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Salsa and Speedbumps

Page 24

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Thanks, Max. Enjoy your date.”

  “I think you just spoiled all my fun for the evening. If I don’t make those contacts and something happens to you, I’m going to feel responsible.”

  “If you aren’t pulling the trigger or setting the bomb, I won’t be blaming you. I won’t be in any position to do so anyway.” Robbie gave a bitter laugh.

  “Don’t make light of this. It’s serious.”

  “I know it is, but you didn’t start this and neither did I. Somehow, it has to end. Too many women have disappeared. Let’s pledge to not let this one die—even if I do. Okay?”

  “Okay. Good night, Robbie, and may God bless and protect you.” Mr. Worthing’s voice was serious.

  “Thanks, friend. I appreciate that. Good night to you too.”

  * * *

  Stephanie paced the living room until she heard Roberto enter the outer hallway to the apartment building. She opened the door before he could get his key in.

  “Robbie, we need to talk. Something awful happened.”

  Robbie leaned forward and gave his wife a kiss on the forehead. “Can I get my coat off and have some dinner first? I’m famished.” Robbie moved past her to hang up his coat.

  “Robbie, I think someone might try to kill you.” Stephanie stood there, her hands clenched tightly together, biting her bottom lip.

  Robbie had turned and stared at her. “How did you know?”

  “You know?” She let her hands drop and her mouth hung open.

  Robbie nodded.

  Stephanie shook her head. “Then it’s true?”

  “Sounds like it could be.”

  “It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry. I tried hard to get him to stop. To leave me alone. Why did I get so angry when you said what you did the other night?”

  “What, the part about not wanting you to work at DeLuca’s in Chicago over my dead body?”

  “Don’t make light of this.” Tears welled up in her eyes as she followed Roberto into the kitchen.

  He leaned against the counter and folded his arms. “I’m not. I was serious then and I’m serious now. Even if they kill me, promise me that you will never work for him.”

  “What is this about?”

  Robbie grabbed her hand and led her to the couch. They sat down, but he didn’t let go of her hand, rubbing it with his thumb. She experienced a familiar tingle at this touch but was soon distracted from that as he told her about their suspicions about the Chicago DeLuca’s involvement in the sex-slave trade.

  “Why would he target me?”

  “You are a beautiful woman, Steph. I suspect you would make Mr. DeLuca a far richer man than what he offered to you in that trumped up contract.”

  “But if he knocked you out of the picture, what would become of Levi?”

  “I don’t know. There’s trafficking in infants too.”

  “I’m scared, Robbie.” She reached up to touch his cheek with her free hand.

  He nodded. “Listen, I’m sorry if I was overbearing the other night. I had just found out about this stuff, and when your father taunted you like that, I couldn’t take it anymore. I was furious he would want you to be kidnapped and held as a prostitute in some foreign country. I know he didn’t understand all that. It hurt that you didn’t trust my judgment.”

  “Sorry, I overreacted. My father was nasty from the moment he entered the house, and I was so desperate for him to like you.”

  “I don’t think he was ever going to like me, regardless of how things had gone or how wonderful your cooking was. It was wonderful, you know.” He turned and kissed the palm resting on his cheek. “I missed you.”

  “You don’t have to sleep on the couch tonight. I’m sorry I shut you out. I was confused, hurt, and angry.”

  Robbie leaned back and sighed. “My back is grateful.” He paused. “How’s that little boy of ours?”

  “Sleeping like a baby for the moment.” Stephanie smiled and let her hand drop. “I have some creamy chicken and wild rice soup for dinner. Want some?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice.” They rose to go to the kitchen and enjoy a quiet dinner together.

  * * *

  Later that evening, Stephanie lay in her husband’s arms, feeling secure but fearful that something evil, over which she had no control, loomed outside and threatened her happiness. She felt responsible for it all, and if Robbie were to die, it would be her fault. Guilt and shame did not make for easy bedfellows.

  * * *

  “Stephanie?” Robbie whispered a short time later. “You’re tense, what’s up?”

  “I’m afraid for you.”

  “Is God sovereign over this?”

  “I guess so.”

  “You guess? You don’t believe with certainty that even in this, God can be glorified and work things for good?”

  “I have a hard time believing that somehow, in God’s twisted imaginings, making me a widow would eventually work for good—but I am loathe to accept that as a possible reality.”

  “But you already have, haven’t you?”

  “I’m scared and I feel responsible.”

  Robbie leaned up on one elbow to look down at her, “Listen, sweetheart, you are not responsible for this evil. Why God allows this to happen after all we’ve already been through, I don’t know. All I need to know is that He is God. He is in control. He is powerful and good and eminently trustworthy. Do you believe that?”

  She nodded and gave him a weak smile as she blinked, causing one tear to escape down the side of her face.

  “Ah, love, what am I to do with you?” He leaned down to kiss her lips. “We have what, four more weeks to wait?”

  “You desire me? Even like this?” She patted her flabby, post-pregnancy stomach.

  “Oh, yes. Even like this.” He bent to kiss her again and lingered there.

  When he came up for air, Stephanie reached up to put her hand on the side of his face. “I love you so much it hurts. I’m sorry for how I treated you the past two nights. I was wrong.”

  Robbie smiled, “I’ll forgive you, if you will forgive me for being so abrupt with your father. In reality, I wanted to punch his lights out for causing the hurt I saw in your eyes when I got home and the insults he leveled in my presence.”

  Stephanie let her hand drop. “I should have warned you.”

  “No, it’s okay. I never warned you about my parents, did I?” He lay back next to her and sighed. “I understand better now why you fell into trouble with Luis, and I’m amazed you held out for years when men sought to compliment and affirm you after being so deprived of that with your father.”

  “Don’t make excuses for my bad choices. Regardless of my father, I am still an adult and responsible before God.”

  “I know that, Steph. I just wanted you to understand how I long to treat you with the love, honor, and respect you deserve. I’ve failed at that and regret it. I want our children to receive boatloads of affection from the both of us so that they aren’t seeking it elsewhere.”

  “Levi is a blessed little man to have you as his father.”

  “I’m blessed to have a son and a beautiful wife. You both are gifts from God, much better than anything I could have hoped for.”

  “Why, Robbie? Because of the accident and drug use in your past? You are such an overcomer. I’m awed at how fierce you are in your desire to stay clean in spite of how much pain you have had to endure to remain so. I don’t know if I could be that strong.”

  “I’m not strong. I’m tempted so much, more often than you realize. I’m a coward with the pain, and I hate my weakness and the longings that at times overwhelm me.”

  “I would never know if you hadn’t told me. You need to tell me when that happens so I can encourage and help you. Sometimes, I think you delight in being miserable, like feeling the pain is just punishment for your foolish accident and subsequent addiction. When will you walk in grace and forgiveness?”

  Robbie glanced at her. His face was in shadows as
the moon gave his dark hair a halo. “How did I get so blessed to have a woman with both beauty and wisdom to recommend her? Why did you ever choose a fool like me?”

  Stephanie placed her hand on his bare chest. “How did you ever decide that a woman, pregnant with another man’s child, was worth the trouble to pursue? I believe you are the fool you say you are, and I thank God for it.” She smiled. “I love you, Roberto Rodriguez.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart.” He leaned over to kiss her.

  She savored his every touch. Four more weeks was a long time, and with the threat on his life—too short. She fell asleep in wonder at this man beside her who would sacrifice so much to be with her and love her. If anyone exemplified Jesus to her, it was her husband.

  * * *

  Saturday morning dawned bright and frosty with fresh snow coming down. Robbie had stayed next to her while she nursed, holding her and stroking Levi’s feet. She watched Robbie burp their son and marveled that this man who challenged her faith and had accepted her difficult circumstances had loved and wanted her. She never tired of looking into his blue eyes under those almost black bangs. His grin made her heart flip. His touch sent tingles throughout her body. Years. Lord, I want many more years with this man.

  Stephanie lounged in bed while Robbie made breakfast. It seemed they were trying to fully experience every little moment they had together because they didn’t know how many more there might be. Stephanie knew Robbie would do anything to protect her and Levi. She had seen him leap into the fray with Luis. She hoped it wouldn’t come to that again.

  * * *

  It was after one when she heard a knock on the door. She was surprised to see Robbie’s co-worker, Max, accompanied by a tall gentleman in a trench coat.

  “Come in, Max,” Robbie said, motioning him to move past.

  “Sorry to bother you on a weekend, partner, but I couldn’t shake the fear that I had to do something, anything, I could to help you out. This is a friend of mine. Brad Dunston is with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is the friend from college that I’ve been corresponding with. I called him last night to apprise him of what happened.”

  “Welcome to our home, Brad. I’m grateful you came to Menomonee Falls. Won’t you come in? Max, Brad, this is my wife, Stephanie.”

  Stephanie watched with a heart filled with concern. She had met Max, but who was this new guy? She swallowed her fear, forced a smile, and moved forward. “Here, let me take your coats for you. Come on in. Would you like some coffee? Tea?”

  “Whatever you have would be appreciated,” spoke Mr. Dunston in a deep soft voice. He had a receding hairline that made him look older than his years, but his blue eyes were keen and observant.

  “I would have called, but Brad advised against it in case your phones were tapped.”

  “Cell phones?”

  “It’s amazing what can be retrieved through technology. Very little is private anymore.”

  A shiver of fear traversed Stephanie’s back. She motioned the men to the living room and went to the kitchen to prepare hot beverages. She was still able to hear what the men were saying.

  “Please, be seated.”

  “Thanks. Again, I’m sorry to barge in on your Saturday. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that the threat was imminent, and Brad corroborated that fear when I told him about what had happened.”

  “I found out more information last night when I got home.”

  “Yes?” Brad leaned forward, pulling a small notebook out of his pocket and a pen.

  “Stephanie received a phone call yesterday, early afternoon, from Mr. DeLuca. She told him repeatedly that she didn’t want to work for him, that she was married and had a son and was content. He told her—”

  Stephanie interjected. “He told me ‘I think we can take care of him for you. Just remember, I’m ready and willing to fulfill my contract with you.’” Her voice took on the DeLuca Italian accent as she quoted what had been said. “I reminded him that I had no contract. He said he would be in contact with me soon.”

  “What time was that?” asked Brad.

  “About one o’clock.”

  “And what time did you get your phone call, Mr. Rodriguez?”

  “Call me Robbie or Roberto, please. At about four-fifty-five.”

  “More than enough time to get word out on the street—even up here.” He turned to Max. “You were right to call me. The threat is real and current. Oh, they will bide enough time to make it seem like an accident, but some of these hit men are experienced and don’t need a lot of time to plan anything. One thing in our favor is that DeLuca wants Stephanie. Alive. He gets nothing if she dies, and he’ll pay nothing if they kill her to get to you.”

  “So?” Robbie asked, “I’m grateful she can be safe but other than that…?”

  “So…if she is with you, they are not going to do anything catastrophic or they won’t get paid. These men are not about to risk murdering someone without profit attached.”

  “So Stephanie becomes my bodyguard?” Robbie asked, incredulous.

  “In some ways, yes. For instance, if you travel with her to church in her vehicle, you are safer. Don’t trust your own car. Always be with someone else, and that alone affords protection.”

  “So I’m a prisoner until they are caught?”

  “Or until the contract is withdrawn. However, there is a risk that someone could act before knowing about that.”

  “But what if DeLuca is captured? Would things come to a halt?”

  “All contracts cease if the instigator is no longer available to pay.”

  “So what do we do now?” asked Stephanie as she brought in their drinks.

  “Let’s plot how best to keep you both safe. The FBI will take care of the rest. We’ve been so close to ending this ring, but it’s been difficult. You may have given us the opening we need, though, to finish the job.”

  Robbie clasped her hand tight as she sat next to him on the loveseat. “Okay, just tell us what to do.”

  Stephanie leaned her head against his shoulder and listened to all the details with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.


  A más dolor, más honor.

  The more pain, the more honor.

  ~Mexican proverb

  “I really don’t feel like going out to dinner, Robbie.”

  “Brad told us we can’t be hiding away. The more active we are, the less of a sitting target. We will do normal things that do not give them a clue we are on to them. Going to DeLuca’s Cucina is good, because they are not going to try anything while we are there. We have coverage too. Brad knows where we will be, and there will be someone keeping watch.”

  Stephanie sighed as she finished putting her earring in and smoothed back an errant curl. She sighed. “Okay. I guess we need to get used to going out with an infant too. It’s not good for me to stay cooped up in this apartment all the time.”

  “I thought you went to MOPS yesterday?”

  “I did, and it was good. The women were nice and the food was wonderful. By the time it was done, I felt convicted about what a jerk I had been to you.”

  “Well, how often do they meet? I think you should definitely keep going.” He had a lopsided grin on his face.

  Stephanie slapped her husband on the arm, and he laughed as he put an arm around her waist to pull her to himself. He leaned down to give her a deep kiss.

  “Mmmmm. Now I’m hungry for something other than Italian food,” Stephanie murmured.

  Robbie laughed as he let her go. “You are not going to distract me from our plans.” He took a step away but whispered, “Maybe later.” He winked at her, and she felt the heat rise in her cheeks. Levi started to cry, and they both moved to go get him ready for their date night out. As long as he was dry and fed, he would be content to sit in his carrier.

  * * *

  Dinner was quiet and uneventful. Tony came out to greet them during their meal, pulling up a chair.

ry to intrude, but I felt it was important.”

  “What is it, Tony?” asked Stephanie.

  “I’ve been apprised of what’s going on. Thank you for making sure I was kept in the loop. Ren and I are praying for you and the men working on this case. My uncle may be family, but what he’s been doing is wrong and needs to be stopped. You are more family to me than he is, and I just wanted you both to know whose side I’m on.”

  “Thanks, Tony. That means a lot.” Robbie patted and squeezed Tony’s shoulder.

  “Hey, we love you guys. How could I face my wife if something happened to either of you? As a father, there’s a bigger sin being committed which horrifies me.”

  “Thanks, Tony. We’ll see you at church in the morning?” Stephanie asked.

  “You’ll find the whole DeLuca clan there. Another wall of protection for both of you. Hopefully, it will be a non-event.”

  “Has the church been notified? Are the security people put on alert?” asked Robbie.

  Tony nodded with a grim look on his face which broke into a smile as he looked at Stephanie. “Life is never boring with you, Steph, that’s for sure.”

  Robbie laughed at that and raised his glass of water, “Here! Here!”

  Stephanie grinned and focused again on her meal. She didn’t remember tasting any of it.

  * * *

  They left the restaurant, and Stephanie was on edge and regretted refusing to agree to a drink from the bar that Robbie suggested to help calm her. She had vowed if he wouldn’t drink, she wouldn’t either. If he could face his pain without the benefit of alcohol, she would endure her fears the same way, by leaning on God in the midst of it all.

  * * *

  Returning home, they entered the dark apartment. Robbie sensed something was wrong and motioned Stephanie, who had the baby carrier, to stay behind him. He stood in the partially opened doorway and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, and instinct told him to run. He slammed the door shut and motioned for Stephanie to move back out to the car. Once back in the sedan, he drove away from the apartment and parked at the police station and texted Brad.

  Someone is in the apartment.

  We figured. We’re on it. Where are you?


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