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The Legend of Darwan: Ragnarok (1 Book 16)

Page 10

by Peter Kratky

  “But something like that is supposed to have an infinite chance of collapsing on its own. It's against all the laws of nature.”

  “True, but we can't rule anything out. It needs to be investigated. And we have to do it now. But all information relating to the Legend of Darwan must be kept in absolute secrecy. If the Galaxy were simply to come to know the aspects that have recently been discovered about those facts and those times, the question of humanity would be by comparison a mere pastime.”

  “Thus it will be done,” answered Narhum.

  “Go now, my old advisor. The coming times are going to test our people and the galaxy. We may never be what we were. It is our duty that, whatever the circumstances, these human beings be detained. And they will be. That is my solemn promise.”

  Narhum took flight, and the President watched as he wandered through the vast space of the Great White Room to his destination. And everyone's fate was shaping up at all times. If everything failed, if humans could not be stopped, it would be the end of the LauKlars' story. And the whole galaxy. A single species would dominate them all. Like, apparently, and according to Darwan's Legend, once it had happened. A single species... What species? How did they get it? Were they human? Or was it another species, perhaps one already extinct? What was their relationship to the newly recovered humans in the Xarwen biocomputers?

  The legend of Darwan could be the key. Of course, all that information, fragmented and broken, after millions of years, had become a legend.

  They had to investigate, they had to get to the bottom. Because, perhaps, just perhaps, in the past the answer was written. Another war was to take place, far from the battles between human ships and other species. That other war could be the key to winning the military war. Knowledge of the past could contain the solution for the future.

  The President pressed a button, and a three-dimensional image of Helen appeared. He looked at her with disdain, but also with concern. From that moment on, he would dedicate his whole life to this being and his species. He would. And history would account for that.

  Deblar appeared, drawing the President out of his thoughts.


  “What's going on?”

  “I suppose you're concerned about the Darwan Legend business.”

  “That's right. What do you know about that? Only the High Council is supposed to know the details.” Deblar extracted an instrument that floated in the air. An image of the Galaxy emerged from it. In it there was a huge blue area marked with the symbol of three octagons surrounding a cube. And another red zone, with a mark that the President immediately recognized.

  “What galaxy is that?”

  “It's our galaxy.”

  “I don't recognize that configuration.”

  Because this is the galaxy with the structure it had in the past, approximately three billion years ago. The legend is catalogued in that period.”

  “And where did you get this information?” Deblar ignored the question and continued:

  “The Legend of Darwan is the key.”

  “What do you know about the legend?”

  “I know we must be prepared.”

  “Then you know everything.”

  “You must come with me.”

  “Where to, the planet?”

  “No. Sun 6-1. The humans called it Titan. It's a moon from the sixth planet of this star system. It was a mining operation of hydrocarbons in the epoch of humanity.”

  “What's going on in Titan?”

  “There, there may be all the answers. Remember the human speech. He referred to the Vanir.”

  “It was a rhetorical figure.”

  “Yes. It's a rhetorical figure. But it's also a key. A key that opens a door. And that door leads to the Galaxy's greatest secret...”

  Epilogue: Ragnarok.

  Galactic Encyclopedia: Kleoron, the fundamental particle, or Primordial Particle.

  For many species, including the LauKlars, it had been hard to understand that gravity was not a field like the others, nor was it a distortion of space-time, although it could be explained in those terms.

  In fact, the LauKlars used to draw a thick line between the intelligent species that came to understand the true nature of gravity as one of the variants of the basic forces of the universe, which are part of what was known by humans as “dark energy,” and their local expression, dark matter. The complete secrets of these forms of matter and energy, true precursors of the universe, of which baryonic matter only consists of the unexpressed part of the Big Bang, were never known to the human species before they became extinct, which had led to its classification as level 1, the most basic engineering. The three classical fields for humans, electromagnetism, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear, were in turn the same field which is expressed in different ways according to the measure. The gravitational field was one of the remaining three forming the second qualifying group. And above all of them was the fundamental particle, known by the LauKlars as “Kleoron”, from which the rest emanated. The Kleoron, together with its antiparticle, are the ones that give rise to baryonic matter, dark energy and dark matter, and allow interstellar travel through the interaction of the anti-universe universe....

  The Xarwen clearly went beyond that level, but surprisingly they did not seem to have developed the interstellar journey, one of the first practical applications of Kleoron field theory, understanding that Kleoron is the precursor of the structure of the universe. All other fields and forces, and what humans would have called associated “matter-energy”, start from the Kleoron as a base, and are variants of it. Graviton, in turn, is derived from Kleoron, which makes up the rest of the fields and masses. The Kleoron was the particle that initiated the Big Bang, and in fact all matter and energy, as well as all intermediate states, are concentrated forms of Kleoron fields with different expressions. Some humans theorized about that possibility, but could not go further in their theoretical models. The Kleoron was the base that gave shape to the universe, and in the Lauklar universe, its concrete expression, spin, constant fine structure (incomplete in almost all species, including the human) and quantum angular moment, had given shape to a particular structure that was capable of generating and harboring life. Other universes do not follow the same destiny...

  The call

  The President was isolated in a House of Reflection. In these chambers, the thoughts of other LauKlars cannot pass through the structure impervious to the thought of walls, ceiling and floors. LauKlars often use these cameras at special times from time to time, when, for various reasons, they want to be reflected in their reflections without any external disturbance. Although LauKlars rarely need such isolation, it is sometimes an extremely effective tool for sorting their minds.

  So, when the President noticed a second presence in his mind, he was surprised. He found that the chamber closures were locked and secured, and that they worked perfectly. However, that strange mind was still there. After a few moments of confusion, the voice spoke.


  “Who is he? Deblar?”

  “Please, President, don't insult me by comparing me to that giant chicken.”

  “To all the stars of the heavens!...”

  “By all the stars! Speak up! Are you really in your kind always so ceremonial? It's really frustrating that, after all this time, we have to face each other again with the biggest chickens in the Galaxy, and you're such a challenge... Edible? Sorry, I see fried chicken when I think of you...”


  “Bingo! I see you're a fast-minded being, President.”

  “But how did you get in touch with me? Where are you located? And how did you get through the shield...?”

  “Follies, President. It's the same technique we used on our ships. We're ten light-years away, and we're right next to you. Then we return to our point of origin. My telepathic link is only a few hundred meters away, using a hidden probe close to your ship. Isn't that fantastic? “

p; “We don't know how you move like that, but we'll find out, human. It's some form of temporary displacement, that's for sure.”

  “Of course you will, you'll find out everything we're up to, I don't question that. We won't underestimate you. But by then you will be a people subjugated and enslaved to our will, with no chance of recovering lost ground. Moreover, this trick is only one of those we have, our advantages are not only technological.”

  “Why are you doing this? What is the reason for this obsession with conquest? The Galaxy contains thousands of intelligent species. It has been shown that we can live in harmony. There is enough for everyone, much more than we could ever need to engage in absurd resource wars.”

  “Resource Warfare? What do you take us for, President? Do you think we have waited all this time to launch a “resource war”? You think our target is some kind of Lebensraum?”

  “I don't quite understand that term.”

  “It doesn't matter. And you obviously know why we're here, and why we do what we do. And it's not just a stupid war of resources or space, or mere domination.”

  “I don't know.”

  “Don't you know, President?”

  “How do you want me to know?”

  “However, you know the Legend of Darwan. You know what it says. And you know that, for thousands of years, it has been there, hidden, told the children who don't eat their dinner, who don't behave well, who don't do their homework.”

  “Our children don't do homework. And they don't eat dinner. Not in the human sense of the term. It is true that sometimes they may have attitudes that can upset their parents.”

  “As it has happened with Nahr.”

  “Don't you dare harm him.”

  “We're not going to hurt him. We are not here to cause unnecessary harm, only that required to meet our goals. And that chick is more useful to us alive than dead. I was thinking of taking it as a pet.... But let's focus. The Legend, in its absurd infantile version, tells that a long time ago, there was a bloody battle in the Galaxy, and that after thousands of years, a new species would arrive and take them away, it would take away the bad children who do not behave well... And so the children learn to obey... A children's tale, nothing more, like the man in the sack of my time. Right, President? However, some LauKlars know more about the Legend. You know it's not a story to scare the kids. And you've kept it secret for thousands of years...”

  “That's fantasy!”

  “Fantasy? Don't make me laugh, President. You know the truth.”

  “What truth?”

  “The truth, President. The truth. The damn stubborn truth. In the depths of your brains you know the truth of the Legend, and that, of all that is going to happen, you are the only ones responsible. Your species will fall, and the most paradoxical thing will be that it is you, and not us, who have programmed your own end. It's almost comical, President. A species stupid enough to have such great pride that it causes its own disappearance, and its conversion into slaves. I'll drink to that. Undoubtedly, a curious epitaph for a species that wanted to play God. Yes, even among you conceal a vital part of the Legend. You know it's a myth, you know it's part of the story. But you also know that it contains the secret of the greatest power in the Universe...”

  “We will stop you, human. All that crap won't do you any good. And, the Legend... It is nothing more than something you have found in the Galactic Encyclopedia. You won't use it against us.”

  “Don't make me laugh again, grown chicken. And don't try to test me. In the Galactic Encyclopedia, and you know it, there are no real data of the Legend; only the children's tale, conveniently distorted and adapted so that those who read it will be satisfied with what it says. The actual data is encoded in the President's Chamber, accessible only to a very small group of Directors and some special members. And, in an even more hidden second layer, new data only visible to your eyes and right hand: Narhum. The real data on the Legend is also in our Xarwen database. And you know why. So, don't insult me with your pretended ignorance. We could have blown your ship to pieces hours ago, but you are part of our plan, and we want you alive. For the time being. That doesn't mean I'm going let you try to trick me with your lies. Don't try it again. You're the one we need. But your family, your partner, your children, are great beings, full of life and future. I'd feel like you saw them passing by the main lock of your ship dismembered and turned into chicken pulp. Obey, shut up, and speak only when you're asked from now on. I hope that's clear enough.”

  “That's clear enough. You said you wouldn't do any unnecessary harm.”

  “Whether your family, and thousands of other LauKlars families, become a necessary target ultimately depends on your collaboration. And don't try to fool me.”

  “I will not deceive you.”

  “We'll see. For now, I'm going to make an effort and believe you. Well, it was an interesting conversation. It won't be the last. And I'm going to make that clear again. If you cooperate, there will be no unnecessary deaths. We need slaves, not dead. Of course, that doesn't go with you, but it goes with everyone else in general. You will be treated well as I have already said, but you will have to collaborate in everything and everything that is said. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  “Fine. Nice, pretty little bird. I love your colors. Now go with your loved ones for a while, and enjoy their company. They're so charming!”

  “I will do so.”

  “Goodbye, President. And remember. I'm tuning you in. Don't forget that.”

  “I won't do it...”

  The President left the House of Reflection, and immediately summoned the Major Council, the main group of LauKlars with the most senior access. He also summoned Deblar. He wanted to talk to her to try and find out more about the human species. He sent a short message. The content of the message only said:

  “Darwan has begun. We must be ready.”

  At the moment, he felt Deblar's mind inside. She was strange. Different. Powerful. He almost flinched when he read the answer:

  “President, we've been ready for three billion years…”




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