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Jagers Mate rp-2

Page 5

by Marisa Chenery

  Keeping a discreet distance between it, he followed the Camaro out of Marin County and into San Francisco. When the werewolf pulled his car into the driveway of a bungalow in a residential area of the city, the lone wolf slowly drove by, making note of the house number and the street name.

  Sure that Miles would be more than pleased to learn the address of Jager’s mate, the lone wolf turned his car in the direction that would take him to their new headquarters.

  They now had something that would put one of the Protectors at a distinct disadvantage.

  And maybe this information would make up for the fact that Jager had cornered him in that alley.

  Chapter Six

  The sound of someone knocking on her front door made Daylen jump on the couch where she sat watching television. Ever since that morning, she’d been jumping at the slightest noise thinking Jager could have returned like he’d said he would. She also hadn’t been able to stop replaying how it had felt to have him kiss her. Her body craved more of his touch, much to Daylen’s disgust. And when she had found the hair elastic she had pulled out of his hair on her bedroom floor, she hadn’t been able to throw it in the garbage. It now sat on top of her dresser. Just another sign of her weakening toward him.

  Getting up, Daylen walked to the front door. She figured it couldn’t be Jager. He would more than likely break in again instead of knocking on the door. She opened the door and came face to face with the last person she thought she would see on her porch.

  So surprised to see it was Jager knocking on her door, Daylen stood there and stared.

  After a few seconds, he smiled and said, “Does the sight of me leave you speechless?

  I must have left you with a better impression than I’d thought.”

  It was partly surprise, and something else that Daylen didn’t want to admit to, that was making her stand in the doorway unable to get her brain to function properly. As soon as her gaze had landed on Jager, something inside her had stood up and shouted with joy. He hadn’t even touched her and her nipples had already tightened beneath her long sleeved t-shirt. Against her will, her gaze lowered to his firm lips. Hers started to tingle as she remembered how it felt to have those lips moving across hers. Daylen knew she had to snap out of it, that she had promised herself she wouldn’t let him do this to her again, but all she could do was stand there like a twit and stare.

  Jager chuckled at her continued silence. “I’m going to take your reaction as a good sign that you no longer want to haul me away to jail.” He then brushed past her and walked into the house.

  Daylen sucked in a breath as Jager’s body came in contact with hers when he walked past. A shiver of arousal shot through her. A small ache started to pound between her legs. She wanted to reach out, grab Jager by his long pony tail and take his mouth with hers until neither one of them could think straight.

  Then his words sank in. Why the hell wasn’t she trying to haul him away to jail?

  Moving quickly, Daylen shut the front door and came up behind Jager as he made his way toward the living room. She ignored the thrum of arousal that surged through her and kicked out her foot so it connected with the back of his knee. When he stumbled, she quickly kicked his other knee out from under him. As he started to fall forward, Daylen jumped on his back and used her weight to push him completely over. Straddling him, she yanked his arms behind him. Holding onto his wrists, she pushed his hands to the center of his back.

  Jager started to chuckle. “Damn, you got me again. I’m going to blame this on the fact that whenever I’m near you I’m not my usual, observant self.” He lifted his head and turned it to give her a sideways look. “Now that you’ve got me, let’s see if you can keep me down.”

  With a show of strength, Jager surged beneath her and threw her off his back.

  Thrown onto her side, Daylen tried to get enough space between them so she could try another karate move on him, but Jager proved to be faster. His large hand wrapped around her ankle and pulled her across the floor toward him. He shoved her flat on her back and threw himself on top of her.

  Her hands pinned between their chests, Daylen futilely tried to push him away. “Get off me,” she said through gritted teeth.

  Having him stretched out along her body with her legs trapped between his heavily muscled thighs made her blood heat, which caused the throb in her pussy to pick up tempo.

  Not moving, Jager said, “We’re going to have to work on this, Daylen. I wouldn’t mind you jumping me every time you saw me if it led to me and you in bed. I know that isn’t what you had in mind when you kicked my legs out from under me just now.”

  Daylen arched her back to try and throw Jager off. She then had to bite her tongue to stop the moan that threatened to break free when his hard cock ended up pressed against her lower abdomen. “The only thing I have to work on is keeping you down long enough to cuff you.”

  Jager shook his head. “Are we ever going to get past this point? I’d like to get over it so we can move on to more pleasurable things like getting to know each other better in the most intimate of ways.”

  “I don’t think so.” That was the furthest thing from the truth. Daylen felt herself weakening, wanting Jager to touch more of her as each second ticked by.

  He gave her a knowing smile. “Now I know that is a lie.” His gaze dropped to her chest, which caused her already taut nipples to tighten even more. “Your nipples are just begging for me to suck on them, and the scent of your arousal is like a drug in the air.”

  Jager lowered his head until his lips hovered above hers. “I’m so hard for you right now I feel as if I’m about ready to come in my pants. Since I first saw you, I’ve done nothing but dream about having you under me as I sink my cock between your legs over and over again.”

  Daylen took a shuddering breath. What Jager had said, along with the intense look of longing on his face, had her pussy readying itself for him. Wetness leaked between her legs into her panties. She’d never been so turned on in her life. The thought of ripping off their clothes so she could rub up against Jager made her pussy grow even wetter.

  Jager closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. He opened them again, and Daylen swore they glowed for a split second. “I need to touch you, Daylen. That delicious scent of yours just got stronger. It’s got me in its claws, and I feel as if I’m going to die if I don’t get a taste of you. Stop fighting this thing between us. Stop thinking like a cop. I know you want me.”

  With Jager’s lips so close to hers, and the length of his hard body branding her everywhere they touched, Daylen’s will to resist him shattered. Lifting her head to close the distance between their lips, she covered his with hers. A loud groan that verged on a growl rose out of Jager as he took her mouth in a fiery kiss.

  Able to turn her hands enough to put them against Jager’s muscular chest, Daylen fisted the front of his black t-shirt. Having jumped in feet first, she stopped holding herself back. She no longer let herself question how ethical it was to want this man. For the first time since becoming a cop, Daylen let herself be just a woman.

  Their kiss became more passionate as Jager sucked her tongue into his mouth.

  Daylen twined hers with his before she swept the inside of his mouth. Jager shifted so he no longer pinned her to the floor. Resting his upper body on his bent arms, he rocked his erection against her stomach.

  Free to move her arms, Daylen skimmed her hands up his chest to his broad shoulders. When she encountered the material of the duster he wore, she grabbed fistfuls of it and yanked. “Off. Take this off,” she said against Jager’s lips.

  He pulled away from her mouth and moved to sit up, straddling her hips. “I’ll gladly take off whatever you want me to.” Keeping their gazes locked, he shrugged out the duster and threw it to the side. He gave her a wicked smile. “I’ll even take this off for you.”

  Daylen lowered her gaze to watch Jager undo the buckle of the leather belt around his waist that had his sheathed sword attach
ed to it. He put that on the floor beside them.

  At this point, Daylen pretty much didn’t care that he had been carrying a concealed weapon once again. She was more interested in the noticeably large bulge in the front of his snug-fitting jeans.

  Licking her suddenly dry lips, Daylen pulled the bottom of Jager’s t-shirt out of the top of his jeans and slowly pushed it up his body. Little by little, well defined washboard abs started to appear. Daylen swallowed. Unable to resist, she ran a hand over his stomach. Jager’s loud indrawn breath caused her hand to still as her gaze shot back up to his face. He had his eyes closed while his large chest rapidly rose and fell.

  “Don’t stop,” Jager said in a strained voice. “I love the feel of you touching me.”

  More than willing to comply, Daylen stroked her hand along his skin. Jager’s stomach muscles quivered beneath her fingers. She pushed his shirt as high as she could reach before Jager took hold of the bottom of it and roughly pulled it over his head and off. It was Daylen’s turn to suck in a breath. Jager’s upper body was a sight to behold—

  all smooth skin. His chest was thickly padded with muscle, as were his shoulders and his arms. She wanted to explore every inch of him with her hands and tongue.

  Since she couldn’t reach his upper body, Daylen settled for putting her hands on his hard jean-clad thighs. When she kneaded them and his erection jerked inside his pants, it proved to be a temptation she couldn’t resist. Running her hands up Jager’s thighs, she settled them on his narrow hips. He made another half growl/half groan sound as she trailed one hand from his hipbone across the front of his jeans to his hard cock. Daylen lightly stroked her fingers across it. His hips jerked in response.

  “Touch me there, Daylen,” Jager said huskily. “Feel how hard you make me?”

  Her pussy clenched at his words. Panting with need, she reached for the button and zipper of his jeans. Once she parted the material, his engorged cock sprang free. The sight of him, thick and long, caused more wetness to leak out of her core. Daylen wanted to feel it buried deep inside her, moving in and out until she screamed her pleasure.

  With her fingers, she traced the length of Jager’s shaft, then circled the head. Jager moaned as a bead of pre-cum appeared on the very tip of his cock. Circling his thickness with her hand, Daylen pumped it up and down. Jager rocked his hips in time with her strokes, pushing his cock tighter into her grip.

  “Christ, that feels good,” Jager said with a moan. “I’m about ready to explode, but not yet.”

  Jager pulled her hand off him and moved to lie at her side. He placed kisses along her jaw as he molded her breast in his large hand. While he dragged his lips to the side of her neck, Jager shoved a hand under her shirt. He pushed up the front of the sports bra she wore and took her nipple between his thumb and index finger, rolling it between them.

  When Daylen arched her back, Jager gathered the front of her shirt in his hand and pulled it, along with her sports bra, off. He flung them away and bent his head to take a taut nipple between his teeth. He gently bit down on it before he sucked it inside his mouth. Daylen reached up and pulled Jager’s hair loose. She buried her hands in the silky strands and moaned, holding him to her breast.

  He soon shifted his attention to her other breast. She moaned again at the feel of him drawing on her nipple. Her pussy ached to be filled. Daylen reached for Jager’s cock, but he pushed her hand away before she could touch him.

  He lifted his head. “Not yet. You touch me now and I’ll lose control.”

  Daylen groaned. “Losing control is good.”

  “Yes, but not this time.”

  Jager laved her nipple with the flat of his tongue, then blew across it. Goose bumps rose along Daylen’s skin, and she shivered. He kissed the underside of her breast as he hooked the top of her yoga pants with his fingers and pulled them down past her hips.

  Once he had them down her legs, Daylen kicked them free. Jager shoved his hand down the front of her panties and palmed her pussy. A finger delved between her folds and pushed inside her core.

  “You’re so wet,” he said as he pumped his finger in and out of her sex. “I have to taste.”

  Jager quickly pulled her panties off before he shifted to lie between her spread thighs. He kissed his way down her stomach and cupped her bottom in his hands. Lifting her to him, he dragged his tongue along her pussy. Daylen cried out as waves of pleasure shot through her. They only intensified when Jager spread her open even more and lapped at her sex. He licked and sucked, circling her clit before he sucked on it as well.

  Lost in wave after wave of pleasure, Daylen felt her orgasm build inside her pussy.

  She was so close to falling over the edge. With Jager, her body sang. He knew just where to touch her to give her the most pleasure.

  Unable to hold still any longer, Daylen rocked her hips as Jager licked at her sex.

  She moaned when one finger, and then a second, pushed inside her core. He sucked on her clit while he moved his fingers inside her. With a strangled cry, Daylen started to come. Jager continued to work his fingers in and out of her until the last wave of her orgasm subsided.

  Instead of yanking down his jeans so he could sheath himself inside her, he rose between her legs and up her body. Jager moved to his side, then pulled Daylen onto hers next to him and brought her hand down to his engorged cock. Holding her to his chest, he said, “Make me come this way.”

  Daylen dragged her tongue across one of his flat nipples. “Come inside me instead.”

  Jager wrapped her fingers around his hard length. “I can’t. Not this time.”

  Thinking maybe he couldn’t because he didn’t have a condom, Daylen relented. She squeezed his cock before she started to slide her hand up and down his shaft. As she stroked him, she felt his cock harden even more.

  “That’s it,” Jager panted as he rocked his hips in time with her strokes. “I’m going to come. Just a little bit more.”

  Daylen pumped her hand faster, tightening it around his cock. Jager held her closer in his arms and buried his face in the crook of her neck. The sound of his harsh breathing filled her ears as she felt his cock start to pulse in her hand. With a loud moan, Jager thrust into her grip one final time as hot jets of semen shot into her hand and onto her stomach.

  Breathing hard, once more aroused from bringing Jager to completion, Daylen allowed him to tuck her head under his chin and hold her close. Even though he’d come, his cock was still hard in her hand, but Jager made no move to do anything more than hold her.

  With reason slowly returning, she lifted her head to look Jager straight in the face.

  The sight of his eyes glowing mutedly while he stared back at her made her stiffen.

  “What’s with your eyes?”

  Jager tried to push her head back under his chin, but she stopped him. He sighed.

  “Forget about my eyes right now. I just want to hold you for a little while longer before we get to the complicated stuff.”

  Daylen then realized she was lying naked in the middle of the hallway near the entrance to her living room. She could hear the TV playing in the background. She gave Jager a hard shove on the chest until he released her then scrambled to her feet. Needing time to let what had just happened between her and Jager sink in, Daylen gathered her scattered clothes, went to the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

  Chapter Seven

  Jager watched Daylen disappear down the hall and heard the bathroom door shut a few seconds later. He tucked his loose hair behind his ears before he stood. His jeans gaped open with his still hard cock hanging out the front. The hand job Daylen had given him had only whetted his appetite for her. But even if he had come deep inside her pussy, he still would have kept his erection. That was one thing the males of his kind had over mortal males—they could keep an erection for hours even after coming several times.

  After he stuffed his dick back inside his jeans and zipped them up, Jager picked up his shirt from the floor an
d put it on. He gathered up his duster and sword but kept them in his hand. Jager found his hair elastic on the floor and put it in his pocket. Not sure how long Daylen would be in the bathroom, he went into the living room and sat down on the couch to wait.

  A few minutes passed before Daylen walked into the living room once again dressed.

  She moved to stand in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest. Her cheeks still held a slight flush, and the scent of their lovemaking lingered on her skin. Jager forced himself not to reach for her, to let Daylen make the first move.

  Her gaze skidded over his sheathed sword beside him on the couch before she brought it back to his face. “I’ve decided I won’t haul you off to jail. It seems every time you touch me I lose my ability to think like a normal, rational person, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want some explanations.”

  Jager patted the empty spot next to him on the couch. “Sit down, Daylen.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so. I need to keep my head, which is so out character for me. I don’t know if I like this weakness you bring out of me either.”

  “It’s not a weakness. It’s part of the process,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  Daylen’s brows drew together. “Part of what process?”

  “It causes us both to lose are heads when we’re near each other.”

  “What is this it you keep referring to?”

  “The mating urge. Now sit down so I can give the explanations you want.”

  She snorted. “The mating urge, huh? I would say that would be an apt explanation of what just took place on my hallway floor. It had a whole lot to do with pure, simple lust.”

  Jager sighed when Daylen made no move to sit down next to him. “That’s just the start of it. Are you going to sit down or not?”


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