Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, & the Garrison Case
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Acheson, Dean, 1, 22, 33, 394, 398n2
Agency for International Development(AID), 196–197
Air Force (U.S.), 83, 376
Alameda County, California, 359
Alba, Adrian, 157–158
Alcock, Jim, 182, 236, 252–254, 281, 293, 295, 297–298, 306–311, 427n206
Alexander, Bill, 250, 253–254
Algeria, 18
CIA in, 107
independence, 26
Algerian War, 27
alopecia disease, 85
Alpha 66, 68, 95, 96, 112, 214, 331–332
Alvarado, Ramon, 361–362
American Friends of Bolshevik Nations, 150
American Grotesque (Kirkwood), 244, 322, 382
American University, 377
Andrews, Dean, 86–88, 93, 178, 180–181, 210, 232, 233, 236, 237, 239, 255, 260, 288–289, 298, 307, 308, 311, 320, 387–388
“Angelo,” 351
Angleton, James Jesus, 60, 75–76, 106, 142–144, 164, 179, 229, 238, 256, 262–263, 283, 293, 338, 347–348, 358, 361–363, 396
Another Country (Baldwin), 173
Anticommunism. See containment policy
Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean, 107
antiwar protests, 110
AP (Associated Press), 69, 159
Arbenz government, 7, 20
Arcacha Smith, Sergio, 14, 56, 80, 86, 92, 96, 97, 105–114, 177, 182, 184–185, 232, 252–254, 272, 329
Army (U.S.)
General at autopsy, 299–302
Army Map Service, 154
Assassination Archives and Research Center, xii, 94, 396
Associated Press. See AP
Atsugi Air Base, Japan, 127, 143
Attwood, William, 71, 73–75, 392
audio-tape evidence, 101, 265, 354, 360
Australia, 20
Army General’s role, 300–301
Attorney General coordination needed, 287
at Bethesda Naval Hospital, 300
Boswell’s role, 300, 304–305
bullet trajectory, 292, 344
Connally’s wounds, 293, 300, 301–302
and Dealey Plaza witnesses, 292, 293, 299
Dymond’s comments, 286–287, 303
Eardley’s role, 299, 303–304
FBI agents’ role, 294,
Finck cross-examined, 292, 299–306
Finck on Zapruder film, 299, 301
hearsay evidence, 297
Humes’s role, 300–301, 303, 304, 305
Judge Haggerty’s comments (“The Court”), 288, 295, 297, 303, 308
Justice Department’s role, 293–294, 304–305
Kennedy family’s role, 301, 350–351n48
Kennedy’s wounds, 290–291, 293, 299, 300, 301–302, 325
and National Archives, 303, 305, 345
and news reports, 296, 301
number of shots, 300, 301
Oser’s cross examination of Finck, 292, 299–306
panel review, 287
photographs, 287, 299, 301, 303, 305, 337, 340
reports, 293, 300, 301, 303, 305
Secret Service agents’ role, 188, 341, 345
Specter’s questioning, 300
State exhibits, 292
and Warren Commission, 293
Warren Commission Report, 291, 292
Wegmann’s comments, 290, 297
X-rays, 136, 287, 301, 303, 305
Aynesworth, Hugh, 213, 237, 242,
249–255, 288, 296, 315
Baldwin, James
Another Country censorship case, 173
Banister, Guy,
in Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean, 107
and Arcacha, 110
as editor of Louisiana Intelligence Digest, 104
assault on Martin,180
and CIA, 105, 106, 107–108
and clearinghouse for Cuban exiles, 180
and Clinton trip, 93
death, 110
explosives from raid stored at office, 106–107
and Ferrie, 113, 342
in Friends of Democratic Cuba, 109
and Gatlin, 107
and Mafia, 15
and Maheu, 257
and Marcello, 115
Nagell testimony, 183
in Naval Intelligence, 209
and Oswald, 56, 80, 88, 92–93, 97, 102–103, 108–115
Palmer on, 93
Phelan on, 297, 309
Barbie, Klaus, 4
Batista, 8–12
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 246–247
Baton Rouge States-Times, 90, 128
Bay of Pigs invasion, 18, 34–56, 65, 66, 69, 74, 86, 105, 106, 166, 196, 232
Beaubeouf, Alvin, 261
Belgium, 2, 28, 372
Bell Helicopter, 195
Bernstein, Barton J., 399n4, 400n25
Bertrand, Clay. See Shaw, Clay
Bertrand, Clem. See Shaw, Clay
Bethell, Tom, 276, 280, 290
bibliography, 453–458
Biddison, Jeff, 297
Billings, Richard, 91, 266, 269
“Bishop, Maurice” (CIA man), 53, 68–69, 96, 327, 332
Bissell, Richard, 16, 35–37, 40, 44–48
blacks, 90
Blakey, G. Robert, 258, 325–345, 350
Boggs, Hale, 147, 323, 3994
Boswell, J. Thornton, 300, 304–305
Bowers, Lee, 329–330
boys, proclivity for, 113
“Braden, James,” 215
See also Brading, Eugene Hale
Bradley, Eugene, 280–281
Brading, Eugene Hale, 215
Brener, Milton, 382
Brent, Ted, 231, 384
Bringuier, Carlos, 118, 159, 161–162, 184, 188, 286
Broshears, Raymond, 209, 248
Brussell, Mae, 400n22
Brussels Pact, 2
Bundy, McGeorge, 31, 46, 62, 67–68
Bundy, Vernon William, Jr., 237, 242–243, 295
Burke (Naval Chief of Staff), 41, 42
CIA in, 399n14
Butler, Ed, 105, 108, 157, 162, 191, 232
Cabell, Charles, 41, 44, 46, 54
Cabell, Earle, 282
California, 131, 188, 190, 257
Cambodia, 399n14
Camp/Lafayette Streets address, 102, 110–114, 118, 161, 178, 179–180, 322, 341
Canada, 208, 240, 317–318
Cancler, John, 242
CIA in, 134
Carson, Johnny, 259, 397
Castro, Fidel, 11, 14–16, 36 ,40, 53, 392
assassination plot, 15, 61
freeze of rapprochement with, 65, 67–76, 97
and John Kennedy, 17, 18–19, 35, 66, 67–76
Castro, Raul, 62
CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 27, 230, 296
censorship, 173, 300, 347
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
Central Intelligence Group, 379
Chandler, David, 161, 189, 247, 275–277, 290
Charity Hospital, 78, 80
Cheramie, Rose, 77, 78–79, 98, 181–182, 272, 329–330
Chetta, Nicholas, 219, 225, 226, 247, 297
Chiang Kai-shek, 399n14
China, 3, 16, 18, 124, 368, 369
CIA in, 127
Chou En-lai, 402n16
Christian, George, 251
Church Committee investigation, 15, 71, 113, 325, 362
Church, Frank, 15, 325
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
and Agency for International Development, 196–197
and Alpha 66, 95–96, 112
AM/LASH, 73,
and Angleton, 60, 76, 142, 144, 179, 229, 256, 294, 347–348, 396
and Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean, 107
and Arcacha, 15, 105–107, 157, 328
and Arbenz’s overthrow, 38, 107, 196
in Argentina, 384
arms smuggling, 213
Atsugi base, 127, 143
and Banister, 15, 80–81, 105–107, 112, 116, 157
and Bay of Pigs. See Bay of Pigs invasion
and Bishop, 328, 393
and Bissell, 35
and Blakey, 258, 339–345
and Bringuier, 188
censorship, 347
in China, 127
Church Committee investigation, 15, 113, 325, 331
on communist media, 102,
on communist sympathies, 76, 154
conduit for funds, 105, 116
creation of, 5–7, 53
and Cuban Embassy, 349, 353
and Cuban exiles, 14, 34–35, 50, 71, 328
and Cuban Revolutionary Council, 39
and Cubela, 73
and de Gaulle, 107
and DeMohrenschildt (George), 153, 155
directors (DCI), 2, 5, 6, 24, 35, 44, 50, 52, 62, 70, 143, 228, 263, 270, 294, 339, 379, 385, 395, 396
on Dreyfus case, 230
and Duran arrest, 349
and Duvalier, 193
on Epstein, 153, 194, 396
and Evergreen Advertising Agency, 232
in Far East, 3
and Ferrie, 35
and Gaudet, 112
and Gehlen, 4
and Golden Triangle, 376
in Guatemala, 35, 106
and Harvey, 59
and Helms, 60
and Hoover, 2
and House Assassinations Committee, 10
and House Assassinations Final Report, 398
in Indonesia, 32
Inspector General’s report, 15
and International Investigators Incorporated, 256
and Joint Chiefs of Staff, 57
Joint Technical Advisory Group, 127
on Jones, 197
on journalists, 229, 235, 383
and KGB, 98
and Kimble, 289
and Lansdale, 24
in Laos, 29
in Lithuania, 3
and Lumumba, 28
and the Mafia, 15, 68, 188
and Maheu, 15, 257
on Manchester, 255
and Marchetti, 41
and National Security Act of 1947, 2–4, 378
and National Security Memoranda, 367
and Nazis, 4
in Nicaragua, 44
Operation AJAX,
Operation CHAOS, 399n9
Operation MONGOOSE, 58
Operation SUCCESS, 7
and Permindex, 385
and Phelan, 229
and Phillips, 14
poison pen, 73
radio broadcasts, 19
and Russian Orthodox Church, 193
Senate Committee censures, 164
and Ser Vaas, 164
and Shackley, 51
and Snyder, 141
and Soviet Embassy, 95
in Taiwan, 376
and Tolstoy Foundation, 193
training of Cuban exiles, 34–35
and Underhill, 99
and Veciana, 331
on Weisberg, 190
civil rights, 89, 104
Clark, Ramsey, 261, 273, 287
classified files, 45, 46, 128, 140, 143, 158
Clifford, Clark, 59, 380
Clinton, Louisiana, trip, 88–93
Cold War, 2, 5–7, 21–25, 28–33, 74, 173, 336
Coleman, William T., Jr., 347, 348
Columbus, Ohio, 83, 235, 262
Colvin, William, 272
Communist Party, U.S.A., 123, 154, 349
communists, 122, 375
CIA in, 372
Congolese Army, 372
Connally, John, 182, 272
CIA on, 315
refuses Arcacha extradition, 272
on single bullet theory, 301–302
wounds, 293, 300
constitutional rights, 308
containment policy, 5–6, 18–20,
Cooper, John Sherman, 147–148, 394
Costa Rica, 69, 199
coup attempts, 32, 49
Crescent City Garage, 157
“Crime Against Cuba, The,” pamphlet, 102, 118, 158
Crossfire (Marrs), 457
Crossfire (TV program), 397
Bay of Pigs invasion reaction, 53
Castro’s policies, 12
Embassy in Mexico City, 353
House Assassinations Committee on, 68
missile crisis, 65, 115–116
political prisoners, 43
Soviet ships in, 69
U.S secret war against, 14
Cuban exiles, 14, 34–35, 50, 71, 328
Cuban Revolutionary Council, 39, 58, 107
Cubela, Rolando, 73
Dachau, 168
Dallas Morning News, 249
Dallas, Texas
image of, 101
Oak Cliff section, 163
Paine in, 156
Parkland Hospital, 293
Texas Theatre, 76, 78
White Russians, 96, 147, 152, 153, 193, 208
Dallas Times Herald, 425n129
Davis, Eugene, 288
Davis, Preston, 179
Davis, Ricardo, 230, 265
Davis, Thomas Eli, 329
de Gaulle, Charles, 25
assassination plot, 27, 107, 386
and Kennedy (John), 282
and Permindex, 386
Dealey Plaza, 56, 75, 200, 215, 227, 249, 281, 292, 299, 311, 377
DeBrueys, Warren, 80, 109, 158, 160, 292
declassification, ix, 38, 61, 109, 197
defections, 96, 117, 132, 143, 230
Defense Department, 62, 95, 370
del Valle, Eladio, 85, 96, 114, 226–227, 393
Democratic Party, 5
Democrats, 17, 18, 24
DeMohrenschildt, George, 152–153, 155, 194, 334–338
deportation, 140
Deslatte, Oscar, 109
Diem government, 7, 24
Document Addendum to the Warren Report (Lifton), 442 n.34
Dominican Republic, 228
domino theory, 2, 6, 19, 33, 365
Donnelly, Greg, 387
Donovan, William (“Wild Bill”), 4, 67, 68, 130, 142–143
Downing, Thomas, 325–327
Dreyfus case, 230
drug smuggling, 212
Dulles, Allen, 3–7
ousted as CIA Director, 52
and German financial interests, 400n24
law firm, 6
and Lumumba, 7
and Nazis, 4
and Operation Sunrise, 399n17