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The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles

Page 22

by Sarah Hite

  “What happened?” Seoung asked.

  He ignored the prince’s question and said, “We need Shaman Ketowa. We found Shaelynn.” The elders exchanged glances and quickly led the children inside while Akio filled them in. “After the river, we tried to make our way through the woods, but Torak got dizzy again so we had to stop. He fell asleep and it only made him feel worse; but he insisted we kept going, so Alamine guided him through the trees. Then Daro decided he would blame Neela for the cat, and for the cliff yesterday. She ran off and while looking for her, we found Shaelynn. Torak and Lukair stayed with Shanni, Nori, and Eika, but Torak said to come here and bring Ketowa back.” Elder looked down at him when he grew quiet. “Lukair does not know if she will make it to the clan. She is not doing very good.”

  Elder immediately sought out the Ice dragon while Seoung went to tell his brother. They past Hana on the way and asked if she would bring Kwan back. A few minutes later, Neela led the elders, as well as her mother to the place where they had left the rest of their group.


  Torak turned to look at Lukair; the young man had carefully set Shaelynn down on the ground and was trying to stop the wound at the base of her neck from bleeding. He pulled several more bandages out of his pack and wrapped them around his hand, pressing them firmly into her neck. Alamine had led the hatchlings about five feet away, behind some bushes, so they would not have to watch. She decided to have them rest, and take a nap. They were soon asleep and she returned to Torak’s side to see if she could help at all.

  “No,” was his response. “I fear it’s up to her now.” She sighed and slowly turned away-- back toward the little ones-- but stopped half way through the turn. Her breath caught in her throat and her body tensed up. Torak noticed her sudden lack of movement, and lowered his head to look at her. “Alamine?”

  She looked up at him with an expression that read fear, anxiety, and unease. I am alright Torak, at least for the moment.

  Not believing her, he lowered his head so it was only inches off the ground. Talk to me; is it that time?

  She shook her head. Not quite, but it is getting close. The contraction was painless. We still have time. He slowly nodded and looked up at the sound of wing beats. Elder, Seoung, and Ketowa landed on the edge of a small clearing and quickly came over. The shaman immediately went to Lukair, and helped the boy stop the bleeding. Seoung saw to the needs of his nephew while Elder led Neela and her mother over to the children. He picked up Shanni and led the rest of the children back to the Eastern Caverns with the help of Neela and her mother, whom Nori and Eika were ecstatic to see. Torak carefully picked Alamine up and with Seoung by his side, followed the other dragons. Ketowa and Lukair followed only a moment later, but quickly passed them. The shaman was holding Shaelynn carefully in his paws.


  It was dark, and noisy; everything was distorted. She blinked, but nothing changed. The voices she heard sounded muffed and far away; light and shadows blended together revealing several overlapping shapes. Her eyes closed again, but did not re-open for several minutes. When they did, she could see more clearly-- the overlapping shapes had dwindled to single objects in front of her-- but everything was hazy. The sound of claws scraping across the ground grated her nerves. When they stopped, and a shadow fell over her, she tried to look up but could not see more than the dragon’s feet.

  To her surprise, the dragon laid down next to her and gently took her in his forepaws. “It’s okay, you’re going to be alright Shaelynn.” She recognized the voice, but could not figure out who it was and tried to look up again; however, she did not have the strength to lift her head enough to see who was there. He spoke to her again, and this time she could place his voice. Papa?

  “Shh, sleep; you’ll be alright. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He nuzzled her cheek and watched as her eyes slowly closed. After he knew she was asleep, Kwan left her in the care of a shaman and went to tell the council. He quietly entered the medium sized chamber and took a place next to Seoung.

  Kyeon noticed him and said, Kwan, I didn’t know if you would be joining us.

  “I hadn’t planned on it, but I thought you would like to know, Shaelynn woke up for a few minutes,” he replied, amongst a wave of relieved sighs.

  Ketowa nodded, “That’s a good sign. She will likely sleep for the remainder of the day. However, I’m surprised she woke so soon.”

  Kwan agreed and added, “I told her to go back to sleep, and I would be there when she woke up.” The shaman nodded again and agreed it was a good decision. After a few more questions from Queen Alani and Kero, the conversation switched to Alamine.

  She is tired, but doing fine. Pali said she would sleep for a while, but I think she is ready for a break, Kero said humorously. If it is okay with Pali, I will watch over the nest and let her come to the next meeting.

  Late into the night, Shaelynn woke again. She lifted her head and looked around trying to figure out what was in front of her; after a few minutes recognized her father’s tail. She looked around some more, following his body behind her, and realized that he had wrapped himself around her, much like her mother had the night she had hatched. She slowly turned around to see his face, but she could barely see him in the darkness. Only one fire lit the chamber, and it was on the far side. She looked up at him, and then over to the fire. It illuminated the entrance to the chamber, and the passage beyond. She pulled her feet under her and tried to stand, but fell over. So, she picked herself up and tried again. She was so focused on trying to stand, that she was unaware of a pair of eyes watching her from across the cavern.

  On her second attempt, she made it halfway up before falling on top of Kwan’s left forepaw, which was crossed over his right. The impact woke him. Bleary eyed, he watched as she made it to her feet. “Shae, what?” He picked himself up and took her in his paw. “What are you doing? You need to rest.”

  She surprised him further when she spoke out loud, “No. Need to tell council. Tell…council.” Her voice was weak, but determined.

  Kwan gently set her down next to him and wrapped himself more tightly around her. He sighed, “If you go back to sleep, I will take you to see the council myself tomorrow, if you’re up to it.” She looked up at him and nodded, then slowly laid down and went back to sleep. He laid back down himself and noticed the other dragon across the room. “What?”

  He shook his head slightly, Nothing. She’s your daughter. He was clearly amused. Kwan sighed thinking he was right; she was definitely his daughter, and was as stubborn as both her mother and himself.

  Several hours later, Seoung came to check on them and to see if he would be attending the council meet that morning. Before answering him, Kwan looked down at Shaelynn. She was curled up at his side, sound asleep. “I haven’t decided yet; it depends on her.”

  “How is she? Has she woken again?” the prince asked.

  Kwan snorted, “She did, in the middle of the night, and somehow got the idea she would try and stand up. I made her go back to bed.”

  Seoung shook his head. “She’s as stubborn as her mother.” He looked down at her. “Did she make it?” he asked amused.

  “Surprisingly, yes, after a few tries of course, but she did make it to her feet. Pai thought it was funny.”

  “He would.” The two council members looked over to where the young shaman was napping. He was recovering faster than expected, but still would not be able to speak aloud for quite a while. They continued to talk for a few more minutes before Seoung asked, “When do you think you’ll know if you’re coming, Kyeon will want to know.”

  Kwan sighed. “When she wakes up, and has something to eat, and if the meeting’s not already over, then I’ll come. It’s just, I told her I would be here for her.”

  The older dragon nodded. “I’ll tell Kyeon that if you come, you’ll be late. I know he will understand.” They spoke for a minute longer before the king’s brother took his leave.

  After a few more minutes Pai wo
ke and Kwan went to talk to him. It was not long after he reached the shaman that the young dragon began to stir. She blinked and looked up; she saw Kwan at the other end of the chamber talking to Pai and another dragon whom she did not know. She watched them for a moment before the dragon had Pai stand up and began to lead the young shaman out of the chamber. As he stood, he noticed Shaelynn watching them and smiled at her as he turned away. He told Kwan she was awake so he could tend to her needs.

  He returned to her and sat down with her. “It’s about time you woke up. I thought maybe you had decided not to talk to the council,” he said jokingly. She looked up at him, annoyed. “If you still want to go, do me a favor. Will you at least have something to eat?”

  She nodded and he went to fetch her several small pieces of meat, which she ate slowly. Then he helped her to her feet and watched her carefully as she took her first step. She stumbled, but flared her wings for balance, and managed not to fall. After he helped her regain her balance, she took another step. When she did not stumble, he slowly led her from the infirmary and down a corridor, watching her every step. After they reached the end of the corridor, she was tired and stumbled more frequently. He picked her up and carried her through several more passages to a short corridor where he gently set her down. She climbed back to her feet and followed him as he went to a chamber at the far end of the passage. Two Ocean dragons were standing guard at the entrance and nodded to him as they passed.

  The council chamber was set up like the council chamber in the Keep, with an outer and an inner chamber. As they neared the entrance to the inner cavern, Kwan turned to watch Shaelynn slowly climb down the short flight of stone steps that led from the main entrance to the floor of the outer chamber. When she joined him at the bottom, he lowered his head and nuzzled her cheek. “Stay here and rest a minute. I’ll be back after I tell them you’re here.” She looked at him for a minute before nodding and slowly laid down.

  After making sure she was comfortable, he watched her fall asleep. He watched her for a minute before entering the inner chamber. Everyone was too busy teasing Alamine to notice him. He shook his head as one of the council members spoke, “So, you think you can just wander in here whenever you want? Well, I do not know if it works that way.”

  “Yah, we might have to put you to work,” another said. She shook her head and retorted, Please do. It will keep me from being bored while looking after the nest.

  They continued to tease her until Kwan finely stopped their fun. “I thought we had something important to discuss.”

  “Kwan! We were not expecting you. How is Shaelynn?” Alani asked.

  “She’s better. I think her recovery will be quicker than anticipated. Now, what is the topic for the day?” he replied.

  Seoung answered for the queen, “We are debating whether or not to move the wounded farther away from the fighting.”

  “And you haven’t started yet?” he asked surprised.

  “To be honest, we were all running a little behind today,” Alani replied. “We were just about to get started.”

  “Where would we move the wounded, and how? Most of them are too injured to fly. It took days just to get them here,” Haru pointed out.

  “That may be true, but the farther they are from the fighting, the better the chance they will heal completely, and without complications,” Ketowa replied, giving his professional opinion. “I for one agree with this idea.”

  “Okay, so where would we move them, to the eastern end of the island chain?” Haru asked, skeptical. “It would take longer to get them there, then it did bringing them here.”

  “I am aware of that,” Alani interjected, cutting him off. “However, I also support the move. I just have not decided where to move them yet. I do not like the idea of putting them in further danger.”

  Haru sighed, clearly unhappy. “Do you understand what it would take to move them all? More wounded come in every day. The shaman are having enough trouble keep up with them all.”

  Ketowa’s eyes narrowed. “Let me speak for the shaman, councillor,” he said crossly.

  “Ketowa, please.” Seoung tried to reign in the shaman before his rising anger got the best of him. Likewise, Queen Alani also tried to hush Haru before he caused a potentially diplomatic problem. “Aatu! Please, let them speak, and stop interrupting.”

  Ketowa looked over at Seoung and nodded, but the prince could tell that the shaman had taken Haru’s word as an insult. As it was, it was almost a challenge; the general had basically stated that the shaman were not schooled enough, and did not have the ability to do their job. If a fight broke out between the two dragons, Haru would not stand a chance. Neither did the Ocean dragon listen to his leader. He continued to question the judgment of whoever brought up the idea to begin with.

  Alani looked over at Seoung apologetically. He nodded, I know, but what can we do?

  I could send him from the room, let him cool down for a minute? the queen replied.

  No, I doubt that would work. Maybe if he knew whose idea it really was he might remember his place? She looked over at him and slowly nodded, but told him to be careful. He turned to the angry Ocean dragon and said, “Haru, perhaps you should know that Shaman Ketowa is a Master Shaman. There are only four total Master Shaman in the Three Kingdoms. Shaman Lieta, Shaman Ketowa, and Shaman Dayla are three of those. The fourth is Shaman Kei-ata Lorbrein, the Shaman of the Keep. He’s the head shaman and is in charge of all shaman in the Middle Kingdom. He would be in charge if he could be here, but since he can’t, he sent Master Shaman Ketowa in his place.” He emphasized the title ‘master’ so he might realize just who he insulted. “Furthermore, the idea to move the wounded further, was my idea, and I wasn’t thinking the eastern end of the island chain, but rather north. It’s a shorter distance-

  Haru cut him off, “It may be a shorter distance, but how do you suppose we get there, huh? They cannot fly across the ocean, most would not even make it the first few miles.”

  “Those who can fly-

  Seoung tried to finish, but again, was cut off. “What, will leave the rest behind? To be left vulnerable? Even if we could move them there, it would take every abled bodied dragon we have to move them, and that would leave this kingdom to the dralics. And some of the Southern breeds are too small to make that flight!” His anger was rising, and he had just unknowingly insulted ever single Pebbline in the kingdom, especially Alamine, who had already flown over the ocean twice. Kero responded for her, and several of the other Pebblines in the chamber also added their comments. The chamber was soon in chaos as the council members defended their breed or decision. The only ones to remain quiet were Alani, Alamine, Seoung, Elder, and Torak, who had taken his father’s place that day. Kwan was trying to silence them before they woke Shaelynn from her nap.

  Alamine looked over at Alani and said, with a hint of humor, I guess I picked a bad day to attend. However, her next words were serious. I am debating whether or not to go back to the den and relieve Pali. She gave the chieftain permission to return to her nest as the argument grew more heated. Seoung turned to the queen, the look in his eyes mirrored her own. If they could not find a way to stop the arguing, it would end in a challenge, and more wounded. She was about to try and talk over the noise, when someone spoke for her, and the soft voice was one she did not recognize.

  “Stop! Stop fighting!” The unexpected demand caused every dragon in the room to stop and turn toward the entrance. A small almost black dragon stood there. Kwan’s head sank; they had woken her. She did not see her father’s reaction, but continued to scold the councils. “Why are you fighting? I know things seem hopeless, but that isn’t a reason to fight amongst yourselves. You should be working together, fighting the dralics together.” She shook her head, and stepped to the left to keep herself from falling over. She looked up at Haru, and in a quieter voice asked, “What good could come from fighting?”

  Seoung, Alani, and Alamine stared at her in surprise. Torak was just shocked to
see her there, and Elder started to laugh. He had remained quiet through most of the debate, but now said, “Well-spoken child.” He continued to laugh and Seoung finally shook his head. Haru however, not recognizing the child said, rather impolitely, “And what would a child like you know about fighting?”

  Shaelynn’s eyes narrowed. She already did not like Haru, and was not going to let him get away with his insolence. However, Elder spoke to her directly and asked her to remain quiet. Still laughing, he turned to the council and declared, “Drakas and Drakes, if you would, allow me to introduce a very special child. This, is Shaelynn.” Kwan motioned for her to join him and after slowly climbing down the three stone steps that led into the chamber, she ran to her father’s side, surprising them further.

  “I see she’s feeling better,” Seoung said, expressing his shock. Kwan only nodded. He was talking to her with his mind; she was still upset.

  “So, this is Shaelynn. It is nice to finally meet you,” Alani declared. To her surprise and pleasure, Shaelynn responded. “Your Majesty. It’s nice to meet you too.” Alani smiled and spoke to Seoung. I like her. He smiled.

  “Well little one, are you just here with your father, or would you like to take part in the discussion?” Alani asked kindly.

  Shaelynn looked up at Kwan, he nodded in support. “Business, actually, your Majesty.”

  Alani was intrigued, “Business it is. What topic do you wish to discuss?” Haru huffed, and Alani shot him a disapproving look. Careful Aatu, you are already in dangerous waters, do not fall in any deeper. He glanced at her and she held his gaze until he submitted. She turned back to Shaelynn to see her starring at Haru. She obviously knew who he was, and it was obvious she did not like him. “Well Shaelynn?”


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