Seven Flowers
Page 31
sexual organs 44–5
spread of 39–40, 43–4
Theophrastus’ description of 40–1
use in perfume 40, 41–2
varieties 43
Wilde and 85
see also Lilium
lily crucifixions 48
Lin Zexu 125
Lindley, John 202, 218, 219–20, 226
Linnaeus, Carl 170, 210, 212, 216
Linnell, John 82
Lipsius, Justus 175–6
Livia, wife of Emperor Augustus 107
Llanbeblig Book of Hours 48
Lobb, William and Thomas 223, 225
L’Obel, Matthias de 171, 176
Lochner, Stefan 137
Loddiges nursery 220, 223
Bedford Park 88
international orchid trade 222
Lime Street 178
opium dens 127
Savoy Theatre 88, 90
Lorris, Guillaume de 148–9
Loti, Pierre 28–9
lotos, the 29–30
lotus 1, 3–32, 235
Alexander the Great and 9
in America 31–2
associations with rebirth 5–6
availability 31–2
in Britain 14–15
and Buddhism 19–20
in China 17, 20–3
in Chinese art 22–3
colour 20
Conder’s description 26–7
and dreams 29–30
Du Cane sisters description of 25
Egyptian 3–4, 4–9, 6, 235
flowers 11, 12, 19, 25
as foodstuff 11, 12, 25
and footbinding 23
fruit 11, 14
the Golden Flower 23–4
Herodotus’ description 9
in Hinduism 17–19
impact on Western art and literature 29–31
in India 16–19, 31
in Japan 24–9, 31
Jung and 23–4
medicinal qualities and uses 8–9
and meditation 23–4
and Napoleon’s Egyptian campaign 15
Parkinson’s account of 14–15
Romans and 12–13
roots 12, 19
sacred associations 4–6, 9, 16, 17–19
scent 4, 27, 28–9
seed-head 10, 28
and Shinto 28
survival in Egypt 15
symbolism 146–7
Theophrastus’ description 10–12
Thornton’s depiction of 15–16
travellers’ tales 13–15
in the Upanisads 18–19
varieties 25, 27
see also Nelumbo and Nymphaea
lotus palmette, the 22
Loudon, Jane 83, 111, 120
Loudon, John Claudius 83, 111
Louis VI and VII, kings of France 50
Macau 123–4
Macedonia 11, 135
Madrid 73–4
Magnus, Albertus 137
Mahmud I, Sultan 190
maize 70, 76
Malaya 201
Mallarmé, Stéphane 61
mandala symbol 24, 159
Mandelson, Peter 157
Manet, Edouard 92
Manniche, Lise 101
Mao Zedong 129
marigolds 70, 73
Markham, Gervase 115
Marshal, Alexander 53, 78–9, 179–80
Mary, the Virgin 46–9, 50, 80, 82, 134, 151
Masson, Francis 58, 217
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor 14, 172
Mayans 69, 70
medicinal qualities and uses
lily 42, 43, 46, 52, 54
lotus 8–9
opium poppy 101, 104–6, 108, 109, 112–16, 128–9
orchid 209–10, 210–11
rose 143–6
sunflower 75, 77
tulip 176
medievalism 86
meditation 23–4
Mehmet II, Sultan 167
Mekone 103
Meun, Jean de 148, 149
Mexico 69, 70, 220
Michaux, André 53, 161–2
milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) 236
Miller, Philip 53, 82–3, 110, 174, 194, 212, 216, 217
Minoans 35, 36–9, 39, 102, 134
Moctezuma 71, 85, 215
Mohenjo-daro 18
Monardes, Nicolas 74, 75
Monet, Claude 30–1, 87
Morgan, Hugh 215
Morin, Pierre 183
Morning star lily (Lilium concolor) 54, 56
Morocco 143
morphine 102, 128–9
Morris, Jane 121
Morris, William 86
Mucha, Alphonse 63
Mughals, the 23
Muhammad, the Prophet 134, 154
Mundy, Peter 184, 188
Murad IV, Sultan 190
Musk lily (Lilium brownii) 54
Musk rose 139, 144–5, 236
Musset, Alfred de 118
Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting, The 206
Nankeen lily (Lilium testaceum) 63
Napoleon Bonaparte 15
narcotine 129
national flowers 155
National Rose Society 141
Native Americans 53, 76–7
Nelumbo 17
Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred lotus, Egyptian bean) 3, 9–13, 10, 19
Nepal, sacred garden of Lumbini 19–20
nepenthes 103–4
nepenthes opiatum 115
Nerval, Gérard de 119
orchid cultivation 216
tulip bulb production 196
tulip mania 166, 184–8, 191
New England 52–3
New Labour 156–7
New Spain, conquest of 69–70, 70–3, 215
Nezahualpilli (Aztec ruler) 72–3, 72
Nicolson, Harold 153
Nightingale, Florence 120
Nile river 4, 13
Nimrud 22
Nineveh 22, 40, 101
Nippur 101
North America
lily varieties 51, 52–4
sunflower in 68–73, 76–9
North Carolina 76
Nova Scotia 53
Nymphaea ampla 8
Nymphaea caerulea (blue Nile water lily or ‘lotus’) 3, 4–5, 5–6, 7, 8–9, 11, 15, 16, 31
Nymphaea lotus (white Nile water lily or ‘lotus’) 3–4, 8
Odysseus 29–30
opium 100–29 and 97–130 passim
opium dens 126, 127
opium poppy 97, 99–130, 235–6
in Afghanistan 99, 129–30
alkaloids 128–9
and the ancient Greeks 102–6, 107
in Christian iconography 120–1
cultivation 129–30
Dioscorides’ description 104–6,
in Egypt 101–2
flowers 110, 112
garden use 112
in German Romanticism 108
grown in Britain 120
impact on Western art and literature 117–19, 120–1
in the language of flowers 121–2
medicinal qualities and uses 101, 104–6, 108, 109, 112–16, 128–9
Mesopotamian civilizations and 101
and the Minoans 102
narcotic powers 101, 102, 116–20
and the opening of China 122–6
origins 99–100, 100
Parkinson’s description 99, 109–10
pharmacological by-products 115
power of 99, 100, 112
and the Romans 106–7
Ruskin on 99
sacred associations 102–3, 107–8
seeds 108–9
spread of 100, 103
symbolism 107–8, 120–2
Theophrastus’ description 103–4
see also Papaver somniferum
opium thebaicum 113
Opium Wars 56, 122–6, 130
Opoix, Christophe 144
orchid 1
99, 201–33, 235
in America 228
ancient Greeks and 209–11
auctions 222–3
Bee orchid 215, 236
in Britain 216–28, 236
Chatsworth collection 219–20
in China 202, 204–8, 207, 211, 220
cultivation 208, 223–4, 225–7, 228–9
Darwin and 213
difficulty in growing 215, 217–18, 219
distribution 203
endangered species 225, 229
European mania 215–29
flowers 204
growth habits 203–4
Guatemalan species 221–2
hybrids 225–6, 228
impact on Western literature 229–32
introduction of American to Europe 215
introduction of tropical to Europe 215–16
in Japan 208–9
leaves 206–7
link with sex 209–10, 211, 214, 230–1
mass-production 228–9
medicinal qualities and uses 209–10, 210–11
night-flowering 203
Peruvian Slipper orchid 201
prices 201, 222–3, 225
reproduction 211–15
Ruskin and 213–15
scent 204, 205, 220
shows 201–2
symbolism 202, 227–8
trade in 218, 228–9
see also orchid varieties
Orchid varieties
Bletia purpurea 216, 217
Bulbophyllum nocturnum 203
Catasetum 213
Cattleya 230–1
Cattleya labiata 218
Cycnoches maculatum 202, 220
Cymbidium 204
Cypripedium 203
Cypripedium calceolus (Lady’s slipper orchid) 212, 225, 236
Dendrobium 203, 209, 211
Dendrobium moniliforme 209
Dendrobium nobile 220
Epidendrum 216
Epidendrum stamfordianum 222
Neofinetia falcata 208
Oberonia rufilabris 220
Orchis mascula 229–30
Paphiopedilum 203
Paphiopedilum insigne f. sanderae (Indian slipper orchid) 233
Phaius tankervilleae 217
Phragmipedium 203
Rhizanthella 204
Stanhopea devoniensis (now S. hernandezii) 220
Vanda coerulea 224–5
Vanilla planifolia (Vanilla orchid) 203, 215
Order of the White Lotus 24
Oregon Bulb Farms 64
Orlean, Susan 232
Ottoman tulips (Lâle-i Rûmi) 168–71
Ottoman Turkey 117, 142
love of flowers 169
tulip in 166–9, 188–91
Ovid 44, 79–80, 107, 147–8
Palestrina, Nile mosaic of 13
Papaver rhoeas (corn poppy) 101, 104, 107, 122
Papaver somniferum (opium poppy) 97, 99–130, 235–6
Papaver setigerum 100
papaverine 129
Papua New Guinea 203
Paracelsus 113–14
Parkinson, John 14–15, 51–2, 75–6, 77, 99, 109–10, 112, 156, 174, 176, 178–9, 212
Parsons, Alfred 27–8
Parti Socialiste, France 156
Passe, Crispin de, the Younger xv, 78, 110, 177
Paul the Deacon 46–7
Pauw, Adriaen, Dr, pensionary of Amsterdam, 185
Paxton, Joseph 219, 225
Pena, Pierre 171
peony, the 22, 138, 209
perfume 40, 41–2, 141–3
Perry, Commodore Matthew 25
Persia 9, 112–13, 116–17, 137, 138, 142, 168see also Iran
Peru 69, 70, 74, 75
Peter the Great, Tsar 94
Pfitzer, Ernst Hugo Heinrich 210
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis 115, 145
Philippines 228
Phillips, Henry 111
Pizan, Christine de 149
Pizarro, Francisco 69
Plant, Robert 222
Plath, Sylvia 194
Pliny the Elder 12, 42–3, 43, 79, 106, 135, 141
Poe, Edgar Allan 120, 159
Chinese 21–2, 32, 205
lily 61
Moslem 153
orchid 205, 232
Persian 168
rose 150–1, 153
tulip 168, 194
Poiret, Jean Louis Marie 53
Pollan, Michael 128, 165, 215
Pompeii 13, 43, 107, 135–6
poppy goddess, the 102
Poynter, Sir Edward 62
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 60, 86
Psalmanazar, George 117
psychoanalysis 23–4
Punch 88, 89
Purchas, Samuel, Purchas his Pilgrimes 14–15
Qur’an, the 154
Randolph, John 120
Rawicz Warszewicz, Josef Ritter von 222
Rea, John 173–4, 181
Reagan, Ronald 157, 161
Redon, Odilon 159
Redouté, Henri-Joseph 15
Redouté, Pierre-Joseph 15, 133
red-spotted Flame lily (Lilium philadelphicum) 53
Reeves, John 220
Reichenbach, Heinrich Gustav 227
Richard III, King 155
Rilke, Rainer Maria 150–1, 162
Rimbaud, Arthur 35, 118
Rimmel, Eugene 143
Robert, Nicolas 156
Robinson, William 83–4, 111–12, 194
Roethke, Theodore 232
Roezel, Benedict 222, 226
Roman de la Rose 148–9
and the lily 42–5
and the opium poppy 106–7
and the rose 135–6, 147–8, 157–8
Rosalia 135
Rosaliae Signorum, the 135
R. alba 138
R. arvensis 137
R. chinensis (Chinese rose) 137
Rosa × damascena ‘Versicolor’ 155–6
R. fedtschenkoana 139
R. foetida 137
Rosa gallica 137–8, 138, 139
R. gallica var. officinialis (Apothecary’s rose) 144
R. ‘Général Jacqueminot’ 141
R. laevigata (Cherokee rose) 161–2
R. ‘La France’ 140
rose 131, 133–62, 235
in alchemy 159
ancient Greeks and 135, 141–2, 143–4, 147, 157
biblical 49
breeding mania 140–1
Centifolia roses 143
Chinese 139–40, 162
and Christianity 46, 136–8, 151–3
Damask rose 138–9, 142, 144–5, 155
dark symbolism 157–62, 158
and death 157–9, 158
Dog roses 143
double yellow rose 138
Eglantine rose 156
evolution 134, 134–41
and the fall of the Roman Empire 136
the Golden Rose 153
in heraldry 155
Hybrid Tea 140
Ibn al-‘Awwam’s list 137
and love 147–8
medicinal qualities and uses 143–6
and the Minoans 134
in the Moslem world 137, 138, 153–4
mummified 158
Musk rose 139, 144–5, 236
origins 134
in perfumery 141–3
Pliny the Elder’s description 135
political 155–7
prices 141
Romans and 135–6, 147–8, 157–8
Rosa Mundi 156
rose otto 142
and the Rosicrucian movement 159–60
sacred associations 134
scent 139, 140, 143, 147
sex and sexuality, association with 147–51
in Shakespeare 149–50
spread of 139
sub rosa 157
symbolism 134, 146–54, 157–62, 158
Tudor rose 155–6
br /> in USA 161
wild 134–5
York and Lancaster rose 155
see also Rosa
Rose, John 181
rosebuds, women’s 148–51
rose-hips 146
rosewater 115, 138, 142, 144–5, 154
Rosicrucian movement 159–60
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 47–8, 60, 61, 88, 121
Rossi, Geronimo 142
Roxburgh, William 217
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 158, 202, 216–17, 228
Royal Horticultural Society 56, 59, 194, 218, 219, 225, 228
Rumi (Jalal-al-Din Muhammad Balkhi) 154
Runge, Philipp Otto 108
Ruskin, John 99, 130, 213–15
Russia 94
sacred associations
lily 35, 37–9, 44–5, 46–9
lotus 4–6, 16, 17–19
opium poppy 102–3, 107–8
rose 134
sunflower 67
tulip 168, 191
Sa’di (Musharrif al-Din Muslih) 153
Sahagún, Bernardino de 70, 71–2
St Gall abbey, Switzerland 45, 108
St Valentine’s Day 149
Salazar, Cervantes de 71
Sambourne, Edward Linley 88, 89
Sander, Frederick 222, 226–7
Sangerhausen 133
Sappho 147
Sardinia 215
Sargent, John Singer 61
Savery, Roelandt 184
Savigny, M. J. C. L. 15
Scarlet turkscap lily (Lilium chalcedonicum) 38–9, 39, 40
lily 42–3, 48–9, 64
lotus 4, 27, 28–9
orchid 204, 205, 220
rose 139, 140, 143
tulip 166, 172
Schongauer, Martin 137–8
Seghers, Daniel 184
Selim II, Sultan 169
Semper Augustus tulip 185
Sertürner, Friedrich Wilhelm 128
Seville 137
Seward, Barbara 153
sex and sexuality 8, 147–51, 209–10, 211, 214, 230–1
Shah ‘Abbasi palmettes 23
Shakespeare, William 52, 149–50, 229–30
Shapcott, Jo 150–1, 158
Shinto 28
Shiraz 142, 153
Siddal, Lizzie 121
Siddharta Gautama, Prince 19–20
Siebold, Philipp Franz Balthasar von 57–8, 58–9
Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell 194
Skinner, George Ure 221–2, 223
Slater, Gilbert 217
Sloane, Hans 216
Society of Apothecaries, Chelsea 53
Solomon, King 35
conquest of New Spain 69–70, 70–3, 215
introduction of American orchids to Europe 215
introduction of sunflower to Europe 73–5
Moorish 137
opium poppy in 100