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Till Beth Do Us Part (A Jamie Bravo Mystery Book 2)

Page 23

by Layce Gardner

  Travis spins toward the full-length mirror and sighs at his reflection. “All right, this really is more evening wear, although I do look hot.”

  “You do. You’re hotter than Veronica,” I say, massaging his giant gay boy ego. “Now find an outfit. We’ve got a lot to do,” I urge. My cell phone rings. It’s London.

  I walk out of the closet and answer it. “Where are you?”

  “The living room.”

  “And you’re calling me?”

  “You’d rather I text?”

  I walk across the room and peek down the hallway. I see London leaning against the front door with her phone to her ear.

  “I can see you. This is weird.”

  London pockets her phone and gestures for me to join her. I do. “What’s up? Why’d you call?”

  “Update on Operation Veronica. I got my newspaper guy all set to put the story in the evening edition. It’ll be out by five p.m. He’s putting some of his drinking buddies on the courthouse steps, posing as press. I got a tail put on Terri. She’s been hanging around the jail all day wanting to get in to see Veronica. She makes a move, he’ll be on her ass,” London says.

  “Perfect. Who’s doing the tail?”

  “Sam,” London says.

  Sam had helped in the dog show case where we caught a prominent citizen who was behind a series of dognappings. Sam’s a good guy and a good cop. “I like Sam,” I say.

  “As much as you like me?” London asks with that sexy smirk of hers.

  “You know better than that. So you and I are going to be stationed here in Veronica’s apartment?”

  “Condo,” she corrects.


  “No. You and Michael are going to be picking Veronica up when she gets out of jail and bringing her here. That’s what Terri will expect. You’ll have to make sure she’s following you.”

  The thought of a cold-blooded killer following me sends a shiver down my spine. “You think this could get dangerous?”

  “Maybe. You should bring along your banana-gun.”

  I’ll never live that down. I must be the only P.I. in history who’s scared of guns. “Don’t laugh. A banana is more dangerous than you think. I could drop it on the ground and Terri could slip on the peel.”

  At that moment Travis struts down the hallway like a model walking down a runway. He prances to the middle of the living room and does a series of complicated spins. He finally freezes with one hand behind his head and the other on his jutting hip.

  London wolf whistles at him like a horny construction worker.

  “Hubba hubba,” I say. “You look great.”

  He’s dressed in a gray and white pin-striped blazer and skirt set with matching white pumps and sunglasses.

  “I think you look perfect,” Michael says. “Classy and conservative yet with panache. You need a string of pearls and matching earrings. A woman always finishes off her outfit with appropriate accessories.”

  “Speaking of which, I’ll need a purse,” Travis said. “Does Veronica have a white clutch?”

  “I’ll go look,” Michael says, deer-leaping back down the hallway and to the bedroom.

  Travis lowers his giant white sunglasses and looks at me. “You’re going to be there with me, right?”

  “Of course,” I say. “I will pick you up at the courthouse and escort you all the way back here.”

  “I got this for you,” London says. She hands Travis a small canister of pepper spray. “Just in case.” He tucks into his cleavage.

  Michael reappears with all the accessories and begins to decorate Travis like he’s a Christmas tree.

  “And I got Michael this,” London says handing him a super-sized canister.

  Michael studies the label. “Bear pray?”

  “That stuff will completely disable just about anything. Terri gets frisky, you hit her full in the face. She won’t be able to see or breathe.”

  “How come he gets the big one?” Travis whines.

  “Because I didn’t think you’d be able to put the big one in your tight outfit,” London says.

  “That’s what he said,” Michael and I say at the same time.

  Travis cracks a smile.

  I turn around and find Bruce sitting on Veronica’s white couch eating Cheetos. He eats two then feeds one to Ivan. Two for him, one for Ivan. I can already hear Veronica’s screeches about the orange marks on her couch. It sure didn’t take Ivan long to make Bruce like him. He must be all forgiven for the shoe-peeing.

  “Bruce,” I say, “Remember, if Terri shows up, you’ll let her in without a fuss. She’ll probably be dressed as the Able Cable techie. But even if she’s not, let her right up, okay?”

  He nods and feeds another Cheetoh to Ivan. I need to get them off the white couch before there’s an accident. A very orange accident. “Okay, are we ready to roll?” I ask with a clap of my hands.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Michael cheerleads.

  Michael throws his hand out and Travis put his hand on top of Michael’s. London puts her hand on top of theirs. I add my hand and we all say, “One. Two. Three. Rock and roll!”


  I park Silver in front of the courthouse in a prominent spot. I want Terri to be sure to see me as I escort Fake Veronica into my car. London sneaks Michael and Travis in the back way of the courthouse. The plan is for her to escort them through the building and out the front doors where I will meet Fake Veronica and take ‘her’ home.

  The fake press is there in full force. I spot Terri off to the side of the press, standing on her tiptoes, craning her neck to see what’s happening.

  So far, so good.

  I see Fake Veronica throw open the glass doors and make a grand entrance worthy of Loretta Young. Michael trails in her wake, dressed in a suit and tie, and looking very lawyerish even if his Nathan Detroit shoulder pads are a little much. The press mobs Fake Veronica, but before she can speak, I push my way through the throng, grab her elbow, and pull her back through the people. Michael plays his part beautifully, saying, “No comment. No comment. I’m sorry Ms. Smythe has no comment at this time.”

  I make sure Terri gets an eyeful, but never gets too close.

  I push Fake Veronica into Silver’s passenger seat. Michael hops in the back. I peel out of the parking spot and onto the street, leaving the press far behind. I look in my rear view mirror. No sign of Terri.

  I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

  I slow down, giving Terri enough time to catch up with us. Travis collapses back in his seat and breathes, “I have never been so scared in my life. Not even in the 5th grade play when I was Captain von Trapp in the Sound of Music.”

  “You played von Trappe? I was Liesel!” Michael exclaims.

  “Of course you were,” I mutter, making a quick right turn.

  “Try walking down those courthouse steps in heels, my God. That was the worst part. I was so afraid I’d trip, my wig would fall off, and our whole plan would be ruined. I have such respect for women now,” Travis says.

  My cell phone rings. It’s London. “How’d it go?” I ask.

  “Terri is in her car and on the road. Sam is three cars behind her. I’m behind him. He says Terri’s hanging about two blocks behind you.”

  “What? What? What?” Travis says.

  “It’s London. She says Terri is following us and Sam is following her and she’s following Sam.”

  “Proceed to the apartment as planned,” London says.

  “Condo,” I say.

  “Whatever.” She hangs up.

  “Ready for Act Two?” I ask.

  “Omigod,” Travis says, preening in the visor’s mirror. “I’m so nervous. What if this backfires and Terri kills Veronica? And by Veronica, I mean me.”

  “Nothing like that is going to happen,” I try to reassure him.

  Travis places his hand over his heart and says dramatically, “I just want you to know that I love you and you’re the best friend
I’ve ever had.”

  “Stop being so dramatic,” I say.

  “I know what will calm your nerves,” Michael says. “Join me!” And with that he begins to sing, “I am sixteen, going on seventeen. . .”


  I park right in front of The 509. I turn off the engine and dial London.

  She answers with, “You there?”

  “We’re here. Where’s Terri?”

  “Sam says she’s parked in the Starbuck’s lot three doors down and she’s going in.”

  “What on earth? She needs a latte before she kills Veronica?”

  “She probably went in there to change into her Able Cable uniform. It’s good place to do it. The restrooms are down the hall from the exit. She could get in and out with no one seeing her or paying much attention. Besides she wants you all to have time to get in the building.”

  “Travis is nervous,” I say.

  “Don’t tell her that!” Travis hisses at me.

  “Sam and I have this covered,” London says reassuringly. “No worries.”

  “I know.”

  “Tell him to hang tough. I’ll spring for drinks and dinner once this is all over.”

  “Gotcha. Later.”

  I hang up. We all three sit in silence. I keep hearing the Sound of Music soundtrack in my head. I wish Michael had picked a different earworm.

  Sure enough, five minutes pass and then I see Terri strolling down the sidewalk dressed as an Able Cable technician. She’s wearing tinted glasses and a ball cap pulled low.

  “Here we go, Trav,” I say. “She’s on the move.”

  “Break a leg, honey,” Michael coos from the backseat.

  Travis takes a deep breath, opens his door, and climbs out as Veronica. He leans back down and throws me kiss through the window before strutting into the lobby of The 509. I see through the glass doors as Fake Veronica waves at Bruce and enters the elevator. It all looks so normal. It’s hard to believe in a matter of moments Terri will be up there trying to kill Fake Veronica.

  I pull back out into traffic. As I drive by Starbucks, I notice that Sam has blocked in Terri’s car. Good thinking. That way if she makes a run for it, she’ll have to do it on foot.

  I drive around the block just in time to see Terri enter The 509. I quickly dial London.

  “The eagle’s in the nest,” I say.


  “Terri entered the building.”

  “Why didn’t you just say that?” London asks.


  Suddenly, Michael jumps out of the backseat and heads toward the building.

  I throw open my door and jump out. “Where’re you going?” I shout after him.

  Michael yells over his shoulder. “He’s the love of my life. I can’t let him be killed!” He rushes inside the building. I watch as he crosses the lobby and punches the elevator button about five hundred times.

  There’s no way I’m going to let Travis and Michael get hurt all by themselves. If they get hurt, I want to get hurt, too. I double-park Silver and head for the building.

  Bruce greets me as I jog toward the elevator. He huffs alongside me, saying, “Terri just went up two minutes ago. She was all smiles and charming. Even showed me her badge. Her name read Evelyn Park,” Bruce said. “That friend of yours took the elevator after hers.”

  I press the elevator button. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

  I look up and see the elevator arrow pointing at the twelfth floor. That means Terri and Michael are both on the twelfth floor. Not good. I watch the elevator arrow. It doesn’t move. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

  I don’t have time to wait. I sprint for the stairs. I yell over my shoulder, “Bruce! Call Detective Wells. Tell her to get her butt up to Veronica’s apartment.”

  “Condo,” I hear him correct.


  I run up the stairs. Up the stairs. Up, up, up.

  I wish I had eaten less pasta, I think as I pass the second floor landing. I wish I’d paid more attention to my Fitbit, I think as I pass the fourth floor landing. I’m going to have a freakin’ heart attack, I think as I run past the sixth floor landing. I’m going to die before Terri can kill me, I think as I stop before the twelfth floor door.

  I open the heavy metal door and peek out. The hallway is clear. I ease through and quietly shut the door behind me. I softly walk down the carpeted hall toward Veronica’s.

  There’s a blood-curdling scream!

  I rush the door and throw it open. It bangs against the wall on the other side. I freeze at what I see.

  Travis is sprawled on the living room floor on his back with Terri straddling his waist. She has a vicious looking knife pressed against his throat. His wig has been ripped off and is lying across the room. His skirt is bunched up around his hips showing his support panty hose.

  Terri shouts, spraying spittle, “Where is Veronica? Who are you?”

  I enter with my hands held up where she can see I’m not armed. “Terri. . .” I say gently. “It’s only me. Jamie.”

  “Where’s Veronica?” she snarls.

  “She’s still in jail,” I say.

  “You set me up?” she asks with genuine surprise.

  “Give me the knife and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “Like hell I will,” she growls. “You made a fool out of me. Somebody’s got to pay.” She presses the knife harder. A trickle of blood runs down Travis’s neck.

  “The cops are on their way, Terri. They’ll be here any minute. You won’t get away with this.”

  “You’re one of them,” she says. “I thought you were my friend, but you’re just like all the others.”

  I get the feeling she’s talking more about high school than now. Her mind has totally lost its grip on reality. I decide to go with the flow. “I am your friend, Terri. I don’t want you to get hurt. Veronica and Beth Ellen already got what they deserve.”

  “I killed that nasty Beth Ellen,” Terri says. “But I love Veronica. I want to marry her. I don’t want to kill her, too.”

  “Okay,” I say patiently. “But now it’s time to go.”

  “Go?” she asks, her voice cracking.

  I nod. “The cops are on their way. You need to leave if you’re going to get away.”

  “Will you come with me?” she asks. “I hate being alone.”

  Her eyes are so pitiful I almost forget she’s a cold-blooded killer. “Sure, Terri, I’ll go with you.”

  She stands and drops the knife. “Okay,” she says.

  But before she can take a step there’s another scream and Michael rushes through the front door. He’s holding the canister of bear spray in his outstretched arm. He runs at Terri and presses the trigger. The bear spray hits her full-blast in the face.

  “Argh!” Terri falls to her knees, her hands covering her face.

  Michael falls to his knees beside Travis and pulls him into an embrace. “Omigod,” he pants. “I thought she was going to kill you.”

  “You saved me,” Travis whispers, his eyelids fluttering dramatically.

  “I did, didn’t I?” Michael says, puffing out his chest.

  “You really love me,” Travis says.

  “I do. I really do,” Michael answers.

  “Oh, fer Chrissakes,” I say. “Stop with the theatrics, you two.”

  But they ignore me and melt into a long, passionate kiss.

  Meanwhile, Terri is rolling around on the floor, clawing at her eyes and mouth, gagging and crying like a . . . well, like an injured bear.

  Two more people rush into the condo. It’s London and Sam. They quickly take in the scene and Sam handcuffs Terri. London reads Terri her rights.

  “This is entrapment,” Terri says through red, teary eyes. “It’ll never stick.”

  “Oh, yes it will. You assaulted, with the intent to commit murder, a private citizen, not to mention breaking and entering,” London says.

  “And impersonating a cable employee,” I add. I don’t know if
that’s really against the law, but it sounds good.

  “But he was pretending to be Veronica,” Terri says, wiping her runny nose on her shoulder.

  “There’s no law against that. Drag queens do it all the time. He can be Veronica if he wants,” I say.

  “You can’t prove a thing!” she shouts.

  “You confessed, Terri. You told me you killed Beth Ellen.”

  “You can’t prove that,” Terri says. “It’s your word against mine.”

  “I can prove it,” Travis says. He stands and wobbles in the high heels toward me. He reaches deep into his duct-taped cleavage and extracts a mini recorder. “I taped the whole confession.”

  “Why, you little snake!” Terri bellows. She charges Travis, but Sam grabs her by the cuffs and yanks her to a stand-still.

  “I’m taking you downtown now,” Sam says. “Let’s go.”

  He pulls a struggling Terri out of the condo. I can hear her screaming obscenities all the way into the elevator.

  That leaves the four of us alone. Michael and Travis are lip-locked again. London smiles and walks up to me. We’re nose to nose when she says, “Wanna go celebrate with me?”

  Boy, do I ever. The only problem is that my heart can’t stop thinking of Gloria. I look at my toes, not knowing what to say.

  London reads my mind. She says, “I know, I know. It’s the schoolteacher again, right?”

  I give a little nod.

  “Okay, Jamie. I get it. But if you ever change your mind. . .”

  “You’ll be the first to know,” I finish.

  She throws her arm over my shoulders and we walk out into the hallway. I figure Travis and Michael can find their own way home.


  While everyone else is celebrating at Veronica’s homecoming party, I leave early and drive over to Gloria’s house. I know she’s not home. She went camping up in the woods somewhere. I don’t know if she took anybody with her or not. All I know is that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t try to make amends with her.

  I walk up onto Gloria’s porch with a note in my hand. I’m not too good at the whole romance thing, especially when it comes to writing mushy stuff. But I decided that simple is probably best. I brought some scotch tape with me. I figure on taping the note to the door, driving back home, having an ice-cold Yoo-hoo and going to bed. Alone.


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