Brazil : The Fortunes of War (9780465080700)
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objectives, list of, xiv–xv, 29, 289
Orson Welles, friendship with, 142, Photo 13
personality of, 27–29
police chief, power struggle with, 236–237
reading of Vargas’ last message by, 285
reconciliation with Vargas, 277
resignation, interview about, 248
resignation as foreign minister, 235
retirement from politics, 290
Siqueira Campos crisis, management of, 73–76, 78–81
smear campaign against Vargas, 238
Society of Friends of America and, 237
Soviet Union, support for recognition of, 236
steel mill, negotiations with US for, 62
United States, relationship with, 26, 98, 116–117, 219
on US troop deployment request, 107
Vargas, friendship with, 30
at Vargas’ final cabinet meeting, 281–282
Vargas-Roosevelt meeting, memorandum for, 185, 195
with Walt Disney, Photo 10
war rally speech, 222
on wartime fuel shortage, 194
Arará, 165
Araraquara, 165
alliance with Allies, 254
Brazil’s fear of invasion by, 3, 117, 170, 176, 197
as haven for ex-Nazis, 253
Jewish immigrants in, 159
Navy Day speech, reaction to, 56–57
pro-Nazi attitude of, xiv, 98, 119, 125, 126–127, 131
rivalry with Brazil, 2–3, 173, 197–198, 289
United States, relationship with, 277
US postwar policy toward, 253
Arms, Brazil’s need for, xiii, 39–41, 64, 69, 70–71, 75, 87–88, 93, 111, 121–124, 187
Army chief of staff, attack on residence of, 15
Associated Press
on Navy Day speech, 56
on Roosevelt-Vargas agreement, 191
Astaire, Fred, xi
Atlantic, Battle of the, 176
Avenida President Vargas, 37
Avenida Rio Branco, 37–38
Axis powers
breaking relations with, 121, 130–131
influence of in Latin America, 6
influence on immigrant colonies in Brazil, 5, 45, 46
seizure of assets by Brazil, 146
Azores, 109–110, 187–188, 196, 217–218
Baependy, 165
Bagé crisis, 77, 88–89, 168
Belém, Brazil, 95
Belgium, 51
Belo Horizonte, 280
Berle, Adolf, 251–252, 268, 269, 274
Bittencourt, Paulo, 90–91
Botafogo Beach, Brazil, Photo 5
Brandão, Mário de Pimentel, 42
Brasília, ix
achievements of, 289–290
anti-German feeling in, 138
anti-Nazi campaign in, 46, 48
anti-Semitism in, 7, 154–159
Argentina, rivalry with, 2–3, 173, 197–198, 289
arms, purchase of from Germany, xiii, 4, 31, 40–41, 64, 69, 75
arms, purchase of from US, 39–40, 69, 93, 121–124
Axis assets, seizure of, 146
Axis influence on immigrant colonies in, 5, 45, 46
Axis powers, breaking relations with, 121, 130–131
communists in, xii–xiii, 8, 86, 247, 262, 276
as democracy, 276
democracy in, speculation about, 26, 160, 178, 199, 216–217, 221
deployment of US troops in, 119, 137
expeditionary force, establishment of (See Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB))
financial crisis, 276
foreign ministers conference in, 122–123, 125, 130
formation of joint force, 176
Germany, importance of trade with, 43
Germany, relationship with, 31–32
Great Britain, relationship with, 29, 93
gross national product (GDP) of, x
immigrant communities in, 44–48, 52, 275
infrastructure, development of, 63
internal divisions in, 5, 6
Italy, relationship with, 24–25
Jewish immigrants, number admitted, 159
lend-lease agreements with US, 111, 129, 137
national steel company, establishment of, 63
neutrality, rationale for, 42–44
neutrality, reaction to declaration of, 50
objectives of, xiv–xv, 29, 289
political crisis in, 262
postwar economic situation of, 271
pre-World War II, x–xiii, xv
press freedom in, 89
racial diversity in, 104, 133
Roosevelt’s death, effect of on, 255
strategic importance of, 98
support for US, 120–121
suspension of shipping to US by, 146
trading markets, loss of due to war, 51
United States, relationship with, 7, 41, 43, 112, 118–119, 137, 152, 199–200, 220–221, 251, 277–278
US, wartime support of, 120–121
Vargas’ accident, political consequences of, 151
Brazil: Land of the Future (Zweig), 156
Brazilian National Security Council, 119
“Brazil’s Pearl Harbor,” 166
Bulge, Battle of the, 246
Burdett (American chargé d’affaires), 75–76
Cabo de Hornos, 158
Caffery, Jefferson
Aranha, relationship with, 31, 32, 39, 53, 58, 62, 73, 107–108, 116, 185, 203, 219
on Aranha’s resignation, 236–239
on Brazil-US arms deal, 110–112
on Brazil’s desire for arms, 39
on Brazil’s pre-war strategy, 43
cost of living, complaints about, 193–194
departure from Rio, 251
description of, 30–31
on immigrant communities, lack of information about, 47
interpretation of Vargas’ speech, 55–56, 58
at meeting with Roosevelt in Natal, 184–187, 190
with Osvaldo Aranha, Photo 4
praise for cooperation by Vargas and Aranha, 151
at President’s Day event, 145
on press freedom, 153
Rockefeller and, 99
steel mill project and, 61, 62
summer residence, requests for, 85
US request for troop deployment, 107–108
Cairu, 138
Campbell, Sir Ronald, 188, 218
Campos, Francisco, 12, 13, 153, 155, 160, 242, 247
Cape Verde Islands, 109
Carioca, Joe (cartoon), 103
Cariocas (residents of Rio), lifestyle of, 48, 49, 82–84, 180–182, 194
Carnaval, ix, 37, 141, 142, 223, 243, 274
Carnegie Foundation, 201
Casablanca Conference, Morocco (1942), 185, 186
Castillo, Ramón, 119
Catete Palace, 13–14
Catholic Church, 270
Charles, Sir Noel, 31
Chile, 125, 127, 219
Churchill, Winston, 4, 110, 185, 186, 187, 244
Ciano, Galeazzo, 24
Cidade Maravilhosa, ix
Citizen Kane (film), 139–140
Clark, Mark W., 233, 256
Cohen Plan, 8
Cold War, 33, 188, 236, 269
Communism, 101
Communists, xii–xiii, 8, 17, 86, 247, 262, 276
Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, 63
Conference of the American Republics, 6
Constituent assembly, 264, 268
Constitutional amendment No. 9, 249
Copacabana Beach, 83, 133
Copacabana Palace Hotel, xi, 83, 95, 103, 139, 288, Photo 2
Correio da Manhã (newspaper)
attack on President Vargas, 248
on conquest of Monte Castello, 256
on death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 254
on deposition
of Vargas, 268
pro-British views of, 90, 91
Corruption, government officials and, 223, 271
Cost of living increases, 193–194, 243
Costa, Artur de Souza, 134, 136
Costa, Euclides Zenóbia da, 282, 283, 284
Crete, 106
Critica (Buenos Aires newspaper), on Navy Day speech, 57
Cunha, Leitão de, 152–153
Curação, 158
Cuyaba, 168
D-Day landings in France, 227
Dantas, Luis Martins de Souza, 157–159
De Gaulle, Charles, 185
Decree 383, restricting foreign political activity (1938), 31, 46
Decree 3002, establishing a national steel company (1941), 63
Decree 4744, establishing an expeditionary force (1943), 211
Decree-Law 3175, restricting Jewish immigration (1941), 155
Denmark, 51
Department of Press and Propaganda (DIP), 60, 80, 104–105, 122, 141, 203, 211, 248
Diário Carioca (newspaper)
attempt at more press freedom, 153
on cost of housing in wartime, 194
support for Vargas, 90
Diário de Notícias (newspaper)
on Brazil’s entry into war, 170
praise for Jews in, 159
on presidential election, 271
DIP. See Department of Press and Propaganda
Disney, Walt, ix, 102–103, Photo 10
Donovan, William “Wild Bill,” 96–97, 174
Draft dodging, 213
Dulles, John, 12
Dutra, Eurico Gaspar
Allied war effort, reluctance to join, 151, 167, 169
Aranha, relationship with, 116
attacks on British in press, 89
attempted coup, intervention in, 18–20
blame of Aranha for break with Axis powers, 135
expeditionary force, leadership of, 214
expeditionary force, negotiations with US for, 212
Fournier, negotiations concerning, 25
Germany, interest in ties with, 27, 41, 215
Goés Monteiro, relationship with, 177, 215
Góes Monteiro Draft, signing of, 70
London, trip to, 244
Manuel Aranha conflict, 25
on military unpreparedness, 120
new constitution, support for, 242
news articles, anger at, 90, 92
plan for mobilizing Brazil’s military, 184, 210–211
president, election as, 270–271
as presidential candidate, 250, 263
resignation, threats of, 86, 88
at Rubens Vaz’s funeral, 279
as sacrificial lamb, 244–245, 250
ship attacks, assignment of blame for, 167
Soviet Union, opposition to recognition of, 236
student rally, dispute with Aranha over, 152–153
troops in Italy, visit to, 233
US and Britain, distrust of, 71, 73
US press comments, reaction to, 57
Dutra, Santinha, 245
Eden, Anthony, 188, 227
Einstein, Albert, 155
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 277
Elections, uncertainty about, 268
Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense of the Americas, 240
Estado Novo
anti-Jewish, perception as, 158
democracy, effect of on, 160, 178, 199, 224
establishment of, xiii, 7
five-year plan, 60
internal divisions in, 151
legacies of, 63
legitimacy of, 32–33
rationale for, 44
sixth anniversary of, 216
steel mill, importance of, 60
xenophobia of, 154
Expeditionary force. See Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB)
Fairbanks, Douglas Jr., xi, 201–202
Farias, Osvaldo Cordeiro de, 265–266, 268
Favelas (samba clubs of), 141, 142
FEB. See Força Expedicionária Brasileira
Fifth column, 89, 167, 175, 222
Financial crisis, 276
Five-year plan, 60, 63–64
Flamengo Beach, 48
Fluminense Soccer Club, tunnel to, 16
Flynn, Errol, 201–202
Fontes, Lourival, 104–105, 153, 160
Food, increase in prices of, 194, 223
Food, shortages of, 223, 262, 271
Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB)
in Battle of Monte Castello, 255–256
British view of, 228
casualty rate of, 234, 255, 257
conscription of, 231
disbanding of, 257
equipment and training for, 211–212, 214, 224, 228, 230, 232–233
establishment of, 211
farewell parade through Rio, 228–229
at Italian front, 232, 234, 255–257, Photo 14
leadership of, 214
recruitment for, 213–214, 231
slogan of, 230
victory parade, 257
Ford, John, 202, 203
Foreign ministers conference, 119, 122–123, 125, 130
Fortunato, Gregório, 279
Fournier, Severo, 16, 22–25
France, entry into war, 49
Franco, Francisco, 40
Frank, Waldo, 27–28, 48, 91
Friele, Berent, 99
Fuel shortages, 138, 147, 194, 261, 272
Gable, Clark, xi
Gainer, David, 264
Gaúchos, xii
Gazetta (newspaper), anti-Semitism in, 154
General Mann (ship), 227, 229–230
attacks on Brazilian shipping by, 138, 144, 146, 151, 160, 165–166
invasion of Poland by, xiii, 39, 41–42, 51
propaganda campaigns by, 100–102, 152
rearmament program of, 4
relationship with Brazil, 31–32
reply to Brazil’s declaration of war, 171–172
rise of Nazi party in, 3–4
sale of arms to Brazil, xiii, 4, 64, 69
seizure of northern Italy by, 209
threat of invasion of the Americas by, 107
Gibralter, 67
Giraud, Henri, 185
Góes Monteiro Draft (1940), 70
Goés Montiero. See Monteiro, Pedro Aurélio de Góes
Gomes, Eduardo
British opinion of, 249
defeat of in 1950 election, 273
demand that Vargas resign, 280
as presidential election favorite, 269–270
at Rubens Vaz’s funeral, 279
support of military coup, 266
tribute to Roosevelt in newspaper, 254
US opinion of, 249
Good Neighbor Program, 1–2, 4, 62, 96, 98, 139, 252
Great Britain
analysis of German community in Rio Grande do Sul, 47–48
Aranha, opinion of, 29
Bagé crisis, 88–89
Brazilian press, subsidy of, 154
Caffrey, opinion of, 30–31
entry into war, 49
future political reform in Brazil, opinion of, 226–227
Gomes, opinion of, 249
ministry of economic warfare, 66, 67, 68, 77, 93
naval blockades by, 64–66, 77, 86
Queremistas, assessment of, 262–263
relationship with Brazil, 29, 93, 227
Vargas, opinion of, 12, 20
Green Shirts, 17, 122
Guanabara Palace
attack on, 14–20
as Vargas residence, 13–14
view of presidential residence, Photo 1
Guggenheim, Solomon R., 201
Hailey, Foster, 226
Halifax, Lord (Edward Frederick Lindley Wood), 77, 78
Hitler, Adolf
defeat of, 246
desire for closer ties with Brazil, 31
agenda of, 39
failure to invade Azores, 188
message from Vargas, 105–106
rise to power, 3–4
suicide of, 256
U-boat attacks on Brazilian shipping, 151
Hoover, Herbert, 1
Hopkins, Harry, 185
Hotel Gloria, 95
Housing, rise in cost of, 194, 271
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1
Hull, Cordell
foreign ministers conference resolutions, reaction to, 128
goals in Latin America, 2, 4
Latin America, analysis of, 6
on Portuguese islands, defense of, 109–110
reaction to Vargas’ speech, 55, 58, 59
reassurance of delivery of arms, 136
resignation of, 252
on Siqueira Campos incident, 74, 78
Welles, rivalry with, 96
Humboldt, 185
Immigrant communities, 5, 44–48, 52, 275
Inflation, 193, 271
Ingram, Jonas H.
aboard USS General Mann, Photo 12
as architect of US-Brazilian naval defenses, 178, 182
at Caffery’s dinner party, 193, 195, 199, 200
as chief of allied forces in the South Atlantic, 151, 176
as naval advisor to Vargas, 148
at Vargas-Roosevelt meeting, 184, 189
Integralistas, 8, 17, 23, 32, 86, 112, 122
Itagiba, 165
alliance with Axis, 51
as destination of expeditionary force, 228
relationship with Brazil, 24–25
surrender of, 209
Itamaraty Palace, 37
Itapé, 77
It’s All True (film), 142
Japan, 115, 127, 170
Jewish Colonization Organization, 157
Jews, in Brazil
growing tolerance for, 159–160
number of, 155–156
refugees, 156–159
travel and residency restrictions on, 154–155
treatment of, 156
Jockey Club, xi, 174
Jornal do Brasil (newspaper)
on Allied successes, 178
on Roosevelt’s visit to Natal, 191
on Vargas’ resignation, 268
Jouett, 184
Kennan, George, 33, 217
Krupp steel company, 60, 61, 62, 69
Labor Party, 262
Lacerda, Carlos, 278
Lacerda shooting scandal, 278–279
Latin America, distrust of US, 2, 6, 71, 178
League of Nations, 185
Leitchic, Marc, 157
Leme Fort, 18
Life magazine, 103, 138, 142
Liga de Defesa Nacional, 222
Linhares, José, 266, 267
Lojacono, Vincenzo, 24–25
Lothian, Lord (Philip Henry Kerr), 74
Luxembourg, 51
Machado, Cristiano, 273
Machedo, José Eduardo de, 153
Madeira (island), 187