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Shifters Rule (Rule Series)

Page 23

by K. C. Blake

  “He’s built an army of wraiths,” she whispered in awe. “There are more than there were at the cemetery. The diary didn’t say anything about this.”

  Jack knew the werewolves would revert to human once Jersey was killed, but what about the wraiths? “Will they die with Jersey?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Ian spoke over Jack’s shoulder. “Doesn’t matter. We’re here to do a job. Our nemesis has arrived.” He pointed a calloused finger. “Look!”

  Jack reluctantly tore his gaze from the wraiths to watch Jersey approach with an arrogant swagger. Although it was a hot and humid night, Jersey wore his long black coat. He stopped while he was still at least fifty yards away. Putting two fingers in his mouth, he whistled.

  The field exploded with activity. An army of werewolves burst into the open. Loud growls and snarls sent chills up Jack’s spine. Jersey had a battalion of werewolves with him. They tore across the field, some in animal form, some in human form, heading straight for the four hunters. Metallic claws glinted in the moonlight. Their eyes glowed, some gold and others a toxic green.

  Cowboy came from nowhere, flying through the air like a crazed circus performer without a net. He landed on top of Helio. They rolled across the grass. Helio jumped to his feet, knife ready. Cowboy feinted left before diving to the right. He grabbed Helio’s arm and twisted. With a throaty laugh he rolled and shoved the blade into the werewolf’s flabby gut.

  “That’s one for me!” Cowboy yelled. He gave Jack a thumbs up before two werewolves simultaneously jumped him. Jack considered stepping in to save Cowboy, but Ian had other ideas.

  Ian moved to the front and blocked Jack’s view of Cowboy. “Stay behind me! I’ll get you to Clifford.”

  “If we fail, will you at least try to burn Jersey to death?”


  Jack strapped an arm around Silver’s waist, anchoring her close to him as they fought their way to Jersey. Ian’s hand touched werewolf after werewolf, literally setting them on fire. The werewolves rolled on the ground, writhing as they burned, some piled three to four werewolves high like football players jumping on top of the guy with the ball.

  The smell was unbelievably bad.

  Jack struggled to see around Ian. He watched for his brother’s familiar face. If Ian tried to kill Billy, Jack was going to do whatever he had to do to stop him. He’d step between them if he had to. No one was going to kill his brother, not when they were this close to saving him.

  They moved through the chaos, slowly taking the field one step at a time and leaving a flood of carnage behind them. Vanessa manned the rear. Gun in hand, she watched the bodies to make sure they didn’t get up and attack again. Jack could have told her not to worry. Ian’s touch was final. No one walked away from it. In a few seconds the bodies would be ashes.

  There were far too many of them. Ian tried his best to distract them, but Jersey’s army was keeping him busy. After a while the werewolves were careful not to let him touch them. Smart dogs. There were always a few in every pack.

  Vanessa yelled, “Go! Get him!”

  She shot a few of the beasts before the gun was knocked from her hands. Silver wanted to help her mother, but Jack dragged her behind him. She had to stay with him. There wasn’t anything they could do for Vanessa. If they didn’t kill Jersey quickly, they were all going to die.

  A werewolf charged at Jack. He used a move he’d seen during a football game, danced to the left and pushed the werewolf to the right. The werewolf lost his balance and fell.

  Two more werewolves blocked their way. Silver raced forward. She leaped in the air, did the splits, and kicked each one in the chest. The werewolves weren’t down for long. They got to their feet in record time. Before they could attack Silver, Jack swung invisible claws at them. He scratched them both.

  Grabbing Silver by the hand, he pulled her behind him. They hurried to meet Jersey. The smug smile on his face fueled Jack’s determination. He hated the head werewolf more than he’d ever hated anyone in his life. There wasn’t a trace of caring or compassion in the beast.

  “You ready for this?” he yelled over his shoulder to Silver.

  She squeezed his hand. “Let’s do it.”

  They started to run, hitting every werewolf who tried to stop them. The werewolves tumbled on the grass. Jack and Silver continued forward like a runaway train. A seed of hope grew in Jack’s heart as they neared their intended target. Jack vowed he was going to kill Jersey today, one way or another.

  Jersey clapped his hands in mocking applause. “Good job. In a million years I wouldn’t have dreamed you would make it past my foot soldiers.”

  “I tried to give you an easy way out,” Jack said. “You refused. Now we’ll have to do it the hard way.”

  Jack and Silver stared into Jersey’s eyes, both of them reaching for his black soul at the same time. Their fingers laced together. Using the power they shared as a couple, they worked to separate Jersey’s body from his soul. Jack wondered what sort of horrible hellish place they would find themselves battling in. Every time he fought a werewolf for its soul he found himself in a new place. Depending on his opponent, it could be a nice location or a terrible one.

  With Isobel it was a fiery cavern.

  He had met Silver on a bed of clouds while practicing soul sucking.

  With Blanca it was a carnival attraction.

  But where would a fight with Jersey take them?

  No sooner had the question formed in his mind than it was answered.

  In the blink of an eye they moved to an interior location. It took a few dragging seconds for Jack to realize they were inside of a huge library. The massive shelf-covered walls curved inward, forming an oval. A disorganized mess, there were several unbelievably high stacks of books on the floor, and there was no sign of Jersey anywhere.

  Jack stepped sideways, stared over the wrought iron railing at the big drop to the first floor. Was Jersey planning to throw him over the balcony?

  Silver’s hand tightened in his, reminding him he wasn’t alone.

  He forced a smile. “It’s okay. We can handle this.”

  “How do we suck his soul out when he isn’t even here?”

  Jack moved away from the edge. He glanced this way and that, searching for the enemy. “I don’t see him, but he’s here. He’s playing games again.”

  Before he finished the last word a book flew off the shelf and struck him in the shoulder. He stumbled. Silver cried out, a mixture of surprise and fright. She held onto Jack’s hand as if it was the only thing keeping her from flying away. The book landed face up on the red carpet in front of him.

  It was a copy of The Illiad.

  “Show yourself!” Jack shouted. “Come out and fight.”

  “Why so eager to die?” Jersey stepped around a sky-high stack of books. He wore the usual smirk. “The two of you are in for quite a shock today. You cannot destroy me. I could give you a hundred years, let you try to take my soul without putting up a fight, and you wouldn’t be able to do it. On the other hand, I can take both your souls without even trying.”

  “Let’s do it then. If it’s so easy for you to take my soul, do it.”

  “No,” Silver protested as Jack tried to push her behind him, protect her. She struggled to stay beside him.

  Jersey waved his hand.

  A second book hit Jack in the back. A third flew off the shelf and slammed against his cheek, making him to bite his tongue. He tasted blood. A few more books pelted him, coming from different directions. Jack yelled, “Knock it off! If we’re going to fight, let’s fight. Stop playing around.”

  Silver pulled on his arm urgently and whispered fierce words in his ear. “We can take him. We can do it together. Remember why we’re here, why we have to fight him as a team. Concentrate and believe.”

  Jersey’s head cocked to the side. “Do you think it’s going to be easy?”

  Jack was through talking. He focused on Jersey’s eyes and reac
hed for the head werewolf’s soul for the second time. Before he could get a grip on the dark, cold thing, Jersey waved his hand again. Jack stiffened, ready for another book to hit him. Jersey had something else in mind.

  He moved them to a new location.

  One second Jack was holding Silver’s hand and the next, it was gone. Jersey not only took them to a new place, he also separated Jack from Silver. Their sliver of hope vanished. It was possible they could have sucked his soul out working together, but Jack couldn’t do it alone.

  Jersey was going to win.

  Jack took a moment to acclimate himself to his new surroundings. It was a building with intersecting hallways and rows of metal lockers. He realized where they were almost immediately. It was a school building. It wasn’t Jefferson Memorial at least. That would have been way too weird. After finally graduating Jack vowed to never set foot in Jefferson Memorial again.

  Jersey stood at the far end of the hallway. “Sometimes I think you forget who you are dealing with. Your lack of respect concerns me. Perhaps you should have learned from prior mistakes, Tobias. Or do you want me to call you Alexander now?”

  “Where is Silver?”

  “She’s nearby.”

  “I want you to return her now!”

  “You do not give the orders here. That would be my job.”

  Jack’s hands clenched. He wanted to physically attack the head werewolf, but he knew it would be like a ladybug butting heads with a rhino. Trying hard to hold his anger in check, Jack spoke. “Okay. You have my attention. What exactly do you want from me?”

  “Those days are long gone.” Jersey took a few steps forward. His energy level was high. He practically bounced with each step. “In the past I wanted you to join me. Now I just want you to die.”

  “Then why don’t you kill me?”

  Jersey rubbed his chin and looked up for a second. When his pale blue eyes returned to Jack, he said, “I haven’t killed you yet because your death isn’t enough for me anymore. I want you to suffer. Perhaps I should kill Silver while you watch. Then I can take care of you.”

  “You touch her and I will rip your ugly face off!”

  Jack started to charge the head werewolf like an angry bull. He didn’t get more than a few steps. The lockers flew open and several books clobbered him at once. Math books. Science books. The Biology books were the biggest. They knocked him off his feet. His knees hit the linoleum, built on concrete. The shock vibrated through his bones, threatening to shatter them.

  He bit his lower lip to keep from crying out in pain. The slightest groan would be a reward to Jersey’s ears. Jack refused to give his enemy a single pleasant moment. Somehow he was going to suck the werewolf’s soul out. He had to—he had to save Silver’s life.

  “Problem?” Jersey grinned.

  He stuck his hand out and Jack grasped it firmly. Jersey pulled him to his feet with one smooth motion. Jack locked eyes with the monster again, determined to rip his soul away, but Jack couldn’t even get close to it. There were too many dark and invisible obstacles in his path.

  Jersey’s amused eyes seemed to be holding onto a secret.

  Jack had a secret, too.

  “You can’t take my soul, Jack. This is a waste of time for us both. Unless, of course, I decide to take yours. We both know how fast that would be.”

  “You keep talking, but I haven’t seen any action. Kill me or return Silver! Those are your only two choices.”

  Jersey laughed. “Bloodthirsty. You remind me of Pagan. She wanted you dead the second we met. In hindsight, I should have listened to her. Perhaps she would still be alive.”

  “I swear if you don’t tell me where you put Silver, you are going to be sorry.”

  “Bold statement. I doubt you have the skill to back it up.” He raised his hand to silence Jack when Jack would have verbally ripped into him again. “To show I am not an unreasonable man, you can have your partner back, at least for the moment. Turn around.”

  Jack spun on one foot and found Silver with Blanca standing behind her. His former cat had an arm locked around Silver’s throat. Jack shook his head. He looked at Jersey. “You told me you couldn’t resurrect her.”

  “I didn’t.” Jersey shrugged. “She doesn’t have a soul, you know. She isn’t a werewolf. She is trapped in your dream world, so naturally she is able to join us while we are on this side. I’m afraid she isn’t happy with you.”

  “You can say that again.” Blanca’s arm tightened around Silver’s neck.

  Silver struggled to breathe.

  Jack flew at Jersey. He hit him in the jaw with a hard right hook. Two things happened at once. Jersey went down, and the school disappeared. Jersey couldn’t hold the illusion. They returned to the field, directly in the middle of a bloody battle.

  Blanca didn’t manage to make the trip.

  Silver rushed at Jersey, ready to attack.

  Jersey moved fast. His hand shot out, grabbing Silver by the throat. He lifted her off her feet, but he spoke to Jack in a calm voice. “I can break her neck. Do you believe me?”

  “Put her down!” Jack tried to meet Jersey’s eyes, but Jersey refused to look directly at him. It was a cowardly maneuver Jack hadn’t prepared for. How was he supposed to take the beast’s soul when he couldn’t even try to find it in his eyes?

  “Do you believe me?” Jersey’s hand tightened on her throat until she couldn’t breathe. Her face began to turn red. Jersey’s voice remained calm, unaffected by Silver’s plight. “If you believe me, get on your knees. Pledge your allegiance to me, and I’ll allow her to live.”

  “You told me you didn’t want me on your side anymore.”

  “I changed my mind. It occurred to me that death would be too easy for the two of you. You need to suffer a few more years. Then I’ll kill you when you least expect it. I’ll wait until you’re happy and at peace. Then you die.” He glanced around at the carnage before adding, “It also occurred to me that you might be reincarnated as someone smarter next time. Keeping you like this, young and stupid, may be in my best interests.”

  Jersey’s hand tightened on Silver’s throat. Any second the sound of crunching bones would reach his ears. Then it would be too late for him to save her. There was nothing either of them could do.

  Or so it appeared to those who didn’t know better, those who didn’t know Jack’s secret plan.

  Jersey’s face flushed with triumph. “Get on your knees.”

  With a defeated expression firmly in place, Jack fell to his knees. He kept his eyes on the ground. He couldn’t risk losing his patience at seeing Silver dangling in the air, couldn’t risk deviating from the plan.

  “Who let my brother out?” Jack asked, hoping to steer Jersey’s thoughts away from Silver.

  Amusement returned to Jersey’s eyes. Ignoring the question, he said, “It’s your choice, Jack. It’s always been your choice. How much do you love her? What are you willing to give up for her? Your integrity? Your freedom? Your life?” Jersey lowered his voice. “Swear your allegiance to me and I’ll let her go.”

  “Let her go first.”

  “You are in no position to offer a counter-deal. Swear!”

  “I don’t trust you. Release her, and then I’ll do whatever you say. You have my word on it. And honestly, who is more believable here? You or me?”

  Tired of the game, or maybe just a little too sure of himself, Jersey shoved her away. She fell backwards on the soft earth with a startled cry. Her wide eyes were on Jack, silently begging him not to give in to Jersey.

  “Swear your allegiance to me. Or I will pick her up again and this time she’ll be dead before her toes leave the ground.”

  “You made one tiny mistake,” Jack said.

  Jersey rolled his eyes. “What? What was my mistake?”

  “You didn’t contain all of my allies.”

  “Really? Do you have friends in high places, Jack? Because I can count your

  so-called allies on one hand, and they are a
ll extremely busy.”

  Jack slowly lifted his eyes. He removed a smooth black rock from his pocket and lifted it high so Jersey could see it before it touched him. Perhaps fear would make the werewolf lose his cool.

  Jersey threw back his head and laughed. “You found the substitute Blanca planted, and you think you have the real thing? This is priceless. I couldn’t have written a better script myself. Blanca put a fake rock in your room per my orders.”

  “I didn’t find it in my room. Isobel gave me this one. She handed it to me the day before yesterday. It’s real.”

  “Isobel is dead.”

  A familiar female voice intruded from somewhere on the other side of Jersey’s huge body. She seemed to walk in slow motion, a nightmare created for Jersey’s benefit. The dark-haired girl spoke softly. “Wrong again.”

  Jersey shook his head. “It can’t be. You’re dead.”

  Isobel laughed.

  Jack shrugged. “I always cheat. Remember?”

  Jack jumped up and lunged at Jersey. He managed to briefly touch the rock to Jersey’s chest. A few dozen sparks shot out of it. The werewolf knocked it from his hand. The rock flew through the air. Jack didn’t see where it landed because Jersey had him by the throat. Like Silver, he was lifted off his feet until his toes were dangling high in the air.

  “Let him go!” Silver yelled. She beat her fists against Jersey’s back.

  Jersey dropped Jack. “Let’s do this right. It’s time to finish this war. Try to take my soul before I take yours. I dare you.”

  Their eyes connected in silent battle. On the exterior they were both calm, but deep beneath the flesh a violent war waged out of control. This time there was no change in scenery. They remained on the field.

  It felt like being in quicksand. Jack slowly made his way to Jersey’s soul, which was hiding behind several invisible obstacles. Each one presented a new puzzle. Jack couldn’t think straight. How was he going to win if he couldn’t get close to the werewolf’s soul?

  Jersey tore his eyes away from Jack’s after several minutes, breathing hard. He shook his head, obviously confused, and said, “I don’t get it. Killing you should be easy, but I can’t find your soul.” His eyes narrowed. “Maybe you don’t have one.”


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