Mending Scars

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Mending Scars Page 2

by Rivers, Brandy L

  “What do you feel?” Dacia smiled as Robert spoke the words on her mind.

  “I’m not ready to define it. I want her. There’s something powerful between us, but she’s making it really damned hard with the way she runs hot and cold.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Doesn’t matter, I want her so damned bad I’ll endure it. I need to explore what we share.”

  Robert shook his head. “You sure you aren’t simply ready to settle down and she’s the first woman available?”

  “It’s not that. If it was that simple, I would have already moved on. You know me, I don’t stay and fight for a woman who doesn’t want me. Dacia’s pretty damned insistent about shoving me away. I need to figure out how to convince her to give me a real chance.”

  In that honest moment, Preston did convince her. He wasn’t using her for information, and he could have. She travelled back home before they made the freeway.

  Chapter 2

  Preston looked over at Robert as they pulled alongside the curb outside Toryn’s home. As much as he hated what he was about to ask, he was desperate. “I need a favor.”

  “You got it,” Robert answered without hesitation.

  “When we get a few free moments, I want last night’s memory back. I can only think of one person who had motive to slip something into my drink. Remus.”

  “No one’s seen him. Are you positive Dacia didn’t do it?”

  Preston’s jaw clenched as he shot his oldest friend a warning glare. “Very. She wants nothing to do with her father. I believe her.”

  “And if you’re wrong?”

  Pushing his fingers through his hair, he took a slow breath. “Then we’ll find out. However, I felt that fuckwad about two seconds before everything went fuzzy on me. No one else makes sense.” He would keep the fact that Dacia was spying until they left Edenton to himself. He hoped her quick departure was a sign he was finally earning her trust.

  Now he had to make sure she wasn’t dragged into the shitstorm with her father. No matter what she said or did, he had to take the bastard down. And Preston didn’t trust Remus not to hurt Dacia, or worse, if she got in the way.

  Robert ran his hands down his lapels, and shifted his weight. “If you’re sure. You aren’t usually keen on having me in your head.”

  His eyes cut over. “No one is ever keen on you being in their head, Robert. Do you have any idea how creepy it is to have you poking around in there?”

  Robert’s brow arched. “You’re the one asking for it.”

  “I need those memories—need to understand what happened last night. I need to catch this son-of-a-bitch.” He shook his head, his eyes squeezing tight. “You saw what Remus did to the last victim. Hell, you were in her head to fix the damage. We need to catch this asshole.”

  Robert nodded, a grim but determined look on his face. “Once we’re done here, I’ll do what I can. But what if it was Dacia?”

  “Let’s worry about that when we get there.”

  Preston looked up at the house. He couldn’t help wondering if he was ever going to get over the shock of seeing his father, especially when Toryn was completely oblivious. Thanks to Mom, it was unlikely he would ever share a traditional father/son relationship. His mother insisted he didn’t need a father, especially when the Silver Council would never accept him if they knew his other half was fae, instead of human like she’d always claimed.

  Shutting the car off, he took a deep breath and climbed out. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stubbornly ignored the hundred questions bouncing around his head.

  Concern played over Robert’s face, and he grabbed Preston’s arm as he made it to the sidewalk. “Hey, why do you always get so tense right before you see Toryn?”

  He shook his head. Does no one notice I’m the spitting fucking image of my father? A few extra tattoos, less styled, but how the hell does anyone miss the fact we could be twins. Preston shuddered.

  Robert shook his head with a snort. “No answer? First you’ve lost most of a night, now you’re nervous. What is going on with you?”

  Preston’s eyes narrowed, and he groaned. “I was drugged. I’m still hung-over. What do you want from me?”

  “If there’s something wrong, I’ll listen. You can tell me anything, and I won’t judge.”

  Preston knew that to be true. He’d never kept anything from Robert, save this one huge fucking secret, not that he had any choice in the matter. Sooner or later, the truth had to come out eventually.

  He looked up to the front door and sighed. “We can talk about it later.”

  “Very well.”

  Without wasting another second, Preston sucked in a breath and walked up the path to ring the bell.

  Isadora Starling opened the door. One corner of her full lips lifted as a curious glint sparkled in her emerald eyes. “Morning Preston.” Her gaze shifted to Robert and her expression smoothed out. “And you are?”

  “Robert McAllister, Magister of the Silver Council Enforcers.” He offered his hand.

  She shook it briefly before leading them to the living room.

  Toryn joined them, coming down the hall as he pulled a shirt over his head. He gave her a raised brow. “I would have answered it, Princess. Remember, you’re still in danger until we can find Remus.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You were getting dressed, and I knew it was Preston.” She frowned, her eyes shifting to Preston, then Toryn again, as her nose wrinkled.

  What is she sensing? Preston wondered.

  Robert stood there, completely unaware.

  After dropping a kiss to Isa’s lips, Toryn motioned toward the couches. “Let’s talk. I have suspicions.”

  Taking a slow breath, Preston attempted to push away the anxiety. He dropped onto one end of a couch, while Robert sat on the other side.

  Toryn and Isa sat across from them. Isa relaxed, wearing an almost amused expression as her eyes ping-ponged back and forth between him and her mate.

  Preston wasn’t sure what her expression meant. He was bound to secrecy regarding their relation, but that didn’t mean the secret couldn’t come out other ways.

  Now why hadn’t I thought of that before?

  And why does she notice when no one else seems to?

  Clearing his throat, and focusing on why he was there, Preston asked, “What suspicions?” He had a feeling his plan to leave Dacia out of the case was about to be flushed down the toilet.

  Toryn leaned forward, focusing on Preston. “Scotty Woods, my associate, found evidence that Remus Arc has been attempting to contact his daughter.”

  Preston closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Don’t worry. It’s obvious you care for Dacia. If it helps, none of us believe she’s helping Remus. That being said, we also think she’s in danger. Possibly you, as well, because of your interest in her.”

  Isa swallowed, nervously looking to Toryn. “I felt him here last night. Only briefly. There was so much going on I didn’t connect the recognition until it was gone.” Her eyes closed as she shook her head. “I wish I’d paid attention to it.”

  Toryn groaned. “Shit, that’s my fault, Isa. Maybe the party was a bad idea.”

  She turned, caressing his face. “No, don’t say that. He wasn’t here long. I don’t think we could have done anything in the few seconds he whipped in and out. It happened so fast I hoped I was wrong.”

  Robert looked to Preston with a slight nod before turning back to Isa. “You’re capable of feeling who’s near?”

  Isa’s gaze slid back to Preston as she shrugged. “Yes, but only close blood relatives. Remus is my uncle.” Her fingers twisted through the ends of her hair as she shuddered.

  And that was all the confirmation Preston needed about his suspicions regarding Remus’ guilt. “So, Toryn, what is it you’re thinking?”

  Toryn met his gaze, a fierce look on his face. “I believe Dacia wants nothing to do with him. Seems to me you’re avoiding asking her for help, and I don’t blame you. If you can
keep her out of this, it’s for the best.” He turned to Isa with a pointed look which she returned.

  Relieved, Preston nodded. “I’m glad we agree.”

  Toryn’s head tilted as he changed the subject. “I need to know how reliable your ability to track is. You’ve mentioned it, and I’ve heard rumors, but I need facts.”

  Preston placed his elbows on his knees and leaned forward. “If I’ve met someone, or have come in contact with something of theirs, I can track them quite well with very few exceptions. Dark mages can cut off any trace. Translocation makes it impossible to find the next location without Robert’s help. And the way a lot of air fae travel—ghosting from here to there—I can’t always track them reliably. Within twenty miles or so I can find them, but any further and I lose the trail.”

  “How exactly do you track? It can’t be smell. You aren’t a shifter, and you certainly aren’t fae.”

  No, but half was close enough. Though he wasn’t the type of fae who could track through smell, and the skill came from his mother’s side. “I can sense a being’s essence. Most leave a trail I can see and follow.”

  “Can you track Remus now?” Toryn asked simply.

  Preston directed his attention to Isa. “How long would you say you felt him last night?” He wouldn’t have asked, but all he remembered was feeling his presence before his memory went spotty.

  She shook her head. “A few seconds at most. As soon as I decided to mention it to Toryn, he was gone. I hoped I’d only imagined the sensation. He disappeared the moment I detected him, unlike the other times, when he’d either driven to, or from, where I was.”

  Preston stood and walked back to where he’d been standing the night before. “Let me try. I can’t guarantee results so long after the fact, but it can’t hurt.” He closed his eyes and held out his palm, summoning any trace of Remus. He felt a small amount spinning above his hand and a shiver travelled down his spine, causing him to turn his head in a wince. The bastard had a dark, clinging essence, the kind that only belonged to someone truly evil.

  Wanting the feel of the monster away from him, he blew into the spinning orb of dark oozing fragments. The trail dispersed quickly, disappearing completely by the window.

  He found Isa following the line with wide eyes. “Gone, like he disappeared into thin air.”

  Preston took his seat again and rubbed at his temples. “Unfortunately, he wasn’t here long enough and moved too fast. He does the same at Dacia’s when I’ve caught signs he’s been there. I’ve searched the few places I know he owns, or has resided, but I have no leads. I’m wracking my head for anything that might lead me to him, with the exception of Dacia.”

  “I may have something that can help. I have a list of secret homes and hideouts throughout the United States. There’s one he frequents up near Deception Pass. It’s well hidden, and I’m not supposed to know about it, but I have never trusted Remus to be forthcoming with personal information.” Toryn stood and crossed the distance. He reached up and pulled a white sheet of paper from thin air. “Here.”

  Preston took the paper and looked up into his father’s eyes. He wished his mother hadn’t bound him to secrecy. It wasn’t that he needed a father figure, but he wanted to learn about that side of his family.

  Swallowing down the old sadness, he nodded. “We’ll have these searched today.” He looked to Robert. “I’ll aim away from you.”

  Toryn’s head cocked. “What?”

  Preston sighed. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Robert explained, “Preston’s never done well with translocation, which is my gift. He puts up with it, especially for something urgent. However, he’s not well this morning.”

  “Well enough,” Preston muttered and directed his attention back at Toryn. “Don’t worry. I’m still capable of doing my job.”

  Something passed over Toryn’s face. Perhaps a flash of recognition. Preston wasn’t sure what he hoped it meant.

  Toryn smiled slowly. “Of that, I have no doubt.”

  And once again, Preston had to wonder why a man who could see bits of the future hadn’t connected their relationship… unless it was his mothers’ doing.

  Shit. I need to talk to her. He’d kept their conversations brief in the last few months.

  “Thank you for the list. I’ll be in contact,” Preston stated, then rose to his feet.

  Toryn gave him another look. “Here.” He reached out, touching Preston’s shoulder and closed his eyes a moment. The nausea and headache drifted away, leaving him feeling immediately better.

  Vivid blue eyes flashed to his. “That’s why he was here.” Toryn locked gazes with Preston as he let his hand drop. “Remus slipped you an old fae drug. Now I want to know why.”

  “Likely a list of reasons. I may be working this case, but I also haven’t made it a secret I’m pursuing his daughter. And he knows I’m working with you. There are plenty of reasons, I’m sure.” Preston snorted. Then he pointed to his head. “Thanks for the relief.”

  Toryn responded, “Hopefully, the lack of hangover will help with the translocation issues. You aren’t the only one who suffers that malady.” A soft laugh escaped. “Luckily, I don’t have to deal with anyone who can transport me around often.”

  Isadora’s head tipped to the side, and for a moment it looked as if she might say something. He wished he knew what was on her mind.

  “Thank you for coming,” she finally said. “I’ll feel a lot better when Remus can’t hurt anyone else.”

  Toryn pulled her against his side. “I never imagined he would be stupid enough to show up. I should have anticipated that. He’s never been terribly bright.”

  She shook her head. “This isn’t on you. Nothing happened, and I can take care of myself if the coward does show up again.” Her eyes shone with determination.

  Toryn turned to her and captured her face in his hands. “Of course you can. That’s not the point. You shouldn’t have to. That’s my job.”

  Smiling, Preston grabbed Robert’s arm and pulled him toward the door. He lifted his other hand in a wave. “Thanks again. We’ll see ourselves out.”

  Toryn looked over. “We’ll contact Aeryana, recommending she signs the treaty. She’ll have her emissary coordinate with the Council.”

  “Thank you. I’ll find him,” Preston promised before stepping through the door.

  Once they made it to the car, Robert asked, “What is really going on, Preston?”

  He sighed. “Get in the car. I’ll explain what I can.”

  Robert’s head tipped as he stared. “What you can?”

  “Long story,” he muttered. “I can’t promise all the answers.”

  “And that worries me.”

  Chapter 3

  Dacia couldn’t get the ridiculous grin off her face. Preston really felt something for her. He defended her when she had given him no reason to trust her motives. Everything he said that morning was finally sinking in. Hell, everything he’d been saying for weeks.

  She slipped her purse into the drawer, and sat down at the desk in her elegant real-estate office. With one thing on her mind, she drew an image on the clear black surface with a single finger. A shimmering outline of Preston’s profile emerged.

  “Would you get that absurd love-sick look off your face, you silly child.” Beyond the usual cutting words, his tone was cold.

  Her heart thudded to a stop for a moment before her eyes narrowed, cutting up to him. She found a sneer on his face.

  For a single second she was back in that cold room where she finally realized she was nothing but a tool for her father.

  His smile was cruel as he walked toward her. “You want to make me happy don’t you?”

  Her stomach twisted at the horrible images filling her head. She kept silent praying she was wrong.

  “Don’t worry. It’s not me you’ll have to please.” He held out a parchment paper with ashen ink, and radiating earth magic. As he whispered the words, she backed away.

; A swirling black vortex opened up and Gebiet walked through in his human form. His skin was black as ebony, his eyes solid onyx. Her blood chilled when her back hit the bars, and Remus flicked his hand, sending wind to slam the door shut.

  Her father spoke first. “She’s yours, and you’re mine as soon as you sign the contract, breaking your bond to King Henroyld.”

  Gebiet moved across the room, excitement on his face. No mystery, she’d once seen his sadistic play in the very same dungeon.

  Dacia tore her eyes from Gebiet to glare at her father. “Never. You can go to the abyss. I’ll never help you again.” With that she dispersed before Remus could stop her departure. She’d avoided her father ever since. Luckily, Gebiet wasn’t an immediate concern. He couldn’t cross to Earth without being summoned.

  Rage boiled through her. “I’m not helping you,” she warned. After years of being let down, shoved to the side, and then he was willing to trade her to a dragon to gain an ally, she was done with her father. He only came to her when he needed something—when she could help him in some way. No more taking advantage of me.

  “Not asking for help.” His voice was ragged, his hair shaved to a short buzz, but the most noticeable change in his appearance was the deep-red melted scar in the shape of a hand around Daddy’s throat.

  Curiosity getting the better of her, she asked, “What exactly happened to you?”

  An evil smile lifted the corners of his lips. “Your lover’s father tried to keep me away from my intended bride.”

  Blinking, she frowned. She knew next to nothing about Preston’s personal life because she’d been trying to push him away, not let him in. One thing her father had learned about her—she couldn’t resist gossip.

  She sneered, “My lover’s father? And who might that be?”

  “You mean your mage/fae hybrid bastard of a fuckbuddy didn’t mention his father is the same man keeping me from the woman I will claim?”

  Dacia stopped, her head tilted as she stared, considering the pieces of the puzzle. She knew Remus was wanted for abusing women, and for plotting against Isadora. Preston’s father was a fire fae. Remus believed Isadora was his property.


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