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The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV

Page 6

by Dawn Gray

  “I do, yes.” He replied, looking away from my questioning stare. “I'll tell you about him, when you're finished.”

  “Okay, well, I'll go on then.” I looked down at our hands and noticed how he held mine protectively. “Um, I would walk around for a while, still looking for whatever it is I'm searching for, but I know that I don't find it inside. Outside, I stopped and stood on the patio and looked over the green grass, towards the ocean, taking in the view and...”

  I stopped again, and then looked at him quickly. “Another thing that isn't in your dream?” I nodded. “Tell me about it.”

  “No, it's not an 'it'; it's a person.”

  “The same man?”

  “No, this is a different one with curly dark hair like yours; I mean its dark like yours. His eyes are different than yours and Quinn's, but he looks like you. I think they're brown and even though I know he won't hurt me, I just can't shake this uneasy feeling when he's close by.” I sighed, squeezing his fingers, trying not to get over excited. “His name...” I whispered, and then looked into Julian's eyes. “His name is Nick, Connie's ‘Nick’. So, that's what he looks like. No wonder she thought he and you were the same person.”

  “We're not, in fact, we're total opposites.” Julian said, in his own defense. “What is he doing?”

  “Just standing there, close to me, like he's watching over me, and I can feel the waves of danger coming up from behind me, but I still don't see anything, but Nick suddenly moves closer, like he's jumping for something, and that's usually when I wake up screaming.” I smiled. “It's all a bit scary, however, this last time I dreamt it, I wasn't scared at all, in fact, I got up and fished the photo album out of a box in my closet and found pictures of this place.”

  “So, this last time it led you to us?” He asked. I nodded as I crawled back under the covers and curled up, facing him. “Can I ask you a very personal question?”

  “Sure.” I nodded.

  “How many of your dreams come true?” He whispered. I thought about this a moment, then shrugged. “Wait, before you think about it too much; let me rephrase the question. How many times have you dreamed of something and had some part of it, not all, but some variation or aspects of it come true?”

  “Like bits and pieces?” I asked, and watched him nod. “All the time. Mostly, its symbols though, like here and there in my dreams, I'll see objects in my mind and then I'll see them in reality, but I've never had one actually come true. Why?”

  “I think your gift comes through your dreams.” Julian answered, sliding down in the bed to lie next to me, facing me. He had one arm under his head and his other close to his face. “We'll see soon, I'm sure.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nick and the other man, they weren't clear in your dreams before, but now you can see them, that might mean something.” Julian smiled and touched my lips with his finger, gently rubbing them back and forth. “The last time I saw you, you were smiling and there was almost a bright light around you. I hope I haven't caused whatever it is that's making that light so dim.”

  “How can you cause anything?” I whispered, as I took his hand held it against my chest; I was caught in his eyes, almost drowning in a sea of green. “When I think of you, all I feel is warmth that hasn't been there for a very long time. It's funny, but, I know how it felt to love you back then, and I know how easy it would be, now, to fall all over again.”

  “And, what about your life outside this house? What about your husband and your son?” He questioned. I closed my eyes, briefly, then opened them and looked up at him again, as he now seemed to hover above me. “Do you think you can keep this a secret?”

  “My heart tells me that I can, my mind isn't all that sure.” I replied, wanting to turn away from him, but I couldn't, I was locked there, unable to move. Julian came closer, leaning on his elbows to prop himself up, but the distance was closing between us as his lips brushed mine. I could feel the heat from him as his body lay against mine. “Does this make me a bad person?”

  “Don't deny yourself this moment, Cait, just because you feel indebted to a man who was half responsible for your child.” Julian whispered. I shook my head and put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him away. He looked at me, with that of disappointment, but I believe it was aimed at him more than me.

  “I don't understand why I can't get passed this, Julian, but I know one thing for certain,” I sighed as I moved away from him, out of that strange position. He looked at me as I walked to the door. “I'm also responsible for my child. I should be trying to figure myself out and get home to him, instead of trying to figure out these feelings that I have for you.”

  “I'm not one of the bad guys, Cait. I want to help you get your memories back; I can't help it if I still love you.” He replied, sitting up in bed.

  I sighed, rubbing my eyes. “Maybe, it would be best if we weren't alone together, any more.”

  “If that's what you want, but, remember, you came to me.” He answered. I lowered my eyes as I nodded and left the room. On the other side of the door, after closing it tightly behind me, I leaned back against the wall and crossed my arms.

  “I don't know what I want.” I whispered and stepped away from the wall.

  The only way off the third floor was the staircase I had used to get up there, and Julian had the only room up there that I knew of, so, when I noticed the light at the end of the long, dark hallway, my curiosity began to run wild. I looked back at Julian's room, and then began to make my way down the hallway. It turned out that the light was only the moon shining in a window in a room with an open door, but the fact that this room was open at all seemed strange. I stepped into this cold, empty room, crossing my arms over my chest, hugging myself.

  I stood in the middle of the room, staring out the window at the large round moon in the sky, feeling an odd déjà-vu as my dream began to play out in my mind, filling in the blanks as it went.

  It was a flash of light in the window that I was now looking out that had caught my attention, bringing me into the house. As I walked the halls of this darkened house, searching for the stairway, the voice inside my head grew louder, screaming danger at me. I began to call out to Julian with my mental voice, knowing that if he was close by, even if it wasn't in the house, he would hear me.

  The feeling grew stronger as I made my way up to the second floor, then to the third. I stood at the top of this staircase, looking down the hall at the light at the end, hairs on the back of my neck stood up as chills ran down my spine and goose bumps covered my flesh, but I chose to go on, despite the warnings and as I stepped into the room, the same room I stood in right then, I knew where the danger was coming from.

  He stood there, next to the window, smiling at me. His eyes were red, as if the pigment in them had been stuck that color during the heat of battle, his hair, in the moonlight, was almost a dark blood red color, and his face was pale white. He was dressed all in black, bringing out the paleness of his skin, and his hands were down in front of him, one over the other.

  In his smile, I could see the fangs, and I watched, as if disconnected from myself, as he stepped closer to me. It wasn't instinct that told me to run, but a strong male voice I didn't quite recognize.

  It wasn't Quinn's, though it had the same growl in its tone, the same predator sound that he had when he was interrupted, and I knew positively that it wasn't Julian's, but I swore I heard the protectiveness of it under its harsh words. It was an order that I couldn't refuse.

  Get out now! It spoke to me; making me jump and the ferociousness of it made me tuck tail and run away from the vampire with the fiery eyes.

  Where I ended up was on the patio, staring at the ocean, trying to catch my breath, and not wanting to look back to see if the red haired creature had followed. It was then that I spotted him, standing off to my left, not more than five feet away. His head was down; his arms were crossed over his chest, and his legs were crossed at the ankles, as he leaned back against the short
wall for support.

  This was Nick, the man Connie had been telling me about, but I didn't believe existed. He picked his head up, and looked at me out of the corners of his eyes.

  “Julian should keep a better eye on you.” He snorted, and then straightened, as I felt the danger coming closer. He moved from the wall, placing himself right next to me, and I felt the wave of protectiveness as he touched my arm with his hand. “Hide in the East Garden, by the statue of the Cherubs. I'll send Julian to get you.”

  “What's going on?” I whispered.

  “There's a hunger in his eyes that I've never seen before.” Nick whispered then glanced down at me. “And, it's for you, O'Neal.”

  “Who is he?” I asked, but, as I turned to the side to head for the garden, I caught a quick glimpse of the man with the red eyes, and watched Nick's dark form leap in his general direction, placing his body between us, giving me the opportunity to move, and I did, swiftly.

  “This dark house is no place for a woman to be walking around alone, especially one in only a bathrobe.” His voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned to see the dark form stepping out of the shadows. He hadn't changed; Nick was still as dark as he had been so long ago, but then he stopped and looked at me, as if he had suddenly realized who was standing there in front of him. “O'Neal?”

  “Nicholas.” I whispered, acknowledging that he was right to assume who I was, and then I recalled his lack of fondness for my first name, insisting on calling me by my last.

  “You know better than this.” He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Assuming that you remember anything.”

  “I remember some.” I shrugged. “No doubt you're first memory was of your sickening romance with Julian?” He snarled. I smiled. Why did I know he was going to be the sarcastic one?

  “Actually, it was the night you and I met, except you weren't in it.” I replied and turned to walk out of the room. He stepped up next to me. “What are you doing?”

  “Walking you to your room, something that imbecilic cousin of mine should be doing.” He answered then walked with me, in silence, to my room, where he turned, after nodding, and disappeared back into the darkness.


  The day was bright, lighting up this gloomy place as I made my way down the stairs to get something to eat. I was concentrating on a button, that didn't seem to want to hold, as I walked past the sitting room, on the way to the kitchen, when I heard my name.

  “Did she ask you about Nick?” Julian's voice asked, and I stood by the doorway, looking in on him and his brother at the two stood talking by the windows. Michael and David sat in the large recliners by the fire, reading or watching television, completely unaware of the brother's conversation.

  “Yes, she did, and I didn't tell her a thing.” Quinn replied, putting his hands on his hips. “Why? Is she asking about him?”

  “She remembered him last night as she told me about a dream that she had been having.” Julian replied and looked out the window. “Maybe, we should tell her about him?”

  “Don't bother.” I spoke up, as I stepped into the room, catching the attention of the two men who were just discussing me. I walked over and stood between them, looking from one to the other. “He and I met last night.”

  “He's here?” Julian asked.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I'm right here.” His voice spoke up and I watched as this caught the attention of the two men sitting down. Michael and David rose and joined our little circle, but it was the reaction of Quinn and Julian that caught my eyes. They seemed shocked and not amused at the same time to see the dark haired man. He looked directly at Julian, giving him an evil look. “I thought you had more common sense, Cousin.”

  “What are you starting on, now, Nick?” Julian sighed, obviously used to his cousin's criticism, and used to ignoring it.

  “I thought you'd be smarter than to let a defenseless, young, woman walk away from your room, alone, in the middle of the night. Especially here, in this house, where you never know who you’re going to meet.” He smiled, looking over at me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, as I looked away.

  “I was perfectly safe, thank you, and I'm far from defenseless.” I repeated, and then glanced at Julian, who was looking at me for an explanation as to where I could have met him. “I remembered the rest of my dream, except it wasn't a dream, it was a memory of the night that Nick and I met, but we weren't alone.”

  “What are you doing here, anyway?” Quinn asked.

  “It's my ancestral home, Quinn, how long do you think I can stay away from it?” Nick laughed.

  I closed my eyes, thinking that I was feeling the fact that I hadn't eaten yet, as a wave of nausea came over me, then, when I opened my eyes, I found both Julian and Nick looking at me as Nick went on with his speech, but the amusement was gone.

  “I was called home.” He replied, standing there with his arms crossed, a questioning look on his face. “Two nights ago, I felt this sudden urge to return here, and couldn't get the image of the house out of my mind. Are you all right, O'Neal? You look terribly pale.”

  “I'm fine.” I replied, glancing at him, but in truth, I was feeling very strange.

  It was then that I felt the danger I had in my dream and the same warnings were sent throughout my body. Julian walked over and stood in front of me, but I couldn't look up at him, instead I made my way to the center of the circle, where the dangerous feelings seemed to lessen, for I was protected at every corner by these five men. I looked at each of them, focusing in on Nick and Julian as they stood, side by side, their differences having been put aside for the sake of making sure I was safe.

  “Do you see something, Caitlyn?” Julian asked. I shook my head, as I crossed my arms over my chest, hugging myself, trying to stop the chills that went through me. “Cait, what is it that you're not telling us?”

  “I...I can't explain it.” I whispered as I was caught in his eyes. “It's like a presence that I've felt before, but I can't place it.” I closed my eyes and concentrated on it, then looked up at him quickly. “Wait, I know what it is now, something is coming. Something dangerous.”

  “What?” Quinn asked, as I turned and looked passed him to the doorway, stepping back further into the circle.

  “Creolas.” I shook as the rest turned and looked at the man with the fiery red eyes that stood, smiling back at us, from the doorway.

  “Ah, it's good to be home.” He said, smiling, focusing those bright red eyes on me


  All I could do was staring at him as our eyes locked together. I could see my own reflection in them and I was sure he could see his in mine. I felt my lips begin to quiver as my mind began to recall the night that he and I formally met.

  I was walking down around the pagoda, located towards the back of the oval garden, kicking at the fallen leaves as I walked. Beth and Connie had been arguing over my welfare, and in an uncommon event they both agreed that telling our foster parents about my relationship with Julian would be the best for me. After hearing that, my only response to them was to turn and walk out the door.

  As I moved on, closer to where the trees formed a thick covering, hiding the small wishing well that sat there, I caught movement in the darkness they created, just below the vine-covered length of the gazebo ahead of me. I stopped, unafraid at that moment, feeling too much anger and disappointment in myself and Connie, for I thought she knew just how I felt about Julian, to be afraid.

  “Hello?” I yelled, tapping my foot impatiently as I received no response. “Look, I know there is someone there, so just stop bullshitting around and come out where I can see you.” I watched as nothing moved.

  Feeling aggravated from the whole day, I made my way down the wet, slippery leaves and stepped close to the darkness, then stopped and listened before stepping into the darkness. I could almost feel the eyes on me and felt the fear growing in the pit of my stomach.

  I turned, quickly, to my right, making whatever was there, jump, bu
t couldn't see it; I was almost blind in the darkness. My heart began to beat faster, and I knew then, as my instincts took over that I was in trouble. My legs began to move as I ran away from the feeling, down towards the large, hidden door beneath the pagoda.

  Suddenly, the door swung open and I fell backwards into the darkness that seemed to swallow me. I had scurried back into the room before making note of where the door was and sat there in the perpetual darkness for several minutes before hearing the sounds begin around me. I stood and began to back up, hoping to find only a sturdy wall behind me, but the further I moved back, the colder I got, and finally, I bumped into something.

  I tried to control my breathing as I thought about how odd the wall felt behind me, and with shaky limbs, I extended my arms and tried to press them against the wall on either side, a wall that wasn’t there. I closed my eyes, turned and stood there for a moment before opening them wide enough to see the two, bright, red points of light that stared down at me. I opened my mouth to scream, but a hand pressed against my mouth and I suddenly found myself against the hardness of the damp concrete wall, the one I was originally looking for.

  His hand moved from my mouth and stroked my cheek, as if he could see every bit of my face, where I could only see his eyes then moved his hand to the back of my head and gripped my hair, softly, with his fingers, tangling them into it.

  Gently, as if he was trying not to hurt me, he moved my head to the side, with only the slightest amount of pressure to tell me what to do, exposing my neck. His body pressed against mine as he lowered his head towards my skin.

  I felt him open his mouth and place his lips against my skin, making my body shiver, as goose bumps ran over me, and my grip on his shirt tightened. As he ran his sharp teeth across my skin, trying to locate the vein that held the power that he wanted, I felt my fear, suddenly, rise, and he stopped for a moment. I could hear him breath in, smelling the hair that rested on my shoulder next to him, then I could feel him sniffing against my neck, smelling my skin, and he drew back a bit, trying to decided what to do with me, no doubt, for it seemed that he couldn't decided which way he wanted me, for lunch or to give into the lusty feelings that I felt pouring off from him.


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