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Severed Ties That Bind

Page 5

by Vera Quinn

  “Sit your ass down.” I don’t. “Sit down.” We glare at each other, but I sit back down. “Dra, I have given you room and tried to give you all the time you need to get over this shit but the thing is that you aren’t. Then this thing with Maddie and Betsy and now? You are spiraling out of control.”

  “I made sacrifices for this club and you know it. I lost so much.” I feel the pain in my chest every time I breathe. I sound bad even to myself, but I don’t know how to stop the pain.

  “Dra, you are my blood brother and my club brother. I know you are hurting but you need to suck this shit up and go on.” I start to say something, but Krill raises his hand. “Listen to me brother and listen good.” I nod my head even though it is the last thing I want to do. “I am going to give you some hard truths and I want you to think about them before you start spouting shit out your mouth.”

  “It’s not like I can stop you from saying it so by all means brother, talk. I’ll listen,” I say brother with the sarcasm I am feeling.

  “We all understand that you lost more than anyone with the explosion that took out Gram and Dad, but you are not the only one that still feels that loss. To be quite honest Dra, you had started to push Callie away from you before the explosion ever happened. You wouldn’t share things with her that you could have to keep her safe. You were pushing her back to Devil. Think about it, you made them both promise if anything happened to you he would take care of her. You could have gone to Texas with Callie when she left here but you decided to stay behind and wait for Gram. That was your decision alone and it was your decision alone to not tell Callie you were still alive. You let her believe you were dead for months. Months you could have relieved her mind, but you didn’t.”

  “I was keeping Callie and Kellan safe. My wife was pregnant, and she didn’t need the stress of knowing she was in danger or what was going on. You know this is how we were raised. We protect our women from harm and worry. You know this Krill! I don’t know how you can even spew this shit at me!” I tell Krill. Krill doesn’t react at what I have said, and I think that pisses me off more.

  “Don’t lie to yourself, Dra. You had started pushing Callie away. You had her Uncle Trigger watching over her more than you did. You made Devil and Callie both make promises and Dad never ordered you to fake your death. He couldn’t. He was gone, and I never would have given that order either.” Krill sits up straighter in his chair. “If you hadn’t let us think you were dead then you would be sitting here in this chair with the President patch on you and Callie would be by your side. You threw that away and now you are having a hard-damn time living with your decisions. But brother, these decisions can’t be changed. Learn how to live with them.” I look in Krill’s eyes and I see he is conflicted in what he is saying. He gets no pleasure out of pointing these things out to me. I want to argue with him, but I can’t. I would only be lying to myself. “Do you even realize that you said love and not loved?” I don’t get what Krill is saying at first but then it dawns on me and Krill is right. I did say love. I said I love Callie and I guess a part of me still does love Callie. She’s not easy to get over but I know she belongs to Devil now and the bottom line is I know she is happy. I want Callie happy no matter how much it makes my heart hurt. I thought I had dealt with that issue. I know I will always love Callie, but I also know I am no longer in love with her. That book is closed. I had to face that fact if I wanted Callie happy. Am I happy about it? No, but Callie is.

  “You don’t need to throw this in my face. I know what my screw ups are. I was trying to help the club,” I say between gritted teeth.

  “You were scared. You were scared by how much you loved that woman and how much a child that didn’t belong to you meant to you. Face the damn facts.” Krill looks me right in the eye when he says it. “Then you turn around and fuck Callie’s younger sister. What the hell is that all about?”

  “None of your business. We aren’t a bunch of old women talking about our damn feelings and relationships. This is personal business,” I warn Krill. He doesn’t take the hint.

  “When you are using Troubled Fathom’s contacts and markers it becomes a club issue. Betsy is my niece and that makes it my damn business. What the hell did you pay the Bushs to do. Old man Bush called me today to make sure that you had the club’s backing since he didn’t think what you are paying Jim and Rafi to do would be alright with the Troubled Fathoms MC or our dad. I am going to give you one chance to come clean with me and you better think real hard before you open your mouth and try to lie to me.” Krill is not trying to hide his anger.

  “All you need to know is the money that is paying them is mine. The marker I called in is mine. I am bringing Maddie and Betsy home and they are going to stay here. I am not going to have my daughter pulled between Maddie and me. I am going to be a full-time dad and I won’t take no for an answer. Maddie kept Betsy from me for two years and when I get them back here I will not miss another day. Dad was always about family and he would back me up on this.” Krill seems to be considering what I have said.

  “The dad card will not work this time, Dra. There is no way Dad would understand the way you have been behaving. Sunshine had your damn dick out in front of everyone in the clubhouse in the middle of the damn week when anyone could have walked in and that includes the few children that are around now. Use your damn head. What the hell are you going to do with Sunshine if you are bringing Maddie back here? We have rules in this damn clubhouse and they were put in place to protect family. You can’t rewrite our damn bylaws.”

  “The last thing I knew, the Troubled Fathoms MC doesn’t follow most common laws in our clubhouse. We make our own damn rules,” I yell at Krill.

  “We aren’t one percenters Dra. We do make our own laws in our clubhouse and with our club members, but you need to remember the bylaws pertaining to ol’ ladies. Dad, Miner, and Time set those bylaws up when they founded the Troubled Fathoms MC. You will abide by them or we will have a vote to take your damn patch. Do not test me on this, Dra. I am talking to you as your President and you will listen or we will vote.”

  “I understand the bylaws and I will abide by them, but Maddie is not here right now, so it is a moot point. When I bring Maddie here with Betsy then Sunshine will be gone. I’ll make sure of it.” I have places to be, so I need this talk over.

  “And you think that Sunshine is going to just leave and not cause a problem. If you believe that Dra, you are crazy. No woman takes being dropped well. You made Sunshine your ol’ lady and everyone knows you took your patch back, but she is still here. Sunshine will be a problem. That woman has been around the block a few times and she is unpredictable and hard to handle. She will pull every underhanded trick to either get you to change your mind or to force Maddie to leave. Sunshine will eat Maddie alive. Maddie is innocent and naïve. Sunshine is a cold-hearted bitch, do you want her around your daughter? Do you want your daughter around that kind of hate?” I know Krill is right. I should have cut Sunshine loose as soon as I came back from Oklahoma.

  “Make sure you do. If I deal with Sunshine she will be gone permanently, and I won’t be nice about it.” Krill stops speaking but then goes on. “You need to handle Maddie with care. You will break her. She’s not Callie and Micah. Maddie is not cut out for our kind of life. Are you ready for that?” My brother has a soft spot for the Bass sisters. Krill always liked Callie too.

  “What’s going on between you and Micah? I noticed the way you looked at her today. Something I need to know?” Krill hesitates before he answers.

  “Callie wasn’t the only one devastated when we thought you were dead. I thought I lost my Gram, Dad, and brother all in one explosion. I know how Micah feels not being able to help her sister and niece. The only thing that kept me going was the need for revenge. Do not underestimate Micah’s love for her sister. I saw the look in her eyes today, she’s at the point that she would do anything to get her sister and Betsy back and that includes putting you six feet under. You need to watc
h your back.” I regret letting the people I cared about think that I was dead longer than they had to. Years later and it is still hurting Krill. I will regret that my entire life.

  “I will Krill. I need the week. That’s all I’m asking.” I see that Krill wants more answers. He isn’t going to get them today. When this seven days is over everyone will get their answers.

  “Make sure there is no blowback on the club. Cover your tracks and watch your damn back. If you need help, call,” Krill tells me reluctantly. I know Krill has more questions, but he is giving me the space I need to make things right and that is exactly what I am going to do.

  Chapter 9

  Two days later


  I am thankful that B finally went to sleep. I know she could feel the fear coming off me, but I need to be strong, so I can protect my daughter. I am a lot calmer now than when I woke up tied up in the back of a van. I couldn’t move, and I was blindfolded and gagged. I didn’t know where B was at, but I could hear her close and she was crying. I fought the zip ties binding me, but it did me no good. I don’t know how long I was unconscious or what had knocked me out or how long we had been traveling. When I figured out it was not doing me any good to fight my bonds I went still and tried to control my fear and reserve my strength for when I could utilize it better. It seemed like we rode forever. B’s cries stopped, and I don’t know if that relieved me or scared me worse. I heard two doors open and then close. Then I heard something like it was sliding and then I was pulled upright and then on my feet.

  “We aren’t going to hurt you and your daughter, but you need to follow our instructions if you want this stop to be pleasant,” a man told me. I felt my gag being taken out. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, but can I have my daughter?” I ask the man trying to keep any of the hate I am feeling out of my voice.

  “When we are in the house and situated. We have some food in there for you too. Be smart. We don’t want to scare your daughter and as long as you follow our instruction we won’t,” the same man says.

  “I’ll do what you say just, please, don’t hurt my daughter.” I plead. Someone grabs my arm from behind me and guides me as we walk up some steps. We get to the top of the steps and walk across what I am guessing is a porch and then I hear keys in a door and the person guides me further and I hear a door shut behind me. Someone behind me takes my blindfold off and the light hurts my eyes. I blink my eyes trying to get them to adjust. I try to take in my surroundings. We are inside a house that looks like a family would be living here. I see that they have put B on the sofa and she is looking up at me. I move over and sit beside her, and she stands on the couch and comes over and stands beside me. I lean into her. I can’t sit back with my hands behind me and I can’t pull her into me, but I try to give her comfort. I see that there are three men with us and they all are carrying guns looking around the house as if expecting someone to jump out. “You two go upstairs and check the rooms up there while Maddie and I have a little talk.” I recognize the voice of the man who warned me to follow instructions. I try to take in my surroundings. I need to remember where everything is located just in case I get a chance to escape. I wouldn’t take a chance with B, but if I was sure we could get away, the information will help. The man cuts the zip ties off of me and then looks at my wrist. The man sits down on the coffee table in front of me and looks at me. “Don’t even think it. I told you my instructions are to keep you secured and safe and I will do that. Be smart and just cooperate for your daughter’s sake. There is a room upstairs that you and your daughter will be staying in. It has an adjoining bathroom, so you can shower and take care of your daughter’s needs. I don’t want to tie you up so use your head. There is a television and one of those DVD players and there are a few children’s movie up there. There is also a small refrigerator, microwave, and some food that you can fix in the microwave. There is supposed to be hygiene products and clothes that will work for the brief time you are going to be here. By tomorrow afternoon you should be on your way. Do not cause any trouble and we won’t have a problem. You are a job to me and that is it. You will not be harmed in any way and your daughter will not be either if you follow all my instructions. Do you understand everything I have said?” the man asks me in a bored voice. It’s almost as if he has it memorized and is trying to say it in a certain way.

  “I understand. I will cooperate but why are we here?” I ask the man. The man just looks at me and then to one of the other men who has a long scar on his face.

  “Take them upstairs and be sure and lock the door when you come out.” The man gets up off the table and the other man walks over and waits for me to get B and then he waits for me to get up. I do as I am told. I pick B up and hold her tight to my body and walk up the stairs with the man with the scar following me. When I get to the top of the steps I can see a hall with three doors. One door is open and the other two are closed. The man behind me has come up close to me and gives me a small push towards the room with the open door. I walk inside. The man steps in behind me and grabs the door knob of the door and starts to pull it to him. I guess he sees the worry in my eyes.

  “Don’t worry none missy. We don’t hurt women and children unless we have no other choice. I have a daughter of my own and would not hurt your daughter. The person who is paying us will get here tomorrow and you both will be released. Just try and get some rest and don’t give us any reason to hurt you.” I want to believe the man but why would anyone take B and myself? Then I realize who will be coming to pick us up and I am filled with an anger I have never felt before. Andrew Draven, you better hope these men stick around to protect you from me.

  Chapter 10


  The anticipation I am feeling right now is only rivaled by my doubt. I don’t doubt my ability to get Maddie to do exactly what I want her to. The doubt comes from knowing if it is the right approach. I know it is too late to turn back now but I refuse to even think that I will miss another day of seeing my daughter grow up and it is time that Maddie and her whole damn family know exactly how serious I am about it. I see the farmhouse lights. They would be hard to miss since they are the first lights I have seen in over thirty minutes. When Bush said this place was off the beaten path he was not playing. I know I have a very limited amount of time to put my plan in action. I park my four-wheel drive truck in front of the house but I feel I have eyes on me. I look up to the second story and it is dark, but I know Bush’s men have eyes on me. I approach the house carefully and the porch light comes on. It doesn’t surprise me when the front door opens and Bush himself walks out. “How are they doing?” I ask Bush.

  “How do you think? I hope you are sure about this Dra. Maddie has not been screaming and yelling and acting a fool of herself, she is doing exactly what she was told to do. Maddie has been taking care of your girl. She’s been in the room upstairs and as quiet as a mouse. I watched as Billy told her what was expected of her and she accepted it. I’m not sure she is the type of woman cut out for your lifestyle. She seems like a good girl. We thought you would be here before dark,” Bush tells me, and I can see that he likes Maddie. Nothing much changes, Maddie must have given them her shy girl act. I know better than for it to fool me again.

  “I am paying you to do a job not give me your opinion. Maddie hid my child from me for two years. Does that sound like a good girl to you? I was making sure I was not followed.” I see in the dim porch light that Bush’s face has hardened.

  “You are paying our expenses and you called in a marker I owed to Hawser. Your dad did not conduct business this way and I don’t think he would approve and I had my doubts about doing the job, but it is done, and I no longer owe the Troubled Fathoms MC a marker. Which I also know you did not clear with Krill.” Bush stops, and I see the disgust on his face. “Nothing better happen to that woman and child because if it does I will take that up with you. I called Krill and updated him earlier, so I am sure you will be getting a call from him soon. Lose
my number and don’t call me again. I won’t do business with you again. I want you cleared out of here within the hour and Dra, be very careful with how you handle Maddie because there are cameras in every room of this house and I will not hesitate to step in.”

  “I had no intentions of staying longer and Bush, I am the one you owed the marker. I did the job that you came to Dad with so, yes, don’t worry about me calling your number again and you don’t call me. I don’t need and didn’t ask for your opinion.” I have enough anger inside of me, but I would never let it out in front of my child. I walk around Bush and open the door and walk in. Bush follows me. I know I need to get the next stage of my plan started. If Micah has Sarge watching and following my trail, then my time is running out. I look at Bush and wait for him to tell me where Maddie and Betsy are at.

  “Upstairs, second door on the right. Here.” I catch the keys that Bush pitches to me and go up the stairs. I hear Bush telling his boys to get ready to roll. I get to the second floor and stop in front of the second door and I start to knock but decide against it and open the door and walk in. Maddie and B are lying in the middle of a bed and Maddie sits up and turns the light on the night table beside the bed. Maddie is as breathtaking as the first time I met her, but I can’t let that shadow my judgement now.

  “You need to get dressed and get Betsy ready to leave in fifteen minutes. We have some traveling to do tonight,” I tell Maddie. Maddie slips away from Betsy and she comes at me with attitude. I am in no mood for it.

  “Andrew Draven, what do you think you are doing? This is kidnapping, and I want to go home.” I guess this is going to take a few more minutes. I close the door behind me and take a few more steps in the door. Maddie walks up to me and grabs my arm and pulls me into the bathroom and closes the door quietly. I am too shocked to resist and more than a little amused. It seems my kitten has grown some claws. For some reason that makes me smile until she turns to me and she is no kitten at all, but one pissed-off mom. “You are going to give me an explanation and then you are taking me and B home!”


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