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The Dragon Guard: Oceans and Pebbles

Page 24

by Sarah Hite

  Torak volunteered to introduce the other children, so Kwan could talk to Aelya. “Don’t worry about her. She fights with herself; one minute she’ll be running all over, talking to everyone, the next she’ll be acting timid and fearful, like a hatchling’s supposed to be.”

  “So she is always like this?” Aelya asked.

  Kwan nodded. “I think it has something to do with her past. You know of the Middle Kingdom’s superstition about black dragons?” When she nodded he continued. “Several dragons have tried to kill her because of it, but those who know what she has done, have decided to leave her alone. However, what they did to her still shows from time to time.” He paused and watched her as she met the smaller Pebblines, and he had no doubt that she would help defend them. He watched her for another minute before turning back to Aelya. “One day she’ll figure out that her fear does not have to keep her from being herself.”

  Aelya nodded, she watched her younger daughter befriended the little black dragon, then jump back. Eika wanted to play. “I do not suppose she is allowed to play?”

  Kwan shook his head. “She’s not supposed to, at least not yet. However, I doubt we’ll be able to keep her from it. I’ll talk to Ketowa, maybe a few minutes of play will be okay. He’s mainly concerned about that bite on her neck, but if it heals like the rest of her, we won’t have to worry much longer.”

  Aelya nodded again, but she looked a little confused. “She is three, right?” He nodded and turned to watch her stare after Eika as she pounced away. He knew she wanted to play as badly as the other hatchling. “She seems older than that.”

  “She has always been like that. Shae could speak better than I could when she was six months old. Both she and her brother are in advanced classes in Teachings, but I think she’s ahead of him. When I talked to Pai, he said he was running out of things to teach her, and wanted Elder to take over her lessons. She has always been curious, and wants to learn everything.” He watched her for a few more seconds. Nori had climbed out of the lake to meet her and had tackled his sister, but Eika still wanted Shaelynn to play. He knew she was unhappy about having to stay still.

  Finally, he sighed, and called her over to him. She looked up at him and back at Eika, who looked disappointed at having her walk away. “I’ll talk to Ketowa,” he said lowering his head to nuzzle her. “Just do me a favor…” She looked up at him, not sure what he was going to say. “…play nice, and be gentle.” He pulled her closer to him. “And if your neck starts to hurt, or bleed, stop and tell one of the older kids if Torak and Aelya aren’t around.” He released her and she smiled up at him. The two adults watched as she ran back over to the other three year olds and tackled Eika before she realized what Shaelynn was going to do.

  Torak came back over and joined them as they watched the children play. “Make sure she doesn’t hurt herself,” Kwan said and turned to leave. Shaelynn saw him leaving and stopped playing. She ran back over to him. “Papa, where are you going?” she asked alarmed.

  He turned back to her and nuzzled her again. “I have work to do. Stay here with the other kids, and I will come back for you later. If I’m not back by the time the other children return to their sleeping chambers, stay with Torak. He will be able to find me.” She nodded and turned back to her new playmates.

  The next day, Torak was leading Shaelynn back to the other children when they stopped to allow several new dragons to pass through the chamber; this group had just arrived. They were tired, hungry, and many were injured. Most of them were Ocean dragons, but a few were Pebblines and one was an Ice dragon. The councils joined them to see the newcomers, and Kwan curled his tail around the child. They watched as the shaman and commanders spoke to the group and assessed their injuries. The Ice dragon was in a foul mood. He spoke to no one unless spoken to, and failed to answer questions without anger in his voice. The councils broke up to speak with the commanders and warriors. Torak went with his father, mostly because the king was still struggling with his injuries and needed more help than he would admit, and Aarto went with Alani.

  Kwan and Shaelynn watched from the side as the newcomers were helped, but Shaelynn kept turning back to the Ice dragon. He had a bad acid burn on his left shoulder that spread halfway down his upper foreleg. However, he did not seem to notice the wound, instead he seemed to bear an injury much more profound. Shaelynn studied him for several long minutes. He was young, perhaps her father’s age. His silver white hide was perfectly balanced with frosty blue green markings, but what drew her attention the most, were his eyes. The look that passed behind them, between the angry glances was one she knew well; loss. She suddenly realized that little Shanni had the same eyes, and she knew he was her father.

  She stood and left Kwan’s side and was standing in front of the big Ice dragon before they realized she was there. “What do you want?” he asked sullenly, drawing Kwan’s attention.

  “Shae, leave him alone,” he told her. The rest of the council was watching now. Alani was curious to see what she would do, and asked them not to interfere. Shaelynn looked back at her father, then up at the Ice dragon. “What’s your name?” she asked him.

  He looked down at her, thrown off by her sudden question. “What?” She looked disappointed when he did not tell her. Instead of asking again, she motioned to his shoulder and said, “You should get that looked at.” Then, before anyone could stop her, she ran from the room.

  Alani looked over at Kwan. What is she up to?

  I have no idea, but I should probably find her before she gets lost, he said, shaking his head.

  He started to turn in the direction she went to find her standing in the entrance to the chamber. She looked up at the Ice dragon again, then she looked behind her. Shanni suddenly walked into the chamber; the two-month old looked confused. She squeaked in surprise when she saw him, and the expression on his face said everything. He was on his feet in a second, and took his child in one giant forepaw, not wanting to let her go. He set her down and turned back to Shaelynn. “Thank you.”

  She smiled, but said nothing, and watched as he led his daughter from the room. Alani, Aarto, and the Middle Kingdom’s council came over to her. Kwan pulled her to him as Alani asked, surprised, “How did you know?”

  Shaelynn shook her head. Softly she replied, “I just did.”

  Unbeknownst to the councils, an elderly Ocean dragon had seen the reunion. She uncurled herself from the nook she had been sitting in and slowly came over to them, but stopped thirty feet away. She stared at Shaelynn and spoke quietly. “When darkness falls and chaos reigns, a light will shine and the dead be raised. Time begins anew, led by few. Fates entwine, when ebony and ivory combine.” The councils looked at each other, and Alani looked up to ask her meaning, but she was nowhere to be found.


  “Shae, wake up.” Kwan nuzzled her, trying to make her open her eyes. She groaned and rolled over, not willing to get up. He tried to wake her again, now regretting his decision to let her play, but only a little. She had tired herself out, but he knew that by allowing her to release her pent up energy, she would be more likely to rest. He gently picked her up and left the chamber; they were the only ones left inside. He finally got her to wake up as they neared the main entrance, where the councils were waiting. He set her down and watched as she stumbled and looked up at him, annoyed.

  “Is everyone else gone?” Alani asked. He nodded; the army had begun their journey north early that morning.

  Seoung had made sure that Kyeon and Torak were among the first to leave. Now, only he, Kwan, Elder, Alani, and Aarto remained. They left the Caverns and walked out toward the clearing where they would take flight. Kwan watched Shaelynn carefully as they made their way to the woods; she was tired and stumbled often. He looked up to see how much farther it was, and studied the stone path they followed.

  It was wide at the entrance to the Eastern Caverns, but narrowed at the base of the cliff. The path widened again at the entrance to a short tunnel where everyo
ne else was waiting. He looked down off the ledge to the ground thirty feet below. Looking back up, he paused and looked back for Shaelynn. She was struggling to climb over a fallen log in her way. He turned to help her, but had only taken a few steps when they heard it. It was quiet at first, but the crashing and clattering quickly grew louder. “Rockslide!” Seoung yelled.

  Kwan leapt toward his daughter, but was stopped by a large boulder when it landed right in front of him, blocking his path. He heard Shaelynn squeak in surprise as rocks rained down around her. Kwan dug his claws into the stone, determined to reach her. He knew the hatchling would not be able to get out of the way on her own; she lacked the energy and strength she had the day before, and was now having trouble walking. He reached the top of the boulder just in time to see her dodge a stone almost as big as herself, but before he could reach her, the stone shelf on which she stood cracked. She shrieked as the stone fell away, taking her with it. Kwan ran to the edge; he found Shaelynn lying on the ground thirty feet below, dazed. Desperate to get to her, he prepared to leap off the ledge. Seoung reached his side as he gathered himself to jump. “Wait! Look,” the prince warned and pointed toward the forest below. Several dralics were leaving the trees.

  This group was comprised of mostly males, but a few were female. One of these females- a young dralic of a strangely small size- noticed Shaelynn. She left the group and approached the small dragon as she began to stir. She cocked her head and studied the hatchling for a moment before picking her up.

  What is it? one of the males asked.

  It’s a dragon, what else would it be, another said with annoyed certainty.

  Where was it? a third asked from the rear of the group.

  On the other side of these bushes, the female replied, looking behind her.

  One of the dralics came up from the back of the pack. He was big, bigger than most of the dralics they had seen so far. He took Shaelynn from her and looked her over. This is a mountain breed. Are there Mountain dragons here?

  We have seen a few, I’m sure they have come to help the other kind, replied another large male.

  The big dralic remained silent. He continued to hold Shaelynn and noticed Kwan and Seoung on the ledge above. Still, he did not speak, but took one more look at the tiny dragon in his claws. She was looking at him. He could see the fear in her eyes, but it slowly changed to one of curiosity.

  He studied her for a moment, trying to figure out why she did not fear him; then as he was about to put her down, he heard her voice, deep within his mind. At first he was not sure if he had heard it or not; then she spoke again, but her voice was weak. Why…why are you here? What do you want from us?

  He looked down at her again, now she seemed to be watching him. What?

  Why did you attack us? We did nothing to you.

  Why would it matter to you? Have they not cast you aside? Even we have heard that dragons of your coloration are cast out.

  She closed her eyes, and answered him slowly. My parents’ clan has, but my parents and brother have not, and my aunt and uncles haven’t either. I came here to tell the Ocean dragons that help was coming.

  If you were not cast out, then what happened to you?

  Why would that matter to you? After all, you are a dralic. There was something in her voice that made him realize that she really was afraid of him. He also knew she was right; they had attacked the dragon kingdom without a valid reason. Bewildered, he looked down at her. What makes you think I don’t care? We are not uncivil creatures.

  Really? Then why did you attack? Instead of answering, he set her down and stepped over her. He did not see her slowly stand up. You haven’t answered my question.

  On the cliff top, the council watched the scene below, confused. They could not hear the conversation, but only saw the female hand the young dragon over to the large male. Seoung watched, more concerned than confused. He watched as the dralic set his niece down and began to walk away. Then she slowly stood up and the dralic turned around to face her again. He stood there for several minutes, watching her.

  The large male turned to another who had just arrived. Mordag, Sir, the dragons have assembled and combined their forces. We can wipe them out once and for all. He did not know that the dragon army had left.

  Mordag looked over at them, and then back at Shaelynn. He still did not answer her, so she spoke again. If you had no reason to attack, then why did you? He shook his head and again started to walk away. She tried to run after him, but only fell down. She forced herself back up and tried again. Every time she fell, she found her feet and laid chase. This caught not only Mordag’s attention, but the council’s, as well as the other dralics. Seoung watched horrified, but her commanding performance reminded him of how she had stopped the fight between her mother and Dea-hyun. He was concerned for her, yet, he was curious about what she would do.

  Stop! I can’t let you destroy them. This time Mordag turned around to see her not far behind him. I can’t let you hurt my family. She unknowingly projected her words to everyone.

  Mordag lowered his head to look at her. They matter that much to you, even after they cast you out?



  I know I can’t live with them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. My family has done everything to keep me safe. It’s only fair to try and keep them safe. He sighed, not sure what to think, and started to walk away again. She steadied herself and ran out in front of him. He was going to step over her, but he stopped when she growled, challenging him. I won’t let you attack my home.

  You’re either incredibly stupid, or incredibly brave. I have yet to decide. He was growing annoyed with her.

  I don’t care what you think, only what you do. If you attack my home, my friends and family, I’ll show you just how brave, or stupid I can be.

  It was an obvious threat, and amused Mordag. I believe you would at that, and I have no need to put your word to the test. We will leave your…home, alone. This will cost us greatly; so be it. However, you may not be as lucky next time.

  Nor may you.

  He stepped over her and walked away. After he had gone several feet, Shaelynn’s courage and strength wore off and she could no longer stay on her feet. Mordag did not see her fall, but the young female did. She walked over to the hatchling and gently picked her back up. She looked from Shaelynn, to Mordag, and back again before lifting her eyes to the big dralic once more. Father, what should we do with her?

  He turned back around and looked her over. He was about to suggest they leave her here, believing the dragons above would come for her, when another dralic answered instead. Kill it and put it out of its misery.

  No! She is just a child. I will not kill her. She looked from the new dralic back to her father. Can’t you see she’s injured?

  Mordag sighed. He did not want to bring the child along, but he could see she had become attached to the little thing, and he was sure she would not live much longer if he gave the male a chance to kill her. If you bring her, she will be your responsibility. However, I think you should leave her here. He turned to the male who had suggested killing her and added, Let’s go. The female nodded as he vanished into the woods. She looked down at Shaelynn and curled her paw around her. A moment later she disappeared into the woods behind her father, taking Shaelynn with her.

  Kwan watched them go. He was about to leap of the ledge and take her from them, but Seoung put a paw on his shoulder, stopping him. “Go with the warriors.” When the child’s father did not move, he looked him in the eye and added, “Kwan, I’ll get her; go with the warriors. You have to look after our family now.” He vanished before Kwan could argue, leaving him no choice but to comply.

  Several days later, Akina stood on top of the corner tower overlooking the land to the south. She searched the skies for any sign of her father’s return, as she had for the last three weeks. She was growing worried, her new siblings would hatch soon and she did not want him to miss it. She was also worried a
bout Torak. She knew he could take care of himself, but she also knew how pig headed he could act. She scanned the sky again; this time she saw them. She jumped from the wall and glided down to the courtyard, then ran to the Guest House. When she reached the Queen’s Quarters, she pulled the door open and ran inside. Kym looked up when the door banged shut behind her. “Akina, what’s wrong?”

  “Sorry Mother, I didn’t mean to wake you, but the army’s coming!” Kym slowly stood and followed the child outside, she could finish her nap later. Looking to the sky, she saw the approaching dragons in the distance and realized that there were more dragons returning than those who had left.

  Flame and Thorin opened the palace doors and walked outside. They had decided to check in on Kym, but found her at the base of the stairs. They glanced at each other and Flame asked, “Kym, what’s up? I’m surprised to find you out.”

  “The army’s coming,” Akina said, excited. Kym nodded and pointed them out on the horizon. “I think the Southern army’s with them,” the queen said, turning to the men. “They probably have wounded. I’ll find Kei-ata, then see to the warriors before finishing my nap.” She turned back toward the Guest Quarters and the men returned to the palace. Akina took flight and returned to her tower while Flame went to prepare for the army’s arrival and Thorin went to tell Ania of their return.

  A few minutes later the army began its decent. Kyeon landed in the courtyard and quickly laid down. He was tired from the journey and his neck and head hurt. He closed his eyes, wanting to take a nap. Flame, Thorin, and Lord Mychal came out to see the dragons and knew something had happened to him. Thorin went to get Kym and Kei-ata, since they had not returned to the courtyard. The moment Kym saw her mate, she knew he had been hurt. “Ancestors Kyeon, what happened?”

  He opened his eyes and looked up at her, but did not move his head. I’ll be alright. His voice was weak and he seemed very tired. She laid down next to him and nuzzled his cheek. She saw the acid burn on his leg and her concern grew. Kei-ata Lorbrein arrived a few minutes later and also asked what had happened. He could see the acid burn, but knew it was not the cause of the king’s sluggish response. Kyeon fell asleep shortly after the shaman’s arrival and he decided to let him sleep. He spoke to Kym for a few minutes, but the conversation quickly returned to the king’s unseen injury.


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