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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 2

Page 7

by Tina J

  “Its unfortunate what happened to the ex-Mrs. Banks, but can you remind her that the judge said any type of harassment will find her in jail.”

  “Mr. Banks, I know who your family is and I don’t want those kind of problems. The reason we stopped by is to tell you, to let Haven know she’s trying to get the FEDS involved with the case. He needs to speak with his contact over there ASAP.” I shook my head laughing at Elaina.

  “Also, we apologize for walking up while you were entertaining one another. We thought you heard us.” I nodded. At least they weren’t watching. Or maybe they were but scared to death of Haven and said they didn’t.

  “Thank you and I’ll let Haven know when he returns from Cancun.”

  “Have a good night Mr. Banks.” They backed away with nervous looks on their face. Had they not apologized I may have told Haven, but they seemed sorry.

  I grabbed Stormy’s hand and went inside to call Haven. Elaina’s gonna have to die, which means my son won’t have a mother. At this point, I can no longer save her. She made her bed, and now has to lay in it.


  “Hey bitchhhhh. Oh my God Look how big you got.” I shouted to Armonie.

  She came home yesterday and called me up to have lunch with her and Ariel. I accepted the invite because after those detectives left the house, Christian was mad as hell. I’ve seen him upset but never outta character. When he spoke to his brother and volunteered to take Elaina out himself, I knew he had enough of her shenanigans.

  I tried to calm him down with sex and it worked but he didn’t sleep and was up and out early this morning. He did bring me breakfast and apologized for being in a rush. I feel sorry for his ex in a way because she wasn’t catching any of the hints. I don’t know what type of torture she went through, and I don’t care. All I know is I don’t ever wanna be the one Haven and his boys come after.

  “I know right. I didn’t even know I was pregnant until someone attacked me, and here I am about to give birth in two months.” She and I took a seat at the table the waitress led us to.

  “Where’s Ariel?” I asked because she wasn’t here yet.

  “She worked her twelve hour shift yesterday but promised to be here.” She glanced around the restaurant to see if she was here.

  “How’s VJ?” A grin came across her face.

  “He’s good. In a couple more weeks the doctor said he should be back to his normal self.”

  “And his arm?”

  “He has feeling in it and is going to therapy, but the doctor told him, he’ll have days where it will feel like the pain won’t go away. Evidently, the bitch hit a few nerves.” She started banging the straw on the table to get the paper off.

  “It’s ok Monie.”

  “I had that bitch Stormy. She came to his hospital room like her ass wasn’t the reason he was in it. I beat the shit outta her and then she attempted to charge me. VJ threw her against the wall so hard, her head started bleeding.”

  “Ok. She’s gone right?” I asked in a quiet voice.

  “No. VJ screamed for them not to let her go but somehow the bitch ran out the hospital without being checked. She probably went to another one, but no one could find out at the time because VJ passed out and they wanted to check and make sure the baby was ok. I swear if I ever see her, I want Haven to torture her bad. I mean torture her, don’t let her die, torture her some more and keep going.” I don’t ever wanna feel the wrath of this family.

  “Well damn. My cousin must’ve strung you the fuck out if you sitting here tryna torture his ex.” Ariel scooted in next to me. Monie said she’s too big for anyone to sit by her. The waitress handed us menus and stepped off.

  “How are you missy?” I asked and pointed to the hickey on her neck.

  “Haven didn’t want me to leave until we had sex.” Me and Armonie looked at her.

  “Keep it up and your ass gonna be in the same situation.” She smirked.

  “Bitch, you pregnant?” I shouted by accident.

  “No but he damn sure trying.”

  “I asked you were there gonna be any little Reapers.” Armonie said and we started giving our orders to the waitress.

  “At the time, it wasn’t an option but now that yo ass knocked up, he talking about we should be pregnant together.” Ariel rolled her eyes.

  “Well shit. The only one left is you.” Armonie pointed to me.

  “Umm not.” I stared out the window for a quick second thinking about why we’ll never reproduce. I have yet to tell Christian and once I do, he may not even stick around.

  “You ok?” Ariel questioned and they both stared at me.

  “Yea. I have a lot on my mind. Let’s finish eating. I know VJ already stalking Monie.” I pointed to her grinning at her screen.

  “He’s always hungry and not for food.”

  “Bitch, you got him strung out.” Ariel started cracking up.

  “He says no.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Yea ok.” I said and we all moved away as the waitress laid our food on the table. I had to figure a way to tell Christian soon because I don’t see the conversation going well if someone else tells him.


  “You think you’re better than me because your fucking my husband?” I turned to see Elaina standing there looking crazy. She wore a wig and her foot was in some brace as she held on to the crutches.

  “Ex-husband.” I corrected her.

  “Excuse me.”

  “I said ex-husband.” I picked up the gain laundry detergent off the shelf and placed it in my cart. Me and my mom were at Target buying things for our houses.

  “Whatever. How would my ex-husband feel knowing you’re sleeping around?” I stopped and looked at her.

  “Oh you thought your secret was safe?” I rolled my eyes.

  “You did?” She started laughing.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about but keep that same energy when Haven finds you again.” The smile on her face faded.

  “Not funny now, is it?”

  “I’m not worried about Haven or anyone else.”

  “You shouldn’t be. God didn’t place us on earth to fear anyone.” My mother spoke behind her.

  “Mrs. Burns, I know you’re not ok with your daughter sleeping with a married man.” My mom looked at her.

  “Stormy isn’t sleeping with a married man.”

  “Christian is...” my mother put her hand up.

  “Christian is no longer married and it doesn’t matter how much you try and tell yourself it’s not over, the fact remains, it is. What he does is no longer your concern.”

  “You’re the First Lady of the church.”

  “Exactly and I of all people know a woman in denial when I see one.” My mom pointed to her.

  “Whatever. I’m going to make sure he knows your secret Stormy. Let’s see if he still wants you then.” She pushed her crutches forward to walk away.

  “She knows Stormy?”

  “She think she knows.” My mom shook her head.

  “Tell him.”

  “I will.” We finished shopping and went to our own home.

  After putting my things away, I picked my phone up and sent a message to Christian. It was killing me to do this but it has to be done.

  Me: Christian I think it’s best if we go our separate ways. It’s been fun and I enjoy every moment with you but it’s not going to work.

  I put the phone down. A few seconds later it rang from him. I let the tears fall as he called back to back. I’d fallen for a man I can’t have and regardless of how tight we were growing up, some things I kept hidden. Now I want this man and can’t have him.


  “I mean it Haven. You need to make peace with him before the baby shower.” Grams said smoking on the back porch with me. It was our usual Sunday dinner and she was out here yelling about being friends with my cousins’ man.

  “Grams do you think he really gives a fuck if I talk to him or

  “No but Armonie will. You know she wants everyone speaking.” I waved her off.

  “Can I talk to Haven grams?” Armonie waddled out. Her stomach was huge for how small she is.

  “What?” I blew the smoke in the opposite direction and put the blunt out.

  “You and VJ don’t have to speak but I don’t want you two arguing around me or the baby.”


  “I’m serious Haven. I understand the way you two met were under different circumstances but I’m your cousin and Ariel is his. I know you don’t want both of us to stop speaking to you.” She folded her arms.

  “I won’t say shit as long as he doesn’t say anything to me.” I told her.

  “Good. He feels the same.”

  “What?” I turned to look at her.

  “I had this same conversation with him on the way over.”

  “Why you bring him here?” I asked because its only supposed to be family.

  “The same reason you brought Ariel.” I sucked my teeth.

  “You know damn well it’s different. She’s always here.”

  “Not the point.” She rested her head on my arm.

  “What am I going to do with a baby?”

  “Raise it.”

  “What if the baby’s leg is like mine? You think he’ll be mad and blame me?” I lifted her up.

  “Uncle Colby says he loves you and I doubt he’ll leave or blame you if it does happen.”

  “Hey y’all. Why she upset? Haven what you say?” Ariel had her hands on her hips.

  “Shut yo dramatic ass up.”

  “I am not dramatic. You got some nerve when...” I cut her off.

  “I wish you would.” I know she wanted to bring up the other night when she had my ass moaning from the freaky shit she did. I ain’t never had no bitch use ice on my dick. And the tricks with her tongue had me gone.

  “I’m just saying.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t say shit. Ariel I’ll fuck you up out here.” She waved her hand.

  “Anyway.” She rolled her neck and flipped her hair.

  “Grams said to tell y’all dinner ready and if Haven or VJ says anything smart, she stabbing both of y’all in the chest.” She shrugged and went in the house. I helped Armonie up and held the door as she stepped in.

  “Haven you sit there and Monie, you sit there.” Grams pointed to a seat next to VJ.

  “It’s ok Grams. I wanna sit next to my baby daddy.” Monie smiled and sat on his lap.

  “You heard me chile. Now move.” She shooed Armonie away.

  “Um grams that was my seat.” Ariel pointed to the same spot Monie tried to claim.

  “Little girl don’t play with me.” Ariel put her hands up.

  “Do I need to say it again?” I wanted to curse grams out, but I’d never hear the end of it. Plus, she’ll probably shoot my ass.

  “Can I sit on the other side then grams?” Monie pointed to the seat next to VJ.

  “I don’t care but don’t let him finger pop you under the table.”

  “GRAMS!” My aunt Journey yelled and VJ started laughing.

  “If she only knew I did more than that this morning.” VJ whispered but I heard him.

  “I’m not hungry.” I said.

  “Haven you couldn’t wait to get here to eat. Grams made your favorite and...”

  “Ariel, I swear to God you better be quiet.” She thought it was funny. I bet she won’t be laughing when her ass can’t walk.

  “I don’t wanna sit by you either but as long as my woman here, I’ll deal with it. What I’m not gonna do is sit here and let you pretend I’m some kind of disease.”

  “Fuck you nigga. We can get take it outside.” I told him.

  “HAVEN!” My mother shouted.

  “You ain’t said nothing but a word.” VJ stood. Armonie got in between us.

  “Haven you’re my cousin and I love you but he’s my man, my child’s father and maybe husband in the future. I can’t have either of you fighting over whose ego is the biggest.”

  “Monie, you ok?” He asked.

  “Haven you promised not to say anything to him and you’re antagonizing him for no reason. If this is how it’s gonna be, we’ll go. VJ can you grab my phone and purse?” He did what she asked and everyone looked at me.

  “MONIE DON’T YOU DARE LEAVE.” Grams shouted.

  “I’m sorry grams but I refuse to allow VJ to deal with this when he hasn’t done anything.” VJ walked behind her and Ariel jumped in front of me with her arms folded.

  “SHITTTT!” All of us heard VJ shout when he opened the door.

  “Ariel can you bring me some paper towels? Monie vomited all over the floor.” Again, everyone looked at me. I passed Ariel the roll of paper towels off the table and shrugged my shoulders.

  “You ok honey?” My aunt Journey asked.

  “I’m fine. You know how I get when I work myself up. I just wanna lay down.” VJ lifted her bridal style.

  “Your arm VJ. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  “I’m fine Monie.” He walked out and I could see my aunt and Ariel cleaning up the floor. My sister Shae pushed me out the way and brought plastic bags over to them.

  “You couldn’t just sit there and be quiet?” My mom had her hands on her hips.

  “Y’all know we don’t like each other. Grams should’ve never tried to force us to sit by each other.” I was serious. Why in the hell she thought it would be ok is beyond me.

  “He’s going to be around Haven and grams just wanted to make sure it would be peaceful.” My mom tried to reason with me.

  “No disrespect ma, but I’m a grown ass man and if I don’t wanna fuck with the nigga, I don’t have to.”

  “HOLD THE FUCK UP HAVEN!” My pops barked and it’s like the entire house got quiet.

  “I wouldn’t care if you were 60, don’t ever think it’s ok to talk to my wife; your mother that way.”

  “It’s ok Wolf.” My mom stood in front of us.

  “No it’s not Passion.” My uncle Jax chimed in and my aunt Venus tried to pull him away.

  “What has gotten into you?” My mom asked.

  “Nothing. I apologize if you felt like I disrespected you ma. You know I’d never do that. I stick by my word.” I turned and stared at my grandmother.

  “Grams should’ve never assumed I’d be ok with it and if y’all don’t want me coming to Sunday dinner because he’ll be here, I’m good. The last thing I wanna do is stress anyone out or cause harm to Armonie and the baby.” I grabbed my keys and walked out the door.

  “Haven.” I saw Ariel running to the car with her stuff.

  “How you tryna leave me when I came with you?” I unlocked the door. Both of us got in and drove off in silence.


  “Mmmm. You feel better?” Ariel asked after sex. When we got home, we tore each other’s clothes off and went at it like animals.

  “Yea. You good?” She laid on top of me.

  “I’m hungry.” I smacked her ass.

  “I am. Shit, my man left the house before we could eat.” I laughed. She sat up and stared at me.

  “I don’t think you were wrong for feeling the way you did. It does seem like grams was forcing you to speak to VJ. She should’ve asked before trying to make y’all dinner buddies.”


  “However.” I sucked my teeth.

  “You didn’t have to snap on your mom.” I gave her the side eye.

  “Don’t you dare say, you said no disrespect first.” I smirked.

  “You came off sounding disrespectful whether you see it that way or not.”

  “They know how I am Ariel.”

  “You’re right, which is why I agree to how you felt towards your grandmother doing that. It doesn’t mean get mad at everyone else. Haven your mom started crying when you left and your uncles had to hold your dad. Christian couldn’t even calm him down with prayer.” I busted out

  “I shouldn’t have said that.” She laughed.

  “No and I’m telling Christian.”

  “You better not.” She kept laughing.

  “Well I won’t go over there on Sunday’s anymore.”

  “You’re gonna break the tradition over pride? Stop it.” She moved off and went to shower.

  While she was in there, I checked my phone and I had messages from my brother, sister and cousins asking if I was ok and to call them. Shae will curse me out and my brother and cousins will most likely tell me I’m foul, and blah blah blah. I’m over it. I tossed the phone on the nightstand and joined Ariel in the shower.


  I understood how Haven felt towards his grandmother trying to get him and VJ to speak. They know like I do how Haven is and to be honest, VJ is the same. He told me the day before when I stopped by the hotel, he wasn’t comfortable being around him but he’d be respectful on the strength of Monie.

  I could see the anger on his face when she vomited. He wanted to say something but kept it in. He’s not afraid of Haven and had Monie not said anything and left, things probably would’ve gotten worse.

  I knew sex would relax Haven because he’s an addict like me. We loved exploring one another and nothing is off limits when it comes to what we do to one another.

  After we had the talk, he ordered us food, we watched a movie and fell asleep on the couch. I sure hope he gets over his attitude because their family is tight, and I don’t see them having Sunday dinners without him. I mean they would, but grams wanted all of her family there and if he’s not, she may cancel it.


  “How are you?” I asked Monie when I stopped by the hotel on my way to Walmart. I wanted to pick up some things for my new house. I offered her to stay but once VJ returned to Jersey, he told her the only person she’s living with is him.

  “Fine. Just some Braxton Hicks here and there.” I rubbed her belly. I still couldn’t believe she’s having a baby by my cousin.


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