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Steps to Submission Volume 2: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

Page 9

by Lexie X

Walking gracelessly down the stairs and past the catcalling couch-surfers who had no idea what had just happened, Piper hurried home with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  Isabella sat on her bed studying in a loose t-shirt and tight pink pajama pants. Looking up and immediately noticing a problem, she asked, "Something wrong?"

  Piper slammed the door closed behind her and went to her own bed. Her jaw trembled as she tried to resist crying. "Bad day."

  "Did something happen?"

  She shook her head. "Just had a falling out with a friend."

  Isabella watched her with concern. "You wanna talk about it?"

  Wishing she'd told her new girlfriend about Jessie, and wondering why she hadn't, she shook her head again. "No."

  "Alright," Isabella replied, taking a moment to think. "I know what would make you feel better."

  Piper perked up a little, curious.

  "I can't really take a break from studying right now, but… I could study while you play." She scooted to the edge of her bed, her large chemistry textbook in hand. "You wanna do that?"

  Her thigh quivering once involuntarily, Piper could definitely feel sadness and arousal getting their signals crossed. That place she went while pleasuring Isabella was always deep, safe, and without thought, and that warmth was exactly what she needed. She agreed quietly and moved across the floor to sink to her knees at Isabella's bare feet. Above her, the blonde smiled, and then lifted herself momentarily to allow her pink pajama pants to be pulled down. Her panties followed immediately after. Bare from the waist down, she spread her legs just enough to give access while still supporting her textbook and notes angled up from her tummy.

  Moving between those soft legs and underneath the shadow of the textbook above, Piper couldn't help but feel a little better. Isabella knew exactly what to say, and exactly how to treat her. Rubbing either side of that perfect pink slit, she let her growing inner warmth fight the cold knot in her stomach. It was hard to feel bad with that sweet intimate scent rolling through her awareness; pushing her tongue out, she slipped in between those trim lips and separated them as she gave a deep lick. The experience already slowing her racing thoughts, she moaned softly with relief as the warm and familiar flavor hit her senses.

  "Quiet down there," Isabella ordered sternly. "I'm trying to study."

  "Yes ma'am," Piper replied, before remembering she herself had been called that the prior weekend. After a small laugh, she leaned forward again and put her whole mouth around her studying girlfriend's mound. Free to play as she liked, she roved with her tongue, exploring every inch of that soft skin and those slick folds. The trembling and sick feeling below her ribs started to fade.

  Was this what Jessie felt? Did she love going down on girls just like this? Or was she more like Isabella—more in control, more dominant? Jessie seemed tough and experienced, but soft and caring at the same time. It must have been hard to be an out lesbian in her podunk high school, and true connections must have been rare and treasured. Suddenly very glad to have Isabella, Piper reached up and gripped both those firm thighs warmly even as she began focusing the efforts of her tongue on her girlfriend's clit.

  Above her, Isabella tensed—and then coughed lightly in attempt to play it off.

  Realizing that she was being challenged, Piper smiled, and then brought her lips to bear to suck gently on her girlfriend's little knob. The thighs on either side of her head quivered, but Isabella made no sound, instead pretending to continue her studies. Bringing her tongue into play to flick quickly in the midst of full sucking pressure with her widened mouth, Piper stepped up her game.

  Isabella began breathing harder, but still valiantly resisted open moans. Above, she kept her eyes on her textbook, and even wrote something on her notes. Knowing exactly what to do, Piper brought one finger up and slipped it between slick folds beneath her moving chin. Finding the right spot, she rubbed in rhythm with her flicking tongue and working lips.

  "Ah, hell!" Isabella breathed, giving in. She shoved her books aside on the bed. "Fuck it!" Her hands came back to grip her brunette girlfriend's head among her hair. Raising her lower body and spreading her legs, she sank into their shared rhythm. "I do… have to… study…," she breathed, her chest heaving. "So… make yourself… get off…"

  Already intensely warm and aroused, Piper gave a little nod in between motions and began trying to tense her thighs the right way to stimulate herself without direct touch. The ball of heat and pleasure inside her turned in response to her efforts, moving sideways in a pattern through her body to follow that more difficult route to ecstasy she'd traveled so many times before. It was different than a directly stimulated orgasm for sure, and harder to achieve, but—with her face buried in her girlfriend's sex, her mouth and finger working furiously—she found that route more satisfying in dark and submissive ways.

  "God you're… so hot when you do that," Isabella panted, watching the slowly growing pleasure on her face. "My… little submissive…"

  Surprised by Isabella thinking the same thing as her, Piper realized again that her new girlfriend was her perfect opposite; the perfect person to love all the dark twisted things that she enjoyed and the perfect person to make them happen. As her happiness surged, so too did her enjoyment. Isabella seemed to see it all on her face, and their shared energy intensified. Bucking harder, her neck strained against the effort, the blonde arched back.

  Feeling her girlfriend reaching orgasm, Piper thrust a second finger in and rode her bucking hips with her mouth and hand. She tried to bring her own orgasm up faster, but she'd started late. Inner walls began clenching tightly and pushing out a surge of juices that ran down her forearm. Above her, Isabella scrunched up her face and let out a long deep sigh as her orgasm peaked.

  Keeping mouth and hand working until the arc of her bliss came back down, Piper withdrew slowly, enjoying the post-orgasm quivers and clenches in her girlfriend's body.

  "Did you manage to get off?" Isabella asked, catching her breath.

  Her lower body still on fire, Piper shook her head.

  Isabella waved a hand at the box hidden across the room and underneath the other bed. "Get a toy, quick."

  Piper crawled over and pulled out the bag of toys Jessie had given her. It felt weird to be using them, especially since Jessie had probably thought they would eventually use them together, but she was too anxious for relief to stop. She pulled out a green vibrator and briefly paused to look around the room and wonder where the hell her personal blue vibrator had gone. She couldn't even remember losing it.

  Coming over and pushing her down flat on the carpet, Isabella ordered, "Take off your pants."

  Piper eagerly wiggled off her pants and underwear.

  Resting on her knees above, Isabella took the green toy, flipped it on experimentally like a doctor testing an instrument, and then studied her patient. She brought one hand down to caress the smooth curve between her girlfriend's legs. "I still can't get over this," she said softly, entranced. For several moments, she just rubbed back and forth, taking in the play of the soft curve and intimate flesh under her fingers; finally, she brought the toy down and wet it gently against the juices already glistening on her patient's protruding labia. Immediately hit by a very different kind of stimulation, Piper curled her toes and turned her head against the carpet.

  Her eyes mainly focused on the reddened mound under her vibrator, Isabella worked the toy back and forth, finding the positions that elicited the loudest breathing. To help, she brought her fingers in. Soon, with the vibrator held lightly against her girlfriend's long hood and pressed tightly against her spread petals, she began causing low deep moans. Tensing up powerfully against the forceful and almost painful pleasure, Piper seized and gasped between involuntary moans.

  Looking her in the eyes, Isabella asked, "Just like that?"

  The rest of her body beyond her own control, Piper nodded frantically.

  Moving it with the bucking hips beneath, Isabella licked her lip
s and kept the vibrator perfectly positioned. Gripping the blonde's nearby thigh, Piper closed her eyes and began to shudder as the pleasure became too much to bear. Passing briefly into over-sensitivity and a little pain, she curled up off the floor—and the built pressure exploded within her. As she gasped, her head roared with white bliss and her body seemed afire with rapid-fire electricity. Writhing against the carpet, she rode the staccato high for as long as she could stand it, pushing Isabella's hand away with a final gasp and collapse only at the absolute end of her endurance.

  Isabella smiled proudly at a job well done. She brought her instrument over for a final cleaning—and Piper gently ran her mouth along the toy to suck her own juices off of it. Once it was clean, the toy found its way back to the bag.


  Her eyes wide, Piper nodded. "Much."

  Isabella leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Good," she responded, sitting back up on her knees. Spreading her bare legs, she reached down, gathered her own wetness, and spread it on her prone girlfriend's cheek like a territorial mark. "Now, I have to get back to studying."

  Not even bothering to put her underwear or pajamas back on, Isabella hopped back into her bed and resumed studying. Piper remained on the floor for a time, enjoying the calm and satisfaction. It still felt bad to have lost a friend, but, watching her confident and gorgeous half-naked girlfriend studying chemistry, she was completely certain she'd made the right choices. Isabella noticed her watching out of the corner of her eye and smiled warmly while she studied.


  Chapter 9

  "How's that look?" Isabella asked, pulling back to give Piper a chance to look at her makeup.

  "Wow, it's amazing as usual," she replied, studying her own elegantly dolled-up face in the mirror. It hardly looked like she was wearing makeup at all, but she felt like a supermodel version of herself. Combined with the new dress she'd bought hours before, she felt like she could actually manage a Saturday night out at the bars on Isabella's arm.

  Isabella lifted her phone. "The girls are almost here." She locked eyes with her for a serious moment. "Are you ready for this?"

  Piper bit her lip nervously, but nodded. Finally free of the makeup chair, she thought about texting Jessie to ask her advice—but, without any communication since she'd last seen her, she didn't know how it would be taken. Would her estranged friend even respond? Maybe it was better to just let her be.

  Laughter from beyond the door signaled the arrival of the girls. Isabella went over and opened it, letting the group of tipsy and made-up friends enter.

  "Piper, wow, you look great!" one of them commented immediately. The other girls threw in agreeable compliments.

  "Good to see you again," another said. "It's been awhile!"

  "And you too, Isabella. What's this no drinking thing?"

  Isabella smiled. "Just trying not to get trashed every night anymore, that's all."


  "Whatever floats your boat."

  "Good for you!"

  Feeling like the nervousness was written all over her face, Piper stood and moved next to Isabella.

  "Shots?" someone asked.

  "Yeah," Isabella responded. "But before we do, there's something we should probably tell you."

  "You and Piper are together?" one girl immediately responded, her tone normal. "Yeah, Julie told us."

  Speaking up with a little anger, Piper asked, "Wait, she did?"

  "Yeah," another girl added, reaching under the bed for Isabella's hidden liquor stash. "Besides, we saw you two on the dance floor that one night. Pretty obvious."

  "Oh," Isabella replied, eyebrows slightly raised. "So we're cool?"

  The group shared several giggles.

  "What'd you expect?" one girl asked, accepting a poured shot from her friend with a big grin. "That we were going to picket your dorm room?"

  Isabella shook her head. "Have I said you're the greatest friends ever?"

  "We know!" they shouted in unison.

  Feeling relieved—and a little pained at the mention of friends—Piper gladly accepted an offered shot.

  "Well, that was easy," Isabella muttered to her privately. "I guess it's official, then."

  "Guess it is," she replied, unable to keep from smiling widely.

  Looking her face up and down, Isabella responded with a growing smile of her own, and then a quick kiss on the lips.

  Not missing that, the tipsy girls catcalled and hollered friendly jeers.

  The first bar was only halfway full with people by the time they arrived, but Piper still felt incredibly anxious to be walking around with Isabella. It was as if everyone they passed could somehow see that they were together; as if everyone could see that she was somehow different—but beyond her makeup and dress, she only felt different, and she relaxed after two beers spent sitting around a table and chatting with the girls. Not one seemed to care that she and Isabella were an item, although the typical gossip and loaded questions being exchanged around the table often came back to the topic of their relationship. Isabella handled them all gracefully.

  One of her friends asked, "So when did you two start dating, officially?"

  "Piper asked me on Thanksgiving night while her family was all passed out and we finally had some alone time," Isabella answered, sipping her whiskey sour with an almost haughty smile.

  Watching her surreptitiously, Piper realized that the gorgeous blonde was bragging! Nothing had ever made her feel more valued, and the girls ate it up.

  "So you went away together over break?"

  "That's so romantic!"

  "My ex-boyfriend never took me anywhere. That's not why I dumped him—"

  "But I bet it didn't help!" another girl chimed in.

  A third leaned in conspiratorially and became overly serious. "So do you like, lick pussy now? What's that like?"


  "I bet she already knows."

  "Do not!"

  "I wish we could ditch boys and just get off with each other. So much easier."

  "Focus up. I want to hear about Isabella's romantic getaway!"

  Completely comfortable with all the attention, Isabella shrugged in the manner of a bemused movie star. "It was very romantic. I was saved from my terrible mother and father and swept away to spend the holiday with a warm and loving family. When she asked, I could hardly say no."

  In the excited faces of the girls around the table, Piper could see why their relationship reveal had been no big deal. Her friends loved her, and they weren't about to get petty or mean. Really, they ate up her every word, though it hadn't escaped her notice that Isabella spoke more formally and dramatically when in the spotlight—or, judging by the half-gone whiskey sour in her hand, that she was drinking harder drinks again.

  Once the girls' attention had moved on to other gossip, Piper asked, "You alright?" She looked meaningfully at her girlfriend's drink.

  Isabella's mask of confidence dropped momentarily as she noticed her own liquor drink. "I didn't even notice… I was so caught up in everything…"

  Piper frowned with concern. "You wanna switch drinks?"

  The blonde genuinely considered her offer for a moment, but then declined. "I think I can handle it. I'll just watch what I drink after this."

  Gently gripping her girlfriend's forearm, she replied, "Alright."

  One of the girls shouted "PDA!" and elicited a round of laughter.

  Outwardly embarrassed but really loving it, Piper pretended to be sheepish about being called out.

  The time passed quickly, and so did the drinks. In short order, Piper realized she was rather tipsy; she followed the girls to the next bar through freezing streets filled with grimacing students hurrying to their various destinations. Arriving at their destination, she looked up to find quite a surprise.

  "It's a lesbian bar!" the girls shouted, laughing. "Just for you two."

  "Very funny," Isabella responded, unfazed. "Well, let's head in, it's freezing

  The girls had no choice but to follow through with their little joke, though they were more than glad to get out of the cold. Wary, Piper followed them into the same bar she'd almost entered herself months before—right across the street from where she'd officially met Jessie. The sidewalk there stood empty. It had probably been imprinted by a thousand other events over the years, but she glanced at the spot as if she might see her past self standing there, still pretending to text and still debating whether to go inside the big scary bar.

  And the bar wasn't scary at all. In fact, it was surprisingly calm and bright. Long, narrow, and decorated mainly in white, the space led toward a drunk guy caterwauling on a karaoke machine. Between his terrible singing and the group of girls sat a good twenty or thirty people of both genders, barely enough to moderately fill the place. Looking around nervously for Jessie's presence, Piper wondered at how normal and not-threatening-at-all the place was.

  Unafraid of the establishment or its connotations, Isabella asked, "Wanna get a drink with me?"

  Piper nodded and followed her up to the bar while still looking out nervously for that black spikey hair. After Isabella ordered a beer, she caught the bartender's attention to order the same—and someone next to her with short blue hair turned around.

  She froze. Of course it was Jessie, and of course she'd dyed her hair a different color! Jessie looked between her and Isabella for a moment, visibly hurt, and then regarded the giggling group of girls behind them that were obviously out of place but doing their best to fit in. Without a word, she shoved away from the bar and hurried toward the door.

  "No!" Piper called after her, not sure what else to say. When Jessie disappeared out into the cold night, she turned around hesitantly.

  Isabella glared daggers at her. "What the hell was that? And who the hell was that?"

  Heart pounding, Piper endured the gorgeous blonde's painful glare until she could get her words together through her deep buzz. "Can we go home?" she finally asked. "I don't think I want to be out anymore. I'll explain it to you on the way."


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