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Finding Maddox (The Road to Truth Book 3)

Page 15

by Quell T Fox

  ​He scoots down to the end of the bed and takes me into his mouth. Something he doesn’t do very often. The sight of his lips wrapped around my cock is enough to bring me to that edge. But Maddox realizes how close I am and pulls away.

  ​“I said don’t fucking stop!” I slam my hands onto the bed and grip the sheets out of frustration.

  ​He gives me a who makes the rules here kind of look, and I throw my head back into the pillow. I need to come. It’s not even a want, it is 110% a need right now. Maddox cups my balls, rolling them between his fingers. A moment later he takes me back in his mouth, he sucks hard. Taking all of me in. His head bobs up and down as I near my orgasm and this time he doesn’t stop.

  ​“Maddox, I’m going to come.” I grip the sheets with both hands. “Fuck, I’m coming.” Maddox grips my cock at the base and brings his mouth to the head, sucking every last drop of come that I have to offer him.

  ​“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I say, running my hands through my hair. “What the hell was that?”

  ​“I don’t know, but are you complaining?” He asks, smirking and wiping his mouth on his arm.

  ​“Not at all.” I shake my head and Maddox crawls to the top of the bed and lays down beside me. We’re both on our backs, staring at the ceiling, our arms brushing each other. I’m trying to catch my breath and I know the sound of my heavy breathing is the reason there is a smirk plastered on his face. Such a cock shit, he is.

  ​“Can I ask you something?”

  ​“Sure, Lenny.” Maddox throws his arm up above his head. His muscles bulge out of his shirt. He’s an extremely attractive guy. Tattoos have never been my thing, but he wears them well. All of them have a different story, a special meaning. He could sit with someone all day and explain every single one of them. I sometimes wonder why Friday hasn’t asked about them yet. That’s usually a girls first question. Though, Friday isn’t like most girls, so I guess that’s my answer.

  ​“Do you really think everything is going to be okay with us?”

  ​“Yes, I do. We’ve waited for this for too long. Look how far we’ve all come in such a short amount of time. It’s only been a few weeks. Fuck, Alec and I are talking. We drove in the same car for an hour to get here without killing each other. Callan lost his fucking virginity!” He laughs.

  ​“You’re right. Even you, ya know? You’re different. You’re… nicer.”

  ​“Don’t say that shit. You’re going to make me want to be a dick.” I roll my eyes and laugh.

  ​“I’m glad we found her.”

  ​“Me too.”



  ​Today was by far the longest day of my life. I’ve realized today how much I hate my job. Well, I don’t think that I hate my job but it’s easier to blame it on that than missing someone. Or someones. I’m not ready to admit that yet. Not even close.

  ​It’s finally the end of the day. I don’t have to stay the full day, being the boss and all, but I like to lead on a good example. Plus, I get work done quickly and the more cars that get done, the happier the customers are. Happy customers come back and they bring friends – more customers, more money. And, I do actually love my job.

  ​Jazz – whose real name is Jasper – is the youngest guy here at the shop. He’s been here about a year. I took a chance on him, and I’m glad I did so. He’s a good worker. Mechanic by day and Rock Star by night, if you hadn’t figured that out by the name. He’s offered to give me a ride to my house, since it’s on his way home – I need to stop in to grab clothes and I need my car. Most people would think that he tries too hard, myself included, but really, he’s a good kid. He’s young and has a lot of potential, but still tends to be cocky. He’s covered in tats – two full sleeves that I can see, and a piece on his chest that comes up to his neck. There’s probably more but I’d never seen the dude with his shirt off. Not that I want to. I think that if someone can dedicate themselves to that much artwork on their body, then they have potential for something. It’s all about attitude. He has some growing up to do, that’s for sure. His piercings and midnight black mohawk finish off his Rock Star look, along with the jean jacket that he wears every time he isn’t in his work uniform.

  ​The ride is quick, I probably could have walked but I’m trying to get back to Callan’s as quick as possible. Because I’m… hungry. Yep. Hungry. Friday’s lunch really was… cute, I don’t like the word, but what else can I say? That’s what it was. She does need to pack me some more snacks though, I’m a big guy and I need to eat. Her sandwich, cookies and a bag of chips just wasn’t enough. I really am fucking hungry.

  ​When we pull up to my average sized ranch home, I notice an unfamiliar car parked across the street. The windows are tinted darker than normal, I can’t see the driver but the car is running. Cop? I doubt it. I keep an eye on it without making it too obvious.

  ​“Thanks for the ride Jazz. I owe ya.”

  ​“Come to my show this weekend. And bring your friend so I can talk to him about playing at his bar.”

  ​“Sure thing. See you tomorrow.” I tap the top of his hood a few times, sending him off.

  ​There’s no way Maddox would let this cocky shit play in his bar. Though, maybe he would? He’s been different. Nicer. I never thought I’d say that, but here I am, saying it. We’ve all changed. We never thought this day would come, but all of a sudden, here it is. It’s unbelievable, really. And scary as fuck.

  I get inside and lock the door behind me. It feels nice to be home, even if just for a short time. I step into the kitchen and take a deep breath. My house is simple, the way I like it. Not too many things, makes it easier to clean and take care of. I have only the things that I need. Not like the other guys who collect a bunch of shit for whatever their reasons are. Maddox needs to show off the number of things he has. Callan is an aficionado in just about everything, so he needs the newest, fanciest things. And Lenny? He’s just a pack rat. I swear he’s a hoarder because of his mom. I wouldn’t be surprised if I see him on that show in a few years. Ask him, and he’ll tell you that he’s a collector. Isn’t that what they all say?

  I peek through the window, opening the blinds with my fingers, to check if that car is still there. It is. I make my way to my room and pull out the large duffle bag that I keep under my king-sized bed. Yeah, I know I said I only have what’s necessary, and a king-sized bed isn’t necessary, but I splurged a bit. What can I say? I enjoy my sleep. It doesn’t take me long to grab the things I need.

  I take my car keys off the hook before walking out the front door. I lock it behind me and walk to my truck that’s parked on the street. It would be easier if I had a driveway, the Silverado doesn’t fit nicely on the street, but I haven’t gotten approval for the driveway yet. Not many houses on this street have driveways or garages. It’s the main reason I know that the car – that is still there, by the way – does not belong to one of my neighbors.

  We’ve all lived here for a long time. It’s the same cars on the street, the same visitors. I know what kind of car Mrs. Levitz son drives, because he’s visited every Sunday for as long as I can remember. I know that the Burgeon’s, from across the street, just bought their daughter her first car, which is a tiny silver Corolla.

  ​But this car, it doesn’t belong. I wonder if I should wait around, or better yet confront them. But I think about everything that’s been going on and I decide against it. I’d rather not rattle that cage. Who knows who is in that car? It could be some kids hiding out away from home, or it could be someone that’s after us. And if it’s the Whisper from the house, then I’m not getting involved. Not alone. I’m no match for a Whisper.

  ​Paranormals are like astrological signs. Not that I believe in that shit, but it’s how it was explained to me, so now that’s how I think of it, unfortunately. Some pair better with others. Some get along, some don’t. Same with fighting. Some powers are no match for certain types, while some strengthen others. There is a huge study
on it, with books and scientists and all kinds of shit. I don’t pay attention to it but ask Callan and he can tell you anything that you want to know.

  ​Everyone within a Circle are types that feed into one another and make them stronger. It’s why Callan gained a new power, and why all of us will once the Circle has closed. I’m just surprised it happened to Cal before the Circle was closed. And before he even got laid. I hope that’s a good sign, and not a bad one. I know we’ve all thought about it, because we’re guys and into this kind of shit, but I wonder what my new power will be. It’s exciting to think about. I remember when I came into my powers all them years ago. They develop slowly, over months and years. Small things are first and then they become stronger and stronger until you finally realize what you are. Mine started around 10 and fully developed at 15. Powers get stronger the more you use them and learn to yield them.

  At first, you don’t realize they are powers. You don’t realize they are anything out of the normal, until they become more obvious. Mine started off with the wind. I didn’t realize that I had been controlling it, until I was with Maddox one day. He pointed it out to me, and then it made sense. He’d already started with some of his powers, so it wasn’t a shock. We thought it was normal. It was only until we brought it up to Callan that we realized it wasn’t. With parents like ours, we had no idea what it meant to be a 10-year old kid. How did we know that magic wasn’t real? Callan was the one who taught us everything we know about what we are, both specifically and just about being not human in general. None of our parents are Supernatural. It’s not uncommon for that to happen, but we did find it odd that all four of us, now five with Friday included, were born from humans.

  Callan was the nerd from day one. It always made sense for Maddox and me to hang out, we were similar. It never made sense for Callan. Why did we like him so much? He was very different from us, in so many ways. His parents were rich as fuck, and I still don’t know why they sent him to a regular school and not some private place that cost more than I probably make now. But something called us to him, and once we learned about what we were, everything made sense.

  I drive off down the road noting that the car took off in the opposite direction almost as soon as I did. If they were following me, it’d be the perfect time to leave but their direction doesn’t make sense. Unless they plan to catch up with me at the highway. I turn right instead of left and decide to drive through the town a bit and take the exit further away – to throw them off, if they were in fact planning to follow me.

  ​I can’t be too careful. What if this is someone different and they don’t know where we all are? I can’t risk showing them. When I exit onto the highway, I find myself checking my mirrors every thirty seconds. Not catching the car once, thankfully.

  ​The drive to Callan’s house takes forever. That’s how it seems, anyway. It’s late by the time I pull up, already dark outside. My truck won’t fit into his driveway either, but his street is wider than mine, so it isn’t so bad parking on the street.

  ​I check my mirrors once more before stopping in front of Callan’s. When I walk into the house the living room is empty, but I hear clattering from the kitchen. So that’s where I go. The guys are seated at the table, less Callan, who is helping Friday at the stove.

  ​“Hey!” Friday turns and bounces up to me, throwing her arms around me. I stiffen, unsure how to act. I think too much, because my body doesn’t have a hard time reacting. My cock hardens almost instantly at her sweet smell of lilac’s. I hug her back, awkwardly, but she let’s go quickly. Part of me is still scared as fuck to be around her, after what I did. I know it wasn’t my fault, not really. But I feel like a royal scumbag for it. Luckily, she gets it. She gets me.

  ​“How was work? Dinner is almost done. We weren’t sure what time you’d be home.” She heads back to the stove, and my eyes drift to her perfectly round ass. She really needs to wear something other than leggings, because her ass is distracting in those things. Can they even be considered pants?

  ​“Work was fine. I’m gonna put this stuff upstairs so it’s out of the way?” It comes out as a question, aimed towards Lenny and Maddox – who looks extremely happy. He’s practically glowing.

  ​Oh, right. It’s Monday. You don’t realize how drab he gets over the week when you’re with him every day, but I notice now how good he looks now.

  ​“Whatever. Just keep it out of my way.” He grumbles.

  ​Still an asshole, though.

  ​“Too bad feeding doesn’t better your attitude the way it does your complexion.”

  ​“Eat shit, Alec.”

  I shake my head and take the steps two at a time. I drop my stuff on the floor in Maddox’s and Lenny’s room. I pull out a clean pair of briefs, shorts and a white t-shirt. I need to shower before I eat. I know I smell like grease and gasoline, which isn’t appetizing, even for me.

  ​I decide to use the shower off Callan’s bedroom, because it’s the largest and the closest. My dick is still hard as a rock and I’m not sure what to do about this constant problem anymore. Well, I do know what I need to do, but I can’t. I’m sure the guys are wondering when I’m going to fuck her. They’re all waiting on me, especially now that even Callan got his dick wet. Fucking anyone has never been an issue before. I mean, before Friday I hadn’t even wanted to have sex with anyone in as long as I can remember. Jerking off was even a problem, but now it’s like my cock has a whole new spirit in it. But before that? Sex was sex. It was fun, but never as good as most guys make it out to be. I never understood the excitement over it. If it happened, it happened. I never went out looking for it the way Maddox did, hell, even Lenny had his time of being a whore.

  ​But this. This is important, this is so much more. This will bind us together, forever. For-fucking-ever. Knowing that I’m now that last one, there is so much more riding on it than just a lay. Honestly, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t freak me out a bit. The last time I decided to be with someone forever, she fucked me over. My mother, who should have been someone to have my back forever, she fucked me over, too. My brother? He should be here, too. But it isn’t his fault that he isn’t. It’s mine. I should have slept with her before Callan and let the weight rest on his shoulders.

  ​Yeah, right. I can’t imagine how awkward that fuck was to begin with, never mind if he had the extra baggage of our Circle closing, on him. Maddox shouldn’t have fucked this up from the beginning. He is the one that is supposed to go last, that’s how it fucking works. Maybe we messed this up without realizing? I hope not.

  ​I’m halfway through the shower when my hard-on finally starts going away. Thank fuck. I feel like it’s starting to get raw from all the jerking off I’ve done. I feel like a horny teenager in high school all over again. It’s ridiculous. I hurry out of the shower, get dressed and head downstairs. By the time I get there everyone is already seated at the table eating.

  ​“There is a plate for you by the stove.” Her smile makes me weak and my cock is hard all over again. What the fucking fuck with this thing! I admit that I don’t know how to react to it, so half of the time I ignore her. It’s not the right thing to do, I fucking know that. After being around her more, I notice that I’ve started to relax and words just fall out of my mouth, when I don’t over think, that is. I feel like my old self sometimes. It’s scary, and a relief. But after being away from her all day it’s like back to square one. Two steps forward, one step back. That’s the life of Alec Mason.

  ​We all eat and chat about the day, about work. I tell them all about the car in the front of my house. Callan tells us that he spoke with his friend from work, without giving details, but enough for him to know what to look out for. He said he’d look into it, but hadn’t heard anything recently. Maddox made an appointment with the Prophet, that we will all be going to on Wednesday. I make a joke about the lunch being fit for a child, she pouts and promises to make it better tomorrow. And she happily tells us that she napped most of the day.r />
  ​“I hope that doesn’t keep you up late,” I say.

  ​“Why? I don’t have a bedtime. Plus, I’ll probably do most of the same tomorrow.”

  ​“See, another reason you don’t need a job.” Maddox adds, pointing at her with his fork.

  ​Friday scowls at Maddox. I know this is a touchy subject. “I thought you wanted a job?” I ask.

  ​“I do.” She’s answering me but she’s staring at Maddox. “No one will let me.”

  ​“Good, because I got you one.” I say before shoving a fork full of macaroni and cheese into my mouth.

  ​All heads turn towards me and I fight the urge to laugh. Something about pissing these guys off makes a small part of my heart happy.

  ​“You got her a job?” Maddox says through gritted teeth. Clenching his fork so hard that I think he may squish it into nothing. I finish chewing slowly, basking in the tension that I’ve just caused. When I’m done, I wipe my mouth with my napkin.

  ​“You got me a job?” She says excitedly. “Where?”

  ​“With me, at the shop. My secretary is out on maternity leave. Figured it’d be good for both of us. I need someone to keep the books in order and you need a job. Plus, you’ll be with someone at all times. Everyone is happy.”

  ​She doesn’t say anything. Her face is hard to read, but she looks like she may be sick, or cry? I can’t tell. I’ve never been good at reading the female emotions.

  ​“Really?” Her lower lip trembles and now I know she’s going to cry.

  ​Damnit, Alec.

  ​“Uh, yeah. Is that okay?” I look around at everyone, suddenly fearing for my life. Maddox looks like he’s about to kill me. Lenny looks offended and Callan looks afraid for me.


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