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Fake Marriage to a Rock Star: Fame and Romance

Page 10

by Marian Wilson


  “Will everyone be okay with a Christmas wedding?” Ava asked, looking around the table at her family.

  Her mother, Reba, nodded. “Honey, I think it would be perfect. No matter when you two decide to become one, your father and I will be there.”

  “Daddy?” she asked, looking down the table at him.


  “I know you always said that you could never give me away, because I would always belong to you. And I will, but what are your thoughts? You haven’t shared a word with me about how you feel about Bren and I marrying so quickly.”

  Her father, Paul, folded his hands together, resting his elbows on the table. His cherubic red cheeks filled out even more as he smiled. “As long as Bren is going to be my son-in-law, I couldn’t be happier. Every time I thought of this moment, I was always afraid of whom you might choose to be your husband. But, to be honest with you, Ava, I couldn’t have chosen a more perfect match to be by your side throughout your life. Brendan and I have had long discussions on the phone while he was in New York. He made a flight down here the week before he asked you, to ask my permission.”

  Ava’s eyebrows furrowed, and then her eyes widened in shock. “When?”

  “That Tuesday. Remember the day he was running late to meet you and he told you his flight was late?”


  “Well, it wasn’t. He stopped by here to visit your mom and me first, and then he asked us not to utter a word.”

  “And you know, Dad,” Roxanne chimed in. “When you tell him a secret, he’ll keep it safer than Fort Knox.”

  “So, how did you get Mom to keep it quiet?” Keith joined in, sending a teasing smile at his mother.

  “Oh, hush, you!” Reba said, waving a napkin at her son.

  “That was a little harder,” Paul chuckled. “He promised your mother that they would film the next video in our backyard and her prized rosebushes would be a featured part of the video. She sold her silence for a starring role in his video.”

  Everyone fell into rounds of laughter, as Reba blushed a warm smile lit her features. “Not just a starring role, but a role for my bushes.”

  “This is going to be weird. My sister and my best friend,” Keith said, shaking his head. In the beginning, he hadn’t taken it easy at all. When Brendan had rushed from his home to find Ava after his return from LA, Drew and Roxanne had spilled the entire story to Keith. It took a while to convince him that his best friend had not been preying on his little sister over the years. And then it had taken several more conversations before Keith accepted it.

  “Not really. You two have been like brothers all along,” Reba pointed out.

  “That’s it precisely. If he’s like a brother, how does my sister marry her own brother?” Keith asked, scratching his thick thatch of brown hair.

  “You know what? You’re just weird, not them. It’s you,” Roxanne said, nodding her head.

  “Have you two made up your mind where you’re going to live?” Paul asked. She could tell by the tone of his voice he was worried about losing his daughter.

  “He’ll still keep the condo in New York, where we will spend our summers. But we’re purchasing a home here in Atlanta.”

  “After the wedding?” Keith asked. “Are you two staying at your apartment until then?”

  Shaking her head, she pushed her broccoli around on her plate and giggled. “No, we’d never have peace living in that building. We’re going to start looking for a place now. As a matter of fact, I’ve already looked at a few places online and made appointments to view them while he’s in town this weekend. I think we should have it squared away before the wedding.”

  “Do you have any idea of where you want to go?” Reba asked.

  “We’ve been considering Roswell, Buckhead, Atlanta, and Alpharetta.”

  “Well, I have no doubt you’ll know the perfect place when you’ve found it,” Reba replied.

  “So, I hear there’s another announcement to be made,” Ava said, grinning at her sister-in-law, effortlessly taking the attention off her for a while.

  “And that is?” Paul asked, looking around the table.

  Keith reached over and grabbed his wife’s hand. “Mom, Dad, Roxi and I are going to make you grandparents this spring.”

  “You’re thinking of having a baby?” Paul asked, his face lighting up with joy.

  “We’re having a baby,” Roxanne clarified. “I’m six weeks along.”

  Reba jumped up from her chair, making her way around to her daughter-in-law and pulling her out of her chair. Paul followed closely behind and waited for his turn. They kissed her and Keith, rejoicing over the good news going on in their close-knit family.

  Ava sat back smiling. Her sister-in-law had shared the news with her two nights ago when Brendan was in town and both couples had shared dinner at Rex’s, an exclusive steakhouse. They had sworn them both to secrecy, because they didn’t want the grandparents to be offended that they weren’t told first.

  They sat around, finishing dinner and making small talk a little longer.

  Yawning, Ava stood from her chair. “Well, everyone, I have to be up early in the morning for class. I’ll see you all this weekend.”

  “Okay, sweetie. Be safe and have a good night,” Reba said, hugging her daughter.

  Keith and Roxanne followed her, stating they needed to prepare for the next day, too.

  Everyone made small talk about babies and weddings, as the small entourage made their way outside to the cars.

  Ava smiled lovingly at Brendan as he watched her show him the eighth floral arrangement of the afternoon. He had flown in to spend the morning with her brother and father, and his brother and grandfather, as they went shopping for tuxedos, and she and her mother and sister-in-law shopped for gowns. Now, he was all hers, and afterward, the two of them would have dinner and then prepare for a day of house-hunting on Sunday.

  Ava still had difficulty believing she was marrying the man of her dreams. The one she had been in love with for so long, the one who caused any other men she dated to never have a true chance at her heart.

  “Come on, you have to choose one, Bren,” she coaxed lightheartedly.

  “Well, you’re going to be the one carrying them. Why do I have to choose?” he asked, his face a complex mask of confusion.

  “Because, it’s going to match the boutonniere that you and your groomsmen wear,” she explained good-naturedly.

  “Baby, any color you choose will be perfect. We’re making our decision based on what you choose.”

  “Bren, I thought you wanted to be a part of this?” Her eyes were light with teasing, but her facial expression was serious.

  “Oh, no!” he said, waving his hands in front of him. “You’re not pulling me into this.” He reached out and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her down onto his lap where he sat in the silk brocade chair of the floral shop’s private sitting room.

  “Brendan!” she squealed, swatting him on the shoulder.

  “What? I said, the only thing I can’t wait to be a part of is this dynamic duo of you and me. As for the rest of this, it’s for you, our friends and family, and—” he broke off, pressing a kiss to her neck.

  “And?” she said, tossing her head to the side, exposing more of her neck for his adoration.

  “And…my adoring fans,” he said, lifting his head and capturing her lips underneath his.

  She sighed against his mouth. “We mustn’t disappoint them, huh?”

  “Nope,” he whispered with a laugh. “How many kids do you want?”

  Pulling back, she stared at him open-mouthed. “Kids?”

  “Yes, you do want kids, don’t you?”

  “Of course, I do. But where did that come from?”

  Shrugging, he replied, “I don’t know. Maybe all the time I spent around Keith this morning, talking about babies. The only thing I could see in my head were a bunch of little Brendans and Avas running around. Little girls that l
ook just like you, and handsome little fellas looking just like their dad.”

  “Sounds like a wonderful fantasy to me, Mr. Powers. I think I’d like three.”



  “Why just three?” Brendan asked.

  “Three is the perfect number.”

  Looping her arms around his neck, she pulled him in close for another kiss. “I love you so much, Bren. And I’m so thankful that we found each other.”

  “Me, too, babe. Me, too. You know, since we’ve been together, I’ve found a new level of inspiration in my songwriting.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yep. We’re going into the studio to start recording the new tracks at the beginning of the year. And five of the new songs for our next album release will be ones written by me.”

  “That’s awesome!” she squealed, kissing him again. They took their time savoring one another’s kiss, oblivious to the approaching footsteps.

  “Mr. Powers, Ms. Cullen, I’m sorry I got pulled away for a moment, have you two—?” the florist broke off when she pulled the curtain back and saw them wrapped up in each other’s embrace. “Um, I’ll give you a little more time to decide,” she said, promptly closing the curtain back and rushing off.

  Ava pulled back, wearing a smirk and looking into Brendan’s eyes, and they both fell into a fit of laughter. They were enjoying loving one another. Ava and Brendan were so thankful for Keith and Roxanne’s foresight in throwing the two of them together in a façade of love.



  “I guess Christmas dreams do come true,” Reba, Ava’s mother said, as she repositioned the tiara made of diamonds and lace onto Ava’s head.

  She smiled at her mother’s reflection in the mirror.

  “I never could understand how you held on so strong to your love for him. Never really giving any of your dates a true chance because they didn’t measure up. But it all worked out,” Roxanne marveled. “And you’re so stunning!” she said, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.

  Reba turned to Roxanne for a moment. “Sweetheart, you’re going to mess your makeup,” she said, clucking her tongue.

  Roxanne smiled sweetly at her mother-in-law before turning back to Ava. “And just to think, this all started as a fake engagement.”

  “Now there’s a story for the tabloids,” Reba chuckled.

  “You two are going to be America’s next favorite couple, alongside Misty and Nick,” Roxanne stated. “Speaking of which, I’m glad they worked things out. From what Brendan tells us, they have been so happy recently.”

  Ava smiled nervously and noticed that her mother had seen her fidgeting. “Are you worried about the TV cameras out there, sweetheart? Because if you are, don’t be. The cameras and Brendan’s fans are going to love you. You are an exceptionally beautiful couple. Friends turned lovers. How can you get more romantic than that?”

  “Mom, I don’t care if they love us or not. I just can’t wait to become Mrs. Brendan Powers. I’ve dreamed about this almost an entire lifetime.”

  “And at last, you finally have your dream coming true,” Roxanne agreed.

  A knock at the door cut off the idle chatter, causing Ava to fidget in her satin-covered chair, nervous once again.

  “Come in,” Reba called.

  Her father, Paul, pushed the door open. “We’re ready for you, baby girl,” he said, stepping inside.

  She walked into her father’s embrace and welcomed the tight hug he gave her.

  “I love you so much, and I could not be any prouder of you than I am today. Brendan is getting an amazing gift in you, sweetheart. One that I hope he never takes for granted. And you are getting a wonderful thing in him, too.”

  “I know, Daddy. Thank you for being a part of this special day for me,” she said, fighting back the tears.

  Looking up into her father’s eyes, she noticed that his eyes were watering, as well. “There’s no place I’d rather be, baby girl.”

  “All right, you two softies. Let’s get this show on the road before we all become a bucket of tears,” Reba teased, bustling them towards the door.

  The Atlanta Botanical Garden was a splendid garden, filled with an impressive display of floral creations. But their wedding planner had transformed it into a breathtaking winter paradise. The evening was filled with the soft strains of violinists and a pianist playing Etta James’s At Last in the well-lit garden. Every chair at the end of the aisle, was decorated with a poinsettia.

  Ava slowly made her way through the miniature trees trimmed in tiny, white lights sparkling in the beautiful glow of the evening. A trail of poinsettia leaves and petals littered the path before her. She listened to the hushed murmurs all around her, but she allowed nothing to deter her focus. Her gaze was drawn to the sight before her.

  Brendan stood underneath an arch constructed from rough hewn wood, with boughs of pine and sprigs of holly interlaced between them. White roses and glistening pinecones were tucked in alternating intervals throughout the bough. Two large white ribbons were tied off on the top of the arch at either end.

  Roxanne and Keith, a part of the intimate wedding party, both smiled at her with love and pride in their hearts as she made her way towards where they stood. She smiled back graciously at them.

  While everyone was fascinated with the décor and her beautiful white gown, she only cared about the man who waited for her at the end of the aisle. Brendan looked amazing in his white suit with a red rose as his boutonniere. The smile on his face was contagious, causing her eyes to water, and her lips to turn up into a gleeful smile of her own.

  This man, who loved her so openly, was about to become her husband. He was responsible for making all her dreams come true. She giggled as she heard him stage whisper, “Come on, woman,” and then again as his brother, Drew standing beside him whispered loudly, “Cool it, dude.”

  When she finally reached him, she looked up into the eyes of her father whose startling green ones reflected her own. In his eyes, she saw tears and unconditional love mirrored, as he prepared to give his baby away to the only man he said he could ever trust her with.

  “I will always love you, Daddy,” she whispered.

  Her father leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I will love you forever, sweetheart, and your mother and I know Brendan’s going to take great care of you,” he said, winking at Brendan as he released her arm for Brendan to take.

  She watched as her father and future husband shook hands, smiling warmly at one another. There was no greater Christmas gift she could ask for than this.

  With cameras whirring all around, and the soft giggles and oohs and ahs of a few of her students that were able to attend, Ava felt like a princess in a fairytale.

  Her wedding gown was a Vera Wang original covered in hand-placed pearls. Her fitted bodice plunged into a V-neck, giving her a sensual but subtle look of sexiness. The lacy concoction clung to her slim figure, venturing out slightly just below mid-thigh into a frothy pool of silk and tulle swirling around her feet. The spaghetti straps of the dress crisscrossed in the back spanning into a multitude of ties. A silk wrap was the only covering she needed for the mild December day.

  When Brendan took her hands into his, she saw a thousand memories they created over the decades flash before her. Together they turned to their minister to exchange the vows that would unite them as one.

  Looking out at the assortment of family and friends gathered to share their special day, Brendan was overjoyed. He could picture no more perfect day than this. When they had set the date, it had all circulated around the fact his parents would be in town for Christmas.

  Looking over at his mother, he watched her smile adoringly at him as she blew kisses his way, and his father, who Brendan very much resembled, looked at him with pride. His parents sat next to his grandparents who seemed to be reliving the moment they shared their own vows, he felt a rush for the four people who had taught him about
sacrificial love.

  With Rick and his bandmates in attendance, along with Misty and Nick, Brendan knew he was fortunate enough to be surrounded by people who truly loved and cared about him. He was thankful for the friendships he had forged over the years in and out of the music industry.

  The cameras were all there for show, and he could care less if they had attended or not. Ava had agreed to Erin’s idea, thinking it was a perfect way to bring a conclusion to the rumor that they weren’t truly a couple and finalize the “Clear Brendan Powers’ Name Campaign.” So, as he would with everything she had ever asked of him, Brendan went along with it.

  But of all those in attendance today, Brendan’s heart flooded the most at the sight of the woman standing before him. Gone was the young girl and geeky teen he had known. She had blossomed into a vision of beauty, love, and warmth right before his eyes. No song he could ever write, or no song that could ever be sung would be enough to capture how he felt for her.

  Ava was his friend, his confidante, his security, and now she was his home. A home where his heart could find love, peace, and nurturing. His heart could finally find the rest it had been seeking for decades, that he had not known he was missing.

  Placing the ring on her finger, he gazed deeply into her eyes. Her heart was pulling him forward. He wanted to taste those soft lips one more time, delight in the beauty of her heart, and truly make her his own. But he knew that would all come in time. He was amazed to know a love so deep, and that there was a love out there waiting for him that he had not known he needed. And for that love, he was willing to create a new song with this woman just to call her his own.

  The first dance was given to Paul. Brendan waited patiently at his table, as his father-in-law took his wife for a whirl around the dance floor. He smiled, thinking about that word. Wife.

  “Mom, would you do me the honor of having this dance?” he asked, leaning in to his mother, who was dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.


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