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Page 3

by Tom Graham

  “Hey, Ty. You rode like you were somewhere else tonight,” Craig said, blue eyes twinkling, blond hair flopping in his face.

  Tyler sighed. “Maybe I was somewhere else, at least in my head.”

  “Yeah, in the sack with Rosa. Man, you gotta give that up.”

  “I did.” Tyler sipped his drink and looked around to make sure no one heard that. Hell, half the riders knew anyway. You didn’t spend ten months out of twelve on the road with the same hundred guys and not have them know, but it just wasn’t something you wanted to advertise. “Or at least he gave me up.”

  “So get your head past it. Hey, honey,” Craig said to a pretty brunette wearing too much eyeliner. “Wanna dance?”

  Tyler was alone again, as Craig took off with the girl, whirling her into a quickstep. He sucked back the rest of his drink, pondering whether he should get another or start on some Bud Light. Shit, maybe he ought to just give up and head back to the hotel room, ice up his arm, and sleep off his angry.

  “Hey, cowboy. Can a guy sit with you?” The voice belonged to Andy West, a cowboy Tyler didn’t know well. Tyler looked up to the man a little, and that made it hard to be coherent when he was around. Lord knew Tyler was hoping he lasted into his mid thirties like Andy had, winning two national championships in eight years. Didn’t hurt that Andy was pretty to look at, with thick, close-cropped dark hair and light-light gray eyes.

  Nodding at the seat across from him, Tyler waved a little. “Sure, man. Have a sit.”

  Folding long-assed legs up, Andy sat and handed him a long-neck beer. “Here. You look like you could use it.”

  “Thanks.” Shit, he hated to be that obvious. Not knowing what else to say, Tyler just sat there picking at the label on the bottle.

  Andy didn’t say nothing either, at least until Tyler looked up for the third or fourth time and found Sevi Rosa across the room. Then Andy said, “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?” Tyler returned, eyebrows rising up and up.

  Sitting back, boots crossed at the ankles, Andy pulled a pack of smokes out of a shirt pocket and offered Tyler one. He shook his head. Andy lit up, blowing a stream of smoke out before he answered, voice so low the music almost covered it.

  “Don’t let Rosa twist you up and ruin your run this year. He’s a shit.”

  Hot anger roared in Tyler’s brain for all of a minute, and he actually rose halfway out of his chair before the ass-kicking urge backed off and the truth of it sank in. Sevi was a shit, no two ways about it.

  “Yeah, I know. Doesn’t make it easier.”

  “Well, maybe this will. He pulls this crap every year going into the finals. Trying to slow down the leader.”

  “Yeah?” Well, that felt like a boot to the gut. Or maybe a hoof. “It work for him often?”

  “So far he’s two for five.” Andy gave him a long look as the cigarette got stubbed out, impossible to misread.

  Tyler’s fingers stilled on the beer bottle. “You?”

  “Yeah. Three years ago.” He got a grin, wry as anything. “I was fool enough to fall for it.”

  “Shit. Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

  “Aw, hell, cowboy.” Andy lit another cigarette, and this time Tyler took one when he offered. “You think Chris Packard or either of the Garza boys are going to admit Sevi came on to them? And then there’s me. You don’t know me from Adam’s housecat. Would you have believed me?”

  “Probably not.” Tyler could be a stubborn cuss when he had a mind to be. He knew he was a damned fool. Suddenly the crowd and the loud band were too much for him, and he hopped up, saying, “ ’Scuse me.”

  The little hotel ballroom seemed so close, so full of people as he blundered toward the door. His hands clenched to fists as Sevi Rosa looked over and gave him a cocky grin, and Tyler’s boots turned that direction without a single thought. He would have marched right over, too, and popped Sevi one, but Andy caught his arm and steered him away.

  “You go after him here you’ll get bumped off the circuit,” he said, shoving Tyler into the hallway, where at least he could breathe.

  “You’re right. Sorry. I just…”

  Andy looked at him a minute, cigarette still smoldering. “You wanna go get a real drink? I’ve already cracked the minibar thing in my room.” There was something in Andy’s look, something in the invitation…Yeah. Okay. Yeah. This might be the best cure for a breakup after all.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  The smile Andy gave him left him blinking, it was so bright and hot. Something south of his big belt buckle shifted, rose a little. Good to know he wasn’t dead after all. Tyler trailed after Andy, watching that tiny cowboy ass as it moved, smiling a little. Sevi might be prettier than Andy in the face, but ass-wise Andy was the clear-cut winner.

  Oh, if Sevi could see him now. That thought kept him going all the way up the stairs to the third floor, where Andy swiped a card in the door of room 335 and let them inside. The place was neat as a pin, no sign the guy even lived there save a bag on the luggage rack and an old army rucksack.

  “This is unnatural, man,” Tyler said, looking around.

  “What?” Andy gave him a sheepish look. “I tend to lose things if I don’t keep them packed up. You want that drink?”

  “No.” Tyler took off his hat and let it sail to the bed Andy hadn’t been sleeping in. “I want something else.”

  “You sure?”

  Stepping right up to Andy, Tyler put one hand on the man’s chest and nodded. “I’m sure.”

  “Well, come on and get it then.”

  The first kiss was awkward as hell, neither of them willing to give an inch as they came together—Andy’s hand cupping the back of Tyler’s head, Tyler’s mouth mashed under Andy’s. If he’d wondered whether this was another suave seduction, another bid like Sevi’s, the thought was put to rest by that meeting of lips.

  One long thigh slid between his, pushing up, and that was that. Tyler wrapped around Andy and clung, kissing like there was no tomorrow, his cock hard as a rock. They humped a little, hands moving, kissing until they couldn’t breathe. Then Andy pushed him back and tore at his shirt.

  Shirts, Wranglers, boots—they all went flying, his and Andy’s. Before Tyler knew it they were both naked, both checking each other out. Andy had a farmer’s tan, everything pale but his arms and neck, and right above one nipple sat a huge scar, one Tyler remembered Andy getting a couple years back when he went ass over teakettle and landed on the horns instead of between them.

  Andy jumped a little under Tyler’s touch, and Tyler grinned, pinching that nipple a little as it rose hard beneath his hand. That got him more than a jump—it got him a moan. Andy’s cock twitched against his belly.

  “Like that, huh?”

  “Yeah. You might could tell.”

  “Uh-huh.” As the other nipple got the same treatment, Tyler was fascinated with the flush that rose under Andy’s skin. Sevi hadn’t been able to stand Tyler touching him there. Sevi was all about the cock, really. ’Course, thinking about what an idiot he’d been with Sevi might just ruin the mood. “What else do you like?” Tyler asked, just to get his head going in a different direction.

  “I like it all, honey,” Andy replied, pushing him back until his knees hit the bed. “I like it here.” Those long, scarred fingers slipped across his throat, down his chest. “And here,” he said, trailing a hand down his belly, pulling at the little line of hair there.

  “And here?” Tyler asked, pushing that hand down to his cock, his eyes closing as Andy’s fingers wrapped around him. Fuck yeah.

  “That’s the best part, honey.”

  Tyler’s eyes flew open again when he felt Andy’s mouth on his cock, hot and wet, sliding from tip to base and back again. Rough and firm, Andy’s tongue stroked along the underside, along the big vein. Then those hot lips closed right over the tip of his cock, sinking down, and Tyler just moaned, his body twisting on the sheets. How long had it been since someone else had done the doing? Sevi wouldn
’t suck on a dare.


  Tyler let himself go when Andy cupped his ass in those big hands and made encouraging noises. He let his hips hump up and fuck Andy’s face, let his orgasm rise along his spine, ready to unload any second.

  Which was when Andy stopped, of course.

  Rising up on his elbows, Tyler blinked, his muscles shuddering under his skin. The smell of them made him fucking drool, all hot musk and sweat. “What the fuck, man?” he asked, his voice sounding like sandpaper on a block of wood.

  “Want you to fuck me, Tyler. Don’t want to waste it.”

  Oh, Jesus. His belly went tight as a board, his cock jerking madly even as Andy’s spit dried on it. He nodded wildly.

  “Yeah, yeah. Okay. I don’t have…do you?”

  “Uh-huh.” There was that damned grin again, putting the weirdest feeling in Tyler’s belly. Andy went on, “I was hoping.”

  “Then bring it on, buddy.” He’d bet Andy’s ass was tight, hot, too damned good to be true.

  Andy left him for a moment, coming back with condoms and a tube of lube, the man making a helluva picture, all lean muscle and hard cock standing up against his belly. Damn.

  He had to touch. Had to. Tyler reached out and slid his hand along the underside of that long cock, grasping it and giving it a few good tugs.

  “Nice, buddy.”

  “Fuck,” Andy said, swaying a little. “You want me to last, you oughta let go.”

  Despite this being the hottest, smoothest skin Tyler had ever felt, he let go. He wanted to fuck Andy like there was no tomorrow, and he wanted that cowboy to be with him all the way.

  “Come on, Andy. Wanna,” Tyler said, holding out his hand, still damp from the hot drops of Andy’s precum.

  “How do you want me?” Andy asked, taking his hand and kneeling next to his hip.

  If it were Sevi, well, Tyler would put the man on his hands and knees and fuck him into the middle of next week to pay for what he’d done. Andy, though, Andy he wanted to see. Wanted to look him right in the eye.

  “On your back, buddy.”

  God. Andy rolled right to his back, drawing his knees up to his chest. Just watching made Tyler think he might explode, but he had to get in there, had to feel, so he took the lube and got his fingers wet, shoving two of them right into Andy’s body, stretching that little hole almost impossibly.

  “Fuck!” Andy arched, body rolling up, then down, tight and hot around his fingers. Then the muscles he’d breached relaxed, letting him in.

  “Oh, I need that. Can I, buddy?”

  “Come on, come on, come on,” Andy chanted, rolling, rippling for him.

  The condom fought him at every fucking step, but Tyler got it on, got himself all slicked up and slid between Andy’s spread legs, pushing right into that sweet cowboy ass, just like he was meant to, his head falling forward as he groaned. It was just like he’d known it would be, so hot and tight Tyler thought he was going to go off like the Fourth of July.

  Andy panted beneath him, chest and face flushed, cock straining.

  If he could have, Tyler would have reached for Andy’s cock, would have stroked the man off like crazy. He couldn’t let go of Andy’s hips, though, squeezing hard enough to bruise. He rode Tyler like he would a bull, all focus and determination.

  Finally it was Andy who got a hand free, reaching down to stroke himself, and the sight of it sent Tyler over, had him shooting like a bottle rocket, filling the condom with hot cum.

  A few more strokes and Andy was right behind him, unloading gobs of cum all over their bellies and chests.

  Tyler flopped down on Andy’s chest, those long legs wrapping around him loosely as they relaxed. After a minute he pulled out, then tied off the condom to plop it into the trash can beside the bed. He glommed on to Andy and held on tight.

  They dozed a bit, Andy stroking his back, light snores coming now and again, before it occurred to him.

  “You won the championship three years ago, didn’t you? I mean, I was a rookie that year, barely daring to get near you, but you didn’t act like a guy who’d been jilted.”

  Andy chuckled, patting Tyler’s ass. “Well, no. I didn’t, did I? That’s ’cause there was this new kid on the circuit, eager as a beaver, bright eyed and bushy tailed. He had the best ass I’d ever seen and I was way too busy falling for him to even worry on it.”

  “You mean…?” Tyler propped himself up, looking Andy in the eye. “Why didn’t you say nothin’?”

  “And have you kick my ass? I didn’t know ’til I saw you with Sevi.”

  “Well, now you know.” Tyler rested his chin on Andy’s chest. “What are you gonna do about it?”

  “For starters? Tell you to keep this,” Andy squeezed Tyler’s ass in both hands, “planted on that bull tomorrow. Got it?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, buddy, I think I can do that.”

  The Sunday ride on the first weekend of finals was usually one to separate the men from the boys. Hell, most of them were hungover from the after-party, or tired out from traveling and shaking hands and shit.

  Tyler Anderson was ready, though. He’d drawn a hell of a bull, he was set to ride, and he’d been able to look Sevi Rosa in the eye and smile, knowing somewhere back behind the chutes Andy West was rooting for him.

  All he had to do was keep his mind in the middle.

  That bull turned him every which way but loose, but Tyler stayed on. And as the eight-second buzzer went off, it was Andy he was thinking of, not Sevi Rosa.

  Maybe he’d gotten his head out of his ass in time to take the whole game this year after all.



  The cowboys stopped dead in their tracks when Cody Barnes roared onto the Texas Star Ranch in his Chevy pickup. His incredible presence and powerful body dazzled them. Within seconds, each and every one of those hard-ridin’ cocksuckers had a raging hard-on.

  Cody’s shaggy brown hair was hidden beneath a black Stetson. Heavy stubble peppered his rocky chin and square-jawed face. His neck was thick as a bull’s, his shoulders massive and sturdy. Thick veins throbbed beneath his sweat-slicked slabs of muscle and smooth, golden-tanned skin.

  The stud’s beefy nipples stood stiff beneath a damp red button-up shirt, although a huge, gaping hole over his left pec exposed one of them, glowing with a single bead of hot sweat. The bottom of his shirt hung teasingly an inch above his navel.

  One could glimpse his furrowed abs, which were covered in an expanse of brown swirling fur that disappeared behind his rawhide belt. Cody’s tree-trunk thighs and juicy muscle butt bulged within his faded Wranglers. Tufts of sweaty pubic hair poked through a wide hole that had ripped open at his crotch, which had been worn through by his massive cockhead. His meaty, veiny cock snaked along the length of his inner thigh, held snug by faded denim. His bowling-ball biceps were awesome, but his bushy, sweat-dripping armpits made everyone drool. The cowboys surrounded Cody. The overpowering odor of raunchy manstud sailed up their noses and shot swift bolts of manlust to their pulsing groins.

  Beau Ryan, owner of the Texas Star Ranch, fell in instant lust with Cody and offered him a job right there on the spot. The beefy stud equally mesmerized the rest of the cowboys, and he immediately became their pal. Nobody could have felt more welcome.

  That first day, Cody put in twelve hours of rounding up, roping, and branding steers. At sunset, the other sweaty cowpunchers called it a day and headed for Hank’s Bar. That’s where a horny stud could swill down the coldest beer in town and watch pro football with some hard-workin’, hard-drinkin’ cowboys. Maybe he’d even find himself an accommodating ranch hand with a willing tongue and a tight asshole.

  Cody headed to Beau’s office to see how he’d done that day. Beau was mighty impressed with his new hired hand from Calgary, so he gave him a week’s advance on his pay. The cowboy responded with a grateful grin. There was only one way to repay such generosity.

  “I’m fucking horny,” Cody husked. H
e unbuttoned his fly, and his lust-bloated cock rose up full mast in front of Beau’s astonished eyes. Cody’s shirt was tucked behind his belt, his jeans slung low over his lean hips. Beau’s eyes were riveted to Cody’s athletic, sweat-soaked body.

  Cody smiled lewdly. He kissed Beau, who responded by running his hands all over Cody’s chest. Cody felt the keen excitement he always experienced when a stud played with his muscles. He moaned, tongue-fucking Beau’s mouth and swabbing spit as his boss played with his pecs.

  Beau always thrilled to the touch of a manly cowboy’s body. His blue eyes flashed with macho passion as his hands traveled across Cody’s superb muscles. Beau unzipped his fly then pulled out his cock. He grabbed both their cocks and squeezed them hard. Now their cocks were jammed together.

  Cody gasped when he felt Beau’s powerful tool. He marveled at the strength pulsing within those big, throbbing blue veins. Beau glared at the precum drops oozing from their pissholes, dribbling down the full length of their cocks.

  Beau played with Cody’s nipples, gently tweaking them as Cody closed his eyes, threw back his head, and moaned his macho ecstasy and pleasure. “What a body,” Beau muttered. “What a fucking hot body.” Yeah. Beau was going to ride this hot cowboy. He was going to ram his cock up Cody’s ass. He ran his tongue over the ranch hand’s pecs. He loved how his body tasted—that raw, manly flavor of hot, ripe stud. He buried his face in one of Cody’s armpits and inhaled deeply. The potent aroma made his cock swell and throb all the more.

  Cody was more than pleased that Beau was admiring his body. And he was thrilled that Beau wanted him. His cock twitched and throbbed against Beau’s spasming rod.

  Beau turned Cody around, then stopped for a moment to admire the cowboy’s powerful back. It was wide and tapered down to a narrow waist. Then his eyes took in Cody’s spectacular ass: two bronzed globes of firm, muscular flesh. Beau rubbed his cock between Cody’s sweaty asscheeks.

  Cody shuddered when he felt his boss’s fat cockhead against his pucker. Beau smiled knowingly; this was the moment they both had been waiting for. At last he was going to fuck Cody’s hot ass. Cody hunched down a bit so Beau could slip his cock inside his ass. He moaned pleasurably as his asshole gave way and allowed Beau’s cock to slide easily into his hot, spasming hole. Beau shuddered at the incredible sensation of Cody’s hot slick asshole sucking in his cock.


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