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Salsa and Speedbumps

Page 4

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

Stephanie took a deep breath and dialed the number.

  “Mr. Rodriguez, Attorney at Law, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, Robbie? It’s Stephanie.”

  “Hi, Stephanie, what a pleasant surprise.”

  “It may not be so pleasant when you hear why I called. Is this a good time for you to talk?”

  “It’s fine, I am not due in court for another hour and my prep is all done. What’s up?”

  “Remember Luis, my ex?”

  “Yeah, the guy from church?”

  “Right. Well, at the end of the shift last night, he threatened me in front of the rest of the staff and my employer, Tony. Tony fired him for that, and for having an expired work visa. I left, grabbed some stuff from my apartment and spent the night at their home. Renata is my best friend. Do you remember me telling you about her?”

  “Yes, I remember. Go on.”

  “I got a call this morning that my apartment was broken into and trashed. I took what I could while the police were there and filed a report and came back to Tony and Ren’s. I need to file a restraining order.”

  “I would say so. Are you okay? Did he harm you at all?”

  “I’m scared and feel violated at the damage done to my home, but other than that, I’m okay. I lost some heirlooms, but it’s just stuff.”

  “I’ll be at the courthouse, downtown Milwaukee, most of the day. I should have a break around one. I can meet you and help you file your paperwork if you like.”

  “It wouldn’t be too much trouble?”

  “Not at all. How often do I get to come to the aid of a damsel in distress? I could even buy you a hot dog from the street vendor for lunch. That’s what I was planning for myself.”

  Stephanie giggled. “Okay, Roberto, a hot dog and a restraining order all in one lunchtime? You are such a romantic.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll see you there…and, Stephanie?”


  “I care about what happens to you. Please stay safe.”

  “Thanks. That means a lot.”


  Esperanza demorada le enferma el corazón.

  Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

  ~Mexican proverb

  Roberto spied Stephanie sitting outside the courthouse clutching a manila envelope to her chest. He stood to watch her for a minute. She looked lost and vulnerable. Lord, thank You for bringing me to her just when she needed me. Even if that’s all I get, I’m grateful. Please keep her safe. All we do today is a mere formality and does nothing to protect her. Only You can do that. He stepped through the door and came to stand before her.

  “Sorry, I was a little late getting out of court. Sometimes things take longer than expected.”

  “It’s okay. I’m not working today. Tony didn’t think it would be safe for me to be at the restaurant, so I have as much time as you do.”

  “Great. Let’s get this paperwork filed. I believe I owe you a hot dog.”

  “Sounds good, the sooner this is over with, the better.”

  “It’s going to be fine. Don’t worry. You don’t really need me for this. Did you bring a copy of the police report?”

  “Yes. Tony also wrote up a document of last night’s incident at work.”

  “Good, are you planning on pressing charges with the breaking and entering?”



  Robbie sat beside her as she filled out the paperwork. He stood by her side, silent and supportive as she met with the Court Commissioner to get her temporary restraining order. She got a court date scheduled in ten more days where she would present her case before a judge. Robbie wrote the date down in his calendar.

  “I’m glad that’s over with. I’m famished. Where’s that hot dog you promised?” Stephanie walked into the sunshine.

  Robbie wanted to watch her as the light played with her hair, spinning it gold, yellow and white as it reflected off her curls. She had dark shadows under her eyes. Those baby blues were brighter now, and her shoulders had relaxed. He pointed across the courtyard toward the street. “There’s our vendor. Shall we take a little walk?” He offered her his hand, and she clasped it as they walked down the steps in unison.

  “Can I ask you a legal question?”

  “Sure. Fire away. If I’m able to answer, I will.”

  “If the police don’t find Luis to arrest him for the breaking and entering or to present him with the restraining order, what is there to prevent him from attempting to hurt me?”

  Robbie squeezed her hand. “In truth, Steph, there’s nothing to stop him, even if he is served with the restraining order. If he is arrested, however, things might become complicated, especially with the expired work visa.”

  “Would they deport him?”

  “Possibly. Or he could serve time and slip away once released before they find him. If Luis is smart, he’ll have already hopped a plane to Mexico.”

  “Justice wouldn’t be done.”

  “Justice is in the hands of God. If Luis skips the country with an outstanding warrant, he may never get back in—legally, anyway. If that’s the case, you control all the choices with regards to what you do with your child. He’ll lose his rights.”

  Stephanie placed her free hand on her stomach. “Since I found out I was pregnant, my nice, mundane life has turned upside down.”

  “Not a comfortable feeling, is it?”

  “Not at all. I shouldn’t complain. There’s a brand new person growing inside of me. As unexpected and even initially unwanted as that was, it is a miracle I get to be a part of. And I met you.” She turned to him with a brilliant smile.

  Robbie grinned. They reached the vendor, got their food, and found a shady bench to sit on. “I hate to ask you this, because I’m struggling myself and I don’t even know the guy. Have you forgiven Luis for the rape, the threats, and now vandalism?”

  “Whoa.” She dropped her eyes. “No. I’ve tried. I pray to forgive him again and again. I even tried in person once when we broke up. That went over like a lead balloon. He didn’t think he had anything to be forgiven for. That was before I found out I was pregnant. So I pray and the anger wells up. I desire justice. I don’t want him to have God’s grace and mercy, and yet I think he’s not a Christian in spite of his church attendance and the way he initially treated me.” She sighed. “I’ll keep trying. I should never want God’s justice and wrath to fall on anyone.”

  Robbie nodded. “I’m sorry to bring up something so personal and make you uncomfortable.”

  Stephanie looked at him. “No. You asking me a question like that shows me you care where my heart is at. Do you realize how rare that is?” She paused and studied his face. “Robbie, is your back hurting?”

  “How can you tell?” He kicked himself inwardly. He tried to keep his guard up from allowing anyone to witness his suffering. What was it about her that had him letting it down?

  “I’m not sure, just something in the manner in which you seated yourself.”

  “I’ve done too much sitting today. My neck and lower back are flaring up a bit more than usual.” It was an understatement, but he didn’t want to burden her with the intensity of all he tried to block out.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” She took the last bite of her hot dog and crumpled up the foil wrapper.

  “No, but it does my heart good to know you care.”

  Stephanie threw the garbage in a nearby bin and returned to stand behind him. She placed her hands on his shoulders. “Can I try a gentle massage? You tell me when to stop.” She waited.

  Just having her touch him was torture as his pulse skipped a beat or two. When had anyone ever offered to care for him like this? He tilted his head back to lean against her. “If you want to, but please go slow, I’m wound up tight.” He gave her a weak smile. She began to work in silence against the noisy backdrop of the city street before them, teeming with buses, bikes, cars and trucks, all going somewhere. Birds played tag above their heads with a flu
rry of wings and chattering. Exhaust perfumed the air. And in the midst of that there was paradise.

  He wanted more, and his thoughts took a dangerous turn. Her touch gave him too much pleasure intermixed with the pain as she massaged his shoulders. He brought a hand up to touch hers. “You can stop now.”

  Stephanie removed her hands and came to sit back beside him. “Did it help?”

  Robbie nodded his head with his eyes closed. “I found something new I could become addicted to.” He still felt the warmth of her hands, even though he had a suit on. He wished he could have let it go on.

  “Why did you ask me to stop?”

  Robbie opened his eyes and shook his head. He rose from the bench with a grimace before extending a hand to help her up. “Let’s walk you to your car.”

  They started back towards the courthouse and began to circle around to where the parking garage was. Robbie held her hand.

  “Come on, Robbie, why did you make me stop?” Stephanie halted him, and he stood facing her on the sidewalk.

  He gulped. “I wanted more.” Lord, help me here. “You are a beautiful woman, Stephanie. Temptation personified.”

  She tilted her head and her eyes narrowed. “I don’t understand.”

  “You turn me on. I didn’t want you to stop. I desired far more. I refuse to dishonor you with even thoughts of that.” Robbie closed his eyes, and heat rose in his cheeks. He looked back at her.

  Stephanie blushed, her eyes got wide and a hand came to cover her mouth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...”

  “You provide temptation by being here, holding my hand, looking at me with those beautiful eyes.” Their gaze held for a moment before he broke contact as they continued walking ahead. “I want to be honest. You’ve been hurt and I don’t want to be another man who takes advantage of you.”

  “Thank you.” Stephanie swallowed, and her words came out in a hushed voice. “You tempt me too.”

  Robbie stopped and pivoted to stare at her. “It can go nowhere.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes. She dropped her hand, and he released it. She turned to continue walking, and Roberto matched her steps. She got to the car and unlocked it, but Roberto kept her from opening the door. “Stephanie. I’m not rejecting you. ‘There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.’”

  “No condemnation, huh? So why do I want what I shouldn’t have?” Tears started to flow down her cheeks.

  Robbie wiped one away with his thumb. “Hmmm, let’s see. You are pregnant and hormones can be powerful. You were abandoned by your previous boyfriend, threatened and victimized. You had to leave your home and your entire life is turned upside down. Maybe you are searching for an escape and a way to experience pleasure in the midst of pain?”

  “Perhaps. But still. I’m sorry. I’m glad my massage helped but sorry it tempted you. I never intended for that to happen.” She paused and asked, “You mentioned on Sunday that certain activities make your pain worse. What kinds of things increase your pain?”

  Robbie shrugged, “Sometimes lifting things too heavy or the wrong way, repetitive activity like running or biking can help or hurt depending on how much or how hard I exert myself. Sitting for hours without stretching definitely makes it worse, but so can standing for too long. Why?”

  “What about sex?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Does making love make it worse?” She blushed.

  Robbie shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re asking me this. I haven’t the foggiest idea. I’ve been abstinent since years before the accident, after I accepted Christ. It might, but I really won’t know until I marry.”

  Stephanie was silent.

  “Stephanie, I can’t believe that on our second date we are having this conversation. I am a man. I want sex and think about it more than I should and long for the day when I have a wife to share that aspect of marriage with. But how that will impact my pain is a mystery. How will that affect my relationship with my wife? I don’t know. I can’t worry about those things. I need to leave the future to God and just focus on the work He has for me today.”

  Robbie’s phone beeped and he pulled it out to check the text message he’d received. He sighed. “I’m going to have to renege on spending more time with you today. I just got a summons to return to the office in Mequon. It’s better, especially given our conversation, that we have some space.”

  Robbie opened the door and helped her lower herself in. He kissed the back of her hand, gazing in her eyes as he did so. “I’ll be praying for you. Stay safe, okay?”

  Stephanie nodded and started up the car.

  Robbie watched her drive away.


  De lo malo saca lo que puedas.

  Make the best of a bad situation.

  ~Mexican proverb

  Stephanie was back at work for the rest of the week but on pins and needles, wondering where Luis was and when or if he would strike again. The police had not been able to find him, and she thought she might explode from the tension. Tony hired extra security at the restaurant and had been driving Stephanie to work so her car would not be visible or a target. She was living in limbo, waiting for something, anything, to happen. She hadn’t heard from Robbie either and wondered if she would see him on Sunday.

  Would Luis be at church? She was humbled that so many people cared and felt all the more vulnerable and weak for needing it. Wasn’t she the one who usually took care of others and had her life together? She placed her hand on her stomach and grimaced. She kind of messed that up big time, didn’t she?

  To top it off, her doctor appointment had not gone well. Her blood pressure was up, and the doctor expressed concern she wasn’t gaining weight like she should. She had no morning sickness but little appetite with the stress of all that was going on. The ultrasound showed no problems, but that the child measured small.

  Stephanie made the phone call to Every Child a Home to meet with a counselor to talk about the possibility of gifting her baby for adoption. Her throat constricted every time she even thought the word ‘adoption.’ Her arms already ached, thinking that she might not hold this child herself or watch him or her grow. It didn’t help that when she stayed at Tony and Renata’s, there were two beautiful little baby girls to hug and snuggle. She needed to find a new place to live soon.

  She hired someone to come and clean out her trashed apartment. The insurance company had written everything off as a complete loss, and the money would be coming in a few days for replacement costs. She needed to start from scratch with all her belongings. The thought overwhelmed her. She considered trading in her car. Right now, she couldn’t drive it because it was too visible and made her a target. Before long, she would have a difficult time getting behind the wheel of the tiny convertible. She had to grow up and buy something practical.

  She was too old to be single, alone, and making all these decisions by herself. It depressed her.

  * * *

  Roberto phoned Tony, asking to meet for breakfast. A coffee shop in Germantown was the designated meeting place on Friday morning. The men found a spot outside under an umbrella.

  “Hi, Mr. DeLuca, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Stephanie has spoken highly of you and your wife.”

  They shook hands as they were seated, and Tony leaned back, assessing the attorney. “So you’re Robbie?”

  “Yup, Roberto Rodriguez, Attorney at Law. That’d be me.”

  “I’m glad to put a face with the name. Thanks for helping Stephanie with the restraining order.”

  “She didn’t need my help. I happened to be downtown and available to stand by her side while she went through the process. I’m glad I could be there for her. I wanted to meet with you to find out what else I might do to assist in keeping her safe.”

  “I’ve been acquainted with Stephanie for years. She’s a manager and partner at my restaurant. I think of her as a sister. She’s also my wife’s best friend. So please don’t take this the wrong way,
but what are your intentions?”

  Robbie grinned. “I’m grateful she has such a fierce protector. She told me how you intervened when Luis threatened her. My intentions?” Robbie shook his head. “I wish her well. I like her. We’ve had two dates. Kind of hard to predict where that will take us down the line. I intend to treat her with the respect and dignity to which she is due as a woman and a fellow image-bearer of God. Beyond that, I guess you’ll just need to trust my intentions are honorable.”

  Tony nodded. “That’s fair, and I’m glad to hear it. She needs a man who will treat her like she deserves. She’s a beautiful woman and a good friend and faithful employee. She’s smart. I never figured out why she hadn’t married before now and was quite surprised when I found out she was pregnant. The fall-out from this has turned her world upside down, and I worry about her. The stress is wreaking havoc on her health. I’m doing everything I can to make things easier for her at work, providing extra security and transporting her to and from the restaurant in my car so hers is not seen. She remains a guest in our home until she finds another apartment.”

  “I wish I could do more to help. I like her, Tony, but she’s vulnerable right now and I don’t want to take advantage of that. My biggest concern is what might happen on Sunday morning if Luis shows up. Do you have a plan?”

  “We’ll bring her to church and she’ll sit with us in the service. My family has rallied around too, so my brother and brothers-in-law plan to attend. We will provide a wall of protection as much as possible. You are welcome to join us.”

  “I accept your offer. That eases my mind.”

  “I understand you planned to take her out to lunch. I’m wondering if you’d accept an invitation to dine at our home as our guest instead. Renata would love to meet you.”

  “Thanks. It might be safer given the possible danger she faces.”

  The men got further acquainted and became good friends and allies united around their mutual concern for one woman—Stephanie Simson.

  * * *

  Sunday morning was uneventful. Luis didn’t show up, and Stephanie felt like all the efforts of Tony, his family and Robbie were wasted. She was protected and even loved. Safe. She just wished she could relax and enjoy her friends. After church, Robbie drove her to Germantown in his sedan. It was an older car, blue, and seemed to suit him with his profession. He was dressed in blue jeans today and a grey t-shirt that gave her a better indication of his frame. She’d realized he was fit from having massaged his shoulders and neck. This man was no light-weight. She was comfortable in his presence.


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