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Tuxedo Tryst

Page 2

by Nikki Soarde

  As much as he enjoyed a good cup of espresso, he had no interest in upping his adrenaline level. He chose instead to stretch out on one of the luxurious calfskin couches. But no sooner did he remove his jacket and settle his butt on the cushion, than a loud exclamation of, “God damn it! God damn her to hell!” echoed through the dimly lit space.

  Startled, he vaulted from the couch and glanced around the room, looking for the source of the outburst. He saw no one at first, but quickly traced the continued string of muffled epithets to the large corner office on the far side of the room. The door was open, so he indulged his curiosity and peeked inside.

  There was another loud exclamation and he barely had time to duck out of the way of a crystal champagne flute that came whizzing toward his head and crashed against the door jamb.

  “Hey!” he shouted, leaping aside. “What the fuck?”

  “What?” echoed the other man’s voice. “What the hell?”

  Jake stood in the middle of the doorway, panting and glaring at the shards of crystal that littered the floor at his feet. “What was that for?”

  “Jesus, I’m sorry.”

  Evan Valerian—Jake had recognized him instantly—rounded his desk and crossed the room to Jake. He placed a hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just startled.” Jake took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders.

  “Good.” Evan gave Jake’s arm a gentle squeeze before releasing him. He smiled, lighting up his face and sending a strange shiver through Jake’s gut. “I’m sorry about that. I thought I was alone. I wasn’t aiming at you.”

  Jake quirked a half smile. “Well, that’s good to know. But it would hardly be the first time my head was the target of well-aimed stemware.”

  Evan frowned, obviously confused.

  “Women.” Jake gave a resigned sigh. “I tend to have that effect on them.”

  Evan’s shoulders relaxed, a spontaneous chuckle bubbled up from his chest. “Is that so?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. Fortunately, however, I have good reflexes.”

  Evan kept his smile. “I noticed.”

  Their gazes held for a moment. A moment that stretched just a little too long.

  Jake cleared his throat. “So, if you don’t mind my asking, what was that all about?”

  Evan opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself. He shook his head in confusion. “I think maybe I should be the one asking questions here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, for starters I know you don’t work here. So what are—”

  “Oh!” Jake held up a hand, disgusted with himself. “I’m sorry. I guess I don’t really have any business being up here, do I?”

  Evan Valerian just continued studying him, his gaze—in fact his mere presence— more than a little unsettling.

  Jake cleared his throat. “I had a bit of an…issue with my girlfriend at the party, and just wanted to give her—to give both of us—some space for a while.”

  “Your girlfriend works here, I assume?”

  “Yes. Rheanne Dumont. She works in—”

  “Accounts receivable. I know. I’ve heard good things about her.” Evan granted him a half smile. “And I guess that means I won’t be calling security to haul your ass out of here.”

  Jake grinned. “That’s good to hear.” His respect for the man deepening by the moment, Jake stuffed his hands in his pockets and decided he had nothing to lose. “So?”


  “Who were you aiming at?”


  Jake nodded toward the remnants of Evan’s rage. “The glass. You confirmed that you weren’t aiming at me. So who were you trying to hit?”

  Evan chuckled softly, shook his head. “No, no. You don’t want to hear my troubles.”

  “Sure I do.”

  “No you don’t. You’re just being polite because I decided not to inflict bodily harm.”

  “No, I’m not being polite.” Feeling bold, Jake stepped farther into the room. “I’d really like to know.”

  Evan frowned. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve got two hours to kill and nothing better to do. And I have little doubt your life is far more fascinating than mine.” Silently he added, And there’s no place else I’d rather be at this moment. As true as it may be, he doubted it was a good idea to share that thought with the CEO.

  “My life really isn’t all that fascinating.”

  Jake shrugged. “Be that as it may, I’d still like to hear. If you’re in the mood to tell me, that is.”

  Evan studied him for a moment, as if trying to discern whether he was sincere. But apparently he decided Jake was. “Would you like a drink? Some Grand Marnier, perhaps? Or sweet vermouth?”

  “Sure. Sweet vermouth sounds good. I haven’t had it in ages.”

  Evan headed to the polished oak mini-bar that lined one wall. “I grew up with it. Used to drink it with my father all the time. Now I find I reach for it whenever life seems…insurmountable.”

  Jake followed him, chose a seat in one of the wing-backed chairs that faced the bar. “And this is one of those times?”

  “Yes. I suppose it is.” Evan poured two tumblers and handed one to Jake. They clinked glasses and each took a sip. “I was aiming at my wife.”

  Jake caught his breath. “Oh. I see.”

  “You’ve met her, I know.”

  Jake’s eyebrows arched. “You saw her…talking to me.”

  “I did. And don’t worry. I’m sure I know exactly how the conversation went, and it doesn’t matter to me one way or the other how it turned out.”

  “It doesn’t?”

  He shook his head. “No. It doesn’t. Nadine and I have been separated for six months.”

  “Really? Rheanne never mentioned that.”

  “You’re serious with Rheanne, are you?”

  Jake arched an eyebrow. “Are you asking about my intentions towards one of your employees?”

  “Oh. No. I just…” He shook his head in disgust. “I just put my foot in my mouth, it seems.”

  Jake suppressed a smile. “Well, I’ll let you in on something. I’ve been seeing her for about six months, but it seems that tonight will mark the end of our relationship.”

  “Ah. I see. A lot of that going around tonight, it sounds like.”

  Jake nodded, waiting.

  “All right. Yes. I’ve been very closed-mouthed about the separation. I didn’t want it getting out to staff until I knew…how things would go.”

  “I get the feeling you just figured that out.”

  “You could say that, yes.”

  Evan sipped from his glass and stared at it, apparently lost in thought. Because Jake sensed that he wanted to talk about it, but needed encouragement, he stood and joined Evan at the bar. He helped himself to a little more vermouth and leaned against the bar facing Evan. “So did she have an affair?”

  “Oh yes. Many of them. But that’s not what I was upset about.”


  Evan shrugged. “The affairs were the tip of the iceberg, and the original reason for the separation. But what I found out tonight…” He drained his glass. “What I found out tonight is enough to make a man want to wrap his hands around a woman’s neck and—” He closed his eyes in obvious misery. When he opened them again they were touched with a sadness that wrapped around Jake’s heart. “Don’t worry. I have no designs on my wife’s life.”

  “I wasn’t worried.”

  Evan nodded. “She stole from me. And has been stealing from me almost from the moment we exchanged our vows. It’s not that much, really. Not enough to break me or seriously affect the welfare of the company, but it’s…” He shook his head, crossed to the enormous picture windows behind his desk.

  “It’s the betrayal.”

  “Yes. That and the fact that I thought I was smarter than that. Maybe I’m more angry at myself than her.” He leaned against the glass, stared ou
t into the night. “I don’t know.”

  Jake refilled the glass Evan had set down and carried both glasses over to Evan.

  Evan accepted it and thanked him as Jake leaned a hip against the desk. Barely a foot separated them.

  Jake gave in to impulse and placed a hand on Evan’s arm. “You trusted someone who was supposed to love you. There’s nothing stupid about that.”

  “How about marrying your secretary after your first wife runs off with the pool boy? Is that stupid?”

  Jake allowed himself a small smile. “No. Cliché, maybe. But not stupid.”

  Evan was smiling again, and it surprised Jake how much that pleased him.

  Gradually the smiles fell away, however, as the two men continued studying each other. “One thing I’ll say about Nadine,” said Evan at last, his voice soft and strangely hypnotic. “She has good taste. She always picked the best young men out of the crowd to sink her claws into.”

  In that moment something passed between them. An unspoken communication that was as clear and vibrant as the winter night beyond the glass.

  Jake felt his pulse quicken. “She didn’t sink them in very deep,” he whispered. “I came away without even a scratch.”

  Evan stepped closer, positioning himself directly in front of Jake. He set his tumbler on the desk, the glass making a soft tap against the polished wood. He ran his hand lightly up Jake’s arm to rest on his shoulder. His hands were large and long-fingered, his palm warming through the fabric of Jake’s shirt.

  “Glad to hear it. I would have no interest in sampling her leftovers.”

  Jake’s heart was hammering now, pounding against the cage of his chest as if trying to escape. He said nothing, focusing only on breathing and savoring the touch of a man he’d never dreamed would be interested in men, let alone the likes of him.

  “What’s your name?” Evan’s other hand traced the line of Jake’s right arm, exploring and savoring and sending bolts of electricity zinging through Jake’s gut.

  “Jake,” he breathed. “Jake Maynard.”

  “You have excellent taste, Jake Maynard. This tux is exquisite.” His right hand remained firmly on Jake’s shoulder, as if establishing possession, while his other coasted down Jake’s chest, over his ribs and belly. “It suits you.”

  “I was afraid the red might be too much.”

  Evan shook his head slowly. “No. It’s perfect.” He unbuttoned the top button of Jake’s red silk vest. Moved on to the second. “And what do you do, Jake Maynard?”

  The vest fell open and Jake’s eyes wanted to close with pleasure when Evan used both of those exquisite hands to bracket his rib cage. But he managed to keep them open long enough to see the knowing smile spread over Evan’s face.

  “Besides work out rigorously, that is,” he added.

  “Wine. Oh Christ.” Evan had already undone several shirt buttons and his hands were on Jake’s bare skin now.

  Evan leaned in, his lapels brushing Jake’s chest, his mouth next to Jake’s ear. His breath was hot on Jake’s neck. “What about wine?”

  “I…I sell it.”

  “Really? To whom?” He drew his tongue over Jake’s earlobe, his hand cruised over Jake’s abs.

  “To only the most discerning—fuck!” Evan had found his cock. He’d slipped his hand beneath Jake’s belt and wrapped his fingers around it, the touch firm but the strokes gentle. His groan was low and throaty.

  Jake lifted his gaze and found Evan’s deep blue eyes locked on his. The crinkles around them conveyed his smile. “I’m one of the most discerning fucks you’re going to find.”

  But Jake wasn’t in the mood to laugh. He said only, “Please,” and was rewarded with finally feeling the heat of Evan’s mouth on his. The kiss was hungry, voracious. Fierce. A crush of lips and lust and passion. When they broke apart, Jake had the sudden and urgent need to expose skin. Quickly. Now!

  But when his hands flew to the lapels of Evan’s jacket, Evan caught them in mid-flight. “No. Not yet.”

  Some deep part of him thrilling to the torturous denial of his desires, he decided to bargain a little. “The jacket? Just let me take off the jacket.”

  Evan considered that a moment before nodding and allowing Jake to very slowly slip the jacket from his shoulders and toss it in a heap in the corner. They stood chest to chest, the fabric of Evan’s vest a silky, and infuriating, barrier between them.

  “You take very good care of yourself,” observed Evan, slipping the shirt and vest from Jake’s shoulders. His hands followed the path of the shirt, trailing down Jake’s back in a sensual exploration of skin, muscle and sinew. “I appreciate that.”

  Jake swallowed, shifted his hips so that their groins touched. Jake could feel Evan’s substantial erection straining against the material of his trousers, and Jake knew that Evan could feel his.

  His mouth a breath from Evan’s, he asked, “Do you appreciate that?”

  Evan’s fingers dug into Jake’s back. “I’d like to.”

  “Show me.”

  In a heartbeat Evan had undone Jake’s belt and zipper and freed his cock. Evan caught Jake’s wrists and took a half step back, his grip unrelenting as he held Jake’s hands still and admired. He stared, his gaze frankly hungry as he took a deep, replenishing breath. Jake longed to see what lay beneath that shirt, but knew his time would come.

  Evan dragged his gaze to Jake’s, his expression a question mark.

  Jake nodded and the next moment his straining cock was in Evan Valerian’s talented mouth.

  Chapter Three

  Evan had never dreamed he’d find himself here again. It had been years since he’d indulged his deviant—as his first wife had called it—passion. He’d confided it to her one night when he was particularly vulnerable after a round of intense sex and too much wine—and he’d regretted it ever since. She’d blamed the marriage breakup on his bisexual tendencies. Saying she could never look at him the same way again once she’d found out. But he suspected it had been a convenient excuse and nothing more. She’d never loved him—at least not like he thought a wife should love a husband—and her abandonment had hurt him more deeply than he cared to acknowledge even now.

  Not that he had any interest in thinking about her at all right now. He had other, much more appealing things on his mind.

  Jake was exactly the kind of man Evan desired. Young, fit, intelligent, with a sense of self and style. It had come through loud and clear, even from across the lobby, the classic-cut tux combined with the flamboyant red vest and tie a vivid testimony to who and what Jake Maynard was.

  It didn’t hurt that he had one of the most beautiful cocks Evan had ever seen. Or tasted.

  He drew his tongue down the length of it, teasing and tasting and savoring the soft groans of pleasure that reverberated from Jake’s chest. It was thick and hard and long enough to make a man’s mouth water with envy. He wrapped his right hand around the base, which was clean-shaved and baby-smooth, massaging gently as he swirled his tongue around the tip. A bead of cum pearled at the slit and he licked it away before taking the cock deeply into his mouth and sucking gently.

  He could see Jake’s fingers gripping the edge of the desk, the knuckles turning white in his efforts to keep a hold on the sanity Evan suspected was beginning to slip away.

  Evan raised his other hand and pressed it to Jake’s chest. He thrilled to the rapid tattoo of Jake’s heartbeat against his hand, to the way Jake’s skin grew damp beneath his palm. The motions of Evan’s mouth accelerated, and Jake’s breathing raced to catch up. Jake’s hand released the lip of the desk and came up to latch around Evan’s wrist. He drew Evan’s hand away from his chest and pulled it to his lips where he drew Evan’s fingers deeply into his mouth.

  Evan released a groan of raw, unexpected pleasure, and had to make an effort to concentrate on his task. Regretfully he reclaimed his hand then added its motions to the mix. Cupping Jake’s balls with one hand and following the actions of his mouth with the other.

  Jake’s balls tightened in his fingers.

  “Jesus.” The word was a strangled epithet. Or perhaps a prayer.

  Exercising inhuman self-control, Evan slowed the motions of his mouth and smiled to himself at Jake’s “Holy fuck, what’s wrong with you?” curse of frustration.

  He swirled his tongue around the tip. “I’m just playing with you.”

  “Well fuckin’ stop it and finish me.”

  “You’re sexy when you’re pissed.”


  Enjoying himself immensely, Evan relented and picked up where he’d left off. Slow, sensual strokes of the tongue were quickly followed by firm, rapid action that took Jake’s cock far into his mouth and down his throat. It didn’t take long for Jake’s head to loll back and his groans of satisfaction to fill the room. This time when his balls tightened and his body tensed, Evan didn’t let up. He kept his strokes long and rhythmic, sucking him hard until at last he came in a cry of fulfillment, pumping himself into Evan’s mouth with the kind of exuberant energy reserved for the young.

  When it was done Evan stood and reached for a tissue to wipe the excess from his lips. But Jake grabbed his hands and stopped him. “No, you sexy bastard. Let me.”

  Jake’s kiss was hard and demanding and completely unexpected. It turned Evan’s insides to jelly and all but buckled his knees beneath him. Jake’s tongue was clever and unrelenting, his arms, latched around Evan’s back, left no room for debate. Jake wanted him, and he wanted him badly.

  “We’re not done here,” growled Jake, his fingers threaded through Evan’s hair. “Not by a long shot.”

  Evan didn’t think his heart had ever beat so fast. “I never said we were.”

  “Good. Because now it’s my turn to call the shots.”


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