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Slayer: A Demon Hunter's Tale

Page 38

by Nick Cranford

  Those dreams had become reality. Sand and rock felt like they were all she knew. Days had begun to run together, or at least that's how she felt. She wasn't sure how long they had been walking. She couldn't remember how long it had been since they ate the fish, but she was sure there weren't any more left. Her mouth was dry and her throat burned. Lifting the small pouch, she let a few drops fall down onto her tongue; it was the most satisfying feeling she had ever experienced.

  As they pressed on, she noticed something about Ambriel. His pace seemed slightly out of step with how it had been. It wouldn't be noticeable to anyone else, but after having watched him walk ahead of her for the past few weeks, she could tell something was wrong. Every other, other step was just a bit off from what it had been a few days before. She was so focused on watching his feet, that she barely had time to keep herself from walking into his back just as he stopped.

  She watched him for a while. He stood before her, almost motionless. She had expected him to turn and address her like usual, but he hadn't this time. Still, she waited for his words, and eventually they did come.

  "Aerin." He said as he turned his head slightly.

  "Yes?" Aerin answered, a little unsure of what was about to happen.

  "I need to speak with you." He stated.

  "Can't we talk while walking?" Aerin asked as she lifted one foot from the sand. "It's really hot right here."

  "No, I can't go on until I say this." Ambriel replied as he turned to face her completely. "When you asked me what it is that I do, I didn't lie to you." He stated, but his gaze soon drifted away. "But I may not have told you the whole truth."

  "What do you mean?" Aerin asked.

  "That day in the market, when I met you..." Ambriel's gaze slowly moved back toward Aerin's. "It was no mere chance encounter. That book you carry," He pointed toward the grimoire at Aerin's side. "I've had my eyes on that for quite some time."

  Aerin stared at him as if he'd said something she couldn't understand. She searched his face for some sign of emotion, but all she could find was the sand-worn gaze of an old man, tired from his journey.

  "Before the temple that book was held in was discovered, I was this region's guardian. When those crusaders discovered its location, I knew it was only a matter of time." He turned slightly, gazing off into the distance away from Aerin. "They knew their way around ancient magic, and they were looking for something. They found it within that tome." He sighed heavily. "When they took it West, I followed them. The man they appointed to carry the book, Isaiah, I watched him closely, expecting the corruption to take him quickly... but I was wrong."

  Aerin's eye twitched at the utterance of Isaiah's name. Her eyes darted back and forth across Ambriel's body as she listened to his words.

  "Isaiah sensed darkness within that grimoire, and when he fled the Templars, I followed. Truthfully, I expected him to hide it and flee for his life, but I was wrong again. He guarded that book like a truly noble sentinel. And I stood watch, until you took up that mantle."

  "You... you lied to me." Aerin's face was a mix of emotions, none the least was despair. "You watched?" She questioned, her voice rising. "Is that it?!" She shouted. "You... You...” Her voice began to grow soft as her eyes felt moister than the moment she stepped into the desert. "You could have saved them."

  "Aerin," Looking down, she could see Ambriel's fists clenched tightly as he spoke. His knuckles were a bright white as small droplets of blood seeped out between his fingers. "No apology will bring back the ones you lost, nor will it lift the weight I feel in my chest." He sighed heavily as he turned his face away from Aerin's gaze. "Observation was always our way, there was always a disconnect between us and humanity, but... after what happened, after I met you... I didn't just observe you, I couldn't." He shook his head. "After what I've done, I couldn't stand by and let another human die on my watch."


  Aerin stopped herself. The pain she had felt in her heart was still very much there, but the one thing she couldn't find any more was the anger. It had welled up within her, focusing itself on Ambriel. But after hearing his words, she couldn't find it in her heart to hate him. She stepped forward and placed her hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to look at her.

  "Let's go." She said quietly. Her eyes were bloodshot from the tears she had nearly cried. She walked around him, leading the way deeper into the desert.

  Ambriel simply nodded and followed her silently as they pressed forward. Their journey continued on for a while. Time, once again, became meaningless as they traveled the great expanse of the desert. The feelings Aerin had felt earlier had faded away, replaced by the only thing that mattered anymore – steady footing in the shifting sands beneath her feet. She followed Ambriel as he led the way, watching his back and studying him. She wondered what other atrocities this man, this angel had seen. It didn’t really matter though; wondering about it wouldn’t change anything. Instead she followed him quietly, no longer sighing and acting like a child as she had before. Eventually Ambriel stopped ahead of Aerin again. He turned to her, no regret in his eyes as there had been the last time he addressed her. This time, there was a look of purpose; some kind of understanding.

  "Before we go to the temple, I have one last thing I have to take care of." He announced.

  “What?” Aerin asked.

  “There is a man ahead; we’ll meet him at a fork in the road if we keep our pace.” Ambriel stated. “He holds a relic, just like you, and I’ve been tracking his presence for some time.” He sighed before speaking again. “I don’t know how tainted he might be. If he is, we may have a fight on our hands.”

  Aerin hardened her expression and nodded in agreement at his words. She had been preparing, studying, training for a fight that hadn’t come yet, but now the opportunity was over the next hill. She was ready.

  Not an hour later, they came to a fork in the road at the base of a large ridge. In the distance, a silhouette of a man appeared on the horizon. He was covered head to toe in a large dusty robe and carried a staff in his left hand. As he drew closer, he noticed the couple at the intersection. He waved and increased his pace until he reached them. He pulled back the hood on his robe, allowing it to fall behind him and exposing his sweat-matted sandy brown hair and dark colored eyes. He lowered his staff and bowed slightly.

  "Hello." He spoke cordially. "My name is Richard." He looked up and locked eyes with Aerin. “From a land far away, maybe you’ve heard of it? It’s called Holland.”

  Chapter Twenty

  John stared down at the book he held firmly in his hands. His thumbs were pressed against the cover tightly, his gaze unwavering from the black leather. The last time he had awoken from a memory it had been gentle. His consciousness had left Aerin’s body and slowly returned to his own. This time had been different. He had been forcefully ripped from her, his senses numbed and his body shaken. Meredith had been sitting across from him just as she had before, a stack of books surrounding her from her own reading. When he suddenly awoke with a gasp, his head smacking against the bookcase causing half a dozen books to tumble down to the floor around him, she had watched him with great concern, but never spoke. She had waited patiently, watching and waiting for John to say something, not wanting to make the experience any more jarring that it already had been.

  “Holland.” John finally managed to speak up. His words broke the silence that filled the void and caught Meredith’s attention.

  “Yes.” She affirmed.

  “The same one?” He asked, though he felt he already knew the answer. “The same one I watched Aerin kill?”

  “Yes.” Meredith affirmed again with a nod.

  John sat still, his questions having been answered he pondered them in his mind. He looked down at the book in thought, as if he was remembering something, playing something back over and over in his head. Finally, he spoke again.


  “Everyone has a beginning.” Meredith stated matter-of-factually. “E
ven Richard Holland.” She put the book she was holding down and scooted over beside John before resting against him and placing her hand on the book he held. “We all start somewhere. Holland wasn’t always the monster you found him to be. At one point, he was human, just like Aerin and much like yourself.”

  “It’s just…” John closed his eyes and sighed. “It’s a lot to take in. All these memories.”

  “I know.” Meredith said as she reached up and gently rubbed his back. “But you have to keep going.” Her small hand cupped over John’s, and as she did, John felt his own grip on the book lessen. “She’s in here somewhere and we need to find her.”

  “You’re right.” John said with a sigh.

  He slid his thumbs under the cover and opened it, flipping through the pages quickly until he got back to where he had last left off. As he read, he was hit again with the familiar rush as his consciousness was transported again into a mind that was not his own.

  Aerin glanced left then right as she surveyed the situation. To her right stood Ambriel, his fists clenched ready to deploy Cyphers that would strengthen his attacks. Before her was the man Ambriel had warned of, stating a fight could be on their hands, but this was the same man that had just introduced himself with a smile. She could feel her heart beating fast in her chest. Glancing to Ambriel again, she could see the calm expression he wore on his face, despite his fists clenched below. She studied him quickly; it looked like Ambriel was sizing up the man before them both. After what felt like a long tense standoff, but what was most likely only a few seconds, Ambriel unclenched one of his hands and stepped forward, holding it out to the man.

  “Richard of Holland, then?” He said with a bit of a smile. “I’ve heard of it.” He stated. “I am Ambriel, and this here is Aerin.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” Richard took hold of his hand and shook it.

  “No, no, the pleasure is mine.” Ambriel stated as he shook firmly.

  “I see, I see.” Richard nodded and let go of Ambriel’s hand before turning toward Aerin and holding it towards her. “Glad to-“

  Suddenly he froze. Aerin and Ambriel both stared at him curiously. He wore a strange look on his face, like he’d seen something he had long forgotten. He studied Aerin’s face, much to her disapproval. Suddenly he moved again, this time closer towards Aerin. She instinctively took a step back as Ambriel clenched his fists, waiting to see how the next few seconds would play out.

  “Your eyes…” Richard spoke as he gazed into Aerin’s yellow irises.

  “M-My eyes?” She stammered, unsure how to react.

  “Yes… I… I see.” Clarity seemed to fill Richard’s expression. “You’ve lost someone. Someone dear to you. Is that right?” He asked.

  “H-How did… How did you know that?” Aerin was completely disarmed.

  Something clicked back into place inside of Richard. He took a step back, realizing how close he was to Aerin. His face flushed red and he cleared his throat to try and cover his embarrassment.

  “Please forgive me!” He pleaded. “I’m on a journey east and it’s… been a while since I’ve talked with others…”

  Richard apologized for his actions over and over. While Aerin was still taken off guard, Ambriel stepped in. The apology seemed to be enough for him, or maybe he was still measuring Richard, either way he spoke with a smile.

  “East?” Ambriel repeated with a smile. “So are we.” He stated as he crossed his arms. “What say we travel together?”

  “Together?” Richard repeated the word. His eyes seemed to light up at the thought. “Oh I would be overjoyed!” He nearly shouted. “Strength in numbers!”

  “Indeed.” Ambriel agreed with him. As he turned he gently patted Aerin on the shoulder. The action seemed to snap her out of the daze she had been in. “Come. Tell us of your homeland.”

  Richard caught up beside Ambriel almost instantly; while Aerin hung back a ways. She was still partially stunned at what had happened. It had been almost a month since Isaiah and her parents’ death. She had thought her emotions were in check by now save for her outburst against Ambriel earlier. Had she been this easy to read the whole time? She played the scenario over and over in her head as they trekked further; opting out of the conversations between the two ahead of her while she was lost in thought.

  Ambriel and Richard went on and on about the latter’s homeland. They discussed its climate, the heavy rains that plagued it and the slowly encroaching ocean poised to overtake them. He talked of his people, strong survivors from all walks of life. They discussed many things, but none of which Aerin really cared to hear. She was in her own little world as they slowly began to climb the mountain ahead of them. They talked and climbed and climbed and talked over and over and over. She followed behind them, lagging back a little ways until she could barely hear their conversation anymore. The sound of the wind whipping across the side of the ridge was all she was interested in. Finally, after a hard steep climb, they stopped ahead of her.

  "It would probably be a good idea to stop here." Richard stated as he took in their surroundings.

  The sun was setting far to the west behind them, casting long shadows over the dunes that covered the desert floor. Soon, there wouldn’t be much light left to see to do anything.

  "I agree." Ambriel replied. “Besides, the wind here feels good.” He said as he fluttered the collar of his tunic. “We should stop and enjoy it while we can.”

  “Good idea.” Richard said. “I’ll search around for some kindling for a fire.”

  Aerin watched quietly from atop a rock as Ambriel and Richard set up camp. They worked together well, almost as if they had been working with each other for years. As they joked with each other and started a fire, it was hard to believe that earlier that day Ambriel had been preparing to kill him; but Aerin didn’t really care. Her mind was enthralled with thoughts of Isaiah and her family. But when the sun set and a cold wind blew across the rise, chilling her to the bone, her thoughts settled down and she joined the two men by the warmth of the fire. As they dined on stale bread that Richard had offered up from his pack, the conversation began anew.

  “So what brings a man such as yourself this far into the desert?” Ambriel asked.

  “Well.” Richard spoke before swallowing another bite of bread. “I’m heading into the belly of this desert actually.”

  “Oh?” Ambriel raised an eyebrow quizzically. “What for?”

  “Well I…” Richard glanced at Aerin and Ambriel before shaking his head. “Don’t worry about it, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “I’ve seen many things in my time.” Ambriel stated as he leaned against a rock and crossed his arms. “It will take more than a few lofty words to make me a skeptic.”

  “Very well.” Richard shrugged as he conceded the point. “I’m in search of a temple.” He stated.

  Aerin glanced up at his words, suddenly interested in the conversation. She looked over towards Ambriel, but his gaze was fixed on Richard, unwavering.

  “A temple?” Ambriel repeated in question.

  “Yes. Deep in the center of the desert.” Richard said. “In its heart, it is said to contain powerful ancient magic.”

  Aerin glanced over at Ambriel again. She was beginning to understand why he had said Richard could be dangerous. She had thought him to be no more than just a passing traveler and that Ambriel had been wrong. But the more he spoke, the more she grew concerned.

  “Ancient magic?” Ambriel tilted his head and repeated in question again.

  “See.” Richard slumped back. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me...” He said in defeat.

  “How’s this for belief?”

  Ambriel suddenly held out his hand towards Richard. Blue light swirled around his palm before forming into a Cypher. It spun round, a light blue color to its hue and multiple runic symbols running along its length. Richard’s eyes lit up at the display as he moved closer to see. His face was full of wonder and bewilderment as he examined A
mbriel’s Cypher.

  “Magic!” Richard exclaimed. “I thought there would be others, but I never thought I would see it!”

  “Others?” Ambriel repeated as his eyes narrowed.

  Richard suddenly reached behind him, causing both Aerin and Ambriel to stiffen slightly unsure of what to expect. He grabbed the staff he had been carrying and brought it around for them to view. Getting a closer look at it, Aerin could see that it was wooden, with multiple carvings all along its length. They looked familiar, almost like the ones that appeared on Cyphers, but at the same time she felt as though she had seen the symbols elsewhere. Richard clutched the staff in his hands as he wore a smile on his face.

  “This was a ceremonial staff used by my father to herald rain.” He explained. “But… it’s so much more.”

  “Show me.” Ambriel said as he crossed his arms again and rested against the rock, his eyes fixed on the object before him.

  Richard nodded eagerly before standing and moving a little ways from camp. He slammed the staff into the ground and dug his feet into the dirt. With both hands on the staff he closed his eyes and stood motionless for a moment as his concentration was focused on the conduit in front of him. Both Aerin and Ambriel could feel it, something was happening. The air seemed to pop and crackle and it felt almost as if the wind had changed direction. Suddenly, Richard thrust the staff into the air above him. A brilliant arc of lightning exploded from the tip of the staff and shot upward. It zigzagged through the night sky before finally disappearing into a brilliant spider web above them.

  “Magic!” Aerin cried out at the display.

  "Indeed." Ambriel agreed. He stroked his short beard in thought. "Extremely powerful magic, and a relic at that."

  "You know about this?" Richard questioned. When both Aerin and Ambriel shook their heads yes, he quickly returned to his seat to continue the conversation. "It scared me to death at first, but as I learned to control it I realized I could use this power for good." He stated.


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