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The Healer's Garden

Page 3

by Nina Pierce

  The purification Kylie had mentioned had been so much worse than anything she'd expected.

  After settling them into temporary suites, their hosts had filled them with a lavish meal served in a lovely outdoor restaurant with copious amounts of wine and spirits flowing endlessly. It was supposed to be an opportunity for Jahara to bond with her breeding sisters, but she was filled with so much bitterness she wasn't good company for anyone.

  She'd sat eating the food flavored with a bitter spice, offended the government required her to fulfill her obligation to an outdated law. She'd answered inquiries about her personal life politely, but offered only minimal amounts of information. She wasn't here to make friends. Eventually, the women at her table had given up asking her questions and she'd finished her meal listening to them giggle and prattle on about men and sex until she'd had all she could do not to scream at them to stop twittering like hens.

  Kylie had circulated around the tables in a flowing white chiffon dress that swirled about as if she radiated the false moonlight itself. Conversing with the women in overly cheery tones, she attempted to keep their minds off the obligation they were brought here to fulfill.

  It hadn't helped. The sound of the anxious chattering rose exponentially with the amount of wine being consumed. The women spoke of men with so little knowledge, Jahara wondered if anyone had taught them anything in school. She'd sat with her tongue painfully pinched between her teeth refusing to correct the things they accepted as facts. Someone else could dispel the myths these stupid girls believed to be true.

  Returning to her room, wanting only to fall into bed and mourn the loss of her life as she knew it, Jahara's bowels had begun convulsing painfully. Everything she'd consumed began purging itself from her body. Through every orifice available to her digestive system, she released the contents of her stomach. Not just the meager meal she'd picked at, but from the profuse amounts of liquid leaving her body, probably everything she had eaten within the last few weeks.

  For several hours, her body flushed everything. Attika, who had asked to room with her, had experienced the same unpleasant reaction to the food. She'd spent time in the adjoining bathroom retching until the two of them, spent and weak, had crawled into their beds moaning in pain and discomfort.

  Jahara cursed herself for not having recognized the ancient herb that had been mixed in with her food. It was once widely used to cleanse sickness from anyone who consumed it. She knew it from her training as a healer. It had been years since she'd prescribed it to any of her patients. There were other less foul ways to cure an ailing body.

  Only hours after she slipped into a restless sleep, two women entered their room unannounced. Their jovial voices raised Jahara's hackles. With military practice, they stripped them naked and led them back into their separate bathrooms.

  Closing her in a cubicle, the woman instructed Jahara to stand still. Chemical sprays pummeled her, making her choke. The coughing brought up copious amounts of phlegm from her lungs. She wondered if the torturous ritual would ever be complete. By the time she stepped from the intense green lights that dried and prickled her skin, the women were stripped naked. They led Attika and Jahara into a large communal shower where they taught them how to scrub every part of their bodies until their skin was red from the sharp bristles of the brush and harsh soap.

  They inserted antibiotics into their vaginas and rectums. Jahara was humiliated by the horrible invasion of her body and their apparent lack of modesty. Only pride kept the tears burning in her eyes from running unchecked down her cheeks.

  The only consolation was the massage the woman had given her with the sweet smelling lotion after the bathing had been completed. Laying her on the bed of fresh linens, the woman rubbed every inch of Jahara's sensitive skin with gentle hands that stroked and probed. Using the kneading to apologize for what she'd put Jahara through, her voice was repentant and soothing. Jahara heard Attika's muffled moans of climax across the room, but had no problem ignoring the obvious sensual caresses on her own body. No one else would ever satisfy her.

  She drifted off to sleep thinking of Merenith.

  This morning they'd eaten fresh fruits and coconut milk for their morning meal. Jahara ate cautiously, unsure whether the food would stay down.

  Their traveling garments had been replaced with flimsy tunics and pants made of nearly transparent gossamer fabric. Her black triangle of pubic hair was as obvious as Attika's bright red curls and their pink areolas were visible through the low cut tunic that exposed a good portion of their cleavage.

  Jahara wondered whether they were stripping away any sense of modesty. It didn't matter. She would do her time here in whatever manner the administration of The Garden saw fit to put her through.

  They left their room through a hermetically sealed door and followed their breeding sisters through the streets to another building. Women in yellow separated the crowd into smaller clusters and sorted them into various meeting rooms. Jahara now sat next to Attika in the brightly lit room, feeling very apprehensive about what this day would bring.

  Looking around, Jahara noted the stunned expressions of the nineteen other women and knew they had endured the same humiliation the night before. The plush, faux leather chairs were arranged in a semi-circular fashion facing a wall that projected the hologram of a tropical garden. The birds chirping in the background were no doubt being piped in through some hidden speaker system. She hadn't been here twenty-four hours and Jahara wanted nothing more than to run back home. If last night was any indication of the trials ahead, her life was about to become a living hell.

  Kylie strode into the room, her shoulders thrown back and her perky breasts jutting out over a toned abdomen. “Good morning. I trust you all slept well?” She threw her head to the side, sweeping the caramel strands of hair back over her shoulder. “We apologize for the cleansing, but you are now truly in the Garden proper. Men are such weak creatures. We fuss continually about their immune systems. We can't be too cautious about outside spores, bacteria, or viruses. That will be the only time you have to go through that unless you have visitors. Then you must leave here and when you return go through the process again."

  "Doesn't look like my family will be visiting,” Attika whispered in Jahara's ear. They had said very little to each other since dinner last evening. “The only comfort was the wonderful massage. I haven't slept that well in months."

  Kylie paraded her nudity as she moved back and forth in front of the women. “Today you will hear a brief history of the Garden of Serenity, learn about our laws and,” she paused for affect, “meet a male breeder.” She waited for the murmurs to subside before continuing, her smile now as false as the blond curls between her thighs. “The law that was enacted guaranteed the human population would continue to grow.” The hologram of the garden behind her melted away, the chirping of the birds seamlessly moved into muted strains of classical music. The picture was replaced by video of men lying in beds ten rows deep, their papery skin covering nothing but bone.

  "This is the plague that happened in the early twenty-first century, decimating the male population. As you know, there are less than one million people in the Eastern Territory, by last census. Ninety-five percent who are female."

  The video slid flawlessly into a series of pictures depicting small groups of women standing with young children.

  "In order to preserve their futures, young women isolated themselves in communal clans. They castrated their male young, ensuring them life, but losing their ability to procreate. The government allowed the insemination of these clusters from the same sperm donor on a limited basis. Frozen stores were distributed throughout the regions, hence, the small pockets of clans that have survived the generations.” A video of ancient healers covered with bacteria suits replaced the women.

  "Unfortunately, despite every effort to impregnate only healthy females, some women who had not suffered the effects of the virus were still carriers. The male fetuses were spontaneously ab
orted and few female children survived beyond the first month."

  The healers faded away and a graph appeared.

  "When sperm supplies ran out, the Congress enacted the law requiring all healthy women to birth two children. Though our population has slowly grown, it has not reached the projected level the government had hoped to achieve by this century.” She motioned to the nearly level line beside her. “So we continue to uphold the decree enacted nearly one hundred years ago. Some of you are third generation coming to the Garden to procreate."

  Jahara found her insincere voice and artificial smile nauseating. Stewing in bitterness, Jahara wondered for whom the woman before her preened. But the rapt fascination on her breeding sisters’ faces gave her the answer.

  The graph became a hologram of a woman in what must have been her last trimester of pregnancy. Her beautiful breasts and belly disproportionately protruded from her body. While many of her classmates gasped in awe, Jahara's stomach roiled at the thought of what a child would do to her body. A body Merenith found very appealing. A wave of disgust rolled over her, leaving goose pimpled flesh in its wake.

  "Birthing is a privilege few will accomplish. Our conception rate is high, but many fetuses, for medical reasons still unknown, are lost within the first trimester.” The woman in the hologram lay down on a bed while healers moved in with scalpels cutting the skin on her abdomen and removing a baby from her uterus. All the while, the birth mother kept her smile firmly in place.

  Kylie continued talking in a sweet tone as if she were discussing something as benign as the weather. “This is the birthing process. Our ancestors suffered many hours to bring forth their offspring, but that is no longer the case. Our gifted healers make sure there is no pain. You may be awake or in a hypnotized state so you don't remember, the choice will be yours. You will notice,” the hologram showed the same woman post-birth, “child bearing leaves no after-effects on your body. Our healers take great care not to leave any scars.” Rotating her naked body in front of them, Kylie flashed a toothy grin. “I am proud to say I have birthed two offspring and my partner still finds me as desirable as the first time I met her."

  Applause broke out. Kylie was a beautiful woman, there was no denying it. Merenith showed no signs of the horrors Jahara had just witnessed. Of course the healers would not let patients leave their care with scars. She prided herself on leaving the wounds of her patients in a healthier state than they had been before an accident.

  The hologram of the garden returned. “The plague was horrible for the human population and it changed our ancestors forever. Over the generations, the virus that killed so many reconfigured the female DNA, giving many of us great gifts. Though I have the gift of instruction, some of you, the gift of machines, visions and prophecy or numbers, but no gift is bestowed upon any woman greater than the gift of healing. I know you don't realize it, but you have among your breeding sisters one of the most talented healers of our time."

  Jahara swiveled her head, searching for one of her more famous colleagues.

  "Dr. Jahara Hriznek, please, don't be shy, won't you please stand.” Kylie waved her hand in her direction as applause once again broke out in the room.

  Shaking her head, Jahara put her hand to her chest, the heat rising in her face until she was sure the crimson flush on her cheeks was apparent even to those across the room.

  Walking over to her, Kylie pulled her up by the elbow. “This is Dr. Jahara Hriznek, birth child to the Honorable Ryniah Hriznek, Chief Administrator of the Eastern Territory. We've been waiting a long time for her to arrive. This is her first breeding season and you should be honored to call her your sister.” The clapping and whispers rang unnaturally loud in Jahara's ears.

  "She's not only here to breed, but she's agreed to work in our healing facility. She may help deliver your offspring.” The applause was overwhelming.

  Watching Kylie's firm bottom retreat, Jahara dropped back into the chair, wishing to be anywhere but here. Mortified by both the revelation that this was her first visit and that she would birth the children was almost too much for her to bear.

  "You never said anything.” Attika leaned in conspiratorially. “Healers from my village talk about you all the time.” Attika rose to her feet, her hands slapping together with such enthusiasm the others couldn't help but rise until everyone stood in the room save for Jahara.

  "Thank you.” Nodding her head, Jahara pressed her hand at the air until the clapping finally subsided and the women settled back into their seats. She had not expected such adulation.

  "There is much to learn today, my sisters. This next part is my favorite.” Rubbing her hands together, Kylie's voice became almost giddy. “The moment you all have been anticipating and probably secretly fearing for a long time. Your first look at an adult male breeder.” Stepping back, the hologram parted. “Please meet my current breeding partner, Brenimyn."

  After the loud clapping, the silence filling the room was deafening.

  The man walking through the holographic garden was just about the most perfect specimen of a human male Jahara had ever seen. The sleeveless, pale jade tunic was cut with a V that plunged just below his navel. The deep bronze of his skin glowed copper in the false sunlight pouring through the overhead windows of the low ceiling. His chest and arms were sculpted with muscles Jahara had only seen on the physiques of the trainers they used at the university where she'd honed her healing talents.

  As he rotated for the women, the loose fitting pants could not disguise the narrow hips or the tight, chiseled roundness of his backside. Walking to the center of the room, he continued to model for them. The heavy set of his genitals swayed with each step of his bare feet.

  The thick mop of blond waves on his head belied his ancestry. He was Olakuma, like Merenith. Only his eyes were different. They weren't the deep blue of a raging river, but the color of liquid ice. The irises were rimmed with a deep black ring that accented the pupil. Either his Dame or her mate came from the Chinigan clan, like Jahara's ancestors.

  Kylie walked up behind him, the pride in her breeding partner obvious in the possessive way she ran one hand up his torso, the other squeezing the firm curve of his buttocks. Crossing his arms over his chest he smiled down at Kylie. With his feet spread nearly shoulder width, Brenimyn still towered over her and Jahara was once again drawn to the top of his thighs. The light from the holograph shown through the fabric and the shadow of his genitals was mesmerizing.

  Sweeping one arm behind him and one at his waist, the man bowed low as he spoke. “Welcome cherished of humans, females of breeding age, gifted women and bearers of offspring.” The deep timbre of his voice vibrated through Jahara like a bow pulled slowly across a violin string. As he straightened again, his eye trapped hers and he smiled. “It is a privilege and an honor to be in your presence.” Inclining his head, Jahara felt his gaze on her like fingers caressing her cheek. Bringing her hand to her face, she tried to wipe away the feeling.

  Her reaction to this man stunned and amazed her. She was almost old enough to have been Dame to the young girls ogling this foreigner like an extinct animal. She was a healer with years of experience, after all. How many times had she mended a thigh or a stomach of one of the construction workers brought to the healing facility with horrendous wounds? She had seen any number of naked men. What was it about this man that had piqued her curiosity?

  She folded her arms over her breasts and crossed her legs, suddenly embarrassed by her nearly naked body he seemed to be perusing with frank interest. Heat rose in her cheeks once again and she flushed as his stare trailed embers down her arm.

  This was foolish, Jahara chided herself. Every female must be experiencing this same illusion of touch. It must be something Kylie was doing. But when she pulled her gaze from Brenimyn to look over at Attika, Jahara saw only a look of amazement. Attika's jaw hung slack and her green eyes bulged. No one else appeared to be rubbing at the goose bumps Jahara was attempting to erase from her skin.

  Kylie looked up at her mate, the curve of her mouth reminding him she was in control.

  He cast his eyes toward his feet.

  "Today, I become not your hostess, but your teacher. Mating is a very misunderstood ritual, but a necessary one if we are to continue increasing the female population. There is no guarantee, however, that when you are impregnated you will carry a female child.” She looked over her shoulder at the regal man whose eyes remained focused on the floor.

  "Prior to the plague, sperm was collected from males and routinely mixed with the eggs of women and implanted back into the uterus. Fetuses developed normally and offspring were birthed. Everything about those children was normal. Since the time of the virus however, the fragile systems of the men that survived have made this technique impossible. Sperm exposed to air dies immediately, rendering it useless. Until such time as our esteemed researchers can perfect impregnation without the use of sperm, it is a necessary evil to foster the growth of male fetuses and ensure the continued survival of the human race."

  Jahara hadn't thought much about men and their role in the world. They were laborers and breeders and she believed they accepted their lot in life. In her twenty-eight years, nothing had disproved her theory. But the way Kylie spoke, she understood the instructor insinuated the continued existence of females specifically. A world without males? All people were here on earth for a purpose, weren't they? The thought soured the meager meal in her stomach.

  "...unfortunately, mating is something we all must endure until impregnated. The male's life essence must travel directly from the breeder's body into the female or conception will not take place.” The women shifted uncomfortably in their chairs. Everyone knew what Kylie's last sentence intimated—copulation.

  "There are only three laws here at the Garden.” Kylie lifted her index finger. “The first and most important law: no man may ever mate with a woman without her verbal permission and once given, the woman may at any time ask the mating to stop. You ladies are in control at all times."


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