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Saving The Werewolves (Lost Princess 0f Howling Sky Book 2) - A Reverse Harem Paranormal Werewolf Romance Series

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by Kamryn Hart

  “You’re too precious to us,” he whispered. “I can’t seal you with the Mate Claim because what if it shuts out the others? I don’t think you want that. From what I know, a werea can only be sealed to one werewolf. But what you did when you kissed us on the full moon wasn’t like anything I’ve ever heard of before. This is uncharted territory, and I’m just not ready, Sorissa. I’m not ready.”

  “Okay, Caspian,” I said. I brought my fingers to the back of his head and stroked his curly hair, tangling my fingers in it and focusing my attention on the bouncy texture in an attempt to lessen the ache. I thought he was wrong about the possibility of him sealing me shutting the others out, but I didn’t say it because it wouldn’t have changed his mind. “But you should know I have no intention of ever breaking your heart.”

  “Let’s just get through the Alpha Challenge together, shall we? I need you with me.”

  He needed me. “Of course, Caspian.” I smiled. “All of us together.”

  He moved and sat me down on the couch next to him. It helped the ache a little. Only a little. I had to get my mind on something else before I lost it. “We need to wake up everyone else because I had a dream I need to share. I think we should go on a trip to prepare for the Alpha Challenge.”

  Caspian raised a dark eyebrow.

  “It feels important.” I pressed my hand to my chest.

  “You’re having prophetic dreams now?” The playful grin I loved flashed across his lips. “You must have inherited witch magic after all.”

  I raised my chin. “I would be quite proud of that. Maybe I’d be representing Babaga properly instead of everybody thinking she’s some kind of evil monster.” I frowned. My love for Babaga hadn’t waned—even with the fresh wound left by her betrayal that continued to make my heart bleed. I was in so much pain. So much confusing need. I thought I was hiding it all well, respecting what Caspian said and moving on, but a tear escaped my eye anyway.

  Caspian reached for the tear before I got the chance to. He gently caught it with the pad of his thumb. I knew he cared. I could sense it. But he didn’t know what else to say. There was nothing he could say because he wasn’t ready. I caught his hand and held it to my face before he could retreat. I needed him to know I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t upset with his decision because he wasn’t rejecting me, not really. He was afraid, and he needed time.

  “Let’s wake up the others then,” he whispered.

  “So, what exactly are we doing up so early when we went to bed so late?” Aerre asked as he rubbed his eyes. Everyone was half asleep except for me and Caspian.

  “I think we should go to Howling Sky to prepare for the Alpha Challenge,” I said. “Howling Sky was home to the most powerful werewolves, right? I think we could learn something there.”

  “They’re dead. What made them powerful was their bloodline,” Todd commented. “You and I are probably the only ones left. Truthfully, my bloodline isn’t especially amazing in the strength department either. Caspian’s bloodline is stronger than mine. Yours, on the other hand, is in another category entirely.”

  I shrugged. “I just feel like it’s where we need to go. Besides, if we go, we’ll be able to focus only on our preparations, right? There won’t be any distractions.”

  Aerre frowned at that.

  Rodrick said, “I think it’s a good idea. At least, the getting out of our heads part. Caspian needs to focus if he’s going to win the Alpha Challenge. It’ll be easier to do that if he’s outside of Wolf Bridge.”

  “We all have to go to Howling Sky together,” I insisted. “That’s what I dreamed.”

  “Dreamed?” He shook his head. “Never mind that. I agree Caspian needs to get out of Wolf Bridge with me, but if all of us left together, if all of us were alone together, it sounds like it would be more of a distraction than being in Wolf Bridge.”

  His green eyes locked onto mine, burning. I shivered in response to his gaze, goosebumps spreading all over my skin. His look spurred on that ache I was trying to ignore. I wondered if it had become a new constant in my life. If it had, I wasn’t sure I would survive it. It was almost like that pull I felt to Charles after he bit me, but this was much more powerful, and I didn’t want to resist it. I needed them. We needed to go to Howling Sky together. I always listened to my gut, my heart, my head, and they were all telling me the same thing.

  “I really feel like we should go,” I whispered. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” they all responded without hesitation.

  “Then trust me on this. We’re going to make sure Caspian wins. I know we’re all worried about Wolf Bridge and what might happen here while we’re gone, but I don’t think we have to worry about the king. From everything we already discussed, I think it’d be very unlikely for him to break all that he built here just to hurt us. As for other threats, mainly Paws Peak, we’re only five werewolves. If Paws Peak is stupid enough to attack again, us not being here wouldn’t change much of anything. The same goes for Crimson Caves. I don’t have any moonlight left, so I would be useless. Besides, we’ll be gone less than a month.

  “Philip obviously knows how to protect a kingdom, or it wouldn’t have lasted this long, right? He’ll continue to protect it with or without us here. Going to Howling Sky is the best way we can help everyone in Wolf Bridge. Making sure Caspian wins the Alpha Challenge is the best way we can help Wolf Bridge.”

  Todd nodded his head slowly. “Maybe it would be beneficial for us to be somewhere else on our own after all. I mean, there is something tying us together. It’s faint compared to how it was on that full moon night, but it’s powerful. I think we can all agree on that. Going to Howling Sky would eliminate all other distractions in that sense, and maybe we’d be able to strengthen this… thing. It could help us.” He shrugged. “I’m with Sorissa.”

  Caspian sighed. “A vote then?”

  It didn’t take long for Phantom Fangs to come around, because not one of them voted against me. Aerre hesitated, but it was only for a moment.

  “We should leave as soon as possible,” I said.

  “Let’s plan on leaving tomorrow,” Caspian agreed. “Before we can say that for certain though, I need to talk to the king. So, while I work things out with him, the rest of you should do whatever you need to do to prepare for our departure.”

  “Where is Koren?” Aerre asked.

  “The castle where he’s stationed.”

  “I’m going with you then.”

  Caspian opened his mouth to say something else, but he ended up closing it again without saying anything.

  “I’ll gather the supplies we’ll need,” Rodrick said as he stood and rolled his broad shoulders back and cracked his neck.

  “I’m going to the wall to see what I can do about last-minute fortifications, and also to see if I can pinpoint exactly how Paws Peak and the vampires got past our defenses.”

  I didn’t like how certain Todd was about the vampires being the ones to infiltrate Wolf Bridge, that they might have used Charles’ impulsive rage to do it and took the opportunity to capture me. But I could also understand why. Wolf Bridge and Paws Peak, the werewolves, had no interest in helping vampires—even my Phantom Fangs. I wondered if things could change. I wondered about Evie’s sincerity.

  “I’m going to the Tech Off Zone to see if there’s anything I can do to help the new humans who just moved in,” I announced.

  “Sounds like we’re good to go,” Caspian said. “We’ll plan on meeting back at the lair tonight. Just in case, we’re all taking portacomms with us. Sorissa, I’ll teach you how to use one.”

  “I think I have a pretty good idea of how to use one,” I said with a satisfied smile. I winked at Todd, remembering the crash course he gave me on tech during our time together in the Heart. “Or do you need help with gathering supplies, Rodrick? I could go with you instead.”

  “I’m good. Do your thing, little fighter. Go help those humans. If anyone can make them feel comfortable here, it’s you.”<
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  “Even though I’m a werea?”

  “Because you’re the Lost Princess of Howling Sky,” Caspian said. “No, not even that. Because you’re you.”

  Because I’m me. Evie said something similar.



  CASPIAN AND I WERE silent as we walked through the many castle halls. I was beginning to wonder if he had forgotten where exactly in the castle Koren was stationed because it seemed like we were circling back around. I looked behind me and into another hall to check if I recognized anything. Then I ran into Caspian.

  “Give a warning next time,” I said.

  “Watch where you’re going,” he retorted and pointed. I followed his finger to see Koren rounding a corner down the hall. “He’s on break. That explains a lot. I was beginning to wonder if I didn’t know where he was stationed at all.”

  “Gods, Caspian.”

  “We were going to have to ask someone.” He chuckled. “Better go catch up with him if you want to talk.” I didn’t know why he was acting all lighthearted. I was certain he wasn’t looking forward to his talk with the king. But that was Caspian.

  “Be nice to him, Aerre.” The playfulness was gone with that serious tone in his voice.

  “I’m not stupid,” I said.

  He hummed low in his chest. It almost sounded like a growl. It was like he didn’t believe me. He was such a pain in the ass sometimes.

  “Good luck with the king,” I said. I was about to step away, so I could catch up with Koren, but Caspian grabbed my shoulder.

  “What?” I said irritably.

  “I mean it, Aerre. Koren’s nice enough. From what Sorissa said, I can only assume you’re worried about Trace, but please don’t start anything.”

  I shoved him off. “I won’t do anything unseemly.”

  “If you need to talk... you know. I’ll always do my best to solve your problems.”

  I scoffed, “I don’t need you to solve my problems.”

  Caspian gave a dismissive shrug and turned on his heels. He left the way we had come, making his way to the throne room where he would discuss Howling Sky with the king, his father. I watched him for a moment, observing his broad werewolf shoulders and his confident gait. He had changed a lot physically since we were kids, but every time I looked at him, all I could see was that dumb cub all those years ago. He still acted like that cub even if he didn’t look much like him anymore. He was still trying to win me over when there was no reason to, wasn’t he? Why did he care so much? And how did I ever catch his attention in the first place? There was nothing special about me, but Caspian always seemed to think so.

  Damn Phantom Prince.

  I let out a pent-up breath as I ran forward and rounded the corner. I caught up to Koren just before I would have lost him down another hall. My steps were light and quiet, my movements like a phantom. Phantom Fangs hadn’t existed for long, but it had made us all ghosts. He didn’t see me coming.

  “Koren,” I called.

  He stopped with a jolt and looked back at me. His eyes widened as he turned around to face me. He had this look that reminded me of a puppy. It was mostly his big, brown, and expressive eyes. I could see exactly why Trace had a thing for him. He was the cute type, and yet he was brawny as fuck because that seemed to be a minimum werewolf requirement.

  “What can I do for you, Aerre?”

  “I might be leaving Wolf Bridge until the next full moon,” I said and tried to swallow the dryness in my throat that was causing my voice to crack. “I need to know that Trace and my mother are going to be kept safe. I’d feel better if I knew someone trustworthy was watching over them.”

  But was Koren trustworthy?

  “I’ll keep them safe,” he assured. “Is that all?”

  “Do you really love my sister?” I blurted.


  “Prove it.”

  He tensed and looked past me to some other guards moving down the hall. “Not here.”

  He waited a moment longer before pulling me away into a quiet dark corner near a storage room. Then he ushered me inside the cramped space of the storage room and shut the door behind us, trapping us in darkness. I hated that he touched me without permission, and I immediately ripped out of his grasp. We were too close for my liking, but I couldn’t do much else. There was barely enough room in here not to touch him. My back was pressed against a collection of broomsticks. I understood the need for discretion, but I was claustrophobic, my heart was pounding, and I wanted to scream.

  “I love Trace. I know I’m not supposed to because she’s a human and I’m a werewolf, but Trace… Trace is my everything,” Koren said.

  I growled.

  “I never meant to fall in love with her.”

  “You shouldn’t have,” I said severely. “You haven’t. You don’t love her. How can you?”

  “Just listen,” he pleaded. “She started working in the castle about a couple months ago.”

  Had it been that long since Trace started working in the castle? Since Phantom Fangs? How could I have been so fucking oblivious?

  Koren watched me warily for a moment. My eyes had adjusted to the dark well enough to see him. Was he afraid of me? Was I growling without realizing it?

  “Go on,” I said gruffly.

  “Trace and I met in passing. We merely glimpsed each other just because we both worked in the castle, and it was nothing more than that. Then we ended up having breaks at the same time. One day, I went straight to the kitchen instead of eating in the mess hall because I was starving. Trace was there with some other humans. She spotted me when I failed to sneak my way in and out. I somehow managed to cause a landslide of pots and pans. Even got buried in them. Trace came to my rescue with a smile on her face and a giggle she tried to hide. When she got me out, she offered me a cut of prime meat because ‘it looked like I could use it after that embarrassing display.’ No human had ever talked to me like that before. No human had ever felt so warm either.”

  I scowled. Trace was terrified of werewolves after what happened with Zecke. But she applied to work in the castle to overcome her fears and was able to talk to Koren like it was no big deal? Apparently, when my sister made a decision, she stuck with it.

  “I talked to her plenty during that lunch break,” Koren said. “I hadn’t ever talked to her before that, and it went by too fast. I wanted to see her again, talk to her again. So, I went out of my way to meet her in the kitchen the next day. She was there, and it turned out to be a good place to go since we easily became invisible when we sat down and talked in a quiet corner while the cooks bustled around, focusing on their work. We kept our voices low and talked for as long as we could. It quickly became a daily routine.”

  I bit my lower lip to stop myself from interrupting, but I was getting fucking irritated with how close he was to me in this tight space. He was close enough for me to feel his breath on my skin. The more he told me about Trace, the angrier I got. I asked him for help to watch over Trace and Mom, but I couldn’t believe this. Was it really and truly possible for a werewolf to love a human?

  Koren continued, “She became the highlight of my every day. One day, when we were talking, she touched my hand. It was a light touch, but she must’ve felt it as deeply as I did, because our eyes met, and we kissed ever so briefly. We stopped because of the unspoken rules, but then we kissed again because we didn’t care. I fell in love with her little by little since I first talked to her. After we kissed, I started wishing for more than secret conversations and more kissing. I couldn’t get the idea of claiming her out of my head, and I never will until I do it. She told me she wants it too but that we have to wait because no one else would understand. We could destroy what we have if we’re not careful. But I want Trace as my mate, so I can spend always with her. Sometimes, waiting is excruciating because I don’t know if there will ever be an end to it.”

  “She’s human,” I hissed. “She’s… she’s human! You will easily outlive her.
She can never have your cubs.” The growls, this ridiculous werewolf reflex, in my chest were growing more intense. I was having a hard time staying quiet. I didn’t want to stifle them, but I did my best to because I didn’t want anybody else knowing about this. “She doesn’t deserve to be locked away like your wereas are.”

  Koren growled back. The softness in his gaze was gone. There was hurt. Pain. An edge that didn’t suit him. “I would never lock her away. I’d never do anything to hurt her.” His voice cracked. “That’s why this hurts so much, because werewolves and humans can’t be together, because I have to keep her more hidden than any werea to keep her safe. I don’t care about cubs or my lifespan. I just want to live my life with her as long as I can.”

  “And then you’ll throw her away when she’s old and sick, no longer suitable for a sexual companion,” I jibed.

  “Never. This is about much more than sex to me. Hell, Aerre, we’ve never had sex!”

  I flinched. It wasn’t unusual for werewolves and women to have sex, even in Wolf Bridge, but I didn’t want to think about it. It was supposed to be consensual, not like what Trace was put through before. I couldn’t imagine it, but I had to wonder. If they really felt this strongly for each other, why hadn’t they had sex yet?

  “We can’t have sex because I would try to claim her. I would bite her. Werewolves don’t bite humans unless they mean to kill them. I’ve never heard of one trying to claim a human, have you? Our bodies work differently. I wouldn’t be able to seal her to me, but I have this persistent urge to try.” It was like he read my mind. He moved in just a little closer to me, his lips almost brushing my ear. “You’re tethered, but you too only have the lifespan of a normal human. And yet you and your entire squad have something going on with the Lost Princess of Howling Sky. What’s that about? Sex? What is the princess to you? Do you love her? Because that seems way more unbelievable than what’s going on with me and Trace.”


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