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Break Her Fall

Page 18

by JoAnna Grace

  “I wish she would let me help, though. Ami should still be in the hospital, for shit’s sake, and I found her face down on the floor.”

  Ty’s jaws clenched and he inhaled deep.

  “I’m not saying it’s your fault,” Ezekiel said.

  “It is my fault.” Ty pushed off the wall and walked over to Amilynn’s door to knock. “Ami, let me in.”

  She replied from the other side of the door. “I want to be alone.”

  “Tough.” He turned the door handle and went right on in. Before he closed the door, Ty gave him a short nod. Thank God that scary bastard was on his side—for now.

  Not knowing what in the world to do with himself, Ezekiel went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. He gathered some eggs, bacon, and sausage to cook Amilynn breakfast. Maybe he needed to grab some steak? Kasey mentioned it worked with Vivian.

  The great thing about their shifter blood was that even though Amilynn had gone through a traumatic surgery the day before, she didn’t have to go through all the post-surgery crap that humans did. Don’t eat this, don’t drink that. Hell, the fact that she could stand at all showed how fast she was recuperating. Knowing she would need her strength, he piled on the food. Amilynn could hiss and scratch all she wanted. That pussycat was his, and he was going to take care of her even if she killed him—which wouldn’t shock anyone.

  Amilynn sat in the bathroom on a wicker bench when Ty came in. He’d given her ample time to use the toilet, not wanting to intrude. He looked at the red rims of her eyes and sighed. She looked away from him, but he knew his sister well enough to see she was hurting. If he could go kill that bitch who had done this to Ami, he would. But Kasey had seen the murder in his eyes and made him promise to follow Pack law. Tyrone had reluctantly walked away. He respected Kasey, but if Pack law ever got in the way of protecting his family, not even Kasey could hold him back.

  “You hurting?” Ty asked.

  “A little.”

  “A lot.”


  “What’s doing?”

  “I need Mel.”

  “Girl stuff?”


  “I’ll get her.” Their short volley was typical. When they both had issues to avoid, words just got in the way. He slowly walked to where she sat and kissed her forehead. “I love you.”

  Ami gave him a tight but sincere smile. “I love you too.”

  As he left, he called over his shoulder, “Don’t be so hard on my boy.”

  “He’s your boy now?” Sarcasm oozed out of her voice.

  His black globes met her green ones. “Since he didn’t puss out when I nearly attacked him, yeah. He could have been a prick . . . but he was cool.”

  “And that makes him your new BFF?” She raised her brows and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “He did it for you, Ami. That’s what makes him my boy, and yours.” Ty slapped the doorframe a couple times before he left. He found Ezekiel in the kitchen and gave him a couple of pointers on the food his sister liked. It was only fair that he helped the guy out. Heaven knew his sister wasn’t going to cut Ezekiel any slack. Then he went and gently woke Melissa.

  The sweet little snow leopard blinked a couple times and then yawned. She padded silently out of the pile of people that was slowly beginning to wake and stretch. His angel was beautiful in any form she took. Those sparkling blue eyes melted him into nothing more than a spot on the carpet.

  “What is it, baby? Are you okay?” she asked once she had a human voice. Of course her first concern would be him. That was what made her his angel. He gathered her up in his arms and pressed his lips to hers. A soft sigh and she opened her mouth, giving him the deep kiss he wanted. Melissa’s arms tightened around his neck and she all but climbed into his skin with him. Had his sister not needed her, he would have carried her off to their bed and worked on making that baby they wanted. But he did have a reason for waking her so early. Reluctantly, he pulled away, loving how her eyes stayed closed like she was still taking in the kiss.

  “Amilynn needs your assistance, angel. When you’re done with her, I need you in my bed.”

  That made her eyes pop open. The look she gave him made his entire body stir with excitement. “Yes, my husband. Be ready for me.”

  “I always am.” Ty guided her hand down to his pants and moaned when she stroked him through the cotton. “Take your time with Ami. I’ll be here.” Ty kissed her again and picked her up off the ground. “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear.

  “For what?” Her breathy voice made him smile. He fucking cherished the way she loved him, the way she never turned him away even when he was a danger to her.

  “Saving me.”

  After one more slow sensual kiss, Melissa pried herself from Ty’s body and went to check on Amilynn. Her sister-in-law scooted onto a chair in front of her vanity. Her face was solemn and her eyes were rimmed in red. It was so unlike Amilynn to cry and she seemed to be doing it a lot more lately. Maybe this wolf of hers brings out those emotions she boxes up so tightly, Melissa thought as she put her arms around Ami’s shoulders.

  “What can I do for you, sis?”

  Ami made eye contact with her in the mirror. “I want a shower. I want to wash my hair. But this fuc—um, this stupid leg isn’t supposed to get wet.”

  How hard it must have been for Ami to ask for help. She was so strong, so independent, and needing assistance with something as trivial as a shower had to insult her ego. Melissa smiled and squeezed Ami’s shoulders.

  “Not a problem. Let me think.” Melissa examined the huge shower stall and came up with a plan. “I’ll get something for you to sit on and I’ll keep your leg dry while you wash your hair, okay?”

  Ami nodded and sniffed.

  Tom was waiting outside Ami’s door when Melissa left to retrieve a chair.

  “Is she okay?” he asked, his big puppy-dog eyes full of worry.

  “She will be,” Melissa said with a smile. “Will you get one of those plastic chairs from the patio and make sure it’s clean?”

  The young man nodded and jogged off. Melissa was so thankful for Tom and Nate. There were times when she believed they were all that kept Ami from running. Now that she’d accepted Ezekiel, maybe Melissa could put that fear to rest.

  “Can I do anything?” Ezekiel asked from behind her. “Breakfast is almost ready.” He looked so desperate, as if he’d jump off a cliff if that was what it took to make Ami better.

  “Keep it warm until I get her out of the shower. I’ll put her in the bed, then you can bring it to her. There are lap trays in the fourth cabinet on the bottom. Bring a large one so it doesn’t rub her legs.”

  “Mel, is she upset with me again?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down at the floor.

  “It’s not you, Ezekiel. She’s mad at herself this morning, and you just happened to be the person who caught it first. Sometimes people take out their anger on those they know will forgive them the easiest. Not everyone could handle it, but she knew you could.”

  Ezekiel exhaled through his mouth and bobbed his head up and down.

  While she waited for the chair, someone knocked on the front door. Kasey and Vivian were awake and answered it. Melissa poked her head around the corner to see who it was. It was awful early for visitors.

  Dr. Charles pushed into the house, making Vivian raise her brows high. Kasey put a steady hand on her arm.

  “Mr. Blackburn,” said Dr. Charles. “Please tell me why I arrived to the hospital this morning and was informed that my patient had been taken off the premises?” Charles did not sound happy at all. His voice was raised and his nostrils flared.

  “Doctor, we had a family situation and she was needed here. It was her choice to come.”

  “Do you realize that about this time yesterday morning she nearly had her leg ripped from her body?” The doctor was growling. “I’d say she’s making some very poor choices lately.”

  Kasey l
et out a warning growl. “Watch your tone, Charles. You may be her physician, but I am still your alpha.”

  Charles lowered his eyes, but was fuming. “Sir.”

  “Amilynn was just about to get cleaned up and have a meal.” Melissa informed the doctor of her plan.

  “Then,” Kasey said, “you may see her and examine the leg. You will be compensated for your time. Why don’t you have a seat?” No one who heard the encounter would mistake his last question as a request. Kasey was telling that doctor to sit his happy ass down and shut up. Melissa was fond of her brother-in-law anyway, but when he laid down the law for one of her family, it made her love him even more.

  Melissa asked if Charles had anything to clean the wound. Dr. Charles had figured he would have to treat Ami in the alpha house, so he had ointments, bandages, and painkillers at the ready. He’d also brought an IV set-up just in case she had an infection that needed to be treated.

  Melissa went into the bathroom and positioned the chair in the shower so that the back was right under the spray of water. She helped Amilynn undress and sit in the chair. Melissa removed everything but her tank top and panties, then stepped into the shower with a towel to keep Ami’s leg dry. She elevated the wounded appendage enough so that water wouldn’t run down into the stitches.

  Ami let out a sigh of contentment as she cleaned herself. “It’s amazing what a good shower can do for the soul.” She smiled, her eyes closed and her head directly under the steaming spray.

  “I agree.” After Ami was finished washing, Melissa helped her to the vanity so she could brush out her hair. “Have I told you that I like how you’ve done your hair?”

  Ami picked up a strand and examined the dark blonde locks. “This blonde is still too light. I’ve dyed it so many times, I can’t remember my natural color.”

  “It’s darker; you have natural brown tones. It reminds me of your leopard’s spots.” Melissa lovingly combed through her hair. It gave her joy to help Ami like this, even if her sister-in-law didn’t realize it. “We need a spa day, you know? You, me, V, maybe even Bianca. We could relax and—”

  “You’re going to be an incredible mom.”

  Melissa’s hands stilled. Her eyes flickered up to meet Ami’s in the mirror. “That means a lot that you would say so,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. Her eyes misted over and she blinked the tears away.

  As if Ami was uncomfortable with the intimate nature of their conversation, she looked off and played with the corner of her towel. “You’re coming into heat soon, right?”

  “Very soon. I nearly pounced on your brother before I came in here.”

  “T.M.I.” Ami stuck her fingers in her ears.

  “We discussed this the other day.” Melissa laughed and pulled Ami’s hands away so she could lean down and whisper. “And you’re right after that, missy.”

  “Fuck me,” Ami groaned. She rubbed her forehead as if the thought gave her a headache.

  “I’m sure Ezekiel will be happy to do just that.”

  Ami glared at her in the mirror, but Melissa threw back her head and laughed. Ami’s mean face broke into a smile. “You love this, don’t you? Independent me mated to a blasted wolf.”

  “I do.” Melissa hugged her shoulders. “Oh, Ami. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a mate. Ezekiel cares about you, truly cares. You should’ve seen him yesterday in the hospital. He barely took his eyes off of you. He’s in love, Ami.”

  Ami clenched her eyes shut.

  “Do you think you could love him?”

  Amilynn looked up at her sister-in-law and stared right into her eyes. “Brian tried to claim me, Melissa. Don’t you remember what a nightmare that was? He was insane and obsessive. When I didn’t do what he wanted, he would hit me. When I didn’t please him in bed, he would–” Ami closed her eyes again and shook her head, her hands balled into fists. “I can’t go through all of that again.”

  “Stop right there.” Melissa moved in front of her and put her hands on Amilynn’s face. “Ezekiel is not Brian. Not even close. Ezekiel is kind and respectable. He comes from a stable and loving family. He’s a good man and your true mate. Brian took advantage of the sixteen-year-old girl you used to be. Ezekiel would never dare try to hurt you the way Brian did. Don’t start comparing the two, Amilynn. Don’t make Ezekiel pay for Brian’s sins.”

  Amilynn’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m scared. What if he leaves me? I’ve never been scared like this before.”

  “You’ve never had something this valuable to lose before, sis. And the fact that you’re scared of losing him it tells me that you already love him, even if you’re not ready to call it that yet.”

  Ami nodded and wiped her tears. “Damn wolves always make me cry. I’m allergic to them.”

  A piece of Melissa’s heart, the piece that held fear of Ami’s future, overflowed with relief and excitement. Ty could stop worrying about Ami so much now that Ezekiel was here to take care of her. And anything that made Ty stop worrying was a blessing.

  “Ezekiel’s made you breakfast. He’s concerned about you, sister. Really worried that he’s hurt you somehow.”

  “Guess I should quit being the ice queen, huh?”

  “Boy, that would put a new spin on life,” Melissa teased, then helped her to the bed.

  “Go take care of my brother.” Ami gave her a hard hug and Melissa kissed her cheek. The ladies allowed their leopards to soak up the affection.

  Melissa left Amilynn’s room and hastily went downstairs to the opposite end of the house where her apartment was. The minute she opened the door, she heard the shower running. Thoughts of her husband standing naked under the hot spray moved her feet forward. Sure enough, Ty was in the shower, leaning his muscular arms against the wall, his head under the flowing water. Melissa took a moment to admire the man’s physical glory. People rarely saw his physique the way she did. He liked to hide his powerful muscles under baggy shirts and loose-fitting pants. Make no mistake—he was just as strong as the other men in this household, but his muscles were lean, not bulky. Ripped arms, defined shoulders, brawny chest, stout legs, and abs you could do laundry on; Ty made her blood boil even after all these years. She blushed when she thought about their lovemaking. At times, he was an animal in human skin; other times, he was gentle and slow. But he always knew how she wanted it, how she needed him to be. Now would be no different.

  “Hope that blush on your cheeks is for me,” he said.

  Her eyes traveled down his torso and followed a line of black hair to the v of his hips. She watched him grow and swell as her eyes devoured him.

  “How do you do it? How do you stand there and make me weak?”

  He grinned slyly, taking in her form. “You should know. You’re doing the same thing to me right now, fully clothed. You need to remedy that situation.”

  Melissa pushed her hair behind her ear, blushing again. As many times as Tyrone had seen her naked during their marriage, there was something in his eyes that felt like the first time she had disrobed in front of him.

  She was neither tall like Vivian nor built strong like Amilynn. She had curves, and she’d gained a few pounds since the girls quit performing. Yet as Tyrone held out his hand to her, she felt like a goddess. Her mate hungered for her and it didn’t matter if she was too skinny, too fat, too tall, or too short. In his eyes, she was perfect and loved. It was the greatest aphrodisiac.

  Melissa stepped under the hot spray and ran her hands up his chest and around his neck. “Are you okay, Ty? Last night was pretty intense.”

  He searched her eyes, pushed her hair off her shoulders. “I don’t think I’ll ever be okay, at least not until I stand over Trace’s lifeless body.”

  “This isn’t your fault.”

  “You’re my angel, Ami’s my twin, Vivian’s my alpha, and Conall’s my best friend. Until I kill that bastard, you’re all in danger.”

  “Ty.” Melissa placed her hands on either side of his face. “This is not your battle to
fight alone. We have the Pack now. Kasey will stand with us and we will win. Then we can have a family.”

  Ty ran his fingertips over her stomach. “I want our baby to grow up in peace. I don’t want it to live like we have.”

  “It won’t. Look at who it will have for a father. Our baby will be loved and protected.”

  With little effort, Ty lifted her body and slid deep inside her. The sweet pressure of their connection made her gasp. He pinned her to the shower wall and made love to her with slow, gentle strokes. Once she crested in his arms, he wrapped her in a towel and took her to bed where they spent the morning loving each other until all Melissa could think, feel, see, and hear was her mate’s pleasure.

  NOT THIRTY SECONDS after Melissa left, Dr. Charles and Ezekiel came into Ami’s room with Kasey and Vivian hot on their heels. Charles was ready to spit nails and Ami had a hard time keeping a straight face.

  “Are we having a party?” She plastered on a wide, patronizing smile.

  “You should be in the hospital, Amilynn.” Charles narrowed his eyes at her. “I need to examine your leg. I can scent the infection from here.”

  “Keep your panties on, Doc. I’m fine. I should be under psychiatric care after having to deal with all these overprotective people.” She propped herself up against the headboard, thankful she was covered with a sheet. All she had on was a baggy shirt that hung off one shoulder and panties. She didn’t realize she’d have company. The thought of Kasey and Vivian seeing her leg made her self-conscious.

  Vivian picked up on her unease. She stood by Ami’s side and put a hand on her shoulder. “Kasey and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay with Charles examining you.”

  “We don’t want you to have unnecessary stress, right, Charles?” Kasey glared at the doctor with those blue-gray eyes, so much like Ezekiel’s.

  Charles took a deep breath and smiled. “Absolutely. Just a quick check and I’ve brought pain killers in case you need—”


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