Looking Out for Lexy
Page 12
Jack pulled her close, taking her chin in his hand. “You’re already my groupie.” He leaned in to kiss her softly.
“Mmmmm. That’s nice.” Lexy broke the kiss suddenly. “Hey. Want to see my dad’s vintage cars? He’s got a “65 Mustang and a 66 MG. They are soooo cool. I’ve been trying to get him to let me drive the MG, but so far it’s been no go.” Lexy pulled Jack up eagerly. She seemed excited about showing him the cars, so he went along with it. Anyway, making out in one of the cars would be nice, although the boy was sure that wasn’t what she had in mind, or was it?
Lexy grabbed the keys off the hook by the kitchen door and flipped on the light in the corridor that led to the attached three and one-half car garage. The Mustang was the perfect make-out car. Jack grinned as she pulled him toward the garage door. Hmm. His girl seemed awfully eager for him to see these magnificent autos.
Jack opened the door the sleek, shiny black mustang and helped Lexy in. Even in the soft glow of the garage light, the red leather on the seats was polished and shone. Her dad obviously kept his cars in super condition. He wondered what her dad would think if he found his daughter in his one of his prized possessions making out. That was exactly what he planned to do. “Come on Lex, let’s try out the back. Pretend we are at the drive in and we’re watching Godzilla.”
“ As long as you aren’t trying to be Godzilla.” She grinned at him as the hopped in the back seat.
“Hmmmm. Ya never know, baby.” He wrapped his arms around her, putting his forehead to hers. “You know that I wouldn’t do anything you didn’t want me too, Lex.”
“I know that Jack. But you know that you drive me crazy. I’m so crazy for you too, baby.” Their lips met in a simple yet warm kiss.
Gently, Jack laid Lexy down on the crimson seat, asking her if she was comfortable. Two pairs of lips, two pairs of arms, and two pairs of legs embraced each other. If there had been any windows up in the car, they would have been instantly steamed. Their hands raced with great need all over one another’s cool skin, warming them as things got hotter. Jack’s hand slipped down her unzipped jeans and wriggled his it over soft, silky hair and slid two of his fingers into her. Lexy gasped as he continued to kiss her savagely, winding his mouth down her neck into the smooth V of her taut breasts. Her hand strayed into his jeans. The dark-haired boy moaned as her fingers cautiously moved over his growing genitalia. Suddenly two heads jerked up as lights turned into the driveway and shone through the panes on the garage, directly on them.
“Oh my God!. Hurry Jack. I don’t know if they saw us or not.” Lexy swallowed as she straightened herself out quickly, as did Jack. The two kids jumped out of the convertible like Godzilla himself was after them.
“Is there a door that I can get out of?” Jack whispered in her ear urgently.
“No Jack. I don’t think we should put this off any longer. Tom has asked me to the prom and my parents want me to go with him. Maybe if they finally meet you they won’t keep pressing me.”
“Kane asked you to the prom? I noticed he was hanging around you a lot lately. That guy just doesn’t give up, does he.” In the pale light of the garage, his face had a look of disgust on it.
Car doors slammed and the two fugitives could hear the voices of Brenda and Bill Latton. The garage door lifted up. Her parents stood looking at the young pair.
“Well, Lexy. Do you want to explain to us what you are doing in here with this young man?” Bill Latton did not look pleased. He glanced at his two prized automobiles and frowned.
“Mom, Dad, this is Jack. Jack Wyatt. I told you about him a few months ago.”
Jack stretched out his hand to Mr. Latton. “Uh, good to meet you sir. And you too Mrs. Latton.”
Bill Latton did not return his hand. “I would rather know what was going on here and why this boy is over here without us being home?”
“Dad, I’m eighteen. I don’t need a chaperone anymore.” Lexy looked at her dad angrily.
“Well, apparently you do, young lady.” Mrs. Latton chimed in. “You need to leave now young man. And you, young lady, need to go inside.”
Reluctantly, Jack put his hand down. They had been caught red-handed and it wasn’t looking good. He didn’t blame the Lattons for being angry. He supposed he wouldn’t be too happy if his only daughter was making out in the garage with some young punk (Jack was sure that was going through the older man’s mind at the moment).
Jack turned to Lexy. “I’ll see you tomorrow in school.” He glanced at her parents as he walked away slowly. Lexy’s dark-haired boyfriend wasn’t about to give her parents the satisfaction of slinking away like a dog.
Mr. Latton glared after the young man. A cocky young good-for-nothing. His daughter would not be seeing that boy again if he had anything to say about it. He turned and followed his wife and child into the house.
Bill Latton wasn’t a man to be trifled with. His only child was going to college and then coming home and marrying Tommy Kane. A boy like Wyatt would only bring her trouble and he wasn’t about to let that happen. He stepped through the kitchen door. Brenda and Lexy were already in a heated argument.
“You didn’t even give him a chance, Mom.” Tears were already forming in Brenda’s daughter’s eyes.
“Do you blame us? This has obviously been going on for quite some time. It looked to me like we got home just in time.” Brenda Latton’s face was laced with anger and concern.
“I’ll handle this, Brenda.” Bill looked Lexy straight in the eye. “You can stop with the tears right now, young lady. Whatever was going on with you and that boy ends tonight. I won’t stand for it. You have a great life ahead of you and I’m not going to let anyone ruin it for you. Do you understand me?” Her dad’s eyes were dark and dangerous.
“Daddy, you didn’t even give him a chance.” Eyes pleading, Lexy stared back at her father.
“Why is it then, that you had to sneak around behind our backs? What were you afraid of? Or, is it that you already know yourself that he isn’t good enough for you.” Mr. Latton folded his arms across his chest and gazed at his daughter intently, waiting for an answer.
“I never thought that Daddy. I...I was afraid you wouldn’t like him just because he lives on the East side and you’ve always said that nothing good comes from there. We...I wanted to wait until the time was right.”
“And just when did you think the time would be right, Lexy?”
“I didn’t know, Daddy. I just know that I really like him. I like being with him. And he’s been accepted to UWR for the fall. He is going to make something of himself.” Lexy glanced at her dad hopefully. Getting an education was a top priority with her parents. This might win Jack some points.
“Good for him. I still don’t want you to see him again. Tommy Kane has asked you to the Senior Prom and we expect you to go with him. End of discussion.” Bill Latton unfolded his arms and walked out of the room leaving an open-mouthed daughter. She turned to her mother. “Mom, it’s not fair. You need to talk with Daddy.”
“You know that when your father makes up his mind, there is no getting around it.” Brenda put her arm around her daughter. Mrs. Latton understood her daughter’s pain as she had been through a similar situation many years ago before she met her husband.
“But Mom, I really care about Jack and I don’t like Tom that way anymore.”
“Listen, Sweetie. Humor your father for now. Who knows what will happen down the road? Go to the prom with Tom, for us. You don’t have to marry the guy.” At least not yet you don’t.
“I’ll think about it Mom. If you and Daddy will think about letting me see Jack.”
“I’ll talk to your father this sometime this week. In the meantime, I think you should head upstairs to bed.” Brenda looked quietly at her pretty daughter. Lexy’s hair was pretty messed up and her clothes were ever so slightly askew. “You didn’t...” She hesitated and cleared her throat. “You didn’t do anything that I wouldn’t want to know about, did you?”
sp; Lexy’s eyes widened in horror, not quite believing her mom would have the nerve to ask about that. “Mooom.”
“Never mind, just go to bed and I’ll see you in the morning. Brenda shooed her daughter out of the kitchen hardly believing she had asked the question herself.
Lexy draped herself across the lavender comforter carefully tucked around her bed. The girl wondered how Jack was feeling about now. Bill Latton had not been nice to him and she blamed herself. They should have declared themselves to her parents months ago and maybe by now things would have been different. Instead they had been caught making out. What an introduction that was. Lexy rolled over and sighed. She certainly didn’t want to go to the prom with Tom, but it would get her parents off her back for a while. Jack would have to agree, or she wouldn’t do it. It would buy them some time until school got out. Lexy was already counting the days. She would talk to Jack about it tomorrow. Things were going to be ok. They had to be.
Lexy Kane woke up the Sunday morning around 9:30. She stretched and yawned. Sliding out of the large, extravagant bed, she ambled over to the huge window, gazing out. Snow was falling gently as people were rushing to work and doing last minute shopping. Buying gifts was something she still had to do, with very little money. She sighed, turning around to call for room service. Jack was picking her up around 10:30. That would give her time to have coffee and a Danish before she showered and got ready.
As she was about to make the call there was a soft knock on her door. She shuffled over and looked through the peep hole. It was her bellboy with a huge tray. She was confused. Maybe she’d ordered the night before and had forgotten. Lexy honestly couldn’t remember. She opened the door. He moved in quickly, setting the tray on a table for her.
“Enjoy your breakfast, Ms. Kane. It is compliments of Mr. Wyatt.” He turned to leave.
“Oh wait!” She ran for her purse.
“No need for that, Ms. Kane. It’s been taken care of.” He tipped his hat and left.
Lexy examined the contents of the large silver tray. A large vase of white orchids adorned the tray. Every breakfast item one could think of was there. She plopped into the chair, staring at all the food.
“He must think I’m a real pig. There's absolutely no way I’ll eat even half of this.” Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she began to fill a plate. Suddenly, Lexy was hungrier than she'd thought. She practically started stuffing food in her mouth. Noticing a card attached to the flowers, Lexy reached over and grabbed it, while still chewing on a piece of whole wheat toast slathered with strawberry jam. Opening the card she read,
I hope you don’t mind that I took the liberty of ordering breakfast for you. I ordered everything so you could choose what you like. I hope you like the orchids. They remind me of you. A delicate flower. I’ll see you at 10:30. Looking forward to our museum visit and shopping.
Lexy smiled. After all these years, he still remembered orchids were her favorite flower. He was trying so hard to be agreeable. She rose up, brushing the crumbs and jam away. Grabbing a robe, she sauntered toward the shower.
The knock on her door came promptly at 10:30. She opened the door, shock waves hitting her square in the stomach. Jack was dressed in black jeans, and a scarlet sweater peeking out of his leather jacket. The way he looked dragged her back to another time momentarily. A teenage boy, looking fine in black leather, grabbing her hand and pulling her on that big, shiny Harley. Lexy had to steel herself against her own feelings of unadulterated lust as she remembered. What was the matter with her anyway? It was only 10:30 in the morning for God’ sake. She sighed. Pull your act together woman!
Jack was doing some observing himself. Lexy was dressed in a white angora sweater and turquoise jeans. Her hair was pulled slightly back, held in place by two jeweled combs, small turquoise earrings rounding out her fresh, natural look. Her apparel made her huge blue innocent eyes stand out. As she collected herself, she smiled sweetly at Jack.
“Just let me get my coat and we can go.”
He watched her cute, sexy walk from the rear as she got her coat. What kind of fool would’ve made a deal not to touch this woman. He wanted to take her in his arms, making love to her until she could take no more. She’d been so exciting in his arms the other night, if only briefly. He couldn’t just pretend it didn’t happen, but apparently she could.
“I’m all set. Oh and thank you for the lovely orchids and breakfast. It was wonderful.”
She chatted on, trying not to look at that beautiful specimen of a man walking next to her. They went down the elevator, both keeping their conversation light, and stepped into a waiting cab.
Jack followed Lexy around as she oohed and aahed over every little item in the museum. He watched her with great interest. Actually, it wasn’t all that bad. He’d even seen some works of art that he admired.
Wait a minute here! She wasn’t going to change his life style now and make him into a refined priss that spends time at dinner parties talking art and all that garbage.
He observed her again. She was just enjoying herself doing something she’d always wanted to do but couldn’t. Jack chided himself. She hadn’t asked him to change. And he didn’t think she would. She was so down to earth but in a fine, polished way. Everything a man wanted in a woman if he ever decided to get married. He already knew the other side of her. An eighties flick with Kathleen Turner in Romancing the Stone came to mind.
“Isn’t this interesting, Jack?” She was observing some ancient pottery from the Ming dynasty era.
He looked at it and had to agree. “Yeah, not bad.” But, it’s nothing compared to you, angel, Jack observed to himself.
They spent another hour admiring the works of art until their stomachs decided it was time for lunch. Jack opted to take her to a real New York deli. Lexy found it absolutely charming. He was becoming more and more impressed with her as the weekend was coming to a close. Too soon he was certain.
They spent the next few hours after lunch shopping in some of the great New York stores. He watched her wistful look as she fingered things that he assumed she would’ve liked to buy for her kids. She would sigh and then smile that dazzling smile of hers with the great, big dimple.
“You haven’t looked for anything for yourself, Lexy. Did you see anything you liked?”
“I liked everything I saw, but I really liked that blue silk dress with the slit up the side in Donna Karan’s Boutique. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful, or expensive! How do people afford things like that? My salary for a year couldn’t buy that dress.” She sighed again. “It was wonderful, though.”
Jack put his arm around her waist, pulling her against him. They stopped and he kissed her right there in front of a window display, oblivious to everyone, while the snow was drifting lazily all around them. He kissed the snowflakes from her eyes and nose, finally releasing her.
“It’s time to go, Lexy. We’ll just have enough time to get your things together and get to the airport. I have a limo picking us up.”
“All right, Jack. It’s been like a dream, so wonderful. Thanks so much for showing me such a good time.”
He took her hand, squeezing it. It was going to be hard seeing her leave. He really enjoyed her company, and, everything else about her.
“The hotel isn't far from here. Would you like to walk back?” Jack inclined his head in the direction of The Drake hotel.
“Yes, yes I’d like that.” Lexy gazed up at him, large flakes of snow settling on her lashes.
They walked hand in hand, listening to Christmas music oozing from the speakers of nearly every department store. Lexy stopped to put quarters in every money pot along the way. Jack's admiration for her grew even more. She hardly had enough money for herself, let alone any to give away. He figured she must’ve blown a half month’s salary on the leather outfit she had worn the day she stepped off the plane.
They arrived at the big canopied entrance t
o the hotel and went in. Lexy grabbed Jack by the arm. “I just want to take a minute and look at the tree in the main restaurant once more.” Dragging him over to the big double doors, she stood in awe.
“Come on, Lexy. Let’s go. I’ll wait for you down here. You have about twenty minutes.”
“I’ll be down in a flash. See you soon.” She dashed for the elevator.
They sat quietly on the way to the airport. Neither would look at the other. Suddenly and swiftly Jack was at her side, his mouth covering hers roughly. His tongue parted her soft lips with an almost savage desire. She responded with wild abandon, not caring about anything at the moment but being in his arms and close to his body. He grasped her hair, tilting her head back gently so he could possess as much of her mouth as possible. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him closer.
They slid to a prone position on the plush, leather seats. Jack quickly positioned himself on top of her. His heart pounded against his chest, meeting hers beat for beat. The windows were steamed from their heated breathing. He continued to smother her mouth with kisses.
Jack groaned softly. “Lexy, sweet angel. I don’t want you to go. Stay with me another day, or week, or month.”
His mind was going in a million different directions as he continued to bathe her with kisses, his hands slipping under her coat, pulling her sweater up. She moaned softly as his hands caressed her bare breasts, thumbing her nipples, instantly called to attention by his touch. He breathed her name over and over. Lexy struggled to get out from under him, at the same time dislodging his hands from her aroused body.
“You know I can’t stay, Jack.” She was breathing heavily. “Please let me up.” Her breasts were heavy, throbbing, missing his strong, gentle hands caressing them, loving them.
She fought the temptation to stay where she was, but she knew what it would lead to. It was better to leave as friends rather than lovers, for now. She needed time.