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Blackmailed For Vengeance

Page 11

by Marie Kelly

  “Leave me alone” she cried tremulously trying to push herself away from him, as he had held onto her tightly

  “My God, he really got to you” he said in surprise looking at her distraught face, the feeling of jealousy within him now causing a knot in his stomach to twist painfully. For a second he seemed not to know what to do, before he had placed an arm around her shoulders and had walked further into the garden with her until he found a seat in which he sat them both down

  “What happened Lee” he asked her gently, so gently she had started to cry softly again. With a sigh he had pulled a handkerchief from his pocket pushing it gently into her hands, which she had taken thankfully wiping away the tears. After she had stopped sniffing he had asked her the question again, and looking down at her hands she had started to talk, her voice low and emotionless

  “He asked me to marry him, and I was so scared. I thought I loved him, but I couldn’t answer him…I told him I had to think about it”

  She stopped briefly as another tear fell

  “I went to his apartment two days later… and found him in bed with another woman…. Jim was the one person who helped me through it”

  She added softly

  “He told me that if David had really loved me then he would have waited”

  Yanis sighed gently, looking deeply into her hazel eyes which glowed so green at that moment

  “Jim was wrong Lee” he said as she had looked back at him with surprise

  “If you had loved him you would not have hesitated or needed more time” he continued

  “You wouldn’t have been scared.. If you loved him you would have said yes… and he knew that Lee”

  Taking her hand in his he added

  “But if he had really truly loved you he would not have given up.. he would have kept trying”

  Lee sniffed gently a thoughtful look on her lovely face

  “Do you think so” she asked her voice low and vulnerable, causing sensations to run through Yanis he could not fully understand

  “Do you regret not marrying him” he asked

  Lee shook her head

  “No” she said almost inaudibly realising that she had never really loved him. Now she knew that the love she felt for him had shown her how little she had really cared for David. She wanted to tell him that when he wasn’t with her she felt so lost, and yet when they were together she could hardly breath for the way she yearned to tell him how much he had come to mean to her, how thoughts of him filled her whole mind and his touch and smell were so part of her she felt sick at the thought that soon he would throw her out for some wrong he had thought she had done to his friend. His sudden gentleness was only adding to the maelstrom of emotions churning through her and she had once more cleaned her eyes with the handkerchief.

  Pulling her against him he had placed his arms around her hugging her comfortingly. She had enjoyed feeling his chest against her cheek and when he had kissed the top of her head soothingly she had raised her head to look into his eyes. With a small sigh he had pulled her in tighter still to him, his mouth finding and kissing her as she had shuddered under his touch.

  Standing he had gently pulled her to her feet.

  “Let’s go to bed” he said as she had nodded, not really wanting to see David again. As they returned to their room, Yanis had stood with her by the edge of the bed. As he had unclasped her dress, kissing her, he had started to make love to her with an intensity that she had shared, the thought of any other man loving her suddenly filling him with a primitive jealousy and the need to make her solely his, to wipe from her mind thoughts of any other man, and as she had cried out his name, he had smiled, knowing that she was his and his alone.

  The next morning they had enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, before finding a more secluded sandy beach in which to relax. Neither had relished joining the many who were already moving around the pool, as they openly flirted with each other.

  They had both enjoyed swimming in the sparkling aqua water in which the visibility was so clear that they could see the small fish as they swam to the bottom 10 feet below them. Although she was a strong swimmer, she had admired the way he moved so effortlessly in the water. As they had lain on the sand both enjoying the feel of the sun on their bodies, they had chatted contently with each other and Lee had felt pure happiness.

  When his mobile phone had rang, Lee had frowned slightly at the sudden interruption hoping that it was nothing that would drag him away. As she peered over at him he had looked at her with a sudden look of worry, which had her sitting up with concern

  “What’s the matter” she said as he had rung off

  He had moved closer to her his eyes looking deeply into hers

  “Now Lee, promise not to panic” he said seeing the sudden look of fear in her eyes

  “What’s wrong” she whispered

  “Last night the nurse we hired for Mrs Green went to her home and found her on the floor.”

  As Lee had gasped in shock her hands flying to her mouth he had sought to calm her

  “She is in hospital, Lee, they think she had a minor heart attack, but they are still running tests”

  Lee had jumped to her feet.

  “I have to go to her” she said moving backwards and forwards in a state of shock

  “Oh God, Yanis, she needs me” she cried as he had pulled her into his arms

  “I’ll organise to get us right back” he said calmly holding her as she shook. As he walked back quickly with her to the chateau, he had made several phone calls, none of which she had heard, as her mind had reeled with panic and self recrimination

  “I should have been there” she moaned gently to herself over and over again as he had moved silently beside her. When they had reached their room the maid was already leaving, having finished packing their cases, leaving out an outfit for each to wear.

  As she pulled on the shirt and skirt the tears within her had finally fallen as she had sat down on the bed her head in her hands. He had pulled her hard against him, soothing her as she sobbed into his chest

  “It’ll be OK, Lee” he said over and over” before whispering soft words in Greek which she was not able to understand but which sounded so soothing to her tortured mind

  “I’m Sorry” she finally managed “All I seem to be doing is crying on you these days” she said with a small attempt at a smile playing on her lips”.

  He had grinned back at her

  “That’s OK, I seem to reduce most women to tears eventually” he said “makes a bit of a change that it isn’t me that you are crying about”

  Lee had managed a shaky laugh

  “Come, the boat is waiting for us, and my plane is already to go.”

  Lee had smiled thankfully at him, leaning on him for support, as they moved back down to the dock. As promised a car had taken them to the waiting plane, which was met by yet another car which took them immediately to the hospital.

  As Lee had moved into the private room she had gasped seeing the elderly woman lying on the bed, with tubes inserted in her and wires protruding from different equipment. Yanis had held her tightly to him, as she had seemed almost ready to collapse. Recovering she had rushed to the side of the woman

  “Mrs Green” she whispered gently, as he had gone in search of a nurse to find out how she was doing.

  “Please, wake up” she had begged gently “I need you”

  Her hand had held the small frail woman’s, the skin soft yet fragile, with the bones raised so high through the parchment thin flesh.

  Lee had held her hand to her cheek, gently talking to her, hoping that she would hear her and wake up.

  This was how Yanis had found her 15 minutes later, after talking to a doctor about the elderly lady. She had lifted her eyes as he entered, instinctively knowing from the sombre look on his face that the news was bad. As she gently placed the woman’s hand back down she had moved out of the room with him as he led her further down the corridor.

  “I’m so
rry, Lee” he said looking into her eyes, his so compassionate at that moment “She is dying”

  Lee could only stare back at him the tears brimming up in her eyes as she seemed to be having difficulty digesting his words. Finally she had started to shake her head violently from side to side, her face full of a fierce anger

  “No, no she’s not… you tell them to help her Yanis” she half whispered half moaned

  “Whatever it costs … tell them they have to help her… she’s a fighter…she’s not ready to die” her eyes wildly looking for a doctor to tell him herself

  Grabbing her gently by the shoulders he had made her look into his eyes as his held hers with a frank honesty in them which she could not ignore

  “Lee, there is nothing they or you can do… Her heart is not strong, the attack….” He paused for a second seeing the pain in her face

  “There is nothing anybody can do; if there was then I would pay whatever it took…you know that”

  Lee had stopped moving, the truth finally making its way through to her as the tears had begun to flow unchecked down her face. He could feel her buckle within his arms as he had pulled her tightly against him to support her, as her arms had moved around his neck her face burrowed into his shoulder as the sobs had racked her body.

  Finally she had stopped, pulling herself away from him, as she fought to regain control of her emotions as fragile as they were at that time. Wiping the tears from her eyes with the back of her sleeve, so childlike she had stared at the floor. He had stood silently beside her, knowing that she just needed time to come to terms with the news. When she looked up at him her face was calm, although her eyes still held the despair she felt deep within.

  “OK, OK” she whispered, in a tone meant to calm herself rather than anybody else

  “I’ll be fine” she said, tilting her chin up a little more proudly before she had started to move back towards the woman’s room.

  “How long does she have” she had asked tonelessly

  Looking quickly at her Yanis had softly relayed the news he had been given

  “The doctors don’t know how long, they think a day.. maybe two” he said softly as they moved slowly down the corridor

  Lee had felt as though she was in somebody else’s body, as she moved with him, still trying to grasp the news, but knowing that she had to accept the inevitability of it.

  “I am going to stay here with her” she finally managed, her voice firm

  Yanis had looked briefly at her, before nodding

  “I’ll have some things sent over for you” he replied, as they moved together into the room, where Lee once more had taken her seat in the large wing tipped hospital chair. Yanis had watched her from the door, as she spoke gently to the elderly woman, strange emotions coursing through him, as he had quietly turned and left her.

  The next day Lee had woken from her short nap. She felt stiff from sitting on the uncomfortable chair and had stood to stretch her muscles. As she stretched she had heard the woman on the bed move, and she had rushed over to take her hand

  “Mrs Green” she said softly, as the woman’s eyes had opened slightly

  “Lee” she whispered, hardly audible “What are you doing here dear” she asked as a smile had lit up her face

  “I heard you weren’t well” she said tenderly

  “I wanted to make sure that you got better”

  The older woman had looked into her eyes

  “You are such a lovely girl, Lee. If I had had children then I would have wanted them to be just like you”

  Lee had smiled her lips a little tremulous

  “I would have been so proud to have a mother like you….when you get better maybe you can come and stay with Yanis and I for a while” she said her eyes pleading with the woman as she had looked so sadly at her

  “No Lee” she said “I’m old dear. It’s my time”

  Lee had held her hand closer to her cheek

  “Please don’t say that” she whispered, fighting the tears which welled up in her eyes

  “There is plenty of life left in you”

  With a small sad laugh Mrs Green had very gently shaken her head

  “No dear…but that’s ok, I finally get to see my Charlie again…I’ll like that” she said with a far away look in her eye, before looking back at Lee

  “I’m only glad that you met someone. I’m so glad you found somebody you love” she said her voice becoming so low that she had struggled to hear the last words. Then as Lee watched her eyes had slowly closed as she fell back into a deep sleep.

  Wiping away the tears, Lee had sat back in the chair watching her friend. She sat there the whole of that day, as the nurses kindly brought her tea and food, much of which she left untouched. As the day turned to night she had watched as the activity outside the room had lessened, until the only sound was the occasional foot steps on the corridor floor. Lee had finally dozed, not seeing Yanis who had arrived at four in the morning to find out how she was. He had only slept himself for a few hours, unsettled at not having her with him.

  He had watched her for several minutes, still wearing the same clothes he had left her in, curled up on the chair, looking so small and fragile at that moment, as the monitors beside the older woman flashed and beeped.

  Looking at the peaceful scene, he had suddenly felt like he was intruding and with a soft sigh left the room. As he turned to walk away the monitors had suddenly stopped beeping, before a loud buzzing had emitted from the machine. He could hear feet running to the room, as nurses and a doctor had rushed past him. He could see Lee, who had woken abruptly with the sound and was now standing in the corner of the room, her hands over her mouth, the shock so vivid on her face, as the doctor worked on the older woman. After what seemed an eternity they had all moved back away from Mrs Green, and a strange calm had once more descended on the room, as all but one of the hospital personnel had left the room, their silence a respectful homage to the woman on the bed.

  Looking over at the young woman standing so pale and frozen, the nurse had gently spoken to her

  “Is there anybody I can call for you Lee?”

  Lee had only stood there, her eyes staring at the woman so peaceful now on the bed, with the wires removed from her.

  “I..I..don’t know” she stammered her mind full of a sudden need to see Yanis, with the sudden desire for him to hold her and make everything OK again. At that moment seeing him at the door, as she could only stare in disbelief and confusion

  “You’re here” she whispered, as he had moved forward to pull her into his arms

  “I’m here, cara” he whispered against her hair “I’m here”

  He could feel her shaking against him as her eyes had once more moved over to the bed

  “Let’s go home Lee” he said softly, as his arms had moved around her shoulder, gently but firmly leading her from the room. Lee had let him lead her away, let him place her into his car and let him drive her back to the house. She had said nothing, the shock still so etched on her face. As he had led her upstairs he had hesitated before taking her into her old room.

  “I’ll get you a drink” he said softly as she sat down on the couch before he had moved from the room. As the door had clicked shut Lee had come round, looking around herself with a frown. Suddenly the thought of staying in that room alone filled her with panic. Silently she moved from it back into his, at that moment knowing she needed to be near him, and lifting a pillow so full of the smell of him she had pulled it close to her, closing her eyes to let his essence engulf her. There she stood lost and alone as she finally let the tears of loss flow down from her eyes, as she mourned her friend.

  “Lee” the masculine voice called as he entered his room, a note of concern for her whereabouts in his tone.

  She had quickly turned from him, the pillow falling silently to the floor, the back of her hand moving to wipe away the tear which was trickling down her cheek, but not before he had seen her face

  “I did
n’t want to be alone” she said softly “Please don’t make me be on my own”

  She could hear his footsteps moving towards her, as he gently turned her around by the elbow so that he could look deeply into her face. He could see the way her lips quivered as she fought to hold back the tears, her eye lashes clumped from tears which had already fallen. At that moment she had never looked so beautiful to him and with a small sigh he had pulled her hard against his chest, his arms encircling her like a small child as the sobs broke from her and the tears fell from her eyes.

  For several minutes he held her like that until the sobbing started to die down. As he pulled her gently away from him to look down at her face, his expression had been soft causing her to hold his eyes before he had moaned gently and cupping her face with his hands pulled her head upwards so that he could lean down to kiss her still quivering lips.

  He had gently kissed along her cheek, his tongue cleaning away the tears from her grief stricken face as she had shivered at the sudden sensations he was releasing in her before once again moving his mouth to gently open her lips with his tongue which explored the softness of her mouth caressing her tongue with such gentleness that she had moved in closer to him as the sensations had travelled up and down her spine.

  “Please don’t cry cara” he had whispered gently against her mouth, as his kisses had become more passionate opening up the flood gate within Lee as she had moved her arms to encircle his neck her fingers sensually moving through his hair causing him to groan under her touch.

  She could feel his hands pulling at her clothing as he expertly removed each layer. Her shirt quickly following her skirt which had rustled its way down around her feet, until she stood before him, her naked body pressed hard against his rough clothing only adding to the electric feelings invading her whole being. One hand had moved along the silkiness of her whole body making her pulse with need as he pulled her in tighter against him so that she could feel the strength of his arousal beneath his clothes, as the other hand had moved through the silkiness of her hair holding her head against his mouth.


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