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Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, & the Garrison Case

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by DiEugenio, James

  25 Savage, pps. 16, 19; Mellen, p. 128.

  26 New Orleans States Item, 11/2/62.

  27 Op cit Savage, p. 17.

  28 Mellen, op. cit., p. 129.

  29 Savage, p. 21.

  30 Mellen, op. cit., p. 151.

  31 Savage, p. 25.

  32 New Orleans Times Picayune, 1/9 and 1/13/63; 3/29/64; 4/11/64.

  33 Mellen, op. cit., p. 173.

  34 Washington Post, 2/10/63.

  35 Mellen, op. cit., pps. 158–59.

  36 Ibid.

  37 Ibid, p.173.

  38 Flammonde, p. 10.

  39 Mellen, op. cit., pps. 211–12.

  40 Ibid, p. 217.

  41 Ibid, p. 208.

  42 Author’s interview with Mort Sahl in 1998. Sahl was once married to former Playmate China Lee who lived in the New Orleans area when Garrison was elected DA.

  43 Garrison, p. 11.

  44 Mellen, op. cit., p. 236.

  Chapter 10

  1 Melanson, p. 42.

  2 Ibid.

  3 Ibid; See also HSCA Vol. 10, p. 113.

  4 HSCA Vol. 10, p. 113.

  5 Garrison, p. 7.

  6 Ibid.

  7 Melanson, p. 42; Garrison, pp. 7–8.

  8 Turner, “Garrison Commission,” p. 47.

  9 CD 75, pps. 285–97. FBI interview of Ferrie by agents Wall and Shearer on 11/25/63.

  10 Author’s phone interview with Lou Ivon, 1996.

  11 Mellen, A Farewell to Justice, p. 1.

  12 Garrison, Playboy interview.

  13 Popkin, “Garrison’s Case,” p. 26. Andrews’s testimony about encountering Oswald is also corroborated three times: by Springer, by Davis, and by a Secret Service interview November 25, 1963. He could not have been aware of so many facts about Lee and Marina unless Oswald had revealed them to him at an earlier date. Meagher, pp. 375–376.

  14 Weisberg, Oswald, p. 335.

  15 Garrison, pp. 37–38. For reference to the Shaw file, see Turner, “Garrison Commission,” p. 48.

  16 Newman, Oswald and the CIA, pps. 236–4.

  17 CD 75, pps. 309–11, FBI report of agents Schlager and Kennedy of interview of Jack Martin.

  18 Garrison, pps. 31–32.

  19 New Orleans Times Picayune, August 1 and 2, 1963.

  20 Handwritten notes of Jim Garrison, December 13 and 14, 1966.

  21 WC Vol. 11, pps. 331, 34.

  22 WR, p. 325.

  23 WC Vol. 11, p. 31; Flammonde, p. 47.

  24 Davy, p. 52.

  25 Garrison, pps. 80–82.

  26 See Turner, “Inquest,” p. 24; Summers p. 340.

  27 Memorandum of 2/23/67 from Detective Meloche and Sergeant Sedgebeer to Jim Garrison.

  28 Probe Magazine, Vol. 6 No. 5, p. 5.

  29 Ibid., p. 21.

  30 Ibid., p. 27.

  31 Flammonde, p. 119.

  32 Russell, p. 2

  33 Ibid., p. 3.

  34 Ibid., p. 7.

  35 Interview with William Turner in 1997. The office address is noted in letters Martin wrote to Nagell in the summer of 1967.

  36 Letter from Maurice Gatlin to William Martin, 11/21/61.

  37 CIA Memorandum from New Orleans office to Director of Domestic Contacts Service, 1/3/68.

  38 NODA Memorandum of 4/18/67, Martin to Garrison.

  39 Ibid.

  40 NODA statement of Newman to Garrison, 1/24/68.

  41 Probe Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 5, p, 27.

  42 Letter from Martin to Nagell, 6/20/67.

  43 Letter from Martin to Nagell, 8/7/67.

  44 Op. cit Probe, p. 25.

  45 Mellen, A Farewell to Justice, pps. 208–10.

  46 Ibid., p. 215.

  47 Ibid., p. 217.

  48 Ibid., p. 219.

  49 DiEugenio, James and William Davy. “False Witness: Aptly Titled.” Probe, Vol. 6 No. 4, p. 25.

  50 Mellen, op. cit., p. 230.

  51 HSCA interview with McGehee, 4/19/78.

  52 HSCA interview with Morgan, 4/19/78.

  53 HSCA interview with Palmer, 4/19/78.

  54 Benson, p. 200.

  55 Probe, Vol. 4 No. 5, p. 18.

  56 Author’s 1994 interview with Morgan in Jackson.

  57 Titovets, p. 365.

  58 Mellen, op. cit. p. 231.

  59 Garrison, pps. 46–47.

  60 Thornley, p. 19.

  61 Ibid., p. 69.

  62 Garrison, p. 75.

  63 Author’s interview with Campbell in 1994.

  64 Biles, p. 64.

  65 NODA memos of 3/12/68 concerning Goldsmith, and 11/6/67 concerning Dowell. The affidavits and statements of most of the witnesses Garrison had to impeach Thornley are in Appendix B of the Biles book.

  66 Letter from John Schwegmann to Jim Garrison, 2/22/68.

  67 Weisberg, Never Again (New York: Carroll and Graf, 1995), p. 19.

  68 Author’s 1997 phone interview with Weisberg. See also Mellen, p. 273.

  69 Probe Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 4, p. 28.

  70 Ibid.

  71 Author’s 1997 conversation with Mike Willman who was friends with Sahl at the time.

  72 Author’s 1998 interview with Jim Rose in San Luis Obispo. Rose brought his notes, which contained this information.

  73 Op cit, Probe, p. 29.

  74 Garrison, p. 76. The author has read this manuscript and Garrison’s characterization of it is accurate.

  75 Broadcast of 2/25/92.

  76 Garrison, p. 78.

  77 WC Vol. XI, p. 89.

  78 Garrison, pps. 74–75. Former Probe writer David Manning told the author in 1992 that this point, about Thornley posing for the backyard photographs, was confirmed to him by Breck Wall, an acquaintance of Jack Ruby while Manning was living in Las Vegas in the seventies and Wall was a choreographer there. When Manning and the author visited Wall in 1993 for an on camera interview, Wall reneged on the claim.

  79 Playboy, October 1967.

  80 Ibid., Playboy.

  81 Melanson, p. 79.

  82 Jones, Steve. “Friends in High Places.” Probe, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 9.

  83 Ibid.

  84 Simpich, “The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend,” part 6.

  85 Ibid. This closeness of this relationship was lied about by Moore. (See Epstein, p. 564)

  86 Epstein, The Assassination Chronicles, p. 558.

  87 Ibid., p. 559.

  88 WC, Vol. 9, p. 396.

  89 Grand Jury testimony of Ruth Paine 4/18/68.

  90 Op cit, Probe.

  91 This is based on an FBI interview of 12/14/63.

  92 Ibid., p. 234.

  93 Op cit Probe.

  94 Oral History of Mary Bancroft (Columbia University, 1972, p. 24)

  95 Evica, p. 234.

  96 Hewett, Carol. “The Paines Know.” Probe, Vol, 5 No. 1, p. 17.

  97 Ibid., p. 235.

  98 WC, Vol.2, p. 385.

  99 Probe, Vol. 3 No. 4, p. 15.

  100 Probe, Vol. 5 No. 5, p. 7.

  101 Ibid.

  102 Probe, Vol. 3 No. 4, p. 16.

  103 Douglass, p. 170.

  104 Ibid, p. 243.

  105 Probe, Vol. 5 No. 3, p. 30.

  106 Ruth Paine’s grand jury testimony of 4/18/68. See pages 57–58.

  107 Security File on Sylvia Hyde Hoke of 7/30/71, File Number 348 201.

  108 Evica, A Certain Arrogance, p. 230.

  109 Probe Vol. 3 No. 4, p. 16; also Vol. 5 No. 1, p. 14.

  110 Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked, (Southlake Texas: JFK Lancer Productions and Publications, 2006) pps. 552–54.

  111 Hewett, Carol, Jones, Steve and Barbara LaMonica. “Ruth Paine: Social Activist or Contra Support Networker.” Probe, Vol. 3 No. 5, p. 9

  112 Marina Oswald’s grand jury testimony of 2/8/68. See pages 69–70.

  113 Steve Jones, “The Confessions of Ruth Paine” at the web site Deep Politics Quarterly.

  114 Ibid.

  115 WC Vol. 11, pps. 425–27.

  116 Ibid.,
p. 427.

  117 Armstrong, p. 512.

  118 McKnight, p. 56.

  119 Armstrong, p. 509.

  120 Meagher, pps. 107–10.

  121 WC Vol. 11, pps. 409–10.

  122 Benson, p. 440; Armstrong, p. 505; WC Vol. 11, pps. 412–13.

  123 Benson, p. 84; McKnight, pps. 57–58.

  124 McKnight, p. 58.

  125 WC Vol. 11, pps. 416–17.

  126 See J. Edgar Hoover memo to Rankin of 6/16/64, and the Lee/Barrett Report to Hoover of 6/10/64 on the Walker shooting.

  127 WC Vol. 11, p. 414.

  128 Ibid., p. 428.

  129 Dallas Police Report by officers Van Cleave and McElroy of 4/11/63; Dallas Times Herald 12/7/63.

  130 WC Stovall Exhibit A.

  131 Armstrong, p. 492.

  132 See Camerapedia Web Site, 620 film page.

  133 CE 2557, pps. 4–5.

  134 CE 1155, p. 2.

  135 CE 2557, p. 3.

  136 Armstrong, p.493.

  137 Ibid., p. 495.

  138 CE 1403, p. 1.

  139 Ibid., pps. 4–6; See also, Armstrong, p. 695.

  140 Ibid., p. 7.

  141 WR, p. 736.

  142 The only witness who said Oswald admitted to being in Mexico City while in detention was postmaster Harry Holmes, who also doubled as an FBI informant. Holmes’ testimony on this point was so at odds with everyone else that not even the Commission could accept it. See Armstrong, p. 941.

  143 CD 344, p. 18.

  144 CE 1781, pps. 4–5.

  145 Armstrong, pps. 977–78.

  146 WC Vol. 1, p. 23.

  147 CE 1404, FBI report of 2/25/64, p. 4.

  148 There is also another piece of evidence that Ruth turned over to the Commission that bolstered the CIA’s version of Oswald in Mexico City. This is the handwritten draft, and handwritten copy of that draft, of a letter allegedly sent by Oswald to the Russian Embassy in Washington. This letter mentions his visit to the Cuban consulate and the Russian consulate in Mexico City. There have been four valuable discussions of this letter and its versions: by Carol Hewett in Probe, Vol. 4 No. 3, p. 16; by Jerry Rose, in The Fourth Decade, November of 1999, p. 5; by John Armstrong in Harvey and Lee, pps. 760–62; and by Jim Douglass, in JFK and the Unspeakable, pps. 227–234. As John Armstrong notes, whoever wrote the letter had access to information that it is difficult to believe Oswald could have known, like the transfer of personnel from the Cuban consulate 7 weeks before it happened. Another notable oddity mentioned by Hewett is that the FBI returned the alleged Oswald handwritten draft to Ruth Paine! While, as Hewett also notes, Ruth’s handwritten copy of the first Oswald draft has disappeared from the National Archives. The Russians felt the letter was a forgery, or it was dictated to Oswald, in order to lay the blame for the assassination at their feet.(Douglass, p. 230). Recall, when the KGB first met with Richard Case Nagell, this is what they feared most about the rumors they had heard.

  149 Affidavit of H. W. Reed dated 12/2/63.

  150 FBI Airtel of 12/13/63, which suggests how to proceed with the package.

  151 Ibid.

  152 Author’s 2012 interview with Carol Hewett.

  153 FBI Memorandum of 12/16/63 by Sebastian LaTona.

  154 Stovall Exhibit B, WC Vol. 21, p. 593.

  155 Interview of 4/13/78, pps. 23–25.

  156 FBI Series 62–109090, WC HQ File, Section 28, pps. 2,3. Available at Mary Ferrell Foundation Web Site.

  157 Jones, Steve. “The Testimony of Marina Oswald before the Orleans Parish Grand Jury.” Probe, Vol. 7 No. 3, p. 3.

  158 See, Carol Hewett’s two part essay in Probe, Vol. 4 No. 1, p. 21, and Vol. 4 No 2, p.12.

  159 See CE 401 for her calendar, note especially the month of March; see WC Vol. 9, pgs 358–59 for her bewildering explanation, see also an article by Jerry Rose in The Third Decade, January 1990, p. 14, on this subject which casts aspersions on her strained explication.

  160 Probe, Vol. 5 No. 1, p. 14.

  161 Hosty, p. 38.

  162 WC Vol. 3, pps. 85–86.

  163 CBS News, Who Killed JFK? The Final Chapter, broadcast in 1993.

  164 Probe op. cit. , Vol. 5 No. 1, p. 11.

  165 NODA Memorandum of 6/27/67, interview of Ken Elliot.

  166 NODA Memorandum of 10/9/68, by Andrew Sciambra to Garrison.

  167 Ibid.

  168 Probe, Vol. 3 No. 3, p. 24.

  169 See Garrison, pps. 118–20.

  170 Probe, Vol. 4 No. 4, p. 8.

  171 FBI Teletype of 3/5/67, from New Orleans to the Director.

  172 This book is at the Harold Weisberg collection at Hood College online.

  173 Interview with Baumler by Fensterwald and J. Gary Shaw of 12/30/81.

  174 From CIA Memo of Marguerite Stevens to Deputy Chief, SRS, of 9/12/67.

  175 Dempsey interview with Bill Davy and the author in New Orleans in 1994.

  176 Interview of Newbrough by Bill Davy on April 3, 1995.

  177 Garrison, p. 84.

  178 WC Vol. 11, p. 335.

  179 Garrison, pps. 85–86.

  180 Mellen, Jim Garrison: His Life and Times, p. 117.

  181 Probe, Vol. 6 No. 4, p. 4.

  182 Garrison, pps. 86–87. Garrison’s critics have used every angle to discount this written evidence. One of them is that the signature was written on the last line of the register, therefore it could have been added later. This overlooks the fact that unless each line on a page is full, there is always an extra line available to “add on” a signature.

  183 Interview of Joan Mellen with Garrision investigator Numa Bertel, 10/9/2000.

  184 The cards were made exhibits at the trial. For the arrest record, see Hurt, p. 275.

  185 Joan Mellen notes some of the factual basis for this legacy in her book A Farewell to Justice. See p. 122 in the text, and p. 429 in her End Notes.

  186 NODA Memorandum of 12/24/67 from Garrison to staff.

  187 Newsday, March 7, 1967.

  188 Novel vs. Garrison et al; deposition by Gordon Novel, p. 713.

  189 FBI memorandum of 6/10/67.

  190 Valentine, The Strength of the Wolf (London: Verso, 2004), pps. 312–14.

  191 FBI Memorandum of 3/5/67.

  192 Memorandum of 3/20/64 from Hubert and Griffin to Chief Counsel J. Lee Rankin.

  193 WC Vol. 14, p. 330 ff.

  194 Author’s 1991 phone interview with Gary Schoener, who worked for Garrison.

  195 Walthers’s Supplementary Investigation Report of 11/23/63

  196 WC Vol. 19, pps. 483–84.

  197 Corrections to original affidavit by Mercer for Garrison, dated 1/18/68.

  198 Corrections to the FBI report by Mercer for Garrison, dated 1/15/68.

  199 See the DVD The Garrison Tapes by John Barbour. Near the end of the film, Garrison discusses this point.

  200 Garrison, pps. 205–06.

  201 Mellen, A Farewell to Justice, p. 83.

  202 Memorandum from Jim Garrison to L.J. Delsa and Bob Buras, 10/20/77.

  203 Interview with Samuel Exnicios by Joan Mellen, 1/8/02.

  204 Mellen, op. cit., p. 95.

  205 Flammonde, p. 167.

  206 Statement of Clyde Johnson to Lou Ivon and Jim Alcock, 4/5/67.

  207 Statement of Edward McMillan to Lou Ivon, 4/11/67.

  208 DiEugenio, James. “What Harry Is Hiding.” Probe, Vol. 3 No. 6, p. 18.

  209 February 24, 1967; the station was WAFB, also on February 24.

  210 The Russo episode is from Garrison, pp. 151–56.

  211 Popkin, “Garrison’s Case,” p. 25.

  212 Ibid. The man Russo said he saw was not clean-shaven. This is why he asked that whiskers be added to the picture. See also Kirkwood, pp. 144–145.

  Chapter 11

  1 Phelan, “Rush to Judgment,” p. 22

  2 Author’s interview in New Orleans with Dempsey in 1994.

  3 Baton–Rouge State–Times, February 18, 1967.

  4 Ibid.
/>   5 Ibid., February 20, 1967.

  6 Garrison, pps. 132–36.

  7 Stone and Sklar, pgs.96–99.

  8 Garrison, p. 138.

  9 Flammonde, p. 33.

  10 Hurt, p. 264.

  11 The first and last quotes are from Milton Brener, The Garrison Case (New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1969) p. 84; the second quote is from Garrison’s Playboy interview, p. 60; the third quote is from Rosemary James and Jack Wardlaw, Plot or Politics? (New Orleans: Pelican Publishing House, 1967),p.39.

  12 NODA Memorandum of Ivon and Sciambra to Garrison, dated 2/28/67.

  13 William Davy interview with Lou Ivon 4/7/95.

  14 Marrs, pp. 502–503.

  15 Baton Rouge State–Times, 2/28/67.

  16 Garrison, p. 141.

  17 NODA Memorandum of 12/11/67, Garrison to Alcock.

  18 Flammonde, p. 36.

  19 Author’s interview with Frank Minyard, 1/31/92. That controversy engulfed even Robert Kennedy. He called the Chetta residence and wanted to speak to the coroner about Ferrie’s death. See Talbot, p. 322.

  20 Palmer letter to Mellen of 6/18/01, and her interview with him of 8/9/02. Dr. S. Pittelli also questions Chetta’s autopsy. See the exchange between him, Stephen Roy, and Dave Reitzes at Greg Parker’s “Reopen Kennedy Case” web site.

  21 Hinckle and Turner, pps. 270, 321.

  22 Electronic Assassinations Newsletter, Issue No. 2, “JFK and the Cuban Connection” by Dick Russell.

  23 Probe Vol. 3 No. 6, p. 20.

  24 Epstein, The Assassination Chronicles, p. 195.

  25 NODA Memorandum of 2/26/67, from Ivon to Garrison.

  26 Author’s 1995 interview with the late HSCA investigator Al Gonzalez in Los Angeles.

  27 Op cit, Probe.

  28 Ibid. In Fonzi’s book, he does not get this detailed about the photos. But the HSCA summary written by the staff interrogating DeTorres, led by attorney Bill Triplett, did go further.

  29 Fonzi, p. 234.

  30 The Losers, p. 398, Arlington House, New Rochelle, NY,1969.

  31 Although, through the work of ace archives researcher Peter Vea, I know this man’s name; in deference to the wishes of Fonzi and Gonzalez, I will not reveal it here.

  32 Fonzi, p. 239.

  33 True Magazine, April 1975; 1995 author interview with Marchetti in his Virginia office.

  34 Inside Edition, February 5, 1992. Bill O’Reilly’s report on this was furnished to him by Fonzi. (Author’s 1993 interview with Fonzi.)

  35 Garrison, p. 136.

  36 Peter Vea sent me an ad in one of the local papers that Garrison clipped.

  37 DiEugenio, James. “Connick to Turn over the Garrison Files?” Probe, Vol. 3 No. 4, p. 3.


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