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Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures

Page 6

by Celine Chatillon

  “Why, of course you are.” Willie turned to the giant at the console and said slowly and distinctly, “John Thomas, listen to me. Brandi is our friend. Our friend. Got that? You remember what the word ‘friend’ means, don’t you?”

  “Uh-huh. Brandi is one of us now—a space pirate.”

  “Good, very good.” Willie lowered his voice and gave me an aside. “Smart boy there. We’ll solve this problem in no time.”

  “Thank you,” I said, genuinely relieved.

  “Now, John Thomas, since Brandi is our friend and has been appointed as junior navigator, she has the right to know the coordinates to our hideout. She’s going to be living there with us, after all.”

  John Thomas grinned and blushed. “That’s nice.”

  “Yes, it is nice—very nice.” Willie’s hand roved from my shoulders to my butt cheek, giving it a good squeeze. “So, let’s be a good boy now and give Brandi the coordinates. Okay-dokey?”

  The behemoth stuck out his lower lip and pouted. “Uh-uh. Robin’s orders.”

  Willie sighed, then spun me around to face him, pressing his rock hard erection against my belly. “Well, you can’t say I didn’t do my best. We’ll have to get Robin up here to straighten him out.”

  “But Robin said not to disturb him until 0900 hours,” I muttered, trying my best to escape Willie’s horny clutches. “We need to compute the course change long before then in order to conserve fuel.”

  “Can’t be helped. So, we’ve got an hour or so on our hands with just you and me standing here while John Thomas is at the helm…” His lips dropped to my neck and gave a playful nibble. “Why don’t you say we make the most of it?

  I pulled away and stomped over to the communications console. “I said ‘later’, Willie, and I meant it.”

  “It’s always ‘later’ with you. I’m beginning to think you don’t like men at all.”

  “Think whatever you like, but I’m not interested in you in that way. You’re a member of the crew. That’s all.”

  Willie moseyed over to the comm station and leaned against it. “You’re a crewmember, too, Brandi Whyne. Didn’t Robin fill you in our little code of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of grab-ass?”

  “I thought it was the pursuit of ‘happiness’ not ‘grab-ass’.”

  “Same thing.”

  I shook my head. There was just no getting through to some people.

  “Well, if you won’t help me relieve my tension, I guess there’s only one thing I can do. I’ll have to do it myself.”

  And with that, Willie slipped down his crimson tights and freed his dick for all to see. I willed myself to turn away, but somehow I found my gaze transfixed as he began to slowly pump his rigid organ with one hand while fondling his balls with the other.

  “Hmmm… It’s not as fun when you don’t have a friend to help.” He peered down my loose poet’s shirt’s neckline. “At least the view is nice from here.”

  “Brandi is our friend,” John Thomas piped up from across the bridge. “She can help you, Willie.”

  Willie pumped faster. I licked my lips slowly as my eyes focused on the moisture forming at the top of his red rod. “Ah, but she won’t help, Little John, and more so’s the pity. As second in command, I could order her to help me.”

  “Uh-oh… If we don’t obey an order, we get in trouble with Robin.”

  Willie groaned and closed his eyes. “Yes, we do.”

  “Is that a threat?” I hissed. Somehow my hands had somehow drifted to my lap…my fingers stroking and rubbing my clit without fear or shame.

  Willie laughed and leaned closer, poking his sticky staff close to my lips. “No, it’s not a threat. But would it turn you on if I said it was?”

  Suddenly the bridge seemed very hot, very small and very tight. My head grew dizzy and I clutched at the comm console for balance.

  “Think about it, Brandi,” Willie murmured. “You want me to order you to give my cock a good tonguing, or would you rather do it of your own accord?”

  “No! Never!” I averted my eyes, but my hand involuntarily reached out for Will’s erection. Just then, the bridge door swooshed open.

  “What’s going on here, William?” Robin demanded.

  “Nothing!” I cried, jumping up from my seat. “Nothing at all.”

  Willie smiled at my predicament. “Ms. Whyne here declined a direct order, Captain.”

  Robin approached the comm console and took in the situation. With hands behind his back like a ship’s captain of days long ago, he calmly spoke. “She refused to obey a direct order?”

  Willie nodded, a broad smile cutting his round face in two.

  I stomped my foot down hard. “No, that’s not true. Willie tempted me, but he did not order me to suck his cock.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” Robin spun on his heels, crossed to his chair and sat down. “We have penalties for crewmembers who don’t follow orders from their commanding officers, Ms. Whyne.”

  “But I did not disobey a direct command, sir!”

  “It’s your word against his, but we do have a witness.” He turned his chair to face to John Thomas. “Did Brandi disobey Willie’s orders, John Thomas?”

  “Brandi is our friend,” the giant said slowly. “But she wasn’t acting friendly toward Willie just now.”

  “I see.” Robin stood and nodded toward a tall pole standing before the ship’s main viewing screen. “Then she will have to be disciplined.”

  “Yeah! Yeah!” John Thomas shouted, clapping. “Can I go get Zelda?”

  A quick note here: I had met everyone on board at this point except the mysterious ‘Zelda’. No one would tell me anything about her except that she had once traveled with the notorious Captain Bak Azzwards.

  Zelda was an accomplished space voyager and pretty much kept to herself, I figured. That wasn’t too hard to understand as I was informed she had a huge quarters deep in the bowels of the ship, beneath the photon-burst engines. But why in the goddess’s name anyone would want to live in such a dark, hot, hellish conditions were beyond me. I quit asking questions when the mere mention of the woman’s name brought on looks of both fear and lust in my crewmates’ eyes.

  “Engage the autopilot, John Thomas, and then you can go get Zelda,” Robin said, smiling at the giant’s enthusiasm.

  I watched in fascination as Robin retrieved a long, deep purple velvet-covered rope from a small locker beside his chair. He motioned for me to stand beside him. “Come here, Crewmen Whyne.”

  The devil himself entered me at that moment. I decided then and there I wasn’t going to cooperate with whatever depraved activity they had planned.

  “What if I say no?”

  Robin waggled an eyebrow and grinned. “Hmmm… Actually, it might go better for you if you did.”

  Stay tuned for Brandi’s next thrilling erotic adventure…

  Lashed at the Mast!

  About the Author

  Celine Chatillon is the alter ego of multi-published contemporary romance novelist, Cynthianna Appel. Celine finds writing erotica a very pleasant departure from her day job as a small press manuscript reader. Her recent eXtasy Titles include Yes, Virginia…Here Comes Santa Claus and Gifts Well-Timed (The Seven Deadly Sins and Virtues series). Email her at: and check out her web site at:




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