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Salsa and Speedbumps

Page 21

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Yeah, I think you did come out okay on this didn’t you?” She smiled and kissed him again.

  He reciprocated and fell asleep thanking God for the blessings he had right there in his arms.

  * * *

  After church Sunday, Stephanie and Robbie were surprised by a baby shower thrown by some of their friends. Robbie enjoyed watching Stephanie as she sat there, amazed. They had never registered for gifts but got items they needed. Robbie watched the other women love on his wife. Tony was there too, as he had provided some of the food. The men served the group. Robbie did as much as he could to help within the weight limitations he had.

  “Robbie, maybe you should consider taking up being a host or waitstaff at DeLuca’s in your wife’s absence.”

  “After I get my lower back surgery, maybe I’ll consider it. Next thing I know, you’ll have me in the kitchen, stirring up some pesto or something.”

  “Women love a man who can cook.” Tony winked.

  Robbie said, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  * * *

  It took help from several friends to bring all the treasures home to their apartment. When the evening was over, they settled on the loveseat with the lights off and watched the snow fall in the courtyard.

  “I can’t think of anything else we need for this baby,” Stephanie said as she rubbed her hand over stomach.

  “I can.”


  “How about the baby?”

  “The baby will come in due time, but it is hard to be patient.”

  “Christmas is just around the corner.”

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Come on, Mom and Dad didn’t do too bad getting a tree up and decorated.”

  “They did a fine job. Much better than I could have managed with my bulging belly getting in the way.”

  “I happen to be fond of your bulging belly. Reminds me of Santa Claus.”

  “Very funny.” She snuggled up to Robbie’s side. “If you had a wish for Christmas, what would it be?”

  “That forty years from now, I would be as in love with you as I am today.”

  Stephanie smiled. “I like that.”

  “Did you have Christmas wish?”

  “Mine isn’t big enough.”

  “What was it?”

  “You’ll laugh at me.”

  “Come on, I want to know.”

  “I want a puppy.”

  “A puppy.”

  “Yes, a puppy.”

  “We may need to wait a while for that one. Dogs aren’t allowed on our lease.”

  “I know, but you asked. Wishes don’t have to be realistic.”

  “No, they don’t. But how about I lick your face and pant in your ear. Will that do in the meantime?”

  Stephanie grinned and gave her husband a kiss, “Oh, that’ll do.”

  * * *


  “Huh?’ He slowly opened one eye. “What time is it?” He glanced at the clock. It was the middle of the night.

  “Time to have a baby.”


  “I need you to drive me to the hospital. My water broke.” Stephanie waddled into the room with a towel between her legs.

  Robbie’s eyes popped open, and he stared at her. “Are you having contractions?”

  Stephanie leaned against the door frame as one hit. After it passed, she said, “Yes.”

  “We’re having a baby?”

  “It appears so.”

  Robbie rose and threw his clothes on and grabbed Stephanie’s bag. He ran outside to start the car as it was a cold December morning. He scraped off the windows as fast as he could. Once in the house, he grabbed some blankets to give her extra warmth in the cold. He was grateful the hospital was not too far away.

  He helped Stephanie out to the car, supporting her when a contraction hit. He hit speed dial on his phone to call the doctor to let them know Stephanie was coming.

  Upon arriving at the emergency room, Robbie helped Stephanie out of the car and into the doors of the emergency room and seated her in a wheelchair while he went out to park.

  He ran back in and found that his wife had already been taken up to the maternity ward, so he raced to get up there himself.


  El amor todo lo puede.

  Love will find a way.

  ~Mexican proverb

  December 24, 2011 12:24 a.m.

  Levi Joseph Rodriguez came into the world with a howl, much to the delight of his parents. The little boy with dark hair and blue eyes was cleaned and deposited in his mother’s arms.

  “He’s beautiful, Stephanie.” Robbie looked on his new son with awe and leaned over to give Stephanie a kiss on the lips. Her hair was sweaty and sticking to her face. He pulled a few strands away. She was exhausted, and he didn’t know when he had ever seen her look more beautiful.

  “Levi is adorable. It felt like I was giving birth to a twelve pounder, though.”

  “Six pounds, eight ounces is a respectable weight considering he is early,” offered the doctor as she stitched her up.

  “He’s long and lean, twenty inches,” Robbie offered. “And healthy.”

  Stephanie smiled. “I’m so tired, but it was worth it.” Robbie watched her feed her son, and she offered the little bundle to him. He sat in the leather rocker-recliner, inhaling the scent of baby shampoo and watching every twitch and grimace on the little face. Stephanie fell asleep, and soon everyone left the couple alone. Robbie practiced changing Levi’s diaper, and when he was hungry again later, watched Stephanie feed him again. She handed him back to Robbie after burping him.

  Robbie gave her a kiss. “You okay?”

  “I feel weak and so tired.”

  “Rest. Levi and I are not going anywhere.”

  * * *

  Renata and Tony came to visit that afternoon.

  “Oh, Stephanie, he’s beautiful.” Renata held Levi and cooed over him.

  “How are you doing Steph?” asked Tony.

  “I guess I’m okay.”

  Renata glanced up at her friend. “Giving birth takes a lot out of you. Take advantage of the help and rest you will get here. Once you leave, this little man will be your taskmaster.”

  “What a way to celebrate Christmas, Robbie. I guess you got your gift. What did you get Stephanie?” Tony asked in a teasing matter.

  “She wanted a puppy.” Robbie glanced over at his wife. She giggled and gave him a weak smile.

  “He said I had to wait but would compensate me accordingly.”

  Robbie grinned.

  Tony caught some undercurrent between them. “I think it would be best if I didn’t ask for any more information.” They all laughed which startled the baby.

  Tony took his turn holding the baby, and soon, they left to get their own children and attend Christmas Eve services at Oak Hill.

  “Merry Christmas, Rodriguez family!”

  “Merry Christmas!” said Stephanie and Robbie in unison as their guests departed.

  * * *

  The sun had set and Stephanie had not touched her dinner in spite of Robbie’s encouragement. He had been brought a meal which he had enjoyed. Most of the time, he sat there, holding the baby, talking to him, and was enthralled with this little person in his arms.

  “Stephanie?” She didn’t answer. Robbie rose to go to her bedside. “Steph?” She looked asleep but something was off. He placed the sleeping baby in the bassinette. Coming back to the bed, he felt her forehead. She was burning up. Her hair was damp. She didn’t move or respond. He glanced at the heart monitor. Something didn’t look right. He pushed the call button.

  “Yes, how can we help you?” came the nurse’s voice.

  “Something’s wrong with my wife.”

  “We’ll be right there.”

  “Hurry. Please.”

  A nurse bustled into the room.

  “She’s hot, and that monitor doesn’t look right.”

  The nurs
e checked Stephanie and moved blankets to find blood. She looked at Robbie. “I think she’s hemorrhaging. I’ll call the doctor.”

  Soon the room was filled with medical personnel as Robbie stood to the back with the baby in his arms. Stephanie was wheeled out of the room and into surgery.

  * * *

  Robbie texted Renata and Tony with the news. He held his son tight and began talking to him. “Levi, you have a strong and beautiful mother. She loves you. She will come through this. She has to, because I don’t know how I could raise you by myself. You need her and she needs you.” Tears came as he sat there, rocking the baby that looked up at him with blue eyes, and he began to pray. And I need her too.

  “Lord, please get Stephanie through this. Don’t let her die. I know she would be happier with you, but Levi and I need her. Please, Lord, I will worship you and serve you regardless of what you choose to do. Stephanie is yours. But if you would let me have her for another forty years or more, to love and cherish and serve, I would be so grateful.” Robbie put the baby on his shoulder and cried and rocked.

  * * *

  An hour later, a nurse came to the room to find Robbie still holding his son and rocking.

  “Mr. Rodriguez?”

  He looked up warily. “Yes? How is my wife?”

  “She is in recovery. She lost a lot of blood, but she’s doing well.”

  “Thank God.”

  “Yes, He must have heard your prayers.’

  “He always hears, ma’am. He just doesn’t always answer the way I’d like.”

  She nodded and looked to the baby. “Would you like a bottle? Your wife won’t be able to nurse for a while.”

  “That’d be good.”

  The nurse showed Robbie where the formula was and how to mix it when it was needed and left him.

  Robbie leaned back in the recliner, put the footrest up, and finally rested with his son snuggled against his chest.

  * * *

  Stephanie was wheeled into the room as Robbie fed the infant. He waited until the staff all left and rose, put the baby to his shoulder to burp and went over to his wife’s side. She cracked open her eyes and gave a weak smile.

  “Hey, beautiful, thanks for coming back to me. I was afraid I was going to walk out of here a single dad.”

  Her smile faded. “I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for. I’m just glad you are going to be okay.” He bent over to kiss her forehead which was still warm. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I got run over by a semi-truck. Weak and groggy and sore all over.”

  “The doctor says you get to stay here a few more days.”

  “That’s nice.” Her voice was flat and emotionless.

  “Just rest, sweetheart. Levi and I will be here when you wake up.”

  As if she just remembered she had a baby, she glanced over at him. “How is he?”

  “He’s wonderful.”

  “I knew you would be a great father.”

  “That’s why you fell in love with me?”

  “No, I fell for your beautiful blue eyes.”


  Stephanie smiled sleepily. “And your cute bum.”

  Robbie leaned over again to kiss his wife. “I fell in love with your smile and your gracious heart. I love you, Stephanie.”

  “Love ya back, hon.” she drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  As Stephanie recovered from surgery, she was again allowed to nurse Levi. She became sad and weary.

  “You lost a lot of blood which can make you anemic and sap your strength. It will take time to recover from that,” Dr. Hagelman explained and looked to Roberto. “Keep an eye on her mood too. Postpartum depression is more common than most people realize, but many moms don’t even recognize it when it hits.” Turning back to Stephanie, she said, “I will prescribe some pain medication for your recovery, just a mild one for you to take as you heal.”

  “No,” Stephanie said, adamant.

  “I want you to be comfortable,” the doctor insisted.

  “I will not have any kind of narcotic in my house.”

  Robbie interrupted, reaching to hold Stephanie’s hand. “Just because I can’t have them doesn’t mean that you can’t have the pain relief you need.”

  “I won’t put temptation in your path. You can live without it and so can I. The pain is tolerable and nothing compared to what you had to endure. I can take ibuprofen and be fine.”

  The doctor watched the interchange between the two. “I can write the prescription out and you can choose whether or not to fill it.”

  “Thank you, doctor but I would only rip it up. Don’t bother.”

  “That’s your choice. But call me if you need anything or if there are any other problems. You’ll be discharged after lunch today.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” said Robbie.

  “You’re welcome. Enjoy your son.” The doctor left.

  * * *

  “Why wouldn’t you take the meds?”

  “I don’t want to have that around if it would tempt you.”

  “I haven’t had as much pain since recovering from the surgery.”

  “You have been adamant about not taking the meds, so don’t force them on me.”

  “Okay. I’ll back off. I just don’t want you to be in pain on my account.”

  “Trust me, this is nothing compared to the pain of labor. I think I can survive.”

  “You will be great if I can help it.” He squeezed her hand and smiled. What did he ever do to deserve a wife like her?

  They arrived home to find meals in the fridge and freezer from families at church to help them through the next week or so as they settled in with the new baby. She was grateful Renata had a spare key.

  Stephanie snuggled up to Robbie in bed that night and sighed. “I feel so blessed.”

  “That’s just exhaustion and sleep deprivation speaking.”

  “Maybe, but it feels good to be in our own bed and able to touch you again.”

  “It feels good to hold you too, hon. Now rest. Levi will be awake and hungry before you know it.”

  * * *

  That Sunday, Stephanie and Robbie took their newborn to church. They hung out in a parenting room in case Levi started crying or needed to be fed. After the service was over, they met up with some of their friends in the café to show off their son.

  “Hi, Roberto. Congratulations on the baby.” Max extended a hand.

  Robbie grabbed the hand. “Thank you, Max. Maxwell Worthing, I’d like to introduce you to my bride, Stephanie, and our son, Levi. Stephanie, Max is part of the group at Harrington.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Max.”

  “The pleasure is mine. Would you mind, though, if I stole your husband from you for a short time?”

  “Only if you promise to bring him back. I’m kind of partial to him.” Stephanie smiled.

  “I promise to return him.”

  Robbie and Max went to a table off in a corner.

  “What’s up, Max?” Robbie leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table and holding his hands together in front of him.

  “Remember those contracts you gave me to check out?”

  “Yeah, you found something?” Robbie leaned back now and sat up straighter.

  “You are right that something seemed fishy. Something didn’t add up, but it wasn’t explicit in the contract. So I contacted some friends who happen to be detectives in the Chicago Police Department and they did some snooping around.”


  “Organized crime appears to be a part of this.”

  “Can you be specific?”

  “Human trafficking. The contract specifies travel to some countries on behalf of the restaurant. How many family-owned restaurants have a need to travel to the Middle East, Northern Africa, Asia or the Philippines? Why would a part owner need to do that?”

  “I don’t recall that.”

  “Yes. There have been women who have myst
eriously disappeared on trips like that.”

  “I don’t get it. Why?”

  “Young women who are attractive or unusual in the areas they would travel to are promised large sums of money for their services and disappear when they get to that country, never to be heard of again.”

  “Sex trade?”

  Max nodded.

  “They can really make a return on that kind of investment off of one human?”

  “They don’t need to. They promise it but don’t have to deliver when the woman disappears. She ends up making them money, and lots of it. On her back and against her will.”

  “Forced prostitution. But why Stephanie?”

  “She was single when she was approached, wasn’t she?”

  “We were dating, but she was in a vulnerable spot, to be sure.”

  “Perfect target. Pardon me saying so, but your wife is an exceptionally beautiful woman. Even having just given birth, she is what would be termed a ‘looker.”

  “But even after he knew she was married he still pursued her.”

  “If she disappeared on a trip like that, your ability, even as a husband, to find her, would be limited.”

  “I would hunt down anyone who dared—”

  “Your desire does not match your ability to succeed against a group like this. There are organizations working to help end the sex slave trade, but the fact is that it exists and your wife has had a lucky escape.”

  Robbie shook his head. “How do I stop him from pursuing her? As long as he has her in his sights, she’s in danger, isn’t she?”

  “Possibly. You could file a cease and desist order against DeLuca’s, but paper doesn’t do much against something as large as this.”

  “If you think of anything else, let me know.”

  “I will. To be honest, I wasn’t as aware of all this until I had to investigate your case. I’m appalled that this goes on in our country, or anywhere for that matter.”

  “I agree. If I ever meet Mr. DeLuca face to face I will have a hard time not delivering a punch knowing what he had planned for Stephanie. I’m glad she went with her gut and refused him.”

  “She’s a smart gal.”

  Robbie nodded and smiled. “And yet, she married me.”



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