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Salsa and Speedbumps

Page 12

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

“All right. I’ll think about you instead.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Robbie grinned as they swung the car onto the highway to head for home.


  Los problemas no parecen tan malos si se mantienes alegre.

  Problems don’t seem so bad if you keep cheerful.

  ~Mexican proverb

  November 2011

  Hey—found a job!

  Great! Where at?

  Teaching at Marquette U.

  When do you start?

  Part time early as next week. Full time in January.

  That’s great! How’s your back 2day?

  Rather not think about it.

  Sorry. I’ll be praying!

  Thanks luv! CUL8R!

  Love u 2!

  * * *

  Roberto met with his narcotics support group.

  “Congratulations on your marriage.” Tim grinned. “I think you got a great gal there.”

  “Agreed,” added Ben. “I was impressed with her dedication to you when you ended up in the hospital.”

  “How’s the back handling married life?”

  “Thanks, guys. I’m a blessed man. The back? Well, let’s just say it isn’t adapting to married life as well as I would like. I’m struggling.”

  “You have the muscle relaxant…won’t that help?” asked Alex.

  “Steph and I argue over that. She wants me to take the drugs the doc prescribed and I’m afraid to.”

  “They’re not narcotics?” asked Alex.

  “No. But there’s not been enough research on the addictive qualities for me to be satisfied.”

  “How about surgery? Have you looked further into that?’ asked Tim.

  “I lost my health insurance when I quit my job. It takes three months to be fully eligible under Stephanie’s which is around when she will be on maternity leave and possibly leaving DeLuca’s. I just got a new job, but won’t become full-time until January, and again, full benefits not until three months in. I’m concerned about the money, and the benefits, with the baby. Tony, Stephanie’s boss, told me not to worry, they would keep her benefits going for quite a while as she is a partner and might end up doing some work, but still, it feels risky with it all, and that adds to my stress which doesn’t help the pain.”

  “Would you do surgery at the same time your wife’s having a baby, and if not, how do you fit that into a new job?” asked Ben.

  “You see my dilemma.”

  “How’d the trial go?” Ben inquired again.

  “It went well. He awaits sentencing. Stephanie held up, but her blood pressure has been a concern. I worry about her whenever I’m not with her.”

  “From my experience as a husband and father, it’s only natural when you love someone and are expecting a baby.” Alex was speaking softly. “I warn you, Roberto, it only gets worse as time goes on.”

  “I think Roberto needs us to pray for him now, for wisdom with the pain and peace and all the insurance and financial concerns and for Stephanie as well.” Ben was encouraging and his eyes radiated concern. They all prayed for Roberto, and then they took turns hearing and encouraging and praying for the struggles of the other members of the group.

  Robbie was asleep in the recliner when Stephanie returned home. He heard her enter and move around the apartment but couldn’t quite rouse himself as he had finally gotten comfortable. He was surprised when her hands touched his shoulders and began to massage the tight muscles there.

  “More, please.” He groaned. His body relaxed. Having her touch him like this gave rise to other desires which seemed more important than sleep. She stopped moving and lifted her hands off. Robbie shot an arm up to grab her wrist. “You do remember why I said I didn’t want you to do that when we were dating, don’t you?”

  “Hmmm, maybe you could remind me.”

  Robbie pushed the button to lower his legs and dragged her around the chair and onto his lap. “You asked for it.” He gave her a sleepy grin and a kiss that stirred the sleeping embers into full flame. He got no complaints from his beautiful bride.

  * * *

  Robbie went through orientation at Marquette and kept busy. The department found a lot of uses for him with tutoring and subbing. His earnings were less than he was used to, but it was better than nothing. He enjoyed the one on ones with students and the time spent substitute teaching. At times, he also served in the legal services department at the school, giving guidance to students who had issues—work disputes, landlord problems, etc. His only regret was he saw less of Stephanie, as their schedules conflicted. Sundays remained their one day to rest, relax and enjoy each other’s company as they prepared to make a place for the baby in the spare bedroom.

  Mid-afternoon on Friday, Robbie got a text on his cell while he was teaching. He found many of his subbing assignments came in on Fridays. He wouldn’t complain. He reluctantly pulled out his phone to see it was from Tony. He scanned the message and released the class early with an assignment for the weekend. He read the text again.

  Steph passed out. Call me.

  He hit the speed dial for Tony’s number. “Robbie, thank goodness you got my message.”

  “I was in class. What happened?”

  “She was exiting the dining room and dropped like a log.”

  “Has she come to?”

  “No. I called the ambulance.”

  “Good man. I will leave now and meet them at Community Memorial. Even if she comes around, make her go.”


  Roberto checked in with the head of the department to inform him of the emergency. He had no other classes or tutoring sessions left for the day. He walked the three blocks to his car and began the challenge of navigating through rush hour traffic to get to the hospital in Menomonee Falls. He called Stephanie’s doctor to leave a message about what had happened.

  Robbie made it to the hospital a few minutes after the ambulance had delivered Stephanie. He rushed to her side in the Emergency Room. Stephanie appeared pale and was strapped to all kinds of apparatus to monitor her as well as the baby. He held her hand and bent over the bed to give her a kiss.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Kind of out of it. I don’t remember passing out. I was light-headed and went to sit down and put my feet up.” She chuckled. “Guess I never made it.”

  A nurse came in to check vitals. “Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez?” They nodded. “Dr. Hagelman wants to admit Stephanie to the hospital for observation overnight. So far, the baby seems fine, but you are having contractions and the concern is that it might be premature labor, not just Braxton-Hicks.”

  “What if she is in labor? It’s too early for the baby, isn’t it?”

  The nurse nodded, “We prefer that babies come closer to their due date, but if the baby is healthy it would be viable. If she is in labor, there are medications that can help stop that, along with bed-rest. However, we are getting ahead of ourselves here. We need to observe her up in the obstetrics ward before the doctor determines what course of action to take.”

  “Thank you.” Robbie squeezed Stephanie’s hand. The nurse departed to arrange for a room for Stephanie upstairs.

  “You and the baby are going to be fine,” Roberto said with a certainty he didn’t feel.

  “You don’t know that,” Stephanie replied as her eyes drooped. “only God does. This all falls under His sovereign control.”

  “Maybe we need to have a little chat with Him, huh?”

  “If you would be so kind and do the honors. I’m weak.”

  Robbie held his wife’s hand and placed the other one on her stomach next to the band that encircled her and prayed softly. As he finished, the orderlies arrived to take Stephanie to her room.

  * * *

  Stephanie was settled into the room and dinner had been brought up. Renata walked in for a visit.

  “Hi, Ren.”

  “Tony was worried, and Grandma DeLuca was more than willing to spend a little time with the twins so I coul
d come over. How are you?”

  “I’m going to go get a cup of coffee and give you gals a chance to chat.” Roberto leaned over to plant a kiss on his wife, and with a squeeze of the hand and a wink, he was gone.

  Stephanie smiled as she watched him leave. “I got a good one, didn’t I?”

  “Honeymoon phase. Trust me, he’ll start to irritate you before you realize it.”

  “Huh. Has Tony become irritating?”

  “Well, let’s just say we have challenges when it comes to some areas. He’s a stickler in the kitchen but is learning to let me do things my own way. I don’t like underwear left on the floor in the bathroom, and he’s struggling to remember to put it in the hamper. He still has moments where his temper flies but thankfully, never with me. He also has a hard time forgiving himself for what happened with Luis. He believes he should have protected you more.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “And so I told him. What can I say? He’s a guy and considers you like his sister, and that means he has to protect you.”

  Stephanie laughed. “Funny isn’t it? Men. Gotta love ’em.”

  Renata smiled back “What would we do without them, huh? Life would be pretty boring.”

  Stephanie’s smile faded as she ran a hand along her stomach. “Yeah.”

  “Hey, come on, Steph. You can’t keep beating yourself up over that. Look at what God did. You are going to have a baby. Because of Roberto, you get to keep your child rather than give it up for adoption. That was your dearest dream. You found a wonderful man to love and cherish you. Granted, he’s not quite as cute as Tony, but still.”

  “I disagree. No offense, but Tony doesn’t have those mesmerizing blue eyes and that slight Spanish accent that melts my heart.” Stephanie grinned widely. “I guess God has done some pretty awesome stuff in spite of my sin. I got a great guy, I’m married, and so far, the baby is healthy. Luis is in jail and no longer a threat, and Robbie managed to get a job. I don’t have much to be complaining about when I look at how good God has been to me in answering my heart’s prayers.”

  “So how are you doing now? Tony was worried about you passing out again.”

  “At first, the doctor seemed concerned that the baby was going to try to come early, but the contractions stopped, so that’s a relief. My blood pressure is so erratic. It goes high and low, so they are concerned for my health. They might forbid me to work.”

  “Ugh. I remember having to do that for the last two months of my pregnancy with the twins. So boring. With Roberto working, do you want to spend your days at my house so I can wait on you? I’m home with the girls anyway, and adult company would be welcome.”

  “I’ll have to see what happens. I might take you up on that offer a few times, but I wouldn’t want to be a burden to you.”

  “Stephanie, how long have we been friends?”

  “Since we were roommates in college at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.”

  “Right. Do you think you could ever be a burden to me? I owe you a ton and could never repay all you’ve done to lead me to Christ, care for me through my painful marriage, the loss of Angela, and through my courtship with Tony. You know that if there is anything I could do for you, I would do it.”

  Stephanie reached her hand out and Renata clasped it. “I realize that. Thank you for coming and reminding me again of God’s goodness and faithfulness.” Tears were in her eyes as she smiled at her friend who was wiping away a few of her own.

  Robbie entered the room and halted upon seeing the scene of the two of them. “Do you want me to go again? Guys really don’t handle the teary stuff too well.”

  “Don’t you dare leave on my account, Robbie. Your beautiful wife and I are just recounting how good and faithful God has been and will continue to be. Nothing bad about these tears.”

  “Oh, well, if that’s the case, amen.” He lifted up his cup of coffee as like a toast, grinned, and took a sip. He grimaced “Ouch! Guess I’ll need to wait to drink to that comment in a little bit.”

  They all laughed.

  Renata stayed for a short time before leaving Roberto and Stephanie alone at last in the private room. Robbie closed the door and turned off most of the lights.

  Stephanie yawned and slid over as much as she could on the hospital bed and patted the mattress next to her. “Wanna join me?”

  Robbie smiled. “I’d like nothing better.” He kicked off his shoes and climbed into the bed, and Stephanie snuggled up to him as best she could with the monitors she was strapped to. Robbie bent his head to kiss her. “I can think of one thing I’d like better.”

  “Oh, yeah? And what would that be?” She looked up into his warm eyes.

  “A more comfortable bed.”

  “You going to be okay?”

  “I’ll survive as long as you are by my side.”

  * * *

  Stephanie awoke to find herself alone, but the scent of her husband lingered on her pillow. She sighed and smiled, letting her hand move over her swollen middle. Light was peeking in through the slit in the drapes. She rang for the nurse to help her rise to use the bathroom as they had warned her not to go alone until they were sure she wouldn’t pass out again.

  Robbie returned with a fresh cup of coffee just as she settled back on the bed and was sitting up. He had stubble on his cheeks, and his clothes were wrinkled. He still looked delicious. His movements were stiff, yet he greeted the nurse with a devastating smile and leaned over to give Stephanie a kiss. She reached up to touch his scruffy chin. “Mmmmm, I kind of like this look on you.”

  “What, a Hispanic George Clooney?”

  “Better than that, a wonderful husband whom I adore.”

  Robbie grinned, and she could see dark circles under his eyes even though they glimmered with mischief. “Do you think it projects the proper image for an attorney teaching at a university?”

  Stephanie tapped a finger against her lips. “Maybe we need to make you uglier for when you go to class and mentor any of the co-eds.”

  The nurse giggled and left the room to the two of them, leaving the door open.


  “Well, I really don’t want some young, lithe law student to start coming on to my studly husband, now do I?’

  “You do not need to worry about that, Stephanie. There’s only one woman who captures my attention and satisfies me in every way, and that would be you.” He set the coffee cup down and leaned over, and putting his hands on either side of her face, he gave her a passionate kiss that left no doubts about his devotion.

  “Mmmmmm,” Stephanie said when he pulled back. “I wonder how soon we can get out of this place.”

  “Anxious to be somewhere?” Robbie grinned.

  “Home with you. Alone.” She reached up to stroke his stubble.

  “That would be wonderful, dear, but let’s make sure you and the baby are going to be fine. We can’t rush things.”

  Stephanie frowned at that, and Robbie laughed, leaned over, and kissed her again. “I do love you. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Oh yeah, I know.” She grimaced. “Ouch!”

  “What? Are you okay?” Robbie pulled back with a frown.

  “I’m fine.” She grabbed for his hand and placed it on her protruding abdomen. “Just feel this.” Her lighter hand rested on top of his darker one, guiding it across her stomach.

  Robbie’s eyes got wide as he glanced back to Stephanie. “The baby kicked! Wow. That was strong. Does it hurt?”

  Stephanie smiled. “Sometimes, a little, but mostly it just amazes me that there is a little person inside, swimming around and making his or her presence known.”

  Leaving his hand where it was, he reached over to kiss her. “Our baby. How cool is that?”

  “Our baby.” Stephanie gazed at Robbie with love, and the little one kicked again to make sure his parents didn’t forget about him. They both laughed.

  * * *

  Stephanie was discharged later that day and told
to stay off her feet. She was allowed some freedom—rides in the car, going to church—as long as she sat through the service, but not much else. No work.

  Robbie struggled that Sunday afternoon, with Stephanie’s help, to put the crib together.

  Stephanie watched her husband as he threw down the screwdriver and glanced at the directions again. She sat nearby in a rocker in the baby’s room.

  “I’m sorry. You married a lawyer, not a handyman.” His growl brought a smile to her face.

  “Let me see the directions. I used to work at the furniture store. Maybe I can figure it out.”

  Robbie looked dubious but tossed the papers to her and stretched out on the carpeted floor and pulled his knees to his chest and rocked.

  “Your back?”


  “You sure you don’t want the muscle relaxant?”

  “It’s not that bad, yet.”

  “Are you saying there is a point where you will agree to take it?” This was a well-worn argument between the two of them.

  “Maybe. Just drop it, okay?” Robbie gave her a look that told her it would be futile to argue further.

  Stephanie shook her head and turned her attention to the directions. She talked Robbie, step by step, through the process of putting the crib together while holding parts for him to keep things steady. After an hour, the work was done, and they stood next to the bed, looking at the empty mattress. Robbie put his arm around Stephanie, and she wrapped her arm around his torso and lay her head against his shoulder.

  “We did it,” they said in unison and laughed.

  “I think that deserves some kind of celebration,” declared Robbie.

  “Oh, and what did you have in mind?” Stephanie slid her free hand up Robbie’s chest and looked into his eyes.

  “I was thinking of ice cream.”

  Stephanie pulled away. “Ice cream? You would turn down this”—she let one hand move from her chest to her hip as if presenting a grand prize—“for ice cream?” She scowled and continued. “Wait. Do. Not. Answer. That.”

  Robbie smiled back at her and pulled her to himself so they were chest to chest. He grinned down at her and gave her a slow kiss. “Well, if you insist on being dessert, how am I to turn that down?”


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