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The Bad Boy Arrangement

Page 15

by Nora Flite

  Next to me, Abell started to tremble. “I get it now,” he said. Under hooded eyebrows, he focused on his father. “That's why you never cared about Mom. You were in love with Gabby the whole time.”

  I squeezed his hand, but it was like trying to control a winter storm. He pulled away—too strong for me to hold him back.

  The whites in his eyes spread further. “You abandoned my mother because you were busy obsessing over someone you could never have, and all the while, she loved you until her final fucking breath!”

  My brain prickled; I knew he was about to move, and I reached for him, but it wasn't enough. Abell had shown me in the past how fast he could be. He exploded in a rush of snarling teeth and rabid eyes. There was no stopping him.

  With claw-like hands, he aimed for his father.

  I cried out, watching as the man I loved lifted Corin by the front of his shirt. For the first time, the older man was caught off guard. His hands scraped at his son's shoulders. “Wait!” he gasped. “Think about what you're doing!”

  “I am.” Abell's shadow stretched as he lifted his dad higher, covering the tulips nearest him in black. He was the devil himself right then, wallowing in the anger he'd smothered for years.

  Abruptly, he dropped Corin to the floor; the older man grunted. Abell glared down at him, then dug into his pant's pocket.

  Everyone ducked, expecting a weapon of some kind to come out. A gun, a knife, it didn't matter what. With the fury swimming in Abell's face, it had to be something deadly.

  Biting my tongue, I forced myself to stand where I was. Call it intuition, but deep down in my gut, I knew everything would be alright.

  Abell hated his father, but he was nothing like him.

  He wasn't a monster.

  The ring box was thrown down violently, it bounced off of Corin, skidding across the floor. I recognized it; it was the same one that had fallen from his pocket so long ago in my kitchen.

  “When I marry her,” Abell said, “She'll wear my ring. Not yours.”

  Corin's chest rose and fell, he was still alive with panic. Glancing between the ring box and his son, he licked his lips. Beat by beat, his stoic mask returned. He clearly didn't feel he was in danger after all.

  “That's it, then?” he asked, rising carefully, dusting his suit off. “You're going to choose her over what I'm offering?” He kicked the velvet box; it went skidding off a wooden pew. “Love, over money? Love, after seeing what it does to people? She doesn't deserve a ring, Abram. She's a damn whore.”

  Abell tightened up, searching for me. I tried to give him strength with just my eyes. I hoped it was enough. “What you had wasn't love,” he whispered. “What I have is.”

  My heart soared with joy and pride.

  His father kept shouting, sounding like he'd lose his voice any second. “You're wrong! Do you hear me? You're giving everything up for a worthless pair of legs and some tits! A filthy whore, a disgusting—”

  The man I adored looked at me, as if to say, 'I'm better than this. I won't be tempted into fighting him.'

  I wonder what everyone thought when it wasn't Abell's fist, but mine, that slammed into Corin's jaw.

  The impact caused my knuckles to ache, but I ignored it. Adrenaline made that pretty easy. Corin sprawled out, the room flooding with collective gasps from my family—and a shocked laugh from Gram.

  Standing over him, I lifted my hand, flexing my fingers. “Don't speak to me like that,” I spat. “You don't have the right.” Spinning, my pleats rustling like the wind, I marched back to Abell. His eyebrows were sky high, mouth partially open. He started to smile, I ended that when I stood on my toes to kiss him. “Come on, let's get out of here. We have a lot to do.”

  “I know what I want to do,” he purred, bending me backwards into a dizzying tangle of tongues and teeth. When he stood me back up, I was seeing spots.

  Peeking over my shoulder, I studied that wedding scene one final time. The priest had fled, my family was in tatters, and Abell's father had a swollen jaw forming.

  The only thing worth remembering was the tulips.

  Well. Okay.

  Corin's swollen jaw was pretty great, too.

  Spotting my brother, I nodded at him. “Come with us, Gram. I still have a certain promise to keep. It'll take some work, but I think I can make it happen.”

  My brother grinned, stepping over Corin's ankles to join my side. “Lucky for you, I'm a patient guy.”

  “Wait,” my father said, his eyes red tinted and sickly. “You can't do this! We're... we're family, Nix.”

  Linking my fingers with Gram's, I pressed Abell's palm to my belly and said, “No. You're not. My family is right here.”

  Once, I'd stormed out of a room filled with these very same people.

  I'd hated all of them.

  Especially Abell.

  Now, as he slid his arm around my hip, guiding me through that wooden doorway, I realized...

  I'd never been so loved.

  - Epilogue -


  “Are you ready?”

  Flicking my eyes up, I smiled nervously. “I think so. How do I look?”

  Reaching across, the woman adjusted the microphone on my shirt. “Wonderful. We'll start in one minute. Do the cameras make you nervous?”

  Shaking my head, I gave a brief laugh. “No. Not much does anymore.”

  The reporter beamed, motioning over my head. “Okay, here we go. Rolling in three, two, and... I'm here with Nix Birch, owner of Blue Tulip Inc, the newest—and hottest—marketing firm out there.”

  I took this as my cue to wave; I did it briskly, hoping it wasn't too much. “Hey there.”

  “Nix, tell us, what inspired you to create Blue Tulip Inc?”

  Linking my fingers, I said, “It's complicated.” The woman—she'd told me earlier that her name was Toni—lifted an eyebrow. “I mean, it's a long story. Let's just say I wanted to... help people.”

  Grinning, she waved her notepad side to side. “Well, help them you have. We all remember the hiring phase you had when Halloway Inc went out of business. It's rumored you took in more employees than you were budgeted for!”

  My stomach twisted a bit at being reminded about that time. Corin Birch hadn't been joking, he'd liquefied my former company. Blue Tulip had been doing well, but it had taken a lot of number shifting—and I was forever grateful to Gram for his knowledge—to bring on so many new workers.

  But I had to do it.

  I refused to let those people suffer because of other people's selfish wishes.

  Toni was waiting for me. I smiled politely. “We made it work.”

  “I'll say! Tell us, how does it feel to be the most envied young business woman in the city?”

  Flushing up to my ears, I uncrossed and recrossed my knees. “Oh, no, don't say it like that. I'm not that successful, really.”

  “Don't be so modest,” a low, rolling voice said.

  Looking up, I blinked as Abell entered the room. It was hard to see his face with all the lights, but he fixed that, coming around and leaning over my chair. His arm circled my shoulders, fingers tilting me into him.

  His lips tangled mine up, trapping them until I forgot what I was supposed to be doing.

  Someone cleared their throat.

  I pushed Abell away, fanning a hand by my cheek. “Sorry, sorry! Everyone, this is my husband, Abell Birch.”

  Toni waggled her eyebrows. “Oh, we know who he is. Glad he could make it, I have a few questions for him.”

  “Shoot,” he said, hovering beside me.

  “Well first, the world wants to know. What does it take to get such a notorious billionaire playboy to finally settle down?”

  Laughing, he slid his hand over my knee. I tightened up, reacting to his touch the same way now as I had over a year ago. “I'm not a playboy anymore, and not exactly a billionaire. Everything I have is because of this wonderful woman here.”

  Helplessly, I smiled up at him.

ng her hair, Toni chuckled. “So it was something about Nix that made you fall in love. How did you two meet?”

  Okay. I'd said not much made me nervous, but this line of questions did. Leaning forward, I said, “Hey, that story is pretty boring, how about we move on.”

  Abell clapped his hands together with a smirk. “How did we meet? Well, I beat someone up for her.”

  The air in the room got heavier. “What?” one of the cameramen asked. Toni glared at the speaker.

  “Yeah,” Abell chuckled. “He was attacking Nix and another woman. I jumped in and, well... here we are.”

  “You were literally her hero!” Toni gasped dramatically. “How romantic! And then what happened? Give us all the details!”

  He smirked sharply. “Oh, you want all the details? Alright.”

  Covering my face, I took a deep breath. Here it comes. He's going to tell the world what we did that night. Our hookup. Kill me now.

  He said softly, “What happened next was that I realized how strong she was.”

  Freezing, I cracked my fingers and stared at Abell in disbelief.

  His lips slid up at an angle, but his eyes were warm—kind. He said, “She faced down this huge guy, all to save a stranger. After that, I knew she was special.”

  The reporter had been stunned into silence.

  Abell looked at her, teeth shining. “That's how you win over a billionaire playboy piece of eye candy,” he said.

  Toni couldn't look away. She'd been thrown off, as had everyone. Even me.

  Lowering my hands, I mumbled, “Abell, she never called you 'eye candy.'”

  “No? I'm sure I heard someone say it,” he mused.

  The room laughed, and I joined in. It was impossible to resist. In the middle of that chorus of noise, Abell shared a wink with me.

  Reaching between us, he squeezed my hand. I felt the edge of something hard.

  His wedding ring.


  “There you are!” Gram said, looking exasperated. “She started crying and wouldn't stop!” In his arms, he juggled a little bundle of mint-green blankets, a shock of red hair poking from the top.

  Grinning, I wrapped my arms around my daughter, hugging her close. “You can make a company run like an oiled wheel, but you can't comfort a baby?”

  “She didn't want to listen to all the different ideas I had for streamlining her nap time.” He made a face, and we both laughed.

  Pressing my cheek to the top of her head, I breathed in her sweet smell. “Shh,” I hushed. “Everything is fine, my little Riley-Bean.”

  Riley's fragile whimpers stopped. Her eyes, as blue as her father's, sparkled up at me. She had a face I could have worshiped for an eternity.

  Gram gave me an impressed look, amazed at how I'd quieted her. “How did the interview go?” he asked.

  Bouncing Riley gently, I rolled my eyes. “As expected. Abell couldn't stop himself from popping in.”

  “I bet they loved that.”

  “Of course they did.” So did I. “Did you see where he went?”

  “I think he went to make some last minute arrangements for while you're gone. Speaking of which, are seriously going to have your phone turned off the entire time? I know it's supposed to be the honeymoon you guys never went, but I mean, come on.”

  Pushing my lips out in an exaggerated pout, I said to my baby, “Someone thinks he can't handle things while I'm gone. Yes he does, yes he does.”

  “Don't turn her against me already!”

  I kissed Riley's forehead. “Gram, you'll be fine. I wouldn't have made you vice president of Blue Tulip if I thought you weren't the man for the job.”

  “Maybe,” he said, acting cagey. “Or you did it because of your promise.”

  Straightening my mouth into a serious line, I stared at him pointedly. “I promised you a better life, yes. But I also wanted you at my side. You've always been there for me, Gram. This wasn't a pity offer, you're my right hand because I believe in you.”

  He looked uncomfortable. Then, he ruffled his hair. “Dammit, Nicky. Way to make me blush.”

  Mockingly, I put a hand by Riley's ear. “Don't swear in front of the baby. Anyway, I need to get going. That plane won't wait for us.”

  “Before you go, I wanted to ask something.” He walked me towards the elevator. “Did Dad or Gabby ever... you know, try to contact you? After everything?”

  Slowing, I hugged Riley closer. “Not once. You?”


  I stopped short, arching my eyebrows. “Gram...”

  Puffing air through his lips, he shrugged. “Dad called me to ask for money, about a week before Halloway Inc shut down.”

  The side of my neck hurt from how tense I'd gotten. “Did you give him some?”

  “I did. I sent him two grand, and then never heard another peep.” The corners of his eyes crinkled, his lips a sad smile. “He could have said he was sorry, and I would have forgiven him, you know? He had that chance, right there. Instead he took the money and ran. I'm guessing I won't be seeing a Christmas card.”

  Gently, I ran my palm over my brother's shoulder. “You have a bigger heart than me.”

  He chuckled, then pulled out his phone. “You better hurry, Hawaii is waiting.”

  Gripping him firmly, I sighed. “Don't run my company into the ground while I'm gone.”

  “I thought you believed in me!”

  Winking, I darted into the elevator as the doors closed. “See you in two weeks!”


  “Abell?” I called out, setting Riley in her crib.

  Crossing the hall, I peeked into our room. The bed was covered in folded clothing and an open suitcase. Abell hunched over the piles, setting them in the luggage. He looked up at the sound of my footsteps. “Hey there,” he said with a smile.

  “Are you still packing?” I wandered towards him, shaking my head. “Isn't our plane leaving in two hours?”

  “Actually,” he said, clicking the suitcase shut. “It was delayed another hour.”

  “What?” Checking my phone, I saw the missed call from the airline.

  Setting the suitcase on the edge of the bed, he said, “No rushing needed. I was actually going to hop in the shower, since we have a good eleven hour flight to Hawaii.”

  Tapping my chin, I leaned into the hallway—listening. “Riley is down. How about I join you?”

  Abell grinned wide as a canyon, pulling his shirt over his head. “I think I'd love that.”

  Shedding my clothes, I left a path into our bathroom. He followed behind like I'd dropped a breadcrumb trail for him.

  Twisting the shower knobs, I turned away as steam began to flood the room. Abell had stripped down to match me, and he was just inches away.

  Gliding his hands around the small of my back, he pulled me in, nuzzling my collar bone. “Fuck, how did I get such a beautiful wife?”

  Shivering, I bent close to whisper the secret answer. “By being a better person than you thought you were.” I pulled his earlobe between my teeth. “Also, you fuck like a horse on speed. That helps,” I giggled.

  Laughing, he lifted me up, setting me in the hot stream of the shower. “Naughty mouth! We need to clean you up, get in here.”

  I tasted water when I grinned.

  Together, we hung our heads in the tumbling droplets. They coated us both, soaking me through and leaving his tattoos shining. Reaching over, I grabbed the bottle of shampoo.

  “Here,” he whispered, taking the bottle away. “Let me.”

  Pouring the liquid into his palm, he rubbed it onto my head. Suds foamed along my scalp, his fingertips massaging.

  Static rumbled through my cells, my brain firing on overdrive. The sensation of having him rolling his hands over my skull left me swaying.

  There was something beyond intimate about having someone else wash my hair. He ran the long strands through his palms, piled them up, rinsed them gently. The constant white noise of the shower had my muscles going slack.
r />   Tilting me forward, he washed the soap out, keeping it from my eyes. He massaged the base of my neck, erasing tension I hadn't been aware of.

  Turning me, Abell brushed the soaked hair from my forehead. His kiss created ocean swells of delight in my brain.

  Opening my eyes, I saw him watching me through half-closed lids. His lips were reddish from the pressure of our kiss. “Hey,” I whispered. “How long was that delay?”

  Abell started to smirk, his voice caramel and sin. “An hour. More than enough time.”

  He guided me backwards; when my thighs hit the tile wall, Abell came down on me like a landslide.

  Eagerly he pulled my right nipple into his mouth. The skin was slick, made more so by his tongue. I moaned, arching into him to get more attention.

  Between us, he slid his hand. While he suckled my tits, his fingers probed—confident in how they located my firm clit. Thumbing it, he made precise motions, grazing the sensitive bud until I was wriggling against the tile.

  “Abell,” I gasped. “That feels amazing.”

  Grinning with my nipple between his teeth, he chuckled. The vibrations made my knees soften. Abell crouched, kissing my sternum, my ribs.

  He wrote poetry down my body with his mouth.

  Fisting his prick, Abell narrowed his icy eyes on me. “You taste as good as ever. I can't wait any longer, I'm taking this sweet pussy. My pussy.”

  The way he talked to me, it had ecstasy invading my blood. Reaching down, I squeezed his shaft, guiding him to me. Abell's nostrils flared, his lust encouraged by my obvious need.

  With two fingers he spread my pussy-lips. He held himself with his other hand, rubbing his cock-head along my slippery entrance.

  “Look at me,” he whispered.

  Wordlessly, I did. Keeping his fierce stare on me, entrancing me not to look away, he fed his length into me. Fuck, I'd never get tired of that sensation. Being stretched so much that I still expected to break in two, nothing was more thrilling.

  His cock rammed into me, consistent in its pressure. Every thrust stole the oxygen from my lungs. The water and steam had made me warm, but it was his touch that scalded me.

  Hooking my thigh around his hip, he pinned me on the wall. One hand clasped my ass, guiding my tempo. I surrendered to his control.


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