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The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles

Page 18

by Sarah Hite

  From there, he watched as Torak and Lukair guided Shanni down to the next ledge. Nori, and Eika carefully followed behind them. It took Shanni a little while to find her footing and she moved slowly. They made slow progress, but advanced steadily, and had not been off of the ledge long, when the clouds began to break up. It was only a quarter moon, and did not provide a lot of extra light, but it was enough for them to see more easily.

  Torak watched Shanni's footing while Lukair helped her stay balanced. They continued their sow decent when Torak noticed a part of the path that was covered in gravel. He knew this might be a tricky section and slowed down. "Careful, Shanni- his warning came too late. She hit the patch of gravel, and slipped as the rocks slid out from under her feet. She stumbled and hit Lukair in the chest as he tried to help her. He lost his balance and fell backwards, throwing the Pebblines from their perch.

  "Lukair!" Torak exclaimed. He mentally called for Akio. The young Ocean dragon had seen him fall, and leapt off the ledge; he flew to the young man. Lukair fell down the side of the ravine and passed the next ledge before he managed to stop himself. He lost his pack in the fall. Akio landed in front of him just as he was climbing to his feet. He was a little shaky and with a little help from Akio, slowly climbed back up the grade.

  "Lukair! Are you alright?" Torak asked as they joined him; after he had seen Lukair and Akio begin the climb back up, he had guided the other three little dragons down to the trees, with the Pebblines on his back. Alamine was shaking and breathing heavily. She had been tossed from her perch and had fallen several feet before stopping. Torak had found her and helped her find a safe perch on his back

  Lukair nodded, "I'm fine. I'm more concerned about Alamine. A fall like that could have easily hurt her." Unfortunately, he knew that it would not be possible to tell the true amount of damage without light, but he was not willing to give away their position, and hoped that the chieftain had not been hurt. He also knew the fall could send her into labor. He checked their position, and since they were already halfway to the bottom, he suggested they keep going. Once they made it to the lower caverns, he would be able to take Alamine to her shaman.

  After a brief rest, they continued their slow climb to the bottom. With the lower half at a shallower grade, it was easier for the younger children to climb down the remaining segment of trail. The added moonlight helped guide them as well. Roughly an hour later, Akio and his group landed at the bottom. Elder was waiting for them at the end of the incline.

  "Where are the rest of you?" he asked.

  Akio looked up into the black. "They are coming. It is taking them longer since they have to climb down. Shanni, Nori, and Eika cannot fly yet, so Torak is leading them down on foot."

  Elder followed his gaze and looked into the darkness beyond for several long minutes. He looked behind him toward the caverns, then back at Akio. "Come, there's food waiting for the children inside. After we get them settled we can come back and help the others." Akio nodded, knowing they were hungry. Neela and Daro had complained about it for half the night.

  They followed Elder past the sentries at the bottom of the rise-- as well as the guards posted at the entrance to the caverns--and through the tunnels to the back of a midsized cave. Another warrior was posted there to watch the children for the rest of the night. Elder had the guard retrieve the children’s dinner and then led Akio back outside to help Torak and Lukair.

  They had slowed down even more; Shanni was growing very tired, and the climb was beginning to be hard for her. She had slipped a few more times, and had almost knocked Torak down a few times. Now, she was leaning on him heavily, which was straining the prince's footing. He flared his wings for balance, as she slipped again and pushed against him. Alamine accidently dug her claws into his back to keep from losing her balance, and had apologized several times. Lukair had found a stick amidst the trees and was using it to stay balanced. He was a few feet behind Torak and Shanni, guiding Eika a few feet at a time; Nori was following behind them, and had only needed help a few times since he had lost his footing at the beginning of their descent.

  Now, they were nearing the bottom and could feel the incline leveling out, however they were still a distance away. Torak was glad it was flatter ground, it would be easier for Shanni now, although she was still exhausted. He looked back at Nori, "If you feel comfortable, you can go on ahead. I think Shanni needs to rest for a minute."

  Nori nodded and carefully went around them. Torak watched him work his way around them and pick his way to the bottom. When Lukair and Eika reached them, Shanni was breathing heavily and seemed to be half asleep. She was lying at Torak's feet. He gave Lukair the option of waiting for them or going on. Instead of answering, he turned to the little dragon next to him, "What do you want to do?"

  She looked up at him at said, "Go." They agreed and Lukair guided her to the bottom. Not too long later, Lukair and his wards, both sets of siblings, reached the end of their day’s journey. Akio took them to the cave and made sure they had something to eat, then returned to the rise. He, Elder, and Lukair waited for Torak for several minutes, but the young prince did not appear. Lukair told them about Shanni and Elder went to investigate. He heard Torak say, "Come on Shanni, you need to get up." She was still at his feet but was no longer awake. She had fallen asleep within just a few seconds of stopping, and he could not get her to wake up.

  "Torak?" Elder called out. He did not want to startle him by approaching.

  "Elder? We're over here." The elderly dragon found them easily.

  As he joined them, Torak sighed, "We stopped to rest. She was barely awake, I thought a few minutes of rest would help, but now I can't get her to wake up. Maybe I should have kept going." The hatchling had curled up and was refusing to move.

  "No, you did the right thing. She's completely exhausted, and is far too young for this kind of travel. Come, I will carry her the rest of the way. There's food waiting for you in the caverns if you want it, and your father's waiting for you. He refuses to rest until he knows you made it in." Elder chuckled, "He's starting to get anxious, the two of you are the last to arrive."

  Torak agreed and Elder carefully picked the hatchling up. Torak waited until he had left before taking Alamine in his paw and took off himself. He was surprised to find just how close to the bottom they were. They flew to the cavern entrance and Elder called out their approach to alert the sentries and guards that they would be passing through. They landed just outside the main entrance and went inside. Elder showed Torak the path to the king and took Shanni to the others.

  Torak followed the corridor until it ended at the entrance to three chambers. In the first, he found the Southern Council, with the exception of Queen Alani, and Kero. He found them in the next chamber with Lukair and Shaman Pali. Lukair had made a small fire and was waiting for Alamine. The prince lowered her to the cavern floor and she slowly climbed off of his forepaw. She joined her family and the shaman examined her. Torak watched from there until Pali said she would to be alright, but he would watch her closely for the next several hours and wanted to repeat the exam again in sunlight to be sure. Torak watched Alamine curl up before falling asleep and went to the next chamber.

  There he found Kyeon, who had finally fallen asleep. Seoung was with him and greeted the young prince as he entered. "How did it go?"

  Torak almost laughed. "Two of them just about hate me and refuse to listen, and all but two of the rest are too young to know better." He signed, "I don't know if Shanni's going to make it. She didn't even make it down the hill. I would have carried her, but she's half my size."

  "Hmm, she may have to stay with an adult; we may have to carry her most of the way. Have you eaten?" his uncle asked.

  Torak shook his head. "I'm not really hungry. I ate enough earlier to hold me for a while. How's Father?"

  "He only fell asleep right before you walked in. He will be glad to see you in the morning." They spoke for a little while longer before settling in for some much neede
d sleep. They did not plan to move out until daybreak. Lukair joined them as Seoung was falling asleep. He quietly told Torak that Alamine and Kero would remain in the center chamber with Alani, but added that Alani had told him Shaman Pali thought there was a good chance Alamine would go into labor within the next few hours, but he had not told her, for two reasons. One, she did not need the stress, and two, there was always a chance that he was wrong. He also told him where the children were and that they were being taken care of, as well as where Akio, and Palo were, since they were with their families. When his report was over, he built a small fire and sat down to repair his pack, which he had retrieved climbing back up the hill. The wooden frame and broken, and the leather was torn. After the repairs were complete, he joined them for a night of rest.

  The Grasslands

  The next morning, Elder came to wake the royal family. They would be leaving in an hour. Seoung was already awake, and Torak woke easily. However, Kyeon was harder to rouse; because of his injuries, his body needed rest and it was making it very difficult to stay awake. Seoung stood and went to join the council after waking Kyeon. Mentally he told his brother that Torak had made it in and was next to him. This seemed to snap the king out of his haze. He tried to look down at Torak, who did not really want to get up. However, he noticed his father move and altered his position to allow the king to see him.

  “Are you alright?” the boy asked. Kyeon lowered his head. I’m very tired. If this move wasn’t necessary, I would sleep for a week. He paused and looked his son over the best he could. Are you alright? You got here kind of late.

  “I’m okay. It was hard for the children to see and we had to go slowly. Shanni lost her balance and threw Lukair down the side of the ravine, but he’s okay. I’m more worried about Alamine. She was on Lukair’s shoulder when he fell, and was thrown several feet.” He recounted the rest the night’s events and asked if there was any advice on how to gain Neela’s trust. Kyeon sighed; he gave his son a few ideas, but told him he would have to figure most of it out on his own. Then he suggested. Torak go check on Alamine; they should be leaving soon.

  Torak agreed and left his father’s side to return to the next chamber. He found Queen Alani speaking with Haru and Aarto; Akio was sitting by the wall and greeted the prince when he reached them. They are worried about Alamine. She would not wake up this morning, Akio told him. No one can find Pali either.

  Inside the chamber Kero was sitting in front of his mate, holding a piece of meat. He had finally managed to wake her up, but she had not moved. Alamine, please. You must eat. She looked up at him, but barely lifted her head off of the ground. He knew instantly that something was wrong; it was written in her eyes. He lowered his head and rubbed his cheek against hers. I will be right back, I promise. He left the meat in front of her and ran from the chamber. We need to find Pali, he said urgently.

  Palo had come around the corner just then and heard him. He looked up at Torak and asked if something was wrong. Where is your father? the prince asked instead.

  He is helping one of the other shaman with the wounded before we leave again. Is something wrong?

  Get him, quickly. It’s Alamine. The boy nodded and quickly ran off. Alani saw him disappear around the corner and asked who it was. “Palo; he’s getting his father,” Torak responded.

  Alani nodded and went to sit with Alamine. The chieftain was curled up and staring into nothing. The queen knew she was not in labor; this was something else. She laid down next to her and said, Hey, hey, look at me. It is going to be okay. Pali is on his way.

  Alamine looked up at the queen. It hurts…hurts. She was in obvious pain, and could barely speak. Her voice was strained and Alani could see pain and fear plainly in her eyes. Kero curled up on her other side. He nuzzled her again and she laid her head on his forelegs. Pali arrived quickly and the queen left them so the shaman could examine her.

  A while later, after most of the army had left, the shaman emerged. He was not happy. He looked straight at Alani and said, She should not be moved. The fall did more damage than I thought. She needs to rest as long as possible; if not, she could have a very difficult nesting.

  “I understand. Alamine is a dear friend of mine and I do not want to lose her. However, I cannot risk her being injured or killed. She needs to come with us, but I do not wish to make her suffering worse.” She looked up at the remaining dragons around her and asked, “Does anyone know how we can move her?”

  “Your Majesty, if I may?” Lukair said coming over. He had been sent by Elder to see what had delayed the councils. “I have an idea that might be useful.” She nodded and he continued. “After Shaelynn hatched, we needed to carry her so she wouldn’t fall behind, at her mother’s request. We were given a travel wrap for infants by another Guard member. We use these wraps to carry babies in until they learn to walk and outgrow the wrap. If we carry Alamine in one of these, she will be comfortable and will be able to rest.”

  “It sounds interesting, but we do not have one of these…wraps,” the queen replied. Lukair smiled and pulled a piece a cloth from his pack. “Yes, we do. Ania thought Shaelynn would like to have it. It seems to calm her down when she’s distressed.”

  Alani looked down at Pali. He nodded and she said, somewhat skeptically, “We will try it.” Akio and Torak left to organize the children, and Elder came to help Kyeon on the next part of their journey. He agreed Lukair’s idea was a good one, and the young man went to help Alamine. When he put the wrap on and went to pick her up, Kero questioned it, but after she was settled, she reassured him. This is surprisingly comfortable. I think I will take a nap.

  Lukair followed the dragons back to the entrance, where the children had been assembled. As he joined them, Neela scoffed and made fun of the wrap. Her sarcastic questions inspired Daro, who began to laugh as well. Lukair ignored them and offered Tomel and Zema a shoulder. They nodded and climbed on; then Lukair turned to the older dragons and was about to ask when they were going to leave, but was interrupted when Palo leapt off the stone he was sitting on and glided several feet back inside the entrance. The boys turned to see Pali talking to him. Torak joined them and Pali gave him a small pouch made from a large leaf.

  When Alamine wakes up, mix a small amount of this in water and have her drink it. It will help her. The boys nodded but Torak asked what they would mix it in. Pali told them that a small hollowed out stone was inside the pack. Fill the stone two thirds with water, then add the powder and stir with the stick I have supplied. You should have enough for the whole trip, but if something happens and you lose some, any of the shaman can give you more. He was about to join the rest of the council, but added. She should receive a treatment at midmorning, noon, mid- afternoon, and before we stop to rest tonight. Again the boys nodded and returned to the rest of the children.

  Torak handed the bag to Lukair and he stored it in his pack. The three friends then ushered the children outside and followed the army across the semi-rocky ground that spanned the first several miles of the day’s journey. Shanni was a little better today; the ground was easier for her to cross. Torak knew this would not last, and he expected her to tire long before they reached the first checkpoint. He ignored Neela as she continued to laugh about the wrap.

  She continued to make fun of it until Javi asked, “Wait. Where is Alamine? Did she get moved to the infirmary?” He knew she had been hurt in last night’s fall, and wondered if she needed constant care from a shaman.

  Instead of answering, Torak looked over at Lukair. “Is she still asleep?”

  “She hasn’t moved. I think she’ll be out for a while,” he answered. He double checked the wrap to make sure, but found her fast asleep. Torak nodded and said no more. He ushered Shanni toward a small hill and made sure the other children followed. Once Neela realized Lukair was carrying Alamine in the wrap, and when she realized that she must have been badly hurt, she stopped making fun of it, and started making fun of his hair instead. However, he ignored her and guided Eika
and Nori along. Daro and Neela followed behind Javi, who was following Torak and Shanni. Eira and Palo had found a perch on Torak’s back.

  They made slow progress, but stayed in sight of the army. Seoung circled back to check on them after an hour and Torak told him that Shanni was beginning to tire. He thought she would be okay for another hour, but then she would have to rest. He acknowledged him and said he would check on them in another hour. If needed, he would send a large breed to pick Shanni up and take her to the checkpoint.

  They had walked for about another hour when they reached the grasslands. Torak looked out over the mass expanse of grasses. The yellows and browns of the dry grasses mixed together to form a sea of rustling color. Every so many feet a patch of green could be seen, along with the branches of barren bushes. Torak and Akio looked at each other, neither one of them had seen so much grass before. Torak realized they had another problem; he would be far too visible out there. As Akio led the children out into the grass, Torak hung behind. He did not want to give away their position and knew that if he was seen, they would all be in danger.

  Lukair noticed his hesitation and turned around. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t go out there.” He looked down at Lukair and shook his head. “They can hide in the grass, but my hide would be seen by anyone in the area.”

  “What if you hide yourself? You know, go invisible?” he asked.

  Akio had now realized Torak and Lukair were still under the trees and told the kids to stay where they were. He walked back over to ask why they had not left; he reached them just as Torak shook his head. “Akina is better at hiding. She can hide for hours, but I can’t.”

  “Hide? What do you mean?” Akio asked.

  “I can’t go out there. I would be seen too easily, and I don’t know how long I can stay hidden,” he added, not hearing Akio’s question.

  Akio looked up at him and stated, “I still do not understand what you mean by ‘hide,’ but I understand if you want to wait till nightfall and catch up with us.”


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