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Alien and the Wedding Planner

Page 9

by Lizzie Lynn Lee

  Shouldn’t they?

  Perhaps that would be a step they could take later, if it became necessary. Right now, Ice was confident he’d remember enough about the next several moments to make detailed notes later.

  Strangely enough, that seemed far less important to him than having Alana’s hands on him, his hands on her, right now. Without anyone observing.

  “No. I…that’s not necessary. Not yet.” Ice moved to sit on the edge of Alana’s bed. He’d gone from wanting to explain and discuss the situation to learn from it to desperately needing to feel her weight against him again.

  Before he could ask her to sit, Alana moved in front of him. She hesitated briefly, then sat in his lap. But this time, she straddled his legs and moved her body as close to his as possible.

  Ice gasped when she stopped. The heat between her legs warmed his groin, and his cock reacted instantly. Alana circled her hips in his lap, rubbing against his hardening flesh and making each breath harder to take than the last.

  “You really want this, don’t you? And not just because it’s science…”

  “Yes, Alana,” he said. “The mission is of utmost importance, but right now, all I can think about is kissing you.” His hand slid between them so he could press his fingers against Alana’s sex and feel it through her thin clothing. “And burying myself in this heat.”

  Alana ground herself against his fingers. When her lips pressed against his, they didn’t taste like lintenfruit, but they were still the most delicious thing he’d ever known.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alana hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the kiss, and how she’d gone from being angry at Ice for whisking her away to his planet to wondering what it would be like to have someone so emotionless and stoic actually care for her.

  To have him want to touch her, when he’d never wanted to touch anyone before.

  She’d been about to set the door lock and touch herself to relieve some stress. A girl abducted by aliens and dragged however many lights year away from home had the right to practice some self-love, didn’t she?

  Alana had never been lucky in love, and had always ended up with men who were emotionally withdrawn and who didn’t meet her needs. She’d never felt cherished or important. Sex, however, had never been a problem. Maybe it was because she enjoyed seeing a man go from emotionally distant to a sweating, desperate mess right before they came.

  Those good feelings never lasted, though.

  And how ironic that she’d always been attracted to men who didn’t wear their hearts on their sleeves, and she ended up on a strange planet with a man who seemed to have no emotions at all.

  Did she want him because it was a challenge? Or because she caught flashes of feeling from him at odd times? The way his eyes lingered on her body? What seemed like concern in his silver eyes as she talked about being taken away from her home?

  His eagerness to save his people?

  Wishful thinking, Alana. You’re seeing what you want to see.

  That didn’t change the fact that she’d gotten wet thinking about his cool hands on her and the idea of watching his walls break down. She imagined him unable to stay stoic as he pounded into her, completely lost to sensation, swelling inside her…

  Alana had definitely needed to lock the door.

  She hadn’t yet moved when someone knocked, and when Ice stepped in, another rush of heat filled her pussy. As he moved closer, an electric charge seemed to draw them together, crackling hot in the cool air of the room.

  And she could see through his request, for “science.” His face was flushed, the slightest hint of pink showing through his normally pale skin. The fabric of his pants bulged, and Alana was tempted to drop to her knees and feel it with her lips.

  By the time she’d straddled his lap and kissed him, she could smell her own sex, wet and eager to show Ice what he’d been missing his whole life. The thrill of being the first woman to touch him this way made the ache between her legs even stronger.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as Ice kissed her back hungrily, his tongue twining with hers. She was about to move his hands and show him what to do, but he grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed, pulling their bodies tighter together. Ice’s instinct for sex wasn’t gone, it seemed, but merely dormant. And it was kicking in now.

  Oh, yes.

  She ground her hips in a circle, his hardness pressing against her just right. She rotated this way, stroking both his cock and herself with the movement. Ice’s head rolled back on his shoulders and his eyes closed tightly.

  They were both wearing too many clothes, but before she could start peeling some of them off, Ice let out a growl and stood, holding her to him. His moves were jerky and uneven as he turned them and practically fell on top of her on the bed. He kissed her mouth, then her neck, and in a single smooth move he opened her tunic, laying her bare.

  “Who would have guessed you’re a great kisser. If I didn’t know you better I’d find it hard to believe this was your first,” she said huskily.

  He snorted. “I know how to how have sex, Alana. I read ancient books. I just didn’t feel the need to do it until now. Believe it or not, Crimean used to be hedonist.”

  “What? No way.”

  “Believe me.” Ice pressed his face against her neck and breathed deeply.

  She shivered all over. “Ooh.”

  “When I was in the university, I theorized that perhaps people in Crimea suffered some kind of ‘genetic exhaustion.’ If you selectively breed glow fish that exclusively retains blue light for several generations, by the twelfth or thirteenth descendants, they won’t even breed naturally anymore and develop aggression toward one another. But if you introduce them to the glow fish that retain red or yellow light, their aggression dissipates and act normal again. Glow fish are very horny, by the way. They’re the type of fish that give birth instead of spawning. They breed six or seven times a day.” He licked her skin and scraped her with his teeth. His hot breath singed her straight to the core.

  Alana was burned. She’d never been this aroused in her life. Never been this ready to be fucked. “So, what does that tell you?”

  “That Crimeans need to breed with other races if we want to survive.” He lifted his head and pressed his forehead against hers. “My essay was ridiculed and my professor failed me on the subject. That failure motivated me to study and work even harder. Two years ago, I saw that professor again when Emperor Chaos appointed me as the new Minister of Science.”

  “Was it good? To finally have your revenge?”

  “Yes. But not as good as I’m feeling now. You and I might be on to something.” He kissed her again, deeply. “What is this I am feeling, Alana?”

  “I think you know what it means.”


  “Kiss me again, Ice.”

  He was too eager to comply. The last strand of her coherent mind faded away. She returned his kiss with the same hunger. She wanted him as badly as she needed her next breath. She found his hand and pulled it to her chest. He squeezed her, weighing a breast as his thumb rubbed over her nipple. He stopped to pinch it, pulling lightly and watching it stretch and spring back. Then he covered it with his mouth and tongued it, sucking.

  “Oh fuck!” Alana arched her back to press her tit harder against his mouth, eager for more. Before long, he was kissing and licking his way down the center of her body. When he reached her waistband, he hovered there for a moment before pressing his face against the fabric of her pants, his mouth against her pussy with only thin fabric between them, and inhaled deeply with a shuddering groan.

  He mouthed her through the fabric, and Alana was sure she was going to leave a soaked spot on the material.

  Ice straightened, grabbed the waistband of her trousers, and jerked them down to her ankles before tossing them away. He hastily pulled his tunic off and tossed it aside before he dropped to the bed again, his mouth hovering just above her pussy.

  “Alana,” he said, his voic
e sounding almost pained.

  “Yes, Ice. Please,” she whispered, letting her fingers sink into the silver-white hair at his temple.

  He lapped at her folds, making hungry sounds of contentment as he tasted her, and then his tongue probed deeper. He groaned and thrust in as far as he could, sweeping her channel in an effort to touch and taste everything. Alana ground herself against his mouth, eager for more than his tongue inside her.

  Then he discovered her clit, erect and throbbing as he licked her, and focused there while his fingers pushed inside her. He seemed determine to explore every part of her with his tongue and fingers. When the tension started to build in her lower body as his fingers pumped steadily in and out, Ice licked her clit, hard then soft, fast then slow. And each time Alana cried out in pleasure, he kept up what he was doing in an effort to make her shout again.

  “Ice,” she moaned, her fingers twisting in the bedcovers. His tongue was relentless, tapping and licking, until pleasure exploded in her center and caused her back to arch so hard she thought it might snap. She shouted at the intensity of it, but barely had time to process all the sensations before his mouth and hands were gone.

  She sucked a breath in as he rose from the bed and shoved his trousers down, his thick, hard cock springing free. She reached for it and wrapped her hand around it, to feel how hard and alive it was.

  Ice made a strangled sound as she touched him, then moved atop her, his body trembling and flushed darker than she’d ever seen his skin.

  His cockhead pressed against her as he lowered his face to hers, capturing her lips in a rough, hungry kiss. He thrust forward and filled her in a single stroke, but she was soaked and ready for him. When he snapped his hips forward, burying himself inside her, Alana’s folds gripped him, already halfway to another orgasm after the one she’d just had that was cut short.

  “Alana,” he growled as he pounded into her, shaking, his pinked skin taking on a sheen of sweat which was another thing she hadn’t witnessed on Crimea. He rocked into her with no rhythm, as if he were out of control and a complete slave to the things he was feeling for the first time.

  When he grabbed her hips and threw himself backward, for a moment she thought they’d go tumbling off the bed. Instead, he sat on his heels and dragged her with him to straddle his lap. He lifted her up and down on his cock, the toned muscles of his arms flexing as he fucked her

  As he lifted her, he made little desperate sounds that sent heat right down her body to where they were joined.

  God, I love this. I love how crazy this is making him.

  He pulled her down onto his cock and shouted, a startling sound coming from someone who was usually so controlled. When he pulsed inside her, Alana threw her head back with a shout of her own and came harder than she ever had in her life.

  Ice shuddered, his breath catching many times as he moved them so they could both lie down. He took pains to stay inside her as they moved, and Alana loved that, too. He wasn’t ready for it to end.

  When he finally slipped out of her and they’d both caught their breath, she lay against him, wondering at all the feelings swirling inside her.

  After a long silence, Ice stroked her hair. “Now I understand why humans do this. You found that as pleasurable as I did?”

  Alana giggled, and felt almost like a young girl again. “Couldn’t you tell? You have excellent instincts, Ice. You surprised me.”

  “And this is something humans do often? Not just for procreation?” he asked.

  Alana didn’t think she was imagining the hopeful tone of his voice. “Many people do it as often as they can. Daily, sometimes. More than once. No procreation required.”

  “That is…good.” Ice’s voice was tight now, and when Alana bent her knee to drape her thigh across his hips, she understood why. Crimeans apparently didn’t need much of a recovery period. Ice was hard again, tenting the sheets, and moving his hips slightly to rub himself against them.

  She covered the bulge with her hand and gently squeezed, and that was enough to have him groaning, pushing the sheets away, and pulling her on top of him. As she slipped down onto him with a sigh, his strong hands gripped her hips and urged her to ride his cock. Alana’s pussy instantly tightened as the first stirrings of a new orgasm started building.

  What do you know? Crimea’s not so bad after all….

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Ice.” Emperor Chaos motioned for Ice to come into the room where he and Prime Minister Hallow sat a square table, cups in front of them containing something that smelled like peppertea. “How is the investigation coming?”

  The prime minister stiffened at that. No doubt he thought it was one more waste of time and resources.

  “Honestly, I don’t know, Emperor. I’ve come to report on something else. Alana and I have engaged in sexual relations.” Ice could still feel her heat around him, could still taste her on his lips.

  The prime minister’s face looked as if it would collapse on itself at any moment. “You had sex with that human?”

  “You should watch your tone when speaking about Alana,” Ice said, the words out before it dawned on him the tone he was taking with Crimea’s Prime Minister.

  “Are you threatening me, Ice Silverkiller?” Hallow’s eyes narrowed as he stood.

  Emperor Chaos stood and moved between them, his hands out as if to hold each of them back from the other. “Of course he isn’t threatening you. Calm down.” He turned to Ice. “You did this as an experiment, I take it. Have you learned anything from it?”

  “Your Majesty, it wasn’t an experiment. I want her. But I still can’t explain why.”

  Chaos didn’t smile but he was clearly pleased. “I see. You’ve spent a great deal more time with her than any other Crimean. And humans are sexually instinctive and active from what we know. Perhaps that’s the missing puzzle piece, and it will only take one person in a pairing to be interested for it to encourage the other?”

  “I’m not sure,” Ice said. “But I do know that no Crimean woman has ever had this effect on me. I—I can’t stop thinking about her even now.”

  The emperor glanced at the prime minister, who looked like he might spit up his peppertea, then looked to Ice. “This is wonderful news. Not only did you engage in mating, you want more. This is what’s needed to ensure our continued survival. And if Alana can bring out the mating urge in one Crimean, perhaps she can do the same for more. They in turn can bring out the urge in Crimean women.” The emperor crossed his arms. “Do you think she’d be willing to engage in sexual relations with several more of our men?”

  Ice heard the prime minister’s scoff with the part of his mind that hadn’t just gone red hot at the emperor’s suggestion. “No!”

  Both the prime minister and the emperor leaned back, shocked. Ice had just shouted at them.

  “I—I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

  “You do not like the idea of her having sex with other Crimeans?”

  “No. Not at all.” Ice didn’t just dislike the idea, he hated it. The very thought made him angry and made him want to wrap his arms around Alana to protect her from such things. He didn’t like feeling angry, but the scientist in him found it fascinating.

  The prime minister moved closer, his slitted eyes boring into Ice. “You only want her to have sex with you? Remarkable. You’re jealous of an alien female.” He turned to the emperor. “Do you see, Chaos? Where these kinds of ideas lead? If he can grow that attached to an alien in a matter of a few days, wait until they’ve known each other a few months. You can expect betrayal, pain, poor choices from these kinds of feelings and relationships. I warned you about all this.”

  Chaos sighed, then caught himself. “Prime Minister, Ice is not about to betray us for this woman, as there’s no cause for his jealousy to start with. I won’t require her to mate with any other men. And he hardly seems broken up about his own sexual experience. Ice, are you all right? Do you feel well?”

  Ice glared at the prime minister b
efore answering. “I am well, Emperor. I feel as good as I ever have. The experience was intensely pleasurable.” Thinking about it now threatened to arouse him again, so he focused on the prime minister’s sour face instead.

  “And now,” the prime minister groaned, “you want the woman all to yourself. Your mission was to find a way for Crimeans to learn to love again, to reproduce naturally. You come in here with what could be the key, and you want to horde it! See, Chaos. Already a loyal Crimean has been made selfish by feelings and acts we have learned to live above!”

  Chaos held his hand up to stop the prime minister’s rant. “Ice, continue to spend time with Alana. Explore these new instincts, and learn what you can about awakening them in others. I feel like you’ve given our planet hope, you and Alana. You’ve done well. I will arrange for Alana to have full Imperial ranking and clearance to our libraries, in case there are things she could find useful in her research. Every hospitality and resource will be provided for her.”

  The prime minister scoffed again. “That’s right, drain the coffers for a scheme that should never have been authorized—”

  “Prime Minister, I have made my decision.” The emperor moved to sit and sip his tea. “Thank you, Ice. Report back to me when there’s something new to tell. I trust you and Alana will get to work on this immediately.”

  “Of course, Emperor.” Ice gave him a quick bow and hurried to give Alana the news of her new status in Crimean society. He also longed to touch her again and taste her kiss, and feel her body pressed against his, even if only in a quick embrace before they got to work.

  Alana was busy writing down notes when he returned to her room, simple observations about Ice and his time with her. She allowed him to read them, and he found himself pleased at the things she said. It hadn’t gone unnoticed that though Ice didn’t really have emotions like she did, there were subtle changes in him during the short time they’d known each other. Changes aside from wanting to have sex with her, of course.


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