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Page 13

by Honey Palomino

  I needed to make sure she remembered me.

  My mouth found her center, my tongue darting out, tasting her sweetness. I moaned as I delved into her soft wetness, her thighs quivering under my palms as I held them apart. I found her clit, sucking it into my mouth with abandon, my tongue working around it until she was writhing above me.

  “Stryker!” She cried out, my cock twitching in reply. I licked every inch of her, memorizing every shudder and shake of her body so I knew how to do it again later. I shifted, sliding a finger deep inside of her, causing a low groan to escape from her perfect mouth. Adding another finger, she groaned again, widening her thighs, her body begging for more.

  My mouth and hands working together, I lost myself in the act, closing my eyes and letting the passion I felt for her wash over me, her pleasure becoming my pleasure, my body moving with hers as if they were made for each other. Her hips rocked against me, her screams and moans becoming louder as I fucked into her harder with my fingers, my mouth sucking her clit rhythmically, pulling and pressing and licking.

  Her thighs clamped around my head, her body seizing in a stunning display as her juices flowed over my fingers, my mouth lapping up her treasure, my name falling from her tongue as she breathlessly cried out.

  I stood up, capturing her mouth in mine while I caught her with an arm, her legs weakening. I carried her to her bedroom, placing her on the bed while I stood over her and began undressing

  She stared up at me, her eyes shining with emotion.

  I ripped my t-shirt over my head, and leaned back down, my mouth landing on hers again, her tongue welcoming me with abandon.

  Chapter 39


  I could taste myself on his lips.

  When he stood back up, I licked my own lips, relishing in the taste as I drank in his brilliant body.

  He was all muscle and ink and hair. The wildness in his eyes was enough to take my breath away, as if he hadn’t already stolen every last bit of air I had with his mouth. My body pulsed with the heat of my orgasm, as if he’d ripped every single ounce of life from my body.

  Unable and unwilling to tear my gaze away, I raked my eyes over his body shamelessly as he pushed his jeans over his hips, before standing back up before me. Naked and proud, he offered his image to me like a masterpiece I was allowed to touch.

  I reached out, my fingertips sliding over his abdomen, sinking into the indentations formed by his rippling muscles. My other hand slid up and over his thigh, his velvety skin hot against my palm as I pulled him closer, his cock hard and pulsing between us.

  It was beautiful. Perfectly formed, velvety and swollen and begging for my mouth. I opened my lips, sliding the head between them, the smoothness of his skin against my tongue giving me the most delectable pleasure. He cried out, his fingers once again tangling in my hair as I guided my mouth down the shaft, engulfing him with my lips, my tongue swirling around the head.

  I wanted to make him shudder.

  I wanted him to explode in my mouth.

  I wanted to taste the deliciousness of his heat.

  “My god, Clara!” He shouted, my name echoing off the walls as his deep voice boomed through my apartment. He pulled away, his eyes wild as he shook his head.

  “No, not like that,” he said, as he pushed me back on the bed. He climbed between my open thighs, towering over me as he stared down at me. His lips found mine again and he kissed me deep and long, our naked bodies relishing the feel of rubbing together. My thighs wrapped around his hips, pulling his cock towards me as his tongue tangled with mine. His cock rubbed against my lips, searing me with its heat as my stomach flipped with anticipation.

  He pulled his lips from mine, peering into my eyes again. A storm of desire raged there as he lifted his hips, holding my gaze as he shifted his cock to my entrance, pushing forward smoothly, his eyes dilating as he filled me.

  “Stryker,” I moaned, my body melting under him.

  “Oh, Clara,” he growled, sliding deeper inside of me.

  I whimpered, opening my thighs wider, wanting every single last inch of his body inside of mine. He moved against me, sliding out and back in, his smooth thrusts sending shocks of pleasure rippling over every inch of my skin.

  I threw back my head, arching my back and raising my hips, allowing him full access to my body.

  I would have given him anything at that moment.

  All I had to offer was my body.

  And I gave it all to him.

  For as long as he wanted, I knew I was his.

  Chapter 40


  By the time we made it back to the castle, it felt like a lifetime had passed.

  I hadn’t expected my day to include passionate sex with Clara, and to be honest, I had no idea how I’d lucked out so spectacularly, but the one thing I did know was that everything had changed.

  The man that walked into Clara’s apartment wasn’t the same one that walked out. Sliding into her, kissing her, tasting her, feeling her body fully against mine — it changed me.

  There was one other thing I knew.

  That I had no fucking clue how to express to her how much that meant to me. Not in a superficial, wow-that-was-great-sex-thanks-a-lot kind of way, but in a profound way that made me question all the sex I’d had before.

  Is that how it was supposed to feel?

  Had I truly been missing out all these years?

  Was my body supposed to buzz like it had been electrocuted afterwards?

  All these questions were in my head, but the answer to them didn’t matter one fucking bit. Because the questions themselves didn’t matter.

  What’s done was done and I was a changed man.

  The real question, the one that definitely mattered, was if she felt the same way? Hell, maybe Clara had earth-shattering, soul-shaking sex all the time, what did I know?

  Maybe if I knew her better, I would feel differently. I’d have more of a gauge on her feelings. But, for fuck’s sake, I didn’t even know her last name. I didn’t know her favorite color, or what toppings she liked on her pizza, or even if she fucking liked pizza at all.

  What I did know was that she shuddered to her very core when I sank my tongue into her pussy. What I did know was that she tasted like the sweetest fruit I’d ever tasted. What I did know was that when she cried out my name, I felt like I’d never made any mistakes in my life.

  Because whatever I’d done, wherever I’d gone, it had all led me to her.

  And all the bullshit I’d gone through, all the pain, all the uncertainty, all the hard work — it all finally had a meaning. I’d gone through it all just to get to this moment, here with her.

  That’s not exactly what you say to someone right out of the fucking gate, you know?

  So, I kept my mouth shut after we managed to untangle ourselves long enough to put our clothes back on. I’d thought about saying something on the ride back, but then I couldn’t exactly find the right words that would get my point across and not cause her to run in the other direction screaming.

  All I wanted to do was have another chance to experience that, and I was terribly afraid of saying something to screw up those chances. That wasn’t something I was ready to risk, because I really fucking needed to be inside her again — and soon.

  My cock was already throbbing, my body aching for more.

  When we got back to the castle, it was obvious we weren’t missed. Everyone was off doing their own thing and Eva and the guys weren’t back yet.

  Clara sighed with relief and I realized she probably felt guilty. Willa was still missing and maybe we shouldn’t have been having that much fun.

  We headed out by the pool to continue to wait.

  “There might be some drinks in the guest house,” she said. “I could use a cocktail.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said. I hadn’t touched her since we walked out of her apartment, but the urge to grab her hand now was overwhelming. Instead, I shoved my hands in my pockets and fol
lowed her in. The guest house had a wall of windows that faced the pool, but it was bigger than the farmhouse I’d grown up in. Decorated as opulently as the castle, it was thankfully just a little less formal. As Clara grabbed some drinks from the kitchen, I sank into the soft velvet sofa and looked out the windows.

  When she sat down beside me, she handed me a scotch on the rocks. I took a big drink, it’s warmth hitting the spot. I reached over and grabbed her hand, watching as she peered at me over her own glass. When she put the glass down and licked her lips, I knew I’d found the threshold of my strength.

  Pulling her into my arms, I kissed her deeply, my lips hungry for more of her. I’d told myself to keep my hands off of her once we got back — I hadn’t forgotten that I was here to do a job, after all — but I figured if we were all alone, it would be okay.

  By the way she responded to my kiss, she didn’t disagree.

  She wrapped her arms around me, crawling into my lap and straddling my hips as she kissed me back. I moaned into her mouth, my cock instantly hard against her. She rocked her hips against me, fueling my need for her with every move. My tongue delved deeper in her mouth, pulling her closer to me as we moaned together.

  I moved to search for the hem of her dress, having every intention of pulling it over her head and starting all over again devouring her body.

  The sound of a throat clearing stopped me.

  We froze, our heads snapping around towards the door. Diana stood there, her lips curled into an amused smirk.

  “Diana!” Clara said, jumping off of me like I was on fire.

  I reached down, covering the outline of my throbbing cock.

  “Hey, you two,” she chuckled, teasingly. “Making the most of your time, I see.” It was obvious why she and Slade loved each other so much. She had her own mischievous streak. “I just wanted to fill you in. Slade just called and said they’d found some drawings made by Willa all through town. They even found her necklace in a park.”


  “Yeah, some horse or a pony or something,” Diana said. Clara’s eyes lit up.

  “That’s amazing! That means she’s alive, right?”

  “I think so,” Diana agreed.

  Clara cried out with joy, then grabbed me, kissing me firmly full on the lips.

  Diana started laughing, shaking her head.

  “I’ll leave you two alone,” she said. “I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Thank you so much for telling me,” Clara said, beaming.

  She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life and I had no idea how in the hell I was ever going to leave this fucking island.

  Chapter 41


  We grabbed a pizza and brought it back to the lighthouse. I was still pretending that everything was okay, and Dragon was playing along with me, but each time he touched me, his touch was firmer and rougher and I sensed a thread of anger in his words as the day wore on.

  By the time we climbed the stairs of the lighthouse, my nerves were a wreck.

  I kept trying to send messages to Eva, but I had no way of knowing if she was getting them. I kept visualizing the park, the statues, the drawings and my necklace, hoping somehow she’d make her way to them.

  I kept a close eye on Dragon’s phone, hoping to find another opportunity to grab it. Unfortunately, he was keeping it shoved in his pocket. We ate the pizza in silence, and I watched him devour three pieces and three beers. By the time he was done, his demeanor had changed.

  Flashing me a sickly smile, he inched closer to me. Since we didn’t have a table, we ate on the edge of the bed, and now he moved the pizza out of the way and pulled me into his arms. I resisted the urge to tense up, being careful not to anger him.

  The truth is I was scared. The text messages had been running through my head over and over, and I had no idea what his intentions were. Now that I was here alone with him again, I was kicking myself for not just causing a scene in the park and asking for help from a stranger. But the way he kept me so close, the way he looked at me, left no doubt that there would be hell to pay if I did that. I had no idea what he might do to me.

  But, now, I had no idea what he might do tonight and the fear gripped my heart. I had to be smarter than him, stronger than him.

  I pulled away, flashing him a fake smile. “Can I have one of those beers?”

  “There’s still some whiskey,” he offered.

  “I want to try the beer,” I said. He shrugged and handed me a bottle. I popped it open and took a sip and walked over to the window.

  “Wow,” I whispered. “Look at the moon!”

  He got up and walked over to me, nodding slowly as he downed another bottle. He put the bottle down and stood behind me, his arms slowly wrapping around my waist. Bringing his mouth to my ear, he whispered, sending shivers up my spine.

  “I know what you’re doing, Willa,” he whispered, his breath hot. “And I understand you’re nervous, that’s only natural. But you owe me, Princess.”

  He tightened his grip around my waist, pushing into me from behind, his hardness pressing into my butt.

  “Tonight’s the night, Willa,” he continued. “You’ve made me wait long enough. It’s not right and I’m not going to wait any longer.”

  I swallowed hard and grabbed his hands, spinning out of his grip and facing him. I mustered a smile and forced myself to brush my lips against his.

  “Of course we are!” I hissed. “But first, I really want to take a stroll under the moonlight! It’s so romantic, don’t you think?”

  He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Fine,” he agreed, grabbing the half bottle of whiskey and handing me another beer. “But drink up. I don’t want you all tense and weird.”

  I grabbed the beer from him and flashed him another smile.

  “Bottoms up!” I cried, following him down the stairs.

  Chapter 42


  “I told Diana what we found,” Slade said. “She’s going to fill in the others.”

  “Right on,” I said. “I want to get back to the castle and talk to Joe myself, but first I want to go to this last address real quick.”

  Eva was wearing both necklaces now, and her face was full of hope. I didn’t really know what all this meant, but I was anxious to get back to my computer and start hacking into the surveillance cameras of all the businesses around the park, with the supermarket being first.

  Willa was trying to send us a message. That I was sure of.

  I just didn’t know what she was trying to say.

  I was hoping Eva would remember something, and would be able to put something together. We’d determined there were no rockets on the island, so it was unclear what that meant. There was no discernible pattern to the drawings and we didn’t find any others outside of the park.

  As much as I hated to admit it, we still weren’t any closer to finding Willa, despite all we’d found.

  I was putting all my hope into this one last house we were visiting.

  When we pulled up to it, I saw the van right away.

  When I saw the dent in the door, I almost jumped for joy.

  Chapter 43


  “What’s going to happen?” Eva asked, her eyes wide as we watched Riot and Wreck approach the house.

  “Not sure,” I shrugged. She’d been wide-eyed since we left the castle and I had to keep reminding myself that she’d not been out in the world for years. Her black wig kept sliding off her head and she was obsessively reaching up to adjust it. It was adorable. She was sharp and strong, and I couldn’t help but think what a waste it was to keep her locked away, to keep her from living her best life.

  As worried as she was about her sister, she was obviously thrilled to be experiencing anything else but living at that castle.

  It was a shame what their father had done to them.

  “Hey, you know you deserve to have a life,” I said.

  She looked at me in surprise. “Tell tha
t to my father,” she said, her words dripping with sarcasm.

  “Yeah, some people get saddled with a difficult old man,” I said. “Doesn’t look like you were spared that.”

  “Difficult? More like a tyrant. He takes his title to the extreme.”

  “Well, you can’t really blame the guy for worrying about y’all. He’s just taking it a little too far.”

  “I wish things were different,” she said, wistfully.

  “Well, that’s what I’m saying. Don’t wish, just do.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Look, it’s obvious your old man loves you both very much. Maybe now that you’re older, he needs to be shown that you don’t need such extreme protection any more. Maybe you’re the one that needs to show him that.”

  “Yeah, right. Do you know what’s going to happen after Willa comes home? We’re never going to see the light of day again. He’s going to lock us in a cage and have Sandy guard it!”

  “That lion is no joke,” I said, shaking my head, remembering the vibration of its roar. There wasn’t much that made my penis shrink up inside of me, but that sure as hell did. “Listen, if you stand up for yourself, I bet your old man will recognize what you’re doing and respect it. Even after all of this. You and Willa need to form a united front and demand to be allowed to live your lives as you see fit.”

  “We’re blood princesses! We’re doomed to our fates.”

  “Well, trust me, your fates could be worse. And even so, you can still have a fucking life. I mean, a life, excuse me again for cussing.”

  “You know what, Slade?” she asked, smiling over at me.


  “You’re so fucking right!” She laughed.

  “Fuck yeah, I am,” I laughed with her. “I’m always fucking right.”


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