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Mending Scars

Page 20

by Rivers, Brandy L

  She glared at Preston. “I’m not going to want to hear this, am I?”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “No more than I wanted to hear you tell your father that I’m nothing to you. It was an act and I’m over it. This is also going to be an act, and if you trust me, you’ll get over it.”

  Licking her lips, she nodded. “I do trust you, and you won’t have to say the shit I had to.”

  * * * *

  Preston set the phone aside and leaned back in the chair with his eyes closed. He quickly ran the calculations in his head and took a breath of relief.

  “Remus is hauling ass. He’s on Highway 212, approaching I90. If he keeps going, he’ll be in Washington tomorrow. The question is where will he go? Is he stupid enough to go back to Deception Pass?”

  Dacia shrugged. “Knowing him, anything is possible. If he can find someone to strip the wards we built, I wouldn’t put it past him. Though it’s not the only place he takes his victims. I’m willing to bet he’ll at least stop there for the contract. He means to use Gebiet, which means me.”

  “But will he stop before or after? I hate this.”

  “There’s also a place near Enumclaw, hidden back on an unused logging road. It has illusion wards built around it. There’s no deed, nothing to tie him to it.”

  “Might be best to scope it out and make sure the alarm ward is still intact up on Deception Pass.” Preston turned to Dacia. “You’re supposed to have lunch with your brother. So how about I go make sure the wards are in place. When you’re done, we can go to this other location.”

  “I can cancel,” she answered immediately.

  But he didn’t want her in the room where she had a panic attack when she saw the dragon. The same place his blood was spilled across the floor.

  Of course, he had a feeling they would have to deal with whatever the dragon did no matter where the showdown ultimately happened. Hopefully, she was better prepared this time.

  He smiled, caressing her face. “Minx, have lunch with your brother. You know where I’m going, but there really isn’t anything for you to do there.” Except freak out when the day came back to her. If he could prevent that, he would.

  Pouting, she conceded, “All right. Call me if you need me before I’m back.”

  “Will do, now go. You promised Dane.”

  She nodded. “See you later, Robert. Bye, Preston.” After a brief kiss, she disappeared.

  Preston turned to Robert. “Let’s get this part over with.”

  “You got it.”

  Chapter 28

  “How’s being in love?” Dane asked.

  Dacia grinned, looking across the table at her brother who wore a huge smile. He looked at peace with his arm wrapped around the sassy woman beside him. They were in the same place where love was concerned.

  “Better than I ever imagined.” Smiling, she slid her fingers across the table and then sat back with a sad laugh. “I can’t even remember why I obsessed over Brody or Hayden. Neither wanted me.” She let out a sigh. “Then when I finally find a man who wants me, I did everything I could to send him away. Thankfully, he stayed and fought anyway.”

  “He did. Watching him chase you around was amusing, though exhausting.”

  Dominique giggled. “It was cute to watch the badass mage chase the prissy princess.”

  “At least he caught me.”

  “That he did,” Dane answered.

  Lincoln came to the table. Gone was the timid boy who shied away from any interesting conversation. He’d been replaced by a confident yet brooding young man.

  “Dane, Dominique, how are you enjoying the house?”

  Dominique’s brow arched. “It’s lovely, especially now that the weird noises from the first night are gone. What was that? Were you playing a trick on us?”

  Amusement, and maybe regret, passed over his features briefly. “No tricks, I assure you. I was out with some new friends that night.”

  Dane nodded. “I like seeing you open up to people and let them in.”

  Lincoln blushed. “It was time.” He turned to Dacia and gave her a meaningful look she wasn’t sure she understood. “And thank you. The new place is perfect. Think you and Preston would come over some night soon to celebrate?”

  Warmth flooded her. “We’d love that.” It was the first time someone invited her to something other than her brother, or Preston.

  “I’ll look forward to it. Let me take your orders.” He did quickly and went back to the kitchen.

  Dane laughed. “Now you’re buddy-buddy with Lincoln?”

  “He’s a sweet guy, and a pleasure to talk to once you get him to open up.”

  Dane nodded. “Could have told you that a long time ago.”

  “Fine, I’m a bitch.” She put her elbow on the table and dropped her head into her hand. “I’m changing. For the better.”

  “You are not a bitch. You’ve had plenty of reasons to lock away the real you. You didn’t trust anyone with your heart.”

  The corners of her mouth lifted. “I do now.”

  “Thank god. Now everyone can see what an awesome sister I have, instead of that ice princess exterior you’ve shown for so long.”

  Dacia smiled. “So, what about you two?”

  Dane and Dominique looked into each other’s eyes. “We’re in love,” they answered in unison.

  “I asked her to marry me,” Dane added.

  Dominique giggled. “I said yes.” She put her arm out, showing off her new ring. Then her mouth was on his and Dacia looked out the window.

  Lincoln slid into the booth. “You and Preston act the same way. Maybe one day I’ll have that.”

  “You will. Especially if you show everyone who you really are. Even if you’re quiet, you’re coming out of your shell. There are a lot of women intrigued by you.”

  “Only one woman I want,” he admitted in a whisper.

  “Your new neighbor?”

  He dipped his head in a nod.

  “In the years I’ve known her, she’s never had a romantic relationship. She had an arrangement with Slater, but always strung other men along. Are you sure you can handle that?”

  Lincoln squeezed his hands into fists, his knuckles cracking. “Only one way to find out.” He didn’t look entirely comfortable with that statement, but appeared to be resolved.

  “Preston could give you some pointers. He won my heart after all.”

  “You gave him hell for weeks. Tortured him.”

  “I plan to make up for my bad behavior.”

  “You will.” He clasped her shoulder before getting up.

  * * * *

  Preston stood in Remus’ lair. It had been cleaned, and a new essence tainted the place. “I don’t understand. Someone was here. Strange mix of fae.”

  “Does that matter?” Robert asked.

  “Maybe, maybe not.”

  “Can you track whoever was here?”

  “Nope. They popped in and out, a lot like you, but they are definitely fae. Never encountered anything like it.”

  “We can worry about that later. Let’s do what we need because this place gives me the creeps.”

  “I’ll use the scrying spell with the alarm. As soon as anyone shows up, I’ll be able to see what happens. After we go get Dacia, I’ll do the same to the other place and wait. We will have the element of surprise because I might just cuff you to me.”

  Robert snorted. After the spell was cast, he grabbed Preston’s arm before zapping them back to Dacia’s. Then he shot Preston a dirty look. “Unnecessary. A single call and I’ll be there. Chances are he won’t arrive until tomorrow morning at the very earliest.”

  Preston nodded. “I hope Mom is okay.”

  “She will be. Have some faith in your mother’s abilities.”

  His brow arched. “If our positions were switched, would you be able to take your own advice?”

  He took a deep breath. “You have a point. But you’re the one who always talks sense into me, so I had to give it
a shot.”

  “Yes, but I add a dose of humor which was never your strong suit.”

  “Someone has to be serious,” Robert countered.

  Preston sank into the seat. “I wonder if I should ask Dacia who might have helped Remus with his lair.”

  “Can’t hurt, but maybe wait until things settle down. We may need to look into whoever it is.”

  “Shit, I don’t know.” Preston leaned back and stared at the ceiling. “I’ll figure it out.”

  “I doubt there’s anything we can do about this extra person until after we deal with Remus.”


  * * * *

  Toryn walked into Shenanigans to visit with Isadora. Jayde sat at the counter sipping her margarita. He slid onto the stool next to Jayde with a wave at Isa.

  “I hear you healed Remus. I don’t understand why.”

  Her gaze cut over. “I took away his means of escape and left him with a limp dick.” She sighed and dropped her gaze.

  Toryn nodded. “What shape was he in when you arrived?”

  “You mean, what kind of damage had he sustained?”

  He nodded.

  She rubbed her hands up and down her arms, then her thighs with a shudder. “Even when I… I… turned to wind?” She shrugged. “Even then, I was in pain. Like every tiny piece of me was burned. He was well done, through and through. Only thing I can think of is when he dispersed, he floated through super-hot fire. He was cooked. Every cell, Toryn—fucking hurt too.”

  “Let me guess, you wanted him to suffer more?”

  Her head dipped in a nod as her eyes dropped to her drink. “Though, I almost left. He was in bad shape. But then the mage showed up, and I lost my options. I was down in a basement without windows, and didn’t want to do anything to hurt anyone. Healing him and taking his ability to disperse was the easiest option. I left, but I saw him take the mage. I called the Silver Council Enforcer in charge of the case.”


  A blush colored her cheeks as she nodded. “I always call Preston when I know the Council is looking for someone who calls for my services. We have an understanding. I tell him what skill I took and what damage I healed.”

  Toryn smirked. “I’m sure you do.” He redirected the conversation. “I wish you’d let Remus die.”

  “Yeah, well if I had realized how deep the burns went, I would have,” she snapped back.

  “Sorry. I get it. Sometimes, though, it’s not worth it to prolong the punishment. Sometimes it’s better to kill and get them out of the way.”

  “I only kill when I have to. Remember, it’s my nature to heal.”

  “And pilfer abilities.” He laughed lightly.

  “Ah, now yes, for the assholes who deserve it, or when I’m in a bind and need some help. I never did take any of your skills when I healed you.”

  “I also didn’t ask for help.”

  “You are a stubborn prick, but you helped me when I needed it most.”

  “If you hear from Remus, contact me. Please.”

  “I will. But why do you want me to go around the mage?”

  “I’m worried about him.” And his mother, and Dacia, and everyone. If he had finished Remus all those years ago… but then, Dacia wouldn’t be there for Preston.

  “I’m intrigued. You always were a kind soul. However, your heart belongs to the pretty bartender who keeps looking over with amusement.”

  “I only recently met Preston, but we’ve formed a friendship.”

  “Well, he’s a kind soul also. You two have a lot in common.” With that, she disappeared.

  Isa brought him his favorite drink, a Love. “Old friend?”

  Toryn chuckled. “She is. Apparently Preston’s too.” He shook that notion off before he could think it through too clearly. “She can take pain, and heal, but she also takes a trick or two—most of the time.”

  “She left your powers intact?” Isa smirked.

  “I saved her ages ago. She returned the favor by saving me after a run in with a pack of hellhounds—thanks to her.” He shrugged. “She might have been able to outrun them, but I saw a friend and stepped in to assist. I burned them to the ground, but they ripped into me pretty badly. She felt she owed me.”

  “Then I’m glad she showed up. I can’t imagine life without you, my knight.”

  “Wish you weren’t the only one working, Princess.”

  “Only a couple more hours. Besides, shouldn’t you be looking into what you can do about Remus?”

  “Unfortunately, until he shows up, there isn’t much to be done. He’s driving. I have his phone tracked, but at the rate he’s going, it will be at least tomorrow morning, probably later, before he arrives.”

  “Then tonight, I have an idea I’m sure you’re going to love.”

  Chapter 29

  Dacia stepped into her home to find Preston at the counter with a sandwich. Since he’d been staying, her fridge and pantry were filled with food, and he had cooked more often than not. In fact, if they were back early enough, she was going to ask him to let her help make dinner. He could teach her something new.

  His lunch smelled delicious enough to make her mouth water. She licked her lips. “What’s that?”

  He swallowed down his bite and grinned at her. “Rueben. Come here. Have a taste.”

  Something she never would have tried because it seemed messy. Still, she crossed the distance and obediently opened her mouth. He raised the half allowing her to take a bite. “Mmm,” she groaned. “That is really good.”

  “Preston’s useful for a few things,” Robert taunted lightly from the kitchen island.

  Dacia flashed Robert a smirk. “More than a few, but I have a feeling I’d make you blush if I told you how.”

  Robert swallowed hard. “Yeah, I’d prefer to do without those images.”

  Dacia laughed, sweeping her gaze back to her man. “Your closest friend is a prude. How does that work when he’s with Liz and Tremaine?”

  Preston sighed. “Says what’s behind closed doors is off limits.” His face scrunched up. “Honestly, I’m glad. I see Liz as a little sister, and Tremaine like an uncle. Hell, Robert is my brother, blood or not.”

  Robert nodded. “Same goes for you, Preston.”

  “Anyway, he’s more straight-laced. About most things.”

  She bit her lip, humor dancing in her eyes. “I like you naughty.”

  “I’ll show you naughty later. Now, are you sure you want to take us to this other hideout?”

  Her chest heaved, but she nodded. “Sooner the better. It needs to be done.”

  “Two options. My way, or a car,” Robert offered.

  “Your way. It’s faster.” She turned to Robert. “I have a map if it will help. My father would likely strangle me for sharing, but I drew the best route. Should give you an idea of where we’re going.”

  Robert smiled. “I have a simpler solution, provided you trust me. If you can envision where I’m going, I can take us there, but you’ll have to let me in.”

  “I can do that.” She turned to Preston. “This place is worse. He keeps nothing but his—tools there. I can handle it. I promise.”

  “Dacia, if you’d prefer to stay here, you can. I won’t think less of you.”

  “I’m going.”

  He nodded. “If it gets too hard, tell me.”

  She leaned into him. “Tonight, I’ll make sure you have that problem.”

  Grinning, he took a quick kiss before Robert stood and walked around the counter toward them. “Ready?”

  “Enough,” Dacia answered.

  “Got the image in your mind?” Robert asked.

  She closed her eyes and brought it up. Fighting off a shudder, she responded, “Got it.”

  Robert reached out to both their shoulders and then they stood in a circle of trees with a mound in the center. No windows, only one wooden door. Darkness oozed out the poorly fitted threshold.

  Robert shook his head, “What is that?”<
br />
  Preston sighed. “Same as before, but the tunnels were deeper.”

  Dacia spoke up. “I can temporarily disable the darkness. If he comes tomorrow, he’ll never suspect we were here.”

  Preston gave her a torn look, and she put on a brave smile.

  “Then you’re up,” Robert answered.

  Dacia put on her best bravado and strode to the door. She opened it, spread her fingers as she held out her hand and moved forward, gathering the darkness into a ball as she went. She captured it the same way she had trapped all of Preston into a sphere.

  Once they made it to the center of the domelike room, Preston started chanting. He didn’t even stop to look around at everything on the walls.

  However, Robert stood with a slack jaw as he stared at the hideous display she knew encircled the cavernous room. “Robert,” she called.

  He made eye contact with her, and one corner of Preston’s mouth lifted slightly as she poured her attention at Robert.

  “Yeah,” he answered in a gruff breath.

  She pointed to her eyes. “Don’t look away from right here. It’s a bad place. Look right here, and we’ll all be fine. As soon as Preston finishes, you can take us back.”

  A moment later, Preston went silent and his hand twined with hers as the other landed on Robert’s shoulder.

  She let the spell go, and shadows filled the room with an echoing howl.

  Next second, they were back in her home.

  “Did he ever—” Robert snarled.

  Dacia shook her head. “Not me. Never me. He made me watch minions being punished.”

  “At least you were spared that.” Robert walked away, running his hands down his lapels, then his thighs. “Dacia, I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Don’t have to say anything.” She offered a weak smile. “I’ll be glad to see him permanently gone. The rumors were always bad, but they were rumors. Hope kept me from seeing the absolute worst in him. He’s my father, he’s supposed to love me, and put me first.”


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