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Alive in Alaska

Page 5

by T. A. Martin

  “They’re down the hall two doors on the right,” Said the nurse.

  She walked down the corridor then saw Bill talking to someone just behind the door opening.


  “Danielle, darling, I was so upset when we got the message that your plane had crashed,” Katty Eagleton said with her slight Russian accent. She embraced her daughter as both were weeping.

  "Mom! I'm OK Mom; I'm OK, and I am so glad your here."

  Kooz Eagleton was right behind them and waited his turn to hug his girl.

  They stood in the doorway of the room where Betsy Bigelow was in the bed with her leg in a cast and elevated by a traction unit.

  “Mom, Dad I want you to meet my friends from Arizona, Betsy and Bill Bigelow.”

  “We just met, and it is so good to know the parents of our personal hero. We would not be alive without your daughter’s efforts,” Said Bill.

  "We have had more than we bargained for, didn't we Danielle. This girl is an amazing woman. It is apparent, she was raised right," Said Betsy.

  Recovering slightly from the praise for their daughter, Kooz said. “Danielle is our pride and joy. We’re so glad that you all came through the ordeal as well as you have. We were shocked that this had happened and not a little guilty that we had put her in the situation.”

  At that point, an aide walked into the room to collect Betsy's food selection card.

  “Why don’t we go down and get a tray to bring up to the room,” Said Bill.

  "We'll have time to talk later, and the nurses will be in soon to work on me, go ahead down with the Eagleton's and have lunch in the cafeteria. Talk to them about our conversation this morning," Said Betsy.

  "OK, that sounds like a good idea. May I take you to lunch?" Asked Bill.

  “Well we are hungry from the drive up, but we will pay,” Said Kooz.

  “Well no you won’t, just remember your daughter saved our lives!” Said Bill in a good natured way.

  “OK, OK we’ll let you pay.”

  “Danielle, please go with them, I’ll be fine.”

  “I am suddenly hungry,” Said Danielle.

  The four left as the nurses and aides arrived to tend to Betsy.

  The room was on the sixth floor, Orthopedics wing, but the elevator was quick, and they got to the first-floor cafeteria in no time. The Aurora Cafe was well known for their delicious food. They got trays and began selecting their lunches. Several self-serve islands of well prepare and presented foods were in the middle of the cafeteria. Soon they had made their selections and met at the register. The cost surprised Bill, who was expecting a higher total, so he quickly paid, and they found a table near one of the large windows looking out over the well-manicured hospital grounds.

  “Mind if I say a brief grace,” Said Bill.

  "Not at all," the Eagleton's said in unison.

  After the short prayer, Bill paused with his fork in hand.

  "Betsy and I have been talking this morning. We both are on the faculty of the Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. We know the university has a well-respected summer exchange program with the University of Alaska. If you would like to find out about the programs offered and decide to apply, Betsy and I would like to invite you, Danielle, to stay with us in Flagstaff. I wanted to tell you this now since your Mom and Dad are here," Said Bill.

  "What a kind offer Mr. Bigelow," Said Katty.

  "You know, Danielle has become very special to us, and we thought we could somehow help. We have a so-called mother-in-law apartment in the house with an external entry that you could use when you want privacy. We want to do this if you would like. When we get back up to the room, we can talk more about it if you like."

  They talked a little more as they ate then finished and walked to the elevator. Betsy was just finishing her lunch when they arrived.

  “The Doctor was in and said that in a couple of days they would put on a walking cast since I am doing well and I will be going directly home from Fairbanks.”

  "That's great, darling. I thought that it would be longer and that I need to make arrangements for more extended leave. Also, I have talked about our offer to have Danielle stay with us if she would like to apply to the exchange student program at NAU."

  "Oh, wonderful. Bill and I feel so good about the idea. We hope you will consider it. We were going to suggest it to Danielle, but having you here and being able to discuss it with you makes it even better."

  “It sounds great,” said Kooz.

  He turned toward Danielle. "I have heard the NAU is an excellent school. I know it has a well regarded remote sensing program which would be a good fit if you continue in the direction you're going now."

  "I know Dad it would, but this is sudden, and I need to think it over."

  “That is what I would expect, sweetie.”

  “There is plenty of time, but the offer will stand however long you need, we just wanted to thank you,” Said Bill.

  The rest of the time the Bigelows and the Eagleton's casually talked until it was time to go.

  “I’ll check back in tomorrow to see how you are and say goodbye before I need to go register for the semester and get my books,” Said Danielle.

  She and her family said goodbye and then they disappeared around the corner.

  “I like her parents,” Betsy said.

  “So do I,” Said Bill.

  He sat down in the big chair next to Betsy's bed. They turned on the TV on the wall and watched a local talk show for a while. Betsy dozed, and Bill held her hand as he watched and remembered the ordeal they had just gone through. He then thought about Flagstaff and the rewarding life they had there. He hoped for many years more of that life. Maybe Danielle would share some of it.


  Until this last week or so the summer break was mostly uneventful. The time with her mom and dad was good, and they had done some very nice things. Danielle had read and thought about her junior year, but when her father told her that they had bought her a trip back to school on the Denali Express she was most pleased. She didn't expect it to be life changing. What a week!


  It was Cissy, her dorm mate just down the hall from her room who’s home is Anaktuvak Pass. She ran up and gave her a hug that was almost painful.

  “Hi Cissy, long time no see.”

  "How can you be so casual, we heard about the crash and thought you were all dead until I heard that you and your older friends had survived. I am so glad to see you."

  "I'm sorry Cissy. It is just that I'm happy to be alive. I want to tell you all about it, but right now I need to go to the hospital and see the Bigelows and the guy that was suppose rescue us, but we had to save him," Danielle said.

  "Great Danielle, I'll see you when you get back. It is so great to see you."

  It was good to see Cissy, and she would get together with her.

  She headed for the bus stop. Her mind turned again to the recent past. Not only the excitement, the terror, the hard work of getting back, but the chance if she took it to go to Arizona as an exchange student. The Bigelows had offered their home and their high recommendation for acceptance in the program. This summer was the St. Lawrence Island project, but maybe next summer before her senior year she might go to Arizona. That was what was going through her mind as she rode the bus from her dorm at UAF to the hospital to see Jake Jamison and the Bigelows. The bus doors opened at the hospital stop, and she 'egressed.' Egressed sounded more technical, and she liked that. She walked around the big circular drive to the entrance and through to the elevator. She headed to the room where Jake was first.

  Jake was in bed hooked up to an IV. A nurse was taking vitals as she walked in.

  “Hi Danielle, how are you feeling?” Asked Jake.

  “Better, how are you feeling?”

  “Couldn’t be better.”

  "He has been given a sedative before his surgery in a few minutes, so he may tell you anything," Said the nurse with a smile.
r />   "Gosh, wish I had something I would like to know, but Jake is just a good friend that has gone through a lot with me recently."

  “Oh, your part of the group that crashed on the mountain.”

  "Yes, mam."

  “Looks as though you came through that well.”

  “Just a few aches and pains, but nothing serious. Quite fortunate,” Danielle said.

  “She’s the one that saved us all,” Said Jake. He was beginning to slur his words a bit.

  A couple of surgical nurses came through the door. They pulled up the sides of the bed, unlocked the brakes and started rolling Jake out.

  “Wish you well Jake,” Said Danielle.

  “Thanks, honey,” Slurred Jake.

  Danielle smiled. So unlike Jake Jamison, but it was fun, and he seemed in good hands.

  Danielle left the room and headed for the elevator to the next floor where Betsy Bigelow’s room was. She was surprised when she walked in and saw Betsy sitting in the large chair beside the bed.

  “Hi Danielle,” Betsy said.

  “I’m surprised your up.”

  "They've put a specialty cast on my leg that will allow me to put a little weight on the leg. Only a little weight. They say it will encourage the bone to heal more quickly."

  “That’s great, when did they say you can travel?”

  “They will release me tomorrow morning.”

  “That’s a day or two earlier, that’s great,” Danielle said.

  "Bill is working on getting a flight out tomorrow afternoon. We could have done without the last several days, but we have so enjoyed the trip. Especially, meeting you."

  “Thank you.”

  Danielle reached over and took Betsy’s hand.

  "I have enjoyed you and Bill. Most of all that we got through this together."

  Bill came through the door.

  “Hi Danielle, nice to see you,” He said.

  He turned to Betsy.

  "Honey, sorry to say the only thing they have is a 1:55 am flight from Fairbanks to Phoenix day after tomorrow, but we will be in Phoenix by 10:34 in the morning and should be home in Flagstaff by early afternoon. We've got the flight."

  “Not the most convenient schedule, but at this point that is good enough,” She said.

  “I thought you would like it.”

  Betsy glanced at him.

  “So, Danielle have you thought about our little offer?” She said.

  “Yes I have. I am going to look into the NAU remote sensing programs and discuss it with my advisor. If we decide it fits I will get in touch and see if you still want to have an Alaskan invade your home. It wouldn’t be this summer because I go to St. Lawrence, but maybe next summer before my senior year.”

  "I don't think we will change our minds; I hope this works out for you," Said Bill.

  "Bill, the physical therapist was in earlier and said she will be bringing one of those scooters you kneel on to take with us. She said the insurance would take care of it and it would help with the traveling."

  "That sounds excellent," He said.

  "I just wanted to stop by and see you before I needed to get my books. Some of my classes will start tomorrow so I wouldn't be able to see you off, but I will be keeping in touch. I think I have your phone and email. It has been great to meet you. But, best of all to work, play and survive with you."

  "I like that last part. Have a great semester Danielle; we have grown very fond of you. So please do keep in touch. Oh, and we know that without you," Said Bill. With a look toward Betsy.

  “We wouldn’t be alive in Alaska,” They said.

  “See you guys.”

  Danielle smiled as she turned and walked out the door.

  About the Author

  T. A. Martin is retired from fifty years of technical, business process, and project management. Leaving behind technical reports and the like he is learning the craft. He is now beginning what he hopes is a career as a writer, primarily of fiction. He lives with his wife of 48 plus years in Sylvania, Ohio.

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  Since you’ve met Danielle in this book, find out more about Daneille Eagleton in: New Journey New Land at Amazon.




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