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Forgiving Gia (Rocker Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Whitney, Gina

  I moved to the wall to make myself invisible. I knew that shrill voice. But I couldn’t go there. There was no fucking way she could be there. “Who’s there? I need help. Can you call someone, please?” I waited nervously, giving the woman a chance to respond. Hopefully, it was a guest. Maybe they didn’t speak English. “Pouvez-vous m’aider? J’ai un chat blesse.”Can you help me? I have an injured cat.

  The sound of heels clicking on the steps had me confident that I finally reached the woman. “In what fucking world would I ever help you, cunt? Imagine that? I want you fucking dead, you scabby-whore grifter. Don’t worry, little one. Soon he will be mine. Have fun with your wounded pussy. You’ll have one just like it soon enough.” Her voice chilled me to the bone. My body drained of all blood. I was sure. I hated the bitch. She was a crazy fucker. Morgana.

  I moved to the banister, looking up…nothing. I then ran to the door to open it, needing to get the fuck out of there. My hand was on the knob, twisting it to open. It was fucking locked. I ran down a flight to the next door. Locked. I repeated this exercise until the door on the second floor finally opened. We burst into the hallway out of breath. I slid down the wall until the floor was firmly meeting my bottom. I brought the cat close to my chest, hugging her with all my might. She was still. Too still. Too cold. My eyes closed; I prayed I was wrong. Could that bitch kill a cat? What did she do to her? Security. I needed to get to security. Abel.

  “What in all things holy, Gia?” Chance’s desperate voice held an edge of anger. “Where were you? Why do you have a bloody cat in your arms?” He squatted beside me, waiting for an answer. Part of me felt I was way over my head, knee deep in shit. Was I deluding myself? Was I strong enough for the shit-show known as Morgana? I could only wait until Abel found out.

  “Morgana’s here, Chance. She’s fucking here. And I’m positive she did this to this cat!” It sounded unbelievable, even to me. His head tilted, curiously looking from me to the cat that was cold and dead in my arms. Oh fuck. I was holding a kitty corpse.

  He took his phone out and began texting someone. A few short minutes later, the security team along with the floor manager made their way to take my statement. There was a flurry of French words spit furiously across to one another. Chance barked orders to the staff in perfect French with his menacing index finger in the manager’s face. The manager took the cat from me, explaining it was a stray that usually stopped by for kitchen scraps. After careful inspection of the cat, we were told she was shot and must have fallen to break her leg.

  “Shot? That psycho has a gun?” I yelled. “What’s the plan? We have a plan, right?” I looked from Chance to security to the manager. “Well?”

  In broken English, he said, “We. Did you see who did it?” He offered his hand to help me up. I didn’t want his help. He seemed cold. Disbelieving even. Fuck him.

  “No, I didn’t see who did it. But I heard her voice. Not to mention, she threatened me.”

  The bald manager spoke in rapid French to his team, which was standing in the middle of the hallway. A small crowd gathered. Chance stood in front of me, blocking me from prying eyes. Abel’s security giant lifted me off the floor, cradling me in his arms while awaiting instruction from Chance.

  I didn’t want to be held like some China doll. I wanted action. It felt ridiculous and awkward. However, I needed to pick my battles. The giant was Abel’s first in command. I was sure his thoughts were on protecting me…along with himself from the shit-storm heading our way once Abel found out. It seemed as though the emotional drought that had always protected me had turned into an emotional tidal-fucking-wave of feeling. I didn’t like it one fucking bit.

  “Chance, we need to find her. I have a bad feeling. I really do. I swear.” I shook my head. “I mean, forget about the fact that she wants me dead. What about Abel? God knows what she’s capable of…right?” I shrugged, grabbing his shirt to pull him closer. I knew in my heart that bitch was capable of anything…animal, human, or otherwise.

  He licked his thumb, wiping away a smudge of blood on my face. “Baby girl, let’s talk while getting you ready. I’m so not dismissing what’s gone on. But we’ve got an alpha on the loose. What it took to get him to the concert was nothing short of kidnapping.” His voice carried an edge of foreboding.

  Christ. I was in trouble for one. I left with no regard. Also, I still had that plug stuck in my ass. I felt like smirking. But didn’t want to come off as emotionally unstable. Wasn’t that what I was, though? God, the entire scene was over-the-top ridiculous. No one would believe it. Or that I was being held by a giant who was looking at me like he knew. Of course, he didn’t. However, my mind was conjuring up all sorts of fantastical scenarios. I shook my head in disbelief. Nothing made freaking sense.

  “Okay, fine. Let’s go to the show. But I smell a crises looming,” I spoke to no one in particular as the giant strode to the elevator. In fact, no one spoke as we rode to Cindy’s and my floor. I hung in midair with giant arms holding me hostage. The giant stared at the floor numbers on the elevator panel while Chance texted manically to only God knew who.

  “I don’t have my phone,” I blurted out. Chance, without looking up, procured it from his pocket. “Gee, thanks,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  With the arrival of my floor, we exited the elevator to an army of security on my floor. Still texting, Chance led us through the melee to my suite.

  “I know you mean well, but you can release me. I can walk from here,” I stated.

  The giant looked to Chance, who never looked up but only nodded. I was released and placed right-side up to stand. I thanked him for his help and he left the suite.

  “Who are you talking to?” I asked Chance.

  “Mr. Gunner. Your clothes are on your bed.” He pointed coolly toward the bed. “You’ll also notice that your stuff has been removed from this room. It was delivered to the broody alpha’s room during your rendezvous in the stairwell with kitty.” He smirked and returned to his texting.

  Mr. Gunner didn’t strike me as a mad texter; I saw him as more of a pick-up-the-phone to direct orders kind of man. But, who was I to say? That was only my opinion. Shit just didn’t add up. However, I’d been known to be super paranoid. Whatever.

  I left the room in a huff to get dressed. There was a white garment bag laid upon the bed. I unzipped it to find what I would call a long nightgown. It was a long, silver satin chemise that hung to the floor. The front was cut into a deep V with an equally deep V in the back. Actually, I could only tell the front from back by the tiny Gucci tag on the inside.

  “Chance?” I screamed. Nothing. No answer. “Don’t you think this is a bit dressy for a rock concert? Is this even a dress? It looks like a nightgown.” I held it up to me in the scalloped mirror beside my bed.

  “No. Yes. And No,” he answered flatly. “Now go get pretty, darling. We have a concert to get to.” He walked into the bathroom, adjusting the hot and cold of the shower. I was perfectly capable of running my own shower. Something was needling me. What? It hadn’t presented itself yet. But I was going to be hyper-vigilant.

  “I’ve got it from here. I’ll be but a couple of minutes. You can wait in the living room.” I ushered him out of the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

  “I don’t fucking care if we’re playing the Bercy. I want to know where the fuck my girl is,” I screamed across the limo. My blood boiled. Yes, I had an obligation to my band. To my fans. However, my first obligation was to my submissive—my beauty.

  “Dude, Chance has her and they’re heading over. No worries, man.” Dave handed me his iPhone to confirm he’d been in touch with Chance. Dave was our manager. But more than that, he was family. He got me. Knew my issues. Fuck, they all did. I put the M in mental. When my mind was set…there was no stopping me. My will was strong. However, my need was stronger. And I needed her.

  I nodded and flipped his phone back to him, focusing on the minutes until I saw her.

  “How’s your hand, man
? No problems? What happened to the stitches?” Jake eyed my hand with concern.

  “I pulled the fuckers out with my teeth. Don’t need em’. You saw me at practice. Did it look like my hand was comprising me in any way? Besides, between the topical meds and these little fuckers, I’m good to go.” I removed the pill bottle from my jeans, jiggling the white pills of happiness.

  “Just as long as you don’t become a wild-eyed bitch!” Woody leaned forward, giving me warning. Cindy’s eyes were still focused on the pill bottle. Best put that shit away. Her phone was the only illumination in the car. I had to wonder who she was texting so intently.

  “Fuck off, Wood.” Then I turned my anger toward his paramour. “And who the fuck are you texting, Cindy?” My scowl deepened.

  She looked up at me, surprised at my tone. But no fear showed in her answer. “Listen, caveman, I’m talking to Gia. We tend to do that. It’s called friendship. You know about that, right? I don’t treat her like a porcelain doll. She’s a strong woman. Have some trust in her, will you?” She rolled her eyes and leaned into Woody for support.

  “Chill, esse. It’s a big night. We’re all on edge. She’ll be here soon. It’s party-time, yo.” He moved in for a man-hug.

  I shook a few Vicodin in my mouth. Fuck yeah…party-time. Once Beauty was with me, I’d feel a helluva a lot better. Something wasn’t sitting right with me. Normally, I was possessive of her. But something was different. It was a sickening feeling in my gut. Twisting and turning endlessly. Without another word to anyone, I took in the bright lights of the city as we cruised to the venue.

  The city was alive with outdoor cafés, tourists, and neophytes artists. It was rich in culture—beautiful. Something I very much looked forward to sharing with Beauty. Romance was not something I normally did. However, for her, I’d give her that and then some. She was tapped into my very soul. My soul literally ached when she wasn’t near. I no longer had to walk the road alone. We had each other.

  I never answered Ender. I didn’t have to. For the rest of the ride, we sat in utter silence. Which was fine with me. I needed to get my head together for the stage. At that moment, my mind was a kaleidoscope of epic fucked-up-ness.

  “Put the radio on, Jake.” He sat closest to the dials. Maybe some tunes would help lift my mood. That and the drugs that were serving my system with a nice buzz. I was getting bent. The song “Broken,” by Seether featuring Amy Lee came on. Hell, yes. I was bent and broken for fuck sure. We all got into the song with Woody playing beats on the seat.

  I’ve said many times that music cured most ailments. Although temporary, I accepted the reprieve from worry and let it comfort me as we drove in to the venue’s parking garage. Fans lined the driveway, awaiting a glimpse of the band. Security had the place locked down. Good. I wasn’t in an accommodating mood at the moment. An obnoxious fan was likely to get a fist full of knuckles from me. Not necessarily the welcome they’d expect from an international rock star. I removed my shades from my pocket and put them on. I didn’t want any eye contact.

  Mr. Clean opened the door, dressed in SWAT team fashion. Fuck, they took that serious shit to the next level. “Mr. Gunner, we’ve got the girl with your assistant secured and heading over now.” He stepped back, letting me step out of the limo.

  “The girl has a name, fucker. She’s mine. Make sure nothing happens to her. This is your only job. I don’t give a fuck about myself. There’s only her. Got that shit?”

  His blood drained from his face as he looked for any sign of humor. There was none. I was fuck sure on this. “Got it, sir.” He radioed the driver that was with Chance and Gia.

  “By the way…I’m not your Sir. Call me Abel.” I pushed past him, looking for my dressing suite. I heard Ender apologize profusely…along with Woody calling him a pussy. That brought a smile to my face. Woody, was badass. He really understood where I was at emotionally.

  The stage was set in a macabre of cloth and candles. Dave actually listened to what I suggested. It set the mood for the concert I planned to give. It was anything but uplifting. It was dark and as transient as I felt without Beauty.

  It was crazy as fuck that I was actually excited by it. The fans were going to go wild. Most of them were emo’s anyway. Not only did they get it…they felt it, too. The universal language of tragic pasts. We’ve all got them. Sad but true.

  I moved to my guitar stand on the stage. It had been out of my sight for a few hours. I picked it off of the stand and cradled it in my arms. Ah, all is almost right in the world. Almost.

  I pulled the stool from behind the drape, dragging it on stage. Taking a seat, I strummed, double checking it was properly tuned. I played the first song that came to me.

  Never thought I'd feel this

  Guilty and I'm broken down inside

  Livin' with myself nothing but lies

  I always thought I'd make it

  But never knew I'd let it get so bad

  Livin' with myself is all I have

  I feel numb

  I can't come to life

  I feel like I'm frozen in time

  Livin' in a world so cold, wasting away

  Livin' in a shell with no soul since you've gone away

  Livin' in a world so cold, counting the days

  Since you've gone away, you've gone away

  Three Days Grace…

  It’s all I sang while Beauty was gone. I finally got my heart back.

  Clap. Clap. Clap. My beauty stood just inside the curtain clapping. A vision no other could hold a candle to.

  “Come, Gia.” I gave my hand, waiting for her to take it.

  She floated across the stage in a platinum, plunged neck, curve-kissing gown. Her movements were willowy and gorgeous. Her eyes an endless pool of milky chocolate I wanted to swim in. Good God my heart hurt.

  “Hey, baby. You sounded beyond perfect.” A gleam of tears was in her eyes.

  I grabbed her, bringing her close to my heart. I was finally able to exhale all of the tension taking up residence in my chest. “Where were you? I thought you understood you were to go nowhere by yourself, Gia.” I was pissed. Did she not understand what she meant to me?

  “I took the stairs. That’s all that happened. Chance and I missed each other. Plain and simple. It won’t happen again. That I can promise you. Okay?” She smiled widely.

  Yeah, that smile would be the death of me. But, she needed to know emphatically who was in charge. I reached into my pocket for the remote to the toy in her ass. Two clicks to the left.

  She jumped. “Ah, fuck.” She fell into me.

  Yeah, that’ll throw your world off balance. I grabbed her neck with one hand and her hair with the other. Nose to nose…I needed to see her eyes. To read them.

  “You will be punished later. I can promise you this…you won’t soon forget, Beauty.” I kissed her pretty pink lips, licking them like my favorite candy. “Mine.” I licked her face, then sent her off stage to sit in a chair I had them bring in for her. I wasn’t going to make it easy for her. Part of her punishment would be to sit on the plug while it brought her to the edge over and over again. No relief of walking it off.

  She pointed to her head, letting me know in no uncertain terms I was fucking crazy and demented. Yep. That’s me, baby. A demented, fucking pervert.

  The show was underway. The set was an hour long, followed by two fifteen-minute acoustic sets with myself and Ender. There was a weighty mixture of emotions running through me. The crowd was mesmerized and loving everything we played. During our acoustic set, the silence was deafening.

  Selling out this venue was an epic accomplishment. I gave into it. It felt fucking great. My blood was on fire. Yes, partly because of the buzz I had from performing. Not to mention, the drugs flowing liberally through my system. But mainly because my girl sat only feet away from me, fidgeting as I turned up the vibration in her ass. Fuck yeah. I was one warped, kinky motherfucker.

  The lights dimmed as we took our final bow. “Thank you. Y
ou’ve been fucking great.” I dropped the mic as we ran off the stage. Dave handed out towels as we exited. I grabbed mine, wrapping it around my neck, and lifted Beauty out of her chair.

  “You’re a fucking perverted caveman. You know that, right? Who does that throughout a concert without missing a beat? Who?” she scolded me. I laughed. What could I do? I enjoyed myself immensely. Most fun while gigging, ever.

  “How about I write you a love letter with my tongue? How’s that for a caveman?” I bellowed loud enough for our entourage to roll their eyes at me. Fuck them, anyway. I was in a good fucking mood. Feeling fine.

  “You’re beyond romantic.” She snorted.

  She was a spitfire my girl. That’s what I loved about her. She didn’t give it up to me easily. She didn’t kiss my ass, either. Nevertheless, when she submitted, it was nothing less than fuck hot.

  We entered my private dressing room and I kicked the door shut behind us. The red chaise I ordered was in the far corner where Beauty came to rest. I took a seat next to her, toweling off my wet head and leaving the towel as a hood.

  “Come here, baby. I want that ass in my lap now. I lifted her across my lap. “Now, where were we?” I moved in to inhale her scent. Fuck me. She smelled delectable. I wanted that pussy across my face, immediately.

  Knock. Knock. Chance opened the door, sticking his head in. “I need to talk to you. It’s important.” He came in, shutting the door behind him.

  Beauty stiffened in my lap. Alarm bells sounded in my head.

  “What? What the fuck happened? I placed Beauty down and stood.


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