the leader that

  emerges is often a large, brutal man. It is only recently that women have begun to emerge as the chosen leaders in

  countries around the world.

  Once the cave man could survive without constant fear of attack by large predators, other qualities determined the

  selection of a leader for the group. When conflicts between groups could not be settled by one group leaving to find

  new territory, then war between groups developed to resolve the conflicts, and the leader who was shrewd and cunning

  was the winner. The political game of chess whereby bribery or psychological manipulation was an advantage was

  born, and man has hardly moved from that tradition either. Today, the political leader selected by the populace is most

  often a large, brutal, and cunning man. It is only recently that the ability to cooperate with one's neighbors has been

  shown to be a more effective trait. When the world as a whole suffers crop shortages and natural disasters, then war

  does not solve a these problems. The addition of new territory only brings with it new headaches. During times of

  stability, the population turns its attention to gain for every household. Each head of family is concerned about

  gathering assets and their status within the community. Any leadership battles during such times involves promises, a

  type of bribery. Self promoting politicians promise that the changes they will bring will increase each family's asset

  base and give this or that sub-group more benefits and prestige. This all too familiar political dance thus packs the

  halls of power with self promoting liars, who are hardly suited to address a crisis when it comes along.

  Since what is facing the Earth in the short term will be an immense crisis, the old models for leaders will be lacking in

  the qualities that mankind will need. After the first few weeks after the cataclysms, the problem of looting gangs and

  limited supplies will be sorted out, and then mankind will be faced with different challenges. There are few parts of

  the globe currently beset with large predators, so physical strength and brutality are outdated as leadership qualities. In

  fact, rewarding a large, brutal man with a leadership position puts the group into catatonia, as all fear to offend the

  leader with ideas. Where starvation is endemic, worldwide, and supplies have run out, being shrewd and manipulative

  also gains the group nothing. What is there to steal? In a world without police or courts, justice against those who

  would ste
al or con others will be swift. The criminal, however clothed, will not be tolerated. Will the group elect a

  leader who makes promises but cannot deliver? Today this process continues for two reasons - the electoral system

  prevents removal of those who have been shown to be liars, or the country is under a dictatorship. But the world of the

  future, after the coming pole shift, will not tolerate such leaders. The electoral process will be shattered along with

  communications outside of the local area. Leadership will have to be earned, on a daily basis, as daily challenges

  emerge. Those who self promote by brutality, by attempting to intimidate, will die out and fail, as we have often

  explained, because their style of leadership assumes a steady support system. Where food production has collapsed,

  and food distribution is impossible, all are starving and only those groups where all cooperate will be healthy. The

  looting gang dies off when there is nothing left to loot, and cannot migrate on an empty stomach while on foot.[2/5/2012 11:12:56 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Leadership Styles

  So what is left, among the models for leadership of mankind? Those that can elicit cooperation among survivors and

  those who are resourceful. Today, these are not the qualities of the official leadership, though times are changing. The

  tribal models, or those models that have developed alongside mankind's domesticated food production, during times of

  plenty, will not suffice. Organized religion fails as anything but a delusion of comfort, playing on man's fears and

  confusion but not offering solutions to distress. Attempts to intimidate followers will fail in desperate times, as

  rebellion will emerge. Established leadership who rose to prominence on hot air and self aggrandizement will be

  challenged by crisis and fail, thence to be ignored. What will be left in this void is the natural leader who will elicit

  cooperation and have ideas, be resourceful. These individuals are almost routinely ignored or taken advantage of in

  today's world. When the promise of besting one's neighbors exists, taking what they have by force or by cunning, the


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