Mending Scars

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Mending Scars Page 3

by Rivers, Brandy L

  Her mouth fell open.

  Toryn Flame is Preston’s father? Shit… but Preston said his father doesn’t know. Then why does mine?

  “Nothing to say? You don’t feel betrayed? Preston is only using you, Dacia. Don’t be stupid. The mage will throw you away the second he has what he needs for his case. You’re nothing but a pawn.”

  Anger washed out the shock. “And what do you actually know about the mage?”

  “His whole world will come crashing down as soon as the Silver Council realizes he’s half-fae. They will throw him away like he’ll throw you away when you’re no longer useful.”

  For once, she didn’t believe a word he said. She’d learned that even though he couldn’t technically lie, his version of reality was skewed, riddled with misinformation he honestly believed. He painted everyone’s motives in the same shades as his own, but she’d recently learned some people would rather help others than themselves.

  Regardless, arguing with her father never got her anywhere. She wished she’d thought to ward her office against him, but she hadn’t realized he knew where she worked. This was the first time he’d shown up.

  Thankfully, he didn’t seem to understand what Preston was really doing. For weeks, he’d had ample opportunity to ask about Remus. They only had one conversation about her father, in which she admitted to not knowing anything useful. Remus hadn’t come up since.

  Daddy’s desperate.

  Preston isn’t pushing me for answers.

  Maybe it’s my turn to show Preston I trust him. Even help.

  A smirk formed on her lips as she made her decision. Trying for a patient tone, she pretended concern, “What is it you want?”

  His calculating smile chilled her. “Do what you’re doing. Don’t tell loverboy anything, but watch, and if he gets too close to me, you can decide what to do. He’ll leave you the second his case is over. So think about that fact before you decide.” With that cryptic direction, he disappeared, leaving her alone.

  Dacia sat quietly, contemplating what to do. There was one thing she knew about her father. He always assumed everyone would see things his way, no matter how rarely that happened.

  Preston believes me.

  He was begging me to trust him.

  I do trust him.

  She pulled her phone out of her purse and stared at it, trying to decide her next course of action.

  * * * *

  Robert turned in his seat to face Preston. “What do you think happened?”

  “I told you. Remus drugged me. You heard Isadora. She says she felt him. I believe her because I sensed him too.” He punched the gas as he pulled onto I-90. Driving often helped him sort his thoughts. “Look, I’ll let you zap me up to this place on Whidbey Island, but first I want you to help me find my memories from last night.”

  “Are they necessary right now?” Robert asked.

  “Yes. They are.” He took a deep breath and swallowed hard. “You might find more than you expected about me, but it needs to come out and I can’t speak the words.”

  “Why not?”

  He glanced over and met Robert’s eyes. “A spell. When have I ever kept anything important from you?”

  “Never.” Robert sat back, considering. “Should I go digging for the information?”

  “Shouldn’t need to. Pretty sure I thought it a few times last night.”

  “Will this change anything?” The question was much too serious.

  “Fucking hope not.” He took a slow breath, and his voice dropped an octave. “I don’t think so, Robert, but I can’t swear to that.” When he looked over, Robert was staring, clearly running through scenarios in his head. The man was smart.

  “Don’t worry, old friend,” Preston told him. “You love Liz regardless of her mixed parentage.”

  Robert’s mouth dropped open. “You mean Toryn being your doppelganger isn’t merely a coincidence?”

  “Bingo.” He looked back at the road with a sigh. “He has no clue I’m his son. Mom wanted to keep it that way.” A sad laugh escaped. “She claimed it was so I could carry on my family’s legacy of being Silver Council Enforcers.”

  Shaking his head, Robert smiled. “Doesn’t matter who your parents are. You saw how my brother turned out. What he was capable of. I can’t blame our blood for that.”

  “This is different.”

  “Not really. Maybe to the powers that be, but your secret is safe with me.”

  He drew an easier breath. “Yeah, well I’m going to need another favor after my memories are restored. Hell might have frozen over.” He let out a strained laugh.

  Robert’s brow arched. “A trip to see your mother?”

  “I need answers. She’s the only one who has them, and maybe if I have someone of authority with me, she’ll be more forthcoming.”

  “Preston, anything you need from me, you have. You’ve been there for me through the worst of times. Least I can do is help you now.”

  “Thank you, truly. Your support means the world to me.”

  * * * *

  With her mind made up, Dacia called Preston. It only rang once. “Hey, Dacia,” he answered in a sexy rumble.

  The things that man did to her the night before scrolled through her mind in a rush, leaving her achy and wet. She swallowed down her lust and jumped right to the reason she called. “Would you like help finding my father?”

  “I’m not involving you in my case, Dacia. I appreciate the offer, but I’m more interested in earning your trust, than using you against your own blood.”

  She couldn’t contain her smile. That was exactly why she wanted to assist him. “I do trust you. Now, I want to prove it. The things he’s done… I can’t let that happen to anyone else. You’re going to put him away. Please, let me help.”

  He didn’t answer right away. After a moment of silence, he finally cleared his throat. “Dacia, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, so please listen first.”

  “Spit it out,” she snapped.

  “I don’t want to put you on his shit list. Your assistance will do exactly that. You can’t possibly understand the list of crimes he’s wanted for. Even if he’s never abused you like he’s done to others, I don’t want you in that position. The thought of anything happening to you tears me to shreds.”

  Her tone turned cold. “Does this have anything to do with the fact your father has every reason to kill mine?”

  Preston gasped. “How do you know who my father is?”

  “Douche-bag daddy told me. He showed up at my office—told me Toryn’s your father.”

  He let out a bitter laugh. “I did mention he was fire fae.”

  “I want to help,” she stated plainly.

  “Dacia—” There was real fear in his voice.

  Robert interrupted, “Let me talk to her.”

  Preston let out a sigh. “Robert wants to talk to you. You know, my superior.”

  She snarled, “Fine.”

  Robert was all business as he explained, “Dacia, as much as Preston and I would appreciate your cooperation, I can’t allow you to get involved, other than to answer questions. Neither of us want you in harm’s way.”

  Bullshit. She dialed back her temper and asked, “Shouldn’t that be my decision?”

  “Unfortunately, it’s not. You’re not trained, and your father will resort to truly brutal methods to gain compliance, even from his own blood relations.”

  “You allowed me to be part of the hunt for the Dales. I could come in handy again.”

  Robert didn’t budge. “That was a special case. They were coming to attack the town regardless of what we did. Weighing the risks, bringing in anyone who could prove helpful was the right move. This time it’s one man with a very twisted moral compass.”

  “Which is why I want to help.”

  “And exactly why you would be at extra risk. Please, Dacia, consider this from my point of view. If anything happens to you, it puts my closest friend in jeopardy. He’s already explai
ned his feelings for you. Do you want him in further danger?”

  Put that way, he had a point. Her fight was dying, but she didn’t give up. “I can help.”

  “If we find ourselves in a situation you can help with, we will call you. Until then, there’s not much you can do.”

  “Can I talk to Preston?”

  “I won’t allow him to bring you in on our case. This is my call, not his,” Robert explained with authority.

  She sighed. “I get it. I still want to talk to him.”

  “I’m sorry, Dacia.” Preston sounded torn, but Robert conveniently took the blame with excellent points she couldn’t counter.

  Smoothing her hand down her hair, she told him, “If I can think of any way to help, I will. Regardless of what he says.”

  “Don’t put yourself at risk. Please.” There was more than concern in his tone. Real emotion that twisted her stomach into knots. They obviously shared a bond, and something real was growing between them. She wasn’t sure she could trust her heart, or his.

  She wanted to cry out, but instead only said, “He’s my father. I’m already at risk.”

  He changed the subject, but she heard the hope, “Can I still call you later?”

  “Yes. Please do.” Her heart raced at the idea of being in his arms again. “I believe you, Preston. And I want to explore us.”

  “Tonight then. I can’t guarantee I’ll be available. I may be stuck working, but I need to hear your voice again.”


  Chapter 4

  Remus strode into Druciela’s shop. A sneer formed as he took in the new age trinkets and magical paraphernalia. It had been years since he stepped into her presence. She made sure he couldn’t have full access to his daughter, and then avoided him herself.

  Druciela stood behind the counter with a cutting glare. Her hands landed on her hips. “Why on Earth are you pestering me?”

  He could feel her magic cycling up as shields wound around her. Crafty bitch was always two steps ahead, protecting herself from him. How he would love to break Dru’s will and teach her real power.

  “Do you realize there's a mage chasing after our daughter?”

  Amusement danced through her aquamarine eyes. “Mmm, a very attractive one who has managed to treat her better than you ever treated me. Personally, I think they make a perfect match.”

  “You won't stop her from making your same mistake?” he asked in all seriousness.

  “Oh, he's not a mistake. Preston will give her everything she wants and needs, most importantly love. Unlike you.”

  “Love. Hah. No one needs that shit. It twists you, leaving you vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Reminds me of you.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Had I realized you were incapable of the emotion I would have stayed far away.”

  “Did I break your heart?” he taunted.

  Her eyes sparkled as she shook her head. “No. But the thing about love—when shared by two people—it can make them both better. Not always, but definitely can.”

  “Believe what you will. However, your daughter is fucking a Silver Council Enforcer, and he isn't even a pure mage. That makes him dangerous.”

  “Then maybe you should go back into hiding. Preston Emrys is good for my daughter. She’s finally realized you’re a worthless piece of shit who doesn’t deserve her time or attention. Goodbye, Aeremaius.”

  She flung her hands forward, barking out an old incantation, forcing his body to disperse. Remus was flung through the walls. He landed in a heap on the street, narrowly missed by a car, and then only because he dematerialized.

  * * * *

  Preston pulled up outside his apartment and turned to Robert. “Dacia wants to help. What the fuck? I’ve been avoiding the topic of her father in her presence. She can’t possibly be aware of everything he’s done, and I’m afraid of what she’d do if she was. I’m positive she wants nothing to do with him, so why does she want to help now?”

  Robert shrugged. “Let’s go inside. We can discuss it after we get your memories.”

  “Think I’ll find the reason Dacia has changed her tune?”

  “Maybe you cracked her exterior, and she wants to let you in.”

  Preston grinned and climbed out of the car. He sure as hell hoped he scaled her walls and crept into her heart. With long strides, he hurried to the door.

  Robert followed on his heels with a chuckle. “I can honestly say I’ve never seen you like this.”

  “Like what?”


  “Is that a good or bad thing?” Preston asked as he unwarded the door to let them inside.

  “Good—I hope. Either way, you can still count on me.”

  Rolling his eyes, Preston griped, “I’m not even going to ask what you think happened last night. Just get the memories.” He flopped down on the couch and laid his head against the back.

  “What am I looking for? Where does your memory end?”

  “Last night, at the party. Not long after we arrived, shortly after Toryn introduced us to Isadora.”

  Robert sat next to him. “Remember, you asked for this.”

  “Get it over with.” Preston closed his eyes.

  First a gentle touch as fingers pressed against his temples. Then Robert’s consciousness entered his head, pushing through the here-and-now to dig into the past. He quickly rewound the morning’s events.

  Robert jerked slightly when he got to the whirlwind and fire dancing over Dacia and Preston. Their magic bonded, swirling from one through the other, bringing them closer.

  Preston was slammed back into the present. He looked over to find Robert gaping at him.

  “I thought half-fae couldn’t form a mate bond?” Robert sputtered.

  Preston groaned. “The fae bond is completely different than shifters. It’s not about the amount of blood. Plus, it’s pretty rare. Most fae never find their other half. There are tales of people with even less fae blood mating to full. Of course, that’s only been recorded twice that I’ve ever heard of.”

  “How do you know this?” Robert asked quietly.

  “I’m more than half. Mom’s a quarter. She’s something of an expert on fae, more so than your average mage.”

  “Your mother’s part fae? How did no one ever find out?”

  “Mom never told me. I didn’t find out until the first time I was with Opal. She healed and awakened me all at once.”

  “Your mother didn’t tell you?”

  Preston let out a bitter laugh. “Nope. In fact, she bound me to secrecy as soon as I confronted her about it. She doesn’t want Toryn to know about me. Now do you understand why I get so tense? I can’t say a damned word and it’s fucking awkward.”

  “This changes nothing between us. Your mother, however, I’m not so sure I trust her now.”

  “You’re going to have to take me to her. I need answers.”

  “Yeah, I’ll take you, but first, we need your memories, and we need to check those properties.”

  Preston closed his eyes again, and Robert resumed unlocking the previous night. They flowed past the sex, which went on most of the night, with only short bouts of exhausted napping.

  The ride home had been interesting, as the woman could handle a stick. As if watching an old reel-to-reel film in reverse, they walked backwards into the party where Dacia was all over him.

  When they got to Dacia locking her lips to Preston’s the first time, Robert slowed down. There was a lot of talking, some dancing, and then that niggling feeling. Robert further slowed the pace.

  He never saw Remus, only felt him. Something splashed in his drink, but he didn’t consciously notice. Robert let the memories start moving forward and receded from his mind.

  Dacia smiled and talked with those around her, relaxing as the night went on. Dizziness nudged at Preston, but he ignored it. Dacia was in a great mood, finally loosening up.

  Still, Preston wanted to find that prick. He was there a moment, then gone.
/>   Dacia leaned in and whispered against his ear, “Thank you, Preston.”

  A smile pulled at his lips as he turned to nuzzle her neck, breathing in her heady scent. “For?”

  “Bringing me to the one place I was sure I’d be hated, and making me feel welcomed instead.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you—I want you. I wouldn’t bring you somewhere you weren't wanted, Dacia.”

  “I’m learning.” She sucked his lobe into her mouth with a groan. “I can’t resist anymore.”

  His cock jumped to attention, and there was no way to hide the reaction as she pressed her body to his. “Slow down, Minx. We can leave soon but we haven’t been here long and should stay for a while.”

  “A short while. You’ve been so patient, I want to reward you.”

  She would kill him at this rate. He’d been waiting several weeks to touch her, but he wanted her trust first.

  His head buzzed, but he ignored the disconcerting sensation, enjoying the woman radiantly smiling back at him. “I don’t need a reward. I only want you.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she pulled him to the group of people dancing in the living room. She pressed close, moving rhythmically against him.

  Preston snapped out of the memories. “She didn’t do it, Robert.”

  “I got that, and Toryn already confirmed the same,” he growled, rubbing his hand over his eyes, “but now I really need to scrub my mind clean of your damned memories.”

  He couldn’t help a laugh. “Sorry, I thought I mentioned I was with Dacia last night.”

  Robert stood up, pacing away as he pressed his thumb and finger against his eyes. “Not that you went at it like the Energizer bunnies on a combination of meth and Viagra the entire night. You might have had an hour of sleep if you string the bits together.”

  A cocky grin spread on his face. “Can’t say I’m sorry. I thoroughly enjoyed last night, and I’m not tired.”


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