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Page 24

by Charles Arnold

  Madam Khe leaned forward again. “How can you tell that the recorders are running?”

  “By the little red light next to each of them. When it’s on so are they.”

  “That’s right. But while we were in church Miko’s husband reversed the recorder switches and installed a small control board in Miko’s room. She will be able to see and hear everything in the living room and your bedroom. If you convince Abul to turn the recorders off, he will be switching them on. As you know, they are so silent we never know they’re on or off except for the red light.”

  Kathy nodded, “But won’t my words be recorded? I’ll have to say things, beg Abul to….to…fuck my cunt.”

  “Don’t concern yourself. If you succeed, we will take both you and the tapes to a nearby studio tomorrow morning. There, under the direction of Miko’s husband, the things you said on the tapes will be erased. In their place you will record speeches protesting and reminding Abul that he’s violating Mr. Satomi’s cardinal rule. You will be pleading with him not to fuck you.” She smiled, “Miko’s husband is an expert at seamlessly altering tapes.”

  “So, when the tapes are delivered to Mr. Satomi it will appear as if I resisted?”

  “Exactly. When Abul thinks he’s turning the recorders off, he will be throwing the switch that will soon result in his death.” Madam Khe looked hard at Kathy, “Mrs. Ryan, if you persuade that arrogant bastard to fuck you, you will be forever free of him.”

  Kathy looked out the window at the swirling snow. Turning back to Madam Khe she said, “I’m not sure I can. Abul is a coward. He’ll be afraid to risk it.”

  “If you can’t seduce him, you must be prepared to remain his wife.”

  “I’ll try. I’ll try very hard.” Kathy’s heart was beating wildly.

  Madam Khe nodded, “Abul wanted to bring the wedding guests back to the house, but I told him we would celebrate tomorrow. I convinced him that it would be very much in his self-interest to be alone with you on his wedding night. I told him you had begun to think of yourself as his wife and you were most anxious to please him in any way he desired.”

  Just hearing the words ‘Abul’s wife’ caused Kathy to shudder. “But Madam Khe am I to be all alone with him? Will there be no one else in the house?” The thought of being alone with Abul terrified her.

  “Miko and Mi Jong will be in their room. You will need help in preparing yourself and, of course, Miko will operate the video control switches.”

  The limousine pulled into the driveway. Kathy, Miko, and Mi Jong hurried through the garage and basement entrance to Kathy’s small room.

  Chapter Fourteen – Wedding Night

  With Mi Jong in attendance, Kathy went through the ritual enema, hot bath perfumed oil massage, the insertion of Gruber’s powerful stimulant into her anal passage and her vagina. Kathy sat before her mirror while Mi Jong brushed her hair. She tried to avoid looking at the dull black ring that hung from her pierced nipple, but the sight of her disfigurement and the knowledge that it signified she was now the property of Abul brought tears to her eyes.

  Mi Jong smiled, “Titties not so perfect no more,” she said. She put down the brush and arranged the cosmetics. “Abul say do heavy make-up.” She applied dark eye shadow and black mascara. Then exaggerating Kathy’s full lips with liner, she filled them in with bright red lipstick and a coating of gloss. From the closet, Mi Jong took a black full-length gown made of stretch lace. It was low cut with thin shoulder straps. Kathy saw that the gown buttoned from the hem to the V neckline. It fit like a second skin. The impression of the nipple ring was clearly visible. Mi Jong fastened the top buttons. “We leave open from crotch down,” she said. From a box Mi Jong removed black stiletto heels, which were open except for thin crisscrossing bands of leather.

  Just as Kathy was sliding her bare feet into the shoes, Miko returned. She appraised the new bride and nodded in approval. She spoke to Mi Jong, “Video cameras are changed. When red light is on, cameras are now off. When red light go off, cameras go on. If Abul turns cameras off so he can fuck her,” she gestured toward Kathy, “he really turn cameras on but he don’t know it. Whatever she say, we erase tomorrow and she record other things like saying it wrong for Abul to disobey Mr. Satomi’s orders. Say she don’t want Abul to rape her.” Both women turned to face Kathy. Miko continued, “Madam Khe wants Abul to die. We loyal to Madam Khe. If you get Abul to fuck your cunt, Mr. Satomi see tape. No more Abul.”

  “I’m not sure, Miko, I…I…don’t know…”

  Miko grabbed Kathy’s arms and looked at her sternly, “You need to cause Abul to betray Mr. Satomi. You got to make him think you changed. Make him think he is man you want. Make him think you got nothing left, no feeling for dead husband. You got to prove this true. You got to make him want to fuck you, fuck your cunt like a real husband.”

  It was a long speech for Miko who, Kathy knew, was risking her life in this. Failure could mean death for all of them: Miko, Mi Jong, Madam Khe, and herself. Kathy nodded, “Yes, Miko, I know what’s at stake. I’ll try. Really, I’ll try.”

  “Good. Abul not be back for another hour. Use time to think about what you gonna do.”

  After Miko and Mi Jong closed the door behind them, Kathy lay on the bed trying to imagine how she might convince Abul that she was truly pleased to be his wife, that she was now able to admit she loved and respected him and that she was truly glad he had replaced Jeff in her life. It seemed impossible. Abul knew she despised him.

  She concentrated on those things that might be remotely positive. She was, because of the rigorous training at the Facility, in much better physical shape: her body firm, her muscles toned, her skin flawless. Even her face had become more beautiful. Her submissiveness had made it somehow softer.

  The most pronounced change had been sexual. That she had been expertly trained to give pleasure was part of it. Doctor Gruber’s stimulation salves contributed heavily to her sexual awareness and her constant need to orgasm. But there had been other changes she hated to acknowledge. What of her fear and excitement when she heard Abul’s rough voice? What of the desire she hadn’t admitted to herself until now; the secret wish to feel his huge ugly cock inside her? Lately, she had almost welcomed his brutal penetration of her ass. Why did she become wet when she kneeled at his feet? She’d had to admit that she’d become aroused by the vile odors of his sweating body. Then there was the whip. The thought of it sent a shiver of dread through her body but it was accompanied by anticipation. Although she tried to block it from her mind, she knew the idea that she belonged to Abul stimulated her. She was unaccountably aroused by the knowledge that he owned her much as he would own a horse or a dog. The realization that he could do whatever he wished with her body also excited her. She had truly become his woman. She was the constantly aroused submissive wife of her husband’s murderer.

  The thought occurred to her that gradually she’d begun to view herself as he did. This horrible change was, she knew, not yet complete, but the hard truth was evident. She’d begun to think of her body, not as her own, but belonging to Abul. She felt that it wouldn’t take long as his wife before he would not only own her body but her mind as well. These past months she’d felt her spirit slipping away, the will to resist fading.

  She had to destroy Abul or lose herself to him. She had to appeal to his outrageous ego. She had to convince him that she’d already given her complete self to him unconditionally. She had to make him believe she respected, admired, and desired him more than any other man. The only way to succeed would be to make herself truly want him for tonight. He was clever. He knew her and would see through any pretense.

  She smiled to herself. Later, if I succeed, I’d like to watch him die. Yes, watch him die more painfully, I hope, than the death he gave my poor husband.

  With the fingers of her left hand she touched the outline of Abul’s thick black ring that pierced her nipple. Her own thoughts and Gruber’s stimulants had moistened her pussy. Under the hateful c
ap, she knew her clitoris was swollen and wet.

  She heard the front door open and close. Abul must have returned. Quickly she freshened her make-up, carefully applying a sheen of gloss to her lips. Ten minutes later, the light on the wall flickered. Her new husband wanted her. There was a hollow emptiness in the pit of her stomach. She stood up and drew a deep breath. Her hands and legs trembled. As she went up the stairs she was surprised to discover that although her hatred of him had not diminished, now that she was his wife there had been a subtle change in her feelings. ‘How can that be,’ she thought. ‘He cold-bloodedly took my husband from me. He hates me as I hate him. I’ve suffered nothing but abuse from that ugly coward. Why then am I hurrying to him? Why then does some dark part of me want to please him?’

  She paused in the hallway considering how she might greet her new husband. None of the lamps had been lit, but a stack of logs burned brightly in the fireplace casting lurid shadows on the walls. Abul sat facing the fire, his back to her. She stopped at the buffet table to fill a tumbler with ice and bourbon.

  Without speaking, she placed it on the small table at his side. Then, she quickly got to her knees before him. Glancing up at him first, she lowered her head to his feet. Gently, she parted his big toe from his second toe. Very softly touching her parted lips to his toes, she slid her tongue into the space between them and licked it.

  She lifted her head to look into the sneering face of her new husband. Before speaking, she raised up to place her hand on his. “I worship the feet of the man who murdered my husband. I worship the feet of Abul who has honored me by making me his wife.” Moving closer between his spread legs, she lifted his hand and bringing it to her lips said, “I kiss the fingers of the man who murdered my husband.” The sight of Jeff’s wedding band on Abul’s finger caused a flash of anger, which she quickly hid.

  Still kneeling before him, she slowly moved her hands along the inside of his thighs. “I have learned where I belong, Abul, here on my knees in gratitude to you. I promise to be a good wife to you Abul; obedient and submissive.”

  She licked her lips and placed her hands on his chest, “Please, Abul, please,” she said, “I long to taste your mouth.” He grunted and drew her to him. She held his face between her hands and parted her lips to accept his tongue. He reached for the remote and let the brushes turn. She groaned and pulled him tighter against her. They separated for a moment. “Please, Abul, again,” she said, and pressed her open mouth against his darting her tongue inside, tracing the familiar edges of his broken teeth. The smell and taste of garlic and bourbon almost made her wretch. He let the brushes spin. She invited his tongue into her mouth and sucked it.

  When they parted, she held his head between her hands and looked into his eyes, which, she saw, still mocked her. Deliberately, she leaned forward and licked the spittle that had formed on his lips.

  Abruptly, Abul stopped the brushes and flung Kathy away from him so hard that she fled backwards, sprawling on the floor. “You’re a cunt!” he yelled. “A slut cunt! All you want is for me to let you cum!” He downed the bourbon, slamming the empty glass on the table. “Well?” he glared at her. The thought flashed through her mind that just a few months ago this ugly, brutal, low-life wouldn’t have been permitted to speak to her. Hating herself, she quickly scrambled to her feet, the tight dress almost causing her to fall. She reached for the glass, but Abul grabbed her wrist. “Say it,” he demanded, “say what you are.”

  Although she was shaken, she spoke softly, “Abul, we both know I’m not what you called me. I’m your wife. If I am aroused, it is because you excite me as no other man ever has. Surely you must know that by now. My only wish is to please you and perhaps, in time, to love you.”

  He released her. She reached out to touch his face. “I’m glad, can’t you see that I’m truly glad, so that I could become your woman.” She touched the outline of the iron ring that pierced her nipple. “I wear this with pride. I belong to you, Abul.”

  Before he could respond, she hurried to make his drink, careful to add water this time. Miko has left a mirror, lipstick, and gloss on a tray beside the liquor. Quickly, Kathy reapplied her make-up. When she finished, she stared into the mirror. She saw the hurt and anger in her eyes, but also the desire. Despising herself for entertaining such an unforgivable notion, she thought, ‘My God, I want him. No, I need him. I need this ruthless man to fuck me.’ She tried to dismiss the thought as a reaction to Gruber’s stimulants, but knew it was more than that.

  She placed Abul’s drink on the table and, standing behind him, circled the rim of his ear with her tongue. She whispered, “I want your kisses, Abul. I want your mouth. I want more than anything to make love to you tonight in the way a new bride makes love to her husband.”

  “What do you mean?” he grumbled.

  She came around to stand between his legs, then got to her knees, “Please, Abul, I beg you, please remove the cap and take me as a husband takes his wife. Please, Abul, fuck me, fuck my cunt.” She spread her knees and parted her vaginal lips. The pink along each side of the clitoral cap was wet with milky secretions.

  Abul stared for a moment then shook his head, “Satomi would kill me.”

  “He won’t know if you turn off the video cameras.” She crawled forward and, parting his robe, once more took his huge cock between her hands and began to masturbate him. She looked up at him, “Abul, I have learned over these past months to want your cock, to need it. When I think about your cock my mouth wants it, my ass wants it, my cunt has never felt it. Abul, your thick cock would hurt me, would rip my tight cunt. I beg for that, Abul.” She glanced down at his stiff cock then looked up at him again, “On my knees I beg for you to fill my cunt with your great prick. Please, Abul, make your beautiful American wife’s cunt bleed. Make it bleed for you, Abul. Please, just tonight, our wedding night.”

  “No, no!” he said. “Impossible.”

  She leaned over and with her lips touched the bunched skin at the head of his uncircumcised prick. She looked up at him as sincerely as she could, “Do you know what I have learned to admire and respect most about you? It’s your manliness, Abul. You are strong. You take what you want. You wanted me and found a way to have me.”

  Abul nodded, “By killing your husband.”

  Kathy continued her gentle stroking of his cock. “Yes, by killing my husband. You know I’ve hated you for that, hated you more than I thought possible. For a long time that hatred and rage has been inside me.” She paused before continuing. “But, Abul, I’ve been wrong. It’s taken me a long time to realize it, but I’ve been wrong. My former life was empty. My former husband was weak.”

  Abul leaned forward glaring at her, “But you still have feelings of what you call love for that gutless piece of shit you were married to.”

  She’s anticipated he would want her to dismiss Jeff completely. He would want her to refute all that her husband had meant to her. She knew Abul needed to be certain that she was his possession, that she welcomed his dominance over her. Still kneeling before him, she sat back on her heels, forcing herself to look steadily into his ugly face. “You are right, Abul. My husband was weak. He played golf and tennis. He hit a ball with a stick. But you, Abul, you were a brave soldier, risking your life in battle.” She saw that her words were having the desired effect on the ignorant brute’s ego.

  She inched forward and once more lowered her head to softly press her lips to his feet. Looking up, she placed her hands on his thighs, “I kiss your feet Abul, not because I must, but because you have honored me by taking me as your wife.” She forced herself to look down at his long filthy toes. The faint imprints of her lips made her shudder. She looked again into the bulging eyes that continued to mock her. “On my knees, Abul, I am begging you to fuck me. You wanted me and killed in order to have me. Now, I am yours.” She leaned down to kiss the head of his prick again. “Please, Abul, it is our wedding night. Fuck me. Take me like the fierce soldier you are. Rape my hot cunt. Fuck me
hard and long. I want you, Abul. I want your thick long cock deep inside me. I want you to cum in me, Abul.”

  She moved against him, putting her arms around him and pressing her lips to his. She felt the warm secretions ooze from her pussy. She stood and parted her gown. Her face was flushed and her breathing quick. Abul took up the remote. She thought he meant to let the brushes spin. Instead, there was a slight noise, and the clitoral cap dropped to the floor.

  Abul rose and moved quickly to the panel that controlled the video cameras. He pressed the off button, which, Kathy knew, turned the cameras on. She’d won! He was going to fuck her!

  In the flickering firelight, he looked like some grotesque monster out of a nightmare. She could see that he still despised her and that his only desire was, as it had always been, to humiliate and abuse her. He frowned at her, “At great risk to myself, I may give you what you want but first you must prove that I have broken your stubborn will and that you are truly grateful to me for having taken your husband’s life.”

  She didn’t know what she could do that she hadn’t done, or what she could say that she hadn’t said. She got to her knees determined to make him believe she was pleased and honored to belong to him. She bowed her head, “Thank you, Abul, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the man I have always wanted and needed. Honestly, my only wish is to serve you as a devoted wife or in any other way you desire.”

  Abul took a step toward her. “Tomorrow you will dress just as you are. Together we will drive to the cemetery where your husband is buried. In the bitter cold you will get out of the car and squat over your husband’s grave while I video you. Then we will come home and watch the tape. What will we see?”

  Her head still bowed, Kathy answered softly, “We will see me urinating on my husband’s grave.”

  Abul nodded, “And pissing on your husband’s grave, what will that tell us?”


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