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by Charles Arnold

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter One – Abul’s Woman

  Chapter Two - Homecoming

  Chapter Three – Uzetta

  Chapter Four – Retribution

  Chapter Five – Doctor Gruber and Frederick

  Chapter Six – Choices

  Chapter Seven – Miss Kim

  Chapter Eight – Maid

  Chapter Nine – Interview

  Chapter Ten – Proposal

  Chapter Eleven – Wedding Plans

  Chapter Twelve – The Wedding

  Chapter Thirteen – A Plan

  Chapter Fourteen – Wedding Night

  The Penitent III: Marriage

  by Charles Arnold

  ISBN: 978-1-938897-38-2

  A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

  Copyright © 2003, All rights reserved

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers.

  For information contact:

  Pink Flamingo Publications

  P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083


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  Chapter One – Abul’s Woman

  After the trial, Mr. Satomi believed Abul succeeded in crushing Kathy’s spirit. He was confident that the training had transformed her into a complete submissive. He had determined that Kathy’s performance proved conclusively that she’d become Abul’s obedient whore. Although Mr. Satomi almost never made a mistake, his assessment in this instance was absolutely wrong. If anything, Kathy’s abuse at Abul’s hands had strengthened her spirit. Her training had intensified her hatred of Abul. It boiled inside her as a constant but controlled rage. She swore that if the opportunity ever arose in the future, she would kill him. The thought that he would now be in charge of training her virginal sister-in-law filled her with fear and guilt. However, the alternative would have resulted in Mary Margaret’s death. Of that, she was certain.

  The day after her trial, before what she thought would be her flight to Japan, Kathy was summoned to Madam Khe for a final meeting. As they had been doing for the past six weeks, Miko and Mi Jong bathed and dressed Kathy for her journey. She was given the ritual enema, a hot bath, and a thorough massage, which served to relax and heal her bruised body. They rubbed her with the familiar perfumed oil. Miko supervised the meticulous make-up. Mi Jong styled Kathy’s short black hair and painted her nails. After removing the brushes, they secured the hated clitoral cap. “Only your Master has the remote that will release it,” Miko reminded her. She held up the small circular brushes, “No more brushes, ever.”

  Kathy’s wardrobe had been chosen by Madam Khe: a white pleated silk skirt, a dark blue shear blouse, matching blue four inch heels, and the string of pearls she’d worn during the trial. Of course, she was bare under her skirt and blouse. Nervously, she entered Madam Khe’s office. The Chinese woman was seated behind her ebony desk, conservatively dressed in a grey business suit.

  On the night before, Kathy, after the emotional and physical abuse of the trial, had not been able to sleep without the strong sedative Miko mixed with her tea. She then slept soundly for ten hours, awakening reluctantly to the realization that she’d been responsible for Mary Margaret’s imprisonment here at the faculty. Imagining what the future held for Mary Margaret, she began to cry.

  “No time for that,” Miko said sternly. “Must prepare for trip. Must see Madam Khe first. Nothing you can do for sister-in-law.” Miko had pulled Kathy up into a sitting position, “Nothing,” she repeated.

  Those were the first words Madam Khe spoke to her after directing Kathy to sit in the chair facing the huge desk. “There is nothing you can do to help Mary Margaret. However, you should be fully aware that from now on anything but complete and immediate obedience from you will be reported here and make the girl’s training much more painful than it otherwise might be.”

  “Yes, I know,” Kathy said. “I feel so guilty. If it weren’t for me poor Mary Margaret would not...”

  Madam Khe held up her hand, “It was beyond your control. Everything that has occurred has been carefully orchestrated. With or without you, your sister-in-law would be exactly where she is.”

  “I...I...don’t understand. After six weeks of horrible training, Mary Margaret will become the wife of Abul. He will own her. If I hadn’t signed that contract, she would still be in London at the University.”

  “Before last night, when did you last see your sister-in-law?” Madam Khe leaned back with a bemused smile.

  “Two years ago. She was seventeen. Jeff and I took her to the airport for her flight to London.”

  “I will tell you a few things that you don’t know,” Madam Khe began. “After three months, Mary Margaret dropped out of the University.” Kathy started to object, but Madam Khe held up her hand again. “It is true, Mrs. Ryan. Soon after arriving in London, your sister-in-law met and came under the influence of a Jesuit priest, Father Alonzo. As you know, she was always a very shy child and drawn to religion. It’s a tiresome story, and your plane is ready so I must be brief. At the good priest’s urging, your sister-in-law left the University and, unknown to her parents or anyone else, she began her religious training. She entered the Saint Agnes Convent as a novitiate. She wished to become a cloistered nun. Does that seem impossible to you?

  Kathy thought for a moment and shook her head. She remembered how Mary Margaret preferred solitude to company. How she had read and reread the Bible even before she entered high school. Although she always earned excellent grades, she never participated in school activities... She was exceptionally beautiful, but had never dated or shown any interest in boys. Every Sunday morning she attended the Lutheran Church service and went to prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. That Mary Margaret would choose the Holy Orders and a cloistered life was not surprising. “No, Madam Khe, I am not surprised. I should have expected as much.” She paused, frowning and biting her lip, “My God, having to watch the trial must have been so terribly painful for her!”

  “It was. She’s sedated now and will be for the next several days.” Madam Khe folded her hands on the desktop and leaned forward. “This next bit of news may shock you. Mr. Satomi has had both you and your sister-in-law carefully observed and recorded for quite a long time. It will surprise you to learn his chief interest has not been you, but rather your late husband’s sister.” She waited for Kathy to react.

  “Recorded? You mean video cameras, tapes? Why? Why us? Why her?”

  “Mr. Satomi wants to have her under his control, for reasons I am not at liberty to reveal, a young, healthy virgin, preferably a devout American virgin. Mary Margaret is exactly what he wants. Mr. Satomi is not only extremely wealthy and powerful, he is a patient man. You were a way for him to get to her, but eventually you will also serve a greater purpose.”

  “But isn’t she to be given to Abul? Surely all of this was not done just to provide that ugly monster with a virgin bride?”

  “Perhaps I have said more than I should have. That Mary-Margaret will be trained here, is a fact. A group of highly skilled trainers are due today. Later, Abul may or may not be part of that group. Rest assured they will be as relentless as he. Because of her religious commitment and delicate nature, she is certain to suffer more than you did. Much more.”

  “But the priest, Father Alonso, won’t he begin a search for her... won’t he alert the authorities?”

  “By now, you should realize that Mr. Satomi would have arranged there to be no investigation of any sort. Father Alonso is
in his mid-fifties. He is considered almost a saint. His faith is as strong as his dedication. In a very short time, he and your sister-in-law developed a deep friendship. Beyond that, their relationship was strictly spiritual.”

  “Is he dead?” Kathy asked.

  “No, not yet. Mr. Satomi still has a use for him.” Madam Khe glanced at her watch. “Remember what I said earlier. Your failure to please Abul will bring immediate and harsh punishment to Mary Margaret.”

  “I will remember,” Kathy said.

  “Good. Now, to the real reason I sent for you.”

  Of all that Kathy had experienced at the Facility, Madam Khe’s next words were the most disheartening and terrifying. “Mr. Satomi has decided,” Madam Khe began, “to delay your service to him for two weeks and two days.” She looked intently at Kathy. “As a reward to Abul, Mr. Satomi has given you to him for that period, two weeks and two days.”

  “Oh, God, no!” Kathy began to rise. Madam Khe motioned for her to sit. Still standing, Kathy continued to protest, “I...I’ve done everything I had to do in order to escape Abul. It isn’t fair! I can’t...I simply can’t! I can’t even bear to look at that monster again, not ever!”

  “You can and will,” Madam Khe said sharply. “If you so much as hesitate or show in any manner your true feeling, I assure you that things will be much more difficult for your sister-in-law. Much more difficult.” She paused and leaning forward, “The girl’s very life is in your hands. You realize, I’m sure, that this is no idle threat.” Kathy sat down and, covering her face with her hands, sobbed quietly for a long time. When she had regained control, Madam Khe began again, “At Abul’s request, you and he will fly in one of Mr. Satomi’s private jets back to the United States, back to your home in Pittsburgh.” Kathy uttered a cry of despair. Madam Khe nodded. “Yes, Pittsburgh. Abul wants you to pose as his new wife there in the place where you lived with your young American husband. Of course, your real relationship with Abul will be just as it was here. You will be his possession...his personal and quite submissive whore.” Tears ran down Kathy’s cheeks. Madam Khe paused for a moment before continuing, “When Abul was in Pittsburgh arranging for your husband’s death, he required the services of several people who are in the employ of Mr. Satomi. Abul now wants to show them the extent to which he has mastered the beautiful widow of the man they murdered.” A violent shudder went through Kathy’s body. Again, Madam Khe waited a few moments before continuing, “You will introduce Abul to your friends as your husband. While you are in Pittsburgh, both you and Abul will live in your house there. I remind you for the final time that you must obey him in all things.” Kathy lowered her head and nodded. With a wave of her hand, the Chinese woman dismissed her.

  Two hours later the well-appointed jet arose from the Facility airstrip and headed east at 35,000 feet. Kathy had expected Miko and Mi Jong to accompany her, but she and Abul were the only passengers. In the past six weeks, Kathy had not seen Abul in anything but a caftan or robe. Now, dressed in a black business suit, a brown shirt and dark tie, he looked like a Mafia thug. When they were seated, he grinned at her showing the broken stubs of his yellow teeth. She turned away. His hand tightened painfully on her wrist. “Listen to me, bitch. You must never do that,” he hissed. “When I speak to you, you will look at me with respect. At all other times, you will keep your eyes lowered. You will address me as ‘husband’ and use affectionate terms whenever it is possible to do so. Do you understand?”


  “Yes, what?” Abul demanded.

  “Yes master...I mean, yes husband...I understand.” Once again she was struck by the unimaginable fact that she was calling this murderer of her beloved Jeff, ‘husband’. How could that be? Abul, the most despised of all men. The filthy, ignorant, cowardly, Afghani or whatever he was, who six months ago would not dare to speak to her on the street. He was waiting for her to say more. “I will obey you in all things,” she said.

  “Now, show me your cunt.” Despising him, Kathy lifted her skirt in the front and back until it was gathered at her waist. She turned toward him and parted her legs. As often as she had been forced to do this, the color rose to her cheeks. Abul nodded, “That’s better,” he said. “Do you like exposing yourself to me in this way? Do you want to show Abul your cunt?”

  “Yes. I do.” She saw that he wanted a more complete answer. “I mean, yes, Abul, I like exposing myself to you. I want to show you my...cunt if doing so pleases you.”

  Abul leaned forward, “I see you are wearing the cap.” From his inside coat pocket he took the familiar remote and waved it at her. “Perhaps if I am satisfied with you I will let you finger yourself in some public place once or twice during the next two weeks.”

  “Have you ever finger-fucked yourself where others could see?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “But if I permitted it?”

  Kathy looked away then back at him, “I would do it and...and be grateful.”

  Smiling, Abul replaced the remote in his pocket. “Mr. Satomi’s rule that you are not to be fucked is still in effect, so no matter how much you beg me to fuck your cunt, I will not. You will soon be begging me to fuck you, am I correct?”

  She looked up at him. “Yes, husband, I know that soon I will be begging you.” Being forced to call him ‘husband’ was worse than the whip. It reminded her again of the unimaginable difference between this cruel coward and her Jeff. Although she’d been made to demean herself in the most disgusting ways, she still held strongly to her religious beliefs. The sanctity of marriage was something she cherished. Even to pretend she was Abul’s wife was blasphemous. But she knew he would make her beg, force her to call him ‘husband’. And she would...she would beg Jeff’s murderer to fuck her.

  Abul covered her breast with his hand and squeezed. “Begging me to fuck your cunt will do no good but your mouth and ass will be fucked many times. Keep in mind that each negative report from me will earn your young sister-in-law at least twenty-five lashes from Swart’s whip.” He waited for her to respond.

  “I promise to do my best to please you,” Kathy said, her eyes lowered, her cheeks red with shame and anger. Through the silk of her blouse his hand on her breast was hot. It caused her nipples to stiffen. He couldn’t help but know.

  “I expect you will try your best, but we both realize your best is never quite good enough.” He slid his calloused hand along the inside of her bare thigh.

  She gripped the seat as she stared at his thin, dark fingers with their dirt-encrusted nails. His touch never failed to cause her stomach to churn and the bile to rise in her throat. Although she tried to prevent it, her slit was wet when his finger entered it. “As always,” he said, “your cunt betrays you, Mrs. Ryan. It tells us what you are.” He paused. “Tighten,” he said. She clenched her vaginal muscles so that he had difficulty moving his finger. “Milk it,” he said. She tightened and relaxed the pressure while pushing out and pulling in as she’d been trained. “Ahh, yes,” he grinned at her, “your cunt is like a hot little mouth. When you are eventually permitted to fuck, many men will want you. You might be fucked eight or ten times a night by a number of Mr. Satomi’s acquaintances. That’s now your reason for living, Mrs. Ryan, to give your young body to older men... men who are rich. Your only purpose in life will be to make your young hot cunt always available to them for their pleasure.”

  He withdrew his finger, which glistened with her juices. He held it up to her causing her to blush. Then, he placed it on her lips. Obediently, she parted them. He slid his dirty finger into her mouth. She tasted the grit under his long fingernail. “You convinced Mr. Satomi that your independent spirit is broken,” Abul leaned toward her, his eyes burning with anger. “Mr. Satomi is no fool, but you deceived him. You were very clever, Mrs. Ryan, in succeeding to escape me. If you had been given to me for the full year of your contract, you probably would not have survived?” It was a question. He withdrew his finger.

  She lowered her eyes
and nodded, “That is true. I would not have survived.”

  “But for the next two weeks you are mine. You belong to me.”

  “Yes, I am yours.”

  “In your grand American house you will prove to my friends just what it means to belong to Abul.” He placed his hand on her knee, spreading her legs wider. He looked down at her pussy lips. “As I said, your cunt tells us what you really are. What are you, Mrs. Ryan? Look at me and tell me what, in the short time since your husband’s death, you have become.”

  She raised her eyes to his leering face, “In the short time husband’s death, I have become Abul’s woman...Abul’s American whore.”

  His hand tightened painfully on her knee. “You do not say it with conviction. You do not say it as if you are pleased to be my woman. They sound like empty words. There is no affection.” He released her knee and glared at her, “The next time I ask you, I want to hear it. I want to hear in your voice that you are proud to belong to Abul,” he growled. Reclining his seat, he was soon snoring, his mouth open, his whiskey and garlic breath sickening her.

  My God, she thought, we are going back to where this horrible nightmare began. She glanced at Abul. This stinking, cruel foreigner will be in my home. He will sleep in the bed Jeff and I shared. I am to introduce him as my new husband. I am to spend fourteen nights in my own bed with this ugly man who hates me as much as I hate him! I will be forced to suck his rancid cock. I will be made to beg him my ass.

  In the bed where I used to wake up in Jeff’s arms, the man who murdered my husband will now lie beside me. His snoring will fill my ears; his stench will fill my nostrils; his body will press against mine. In the nights, in the long never ending nights I will lie beside him...remembering my sweet husband and knowing the hateful man who shares my bed killed him. Even the idea of it was pushing her to the limit of what she felt she could endure. The reality of Abul in her bed assuming Jeff’s place might very well send her over the edge. I am now to pretend to be the wife of God, she thought, ‘it is beyond imagining!’ Miko said Abul wants to show me off to his friends which means I’m to be given to them, made to suck their foul smelling cocks, made to offer ass for them to fuck.


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